Cody: Well, we finally got a new chapter up for LWL here! Been taking quite a bit of time to get it going, but it came together, and we think it did QUITE well! However, there IS something to know...I'll let Lilly tell you that!

Lilly: Oh yeah, have me do it... *giggling* Alright, fine. Hard as it might be to believe, this is the final chapter for LWL! Don't panic, just for part two here...There's still gonna be a third, but we don't know when it'll be posted. Soon, hopefully...Being the final chapter, it's the longest one of the story and since its been requested quite a few times, Alexis and Chase did their own part for...Well, a steamy lemon. Seems some of you wanted to read more of them, so they gave you a good bit!

Cody: And on that note, we'll leave you to enjoy! Hope you'll all stick around for Part Three when it's ready!

Four Weeks Later

A loud cry pierced the air in the house, emanating from Dakota and Crystal's room. She was laying in their bed, panting heavily with Dakota by her side as she went through labor finally. It seemed like an eternity already, but in reality, it was only about fifteen minutes since her water broke. Luckily, it was Sunday, so Cody was off work and there to help deliver their newest pups, or actually pup in this case.

They thought for sure she was having two, but after Donna did an ultrasound, turns out there's only one, which actually made the couple a little happier knowing their workload as parents would be cut in half this time. Granted, they both were hoping for a boy and a girl, but hey, things happen.

She let out a muffled cry again as another wave of pain hit and looked up at Dakota, saying "We are NEVER having kids again, you bastard!" He smiled a little and kissed her cheek, not saying anything, but just letting her know he loves her. She closed her eyes and Cody said "Alright, you're doing fine, Crystal. Look like just one last contraction and then you'll need to push, okay?"

She nodded and laid there panting, waiting for it to come, and didn't have to wait long. Within a minutes, another wave made her gasp and she pushed, feeling the odd sensation of their pup leaving her and entering the world. "And here...he comes!" Cody said, holding the newborn pup in a small towel. The whimpering they all heard meant Crystal could finally relax, letting out a sigh and laying her head down. Dakota nuzzled her and said "You did amazing, love...I'm so proud of you!" She smiled a little and asked "How's he doing?"

Cody chuckled as he gently cleaned the pup off, saying "Well, SHE is looking just fine...You've got yourselves another little girl...And she's just absolutely beautiful!" He laid her down at Crystal's stomach so she could nurse for the first time, which she immediately did. Crystal let out a soft purr and lifted her head, looking down at their little girl and smiling.

"She's just as beautiful as her mother..." Dakota said, nuzzling Crystal again. She was white all over, like her grandmother, aside from a small spot of black around her nose. Crystal smiled and said "She looks just like her grandma...Well, aside from that little bit there..." Dakota chuckled and laid down beside them, asking "Whaddya think we should name her?"

Crystal thought for a moment and said "How about Lianna? Mix of Lilly and Anna." Dakota smiled and kissed her, saying "I like that...Lianna it is..." Crystal giggled and kissed him back and then Cody said "I'll let everyone come down now, okay?" They both nodded and Crystal said "Thank you again, Cody!" He smiled and nodded, opening the door and going out to the living room.

A couple minutes later, Lilly, Alexis and Chase came down into the bedroom to see the newest family member. Eve, Kevin, Naomi, Todd and their pups had already returned home to Glacier the previous week. Alexis was the first there, immediately taking in her little sister's scent and saying "She's so cute! What's her name?!" Crystal smiled and looked up at Lilly, saying "Lianna." Lilly smiled too and said "Aww...That's so sweet! It's perfect!"

"Why don't you get some rest, babe? I know how tired you are now..." Dakota said, nuzzling her. Crystal softly purred and nodded, saying "Okay...I really do need the rest..." Lilly giggled a little and said "Come on, kids, let your mother get some sleep. Congratulations, you two!" Dakota smiled and nodded as they walked out of the room, pulling the door closed as they left.

Crystal softly sighed and laid her head down, saying "I love you, Dakota...You never fail to add to our family, do you?" They shared a laugh before Dakota said "Hey, it's not all me...You're the one that takes it and turns it into life..." She giggled and said "That's true! I'm like a damn kid factory here...Can we agree on no more, though? I'm okay with three kids." He nodded and said "I am, too. How would that work when you have your heats, though? We know what'll happen then..."

She smiled and cuddled against him, saying "I'll ask Cody about that. I'm sure he'd know something. After all, I don't want you to have to pull out and waste that seed of yours...It feels too good." He lightly blushed, but chuckled and kissed her forehead, saying "You just rest...I'll wake you up later for dinner."

Out in the living room, Alexis and Chase were curled up together on the floor while Lilly and Cody were laying on the couch with Serenity. She was asleep against her mother's chest, softly snoring away. "Hey, babe?" Lilly asked, getting his attention. "Yes, my sexy girl?" He asked, making her giggle.

"How come we haven't tried getting baby girl here to talk? She's a little over a month old now. I thought she would've a couple weeks ago." She said, running her tail,over Serenity's back. Cody leaned up onto his elbow and said "If you wanna try later, we can. She just might take longer to learn." Lilly nodded and said "Let's give it a shot after she wakes up."

For the next couple hours, they cuddled and made out on the couch while Serenity snored away. Naturally, things started to get heated between them, a detail that was definitely not lost on either of them. "You know what really turns me on? Hearing you tell me I'm beautiful, sexy...Anything!" Lilly purred, licking his neck.

"Well, you know that you're the most beautiful girl in the world to me...Then everything about you is sexy! Your smile, your laugh, the way you snore..." Cody chuckled, kissing the inside of her ear. She loudly purred and lightly bit his neck, saying "See, just like that...I know you say it all the time, but it still gets me going every time." He ran his down along her side to her rear, raking his fingers through her fur and then back up her stomach and chest.

She shivered from the contact and let out a soft sigh, whispering "I'm wet, Cody...Look what you did to me..." He smiled and ran his hand down to her womanhood, feeling her slightly moistened lips and saying "Mmhm, you are...Does it feel good?" She nodded and said "It'd feel even better if you played with me...I could go for a little playtime..." He chuckled and nodded, passionately kissing her as he slipped a finger into her womanhood, making her moan as he did. "Mmhm...That feels good..." She softly moaned, pulling back a little from their kiss. He laid his head down next to hers, their noses touching while he slowly pleasured her.

"Do you like it?" He asked, staring into her eyes while she did the same. She slowly nodded and then he pushed another finger in, causing her to moan louder. "Oh, babe...Make me cum..." She moaned, licking his neck again. He smiled and asked "If I do, will you do something for me?" She nodded and said "Just name it..." He leaned over and whispered in her ear, making her blush lightly and smile.

"Mmm, I think I can do that...I take it you really enjoy that?" She asked with a giggle. He nodded and she said "Well, looks like we've got a deal then!" He smiled and continued, making her moan again as she slowly neared her orgasm. It wasn't far off and within about ten minutes, she was panting hard and said "Cody, it's coming! Ohhhhh...I'm gonna cum..."

He pulled her into a passionate kiss right as it hit, silencing her loud moans into just muffled grunts. Her hind legs stiffened and her muscles squeezed down around his fingers while her fluids leaked out around them, making a wet spot on the couch and the fur on her legs wet. It only lasted for a few seconds, but left her gasping for air as it tapered off.

She let out a long sigh and smiled a little, her hips occasionally jerking from the aftershocks. "Wow...That felt amazing..." She giggled as he withdrew his fingers and brought his hand up. They wet coated in her fluids and she licked them off, savoring the sweet taste. "I'm glad you liked that. Your butt's all wet now..." He chuckled, making her giggle again.

"Oh, I know! Why don't you take baby girl here and we'll go down to the room? Looks like I've got a reward to give..." She lustfully purred, licking his neck. He nodded and gently picked Serenity up and then Lilly got up, hopping Dow, off the couch and walking down to their bedroom. She held her tail up to show herself off, making him smile as they walked into the room.

In Dakota and Crystal's room, she was just stirring awake from a brief nap after giving birth, slowly opening her eyes with a yawn. "Wow, you're awake already?" She heard Dakota chuckle behind her. She smiled and turned her head to face him, receiving a kiss on the nose as she asked "How long was I asleep, babe?"

He shrugged and said "Two hours, I think?" She nodded and said "Well, it was a good two hours, I'll tell you that! I feel a lot better! Kinda hungry, though..." He smiled and said "Mom and Dad are in their room. From what I could hear from the living room, sounds like they're gettin' busy."

Crystal giggled and said "Well, you know them...About as excitable as we are!" He chuckled and nodded, saying "True. How does our little baby girl there seem?" Crystal looked down at Lianna, smiling again when she as her comfortably sleeping against her stomach, soft snores escaping her. "She looks to be quite happy there..." Crystal giggled, lightly running her tail over her.

Dakota smiled and kissed her cheek, about to say something when they both suddenly heard a muffled groan and then Lilly say "Oooh, that's a lot...Mmm..." They both turned deep red and completely lost it, laughing their heads off and then heard "Sorry, guys! Didn't mean to be that loud..."

"It's alright..." Crystal called back, still giggling as she did. Dakota let out an amused sigh and laid his foreleg over her, saying "I'm gonna get a little rest myself..." Crystal smiled and nodded, saying "Okay, babe. I might try and get a little more, too." They shared a brief kiss and cuddled against each other, both of them soon dozing off.

Out in the living room, Alexis had just woken up, rolling onto her stomach and,stretching out with a yawn. She looked around the room and realized it was just her and Chase there, so she figured everyone else was in the bedrooms. She got up and stretched again, letting her back pop a few times before going down to her parents' room, nudging the door open to see them both asleep with Lianna.

She smiled to herself and went back out, looking over at Chase still quietly snoring away. She felt like taking a walk, but didn't wanna go alone, so she went over and nudged him awake, saying "Hey, wake up, lazy boy..." He opened his eyes to see her standing there and smiled, sleeping asking "Hey, you...What's my baby doing?" She giggled and said "She wants to go for a walk with you."

He chuckled and stretched before getting up, saying "Alright, alright...I could use the exercise." She giggled more and they headed outside, closing the door and walking off down the street. It was getting in to the evening and the sun was starting to set, so they knew they didn't have a long time until it was dark out.

"Wow...Pretty nice out tonight!" She said, smiling as she enjoyed the sunset. He nodded and said "Yeah, it is! How'd you sleep?" She smiled more and said "Really good! Had a nice dream we were kissing and cuddling by the fireplace...Made it even hotter! You?"

He chuckled and said "Nah, you don't wanna hear me dream...It was dumb..." She pushed his side with her own, saying "So are you, but that doesn't change anything...Come on, tell me!" He smiled and let out an amused sigh, saying "Alright, don't say I didn't warn you...I dreamed you" She looked confused and he made a bobbing motion with his head, causing her to blush. "Oh, that! Well...continue!" She giggled.

He chuckled and said "After I had my moment-" She stopped him and giggled again, saying "Moment, as in you came in my mouth..." He blushed a little and nodded, saying "Yeah, that...Then I made you do it and afterwards, we mated and I came on your belly. That's when you woke me up."

"Mmm, did you now? Why do you like doing that onto my stomach?" She asked, licking his neck. He smiled and said "I dunno...I guess it's just fun." She giggled and slowly nodded, saying "That it is...A little messy, but fun!" He chuckled and they kept walking a few more minutes until she said "Gimme a sec, I gotta go tinkle..." She walked over to some bushes and did what she needed to, soon coming back over and saying "Ah, much better!"

He smiled and rolled his eyes as they walked on, neither of them saying anything for a few minutes until he asked "Hey, Alexis? Can I ask you something?" She looked at him and nodded, saying "Yeah, anything! What's up, stud?" He smiled a little again and looked down at the ground, asking "Well, since we were talking about it, would you wanna...Have a little fun tonight? It's been a little while and to be honest, I am feeling a little pent up..."

She lightly blushed and smiled, licking his cheek and asking "What do you wanna do, hmm?" He shrugged and said "I dunno...Just play it as we go, if guess." She giggled and nodded, saying "Creative, I gotcha...I don't see any reason we can't! Just how pent up are you, babe?" He turned and smiled at her, saying "I'm already a little stiff talking about it..."

She looked down and sure enough, a few inches of his wolfhood was outside his sheath, a little precum dripping from his tip. She giggled and said "Mmm, I can see that...Think you can hold it together a few hours?" He nodded and said "Yeah, I'm sure I can. It'll be hard thinking abo- FUCK, LOOK OUT!" He grabbed and quickly yanked her to the side as a car sped by, not even an inch from where they were walking.

He landed on his back and she landed on him, staring into his eyes while he did the same. He put his forelegs around her and tightly squeezed her, saying "God, that was too close...I nearly lost you..." She nuzzled down into his fur, having had watched her life flash before her eyes. "Are you okay, babe?" He asked, running his paw down her neck.

She nodded and said "I fucking love you, Chase! I love you, I love you, I love you!" He smiled and nuzzled her, saying "I love you too, Alexis...I love you so much..." She let out a soft purr and he relaxed his grip on her, letting her up a little. She lifted her head and smiled at him, saying "Let's go home...That was enough of a close call for my taste..."

Later that night after dinner, watching TV, Lilly and Cody trying to see if Serenity would talk yet and everyone admiring Lianna some more, it was nearly 11pm. Bedtime. They all retreated to their rooms and called it a night, except Alexis and Chase. They were laying in their bed making out and running their paws all over each other, anticipating a wonderful night!

His wolfhood was stiff against her stomach and her womanhood was completely soaked, both of their scents heavy in the air and driving them on. They'd been going at it for a good half hour now and Alexis finally broke their kiss, pulling back and panting for air. "God, I'm hot..." She giggled and he nodded, said "Extremely!"

She cuddled against him and started slowly sliding her belly along his wolfhood, making him groan a little. His precum was leaking onto her and making her slick, only making what she was doing feel even better. "I take it you like?" She purred in his ear. He nodded and said "That feels amazing..."

Without warning, she stopped and turned onto her back, running her paw down her stomach to her wet womanhood, lightly rubbing herself with a sigh of pleasure. He watched for a moment before turning onto his back as well, taking his wolfhood in his paw and slowly stroking himself. "You look amazingly sexy doing that...I can see how wet you're getting..." He whispered, licking the inside of her ear. She let out a high pitched moan and moved her paw to his wolfhood, getting her fluids onto it.

"Remember when we'd just started doing this together?" She asked through the pleasure. He nodded and said "I always found it to be so hot...It still is..." She purred and went back to rubbing herself, spreading her fluids all over her lower stomach and legs. He reached over and rubbed her too, getting her fluids onto his own paw and taking a deep breath, letting out a sigh and saying, "God, that's amazing..."

Over the course of the next few minutes, they started going faster and faster on themselves, breathing harder and harder as they watched each other near orgasm. Alexis was the first, panting hard and fast as she moaned "I'm gonna cum...I'm gonna cum...Oh, shit..." He leaned over and licked inside her ear again, pushing her over the edge. She let out a long, high pitched sigh, curling her tail up over her womanhood as her fluids squirted out, her hips thrusting up with each wave of pleasure that shot through her.

Right then, Chase suddenly let out a loud gasp and groan, getting her attention as his seed shot out, making streaks of sperm on his stomach and chest all the way up to his neck. Her orgasm tapered off enough for her to move and she turned onto her side and starting to lick his seed off him.

"Oh, shit...That was good..." He panted, feeling her tongue running over him. He opened his eyes to see her licking his seed up, making him smile a little. She slowly got closer to his wolfhood and paw, lifting her head and smiling too when she saw how much was on it. He let go of himself and his wolfhood rested on his stomach, little amounts of his seed leaking out.

"Looks like you had fun..." She giggled, laying back beside him and kissing his cheek. He smiled and nodded, putting his foreleg around her and she laid her head on his chest, lightly rubbing his wolfhood and making him groan a little. "I saw you came on yourself, too..." He chuckked.

She giggled and said "Yeah, well...I know you love cleaning me off..." He began to move to do so, but she stopped him and said "When we're done..." He smiled and nodded, saying "If you wanna keep going, I'll need a little bit to recover." She nodded and said "I know. Looked like you'll really need it by how much you came..." He chuckled and kissed her forehead, causing her to purr a little as she kept rubbing him.

"Have I ever said your paws are really soft?" He asked, making her giggle. "Have I ever said you've got a big one?" She giggled, making him blush a little. He smiled and said "I think you might've..." She gently squeezed his sheath, causing his hips to push up against her. "Damn...I love you, Alexis..." He breathed, putting his other foreleg around her and turning onto his side to face her.

"I love you too, Chase..." She purred, engaging in a deep kiss with him. Their tongues wrestled and explored, making them start to feel heated again as they made out. She shifted around to put her womanhood against his wolfhood, slowly sliding her wet lips along his shaft and feeling it rub her clit. "Mmm, yes...So good..." She purred, getting her fluids on him and pleasuring herself at the same time.

After a few minutes, he was fully stiff again. She slowly pulled back from their kiss and stood up, standing over him as he turned onto his back. She sat on his wolfhood and leaned down, starting to kiss and lick his neck as she purred "Time for round two..." He nodded and she lifted herself off him a little as he reached down, holding his wolfhood up a little and she lowered herself onto him, letting out a sigh of pleasure He easily slid in.

"Now, make love to me...Good, long lasting love..." She purred as he put his paws on her hips, thrusting up into her while she slowly bounced up and down on him, soft moans and sighs escaping her. "Oh, Chase...I love you..." She sighed, her eyes closed and a smile on her face.

"I love you too, Alexis..." He said with a groan, lightly digging his claws into her hips. She let out a pleasured cry and slowed to a stop, already panting a little as she said "Remember when I came on my tail?" He nodded and she smiled more, turning around and waving her tail around his nose. He took a deep breath and shuddered, causing her to giggle as she said "Just for you...You like?" He nodded and began licking her tail, tasting her sweet fluids on it.

She continued bouncing on him, looking down and watching him slip in and out of her. She licked her lips and purred "Chase, you're so big...Your knot looks amazing..." He held tight onto her hips and pushed deep into her, making her loudly moan and he said "You're incredibly tight...And so wet...Tell me when you're gonna cum." She nodded and said "I will soon, just keep going..."

After about five minutes or so, she was panting heavily and her hips were starting to jerk. "Chase, I'm...about to..." She panted, letting out a long moan as her fluids began to leak out around him, running down his sides to the bed. "Ohhh, I'm cumming! Oh, shit..." She moaned, feeling his knot beginning to try and enter her. "I'm getting close, too...I can't last much longer..." He said between breaths, thrusting as hard as he could up into her.

She slowed to a stop again and turned back around, laying her chest on his and nuzzling him as she caught her breath, saying "Not yet, you're not..." He kissed her before she got up, letting him slide out of her with a small stream of her fluids. She moved down and slowly ran her tongue from the base of his knot to the tip, licking her fluids off him.

He let out a quiet growl, saying "Your tongue feels amazing..." She smiled and kept going, getting all of herself off him before starting to kiss and lick his knot. Squirts of precum were landing on her nose, not that she minded. In fact, it was even more exciting for her! With a louder groan, a single jet of sperm shot out, going up and landing on his chest.

She giggled and stopped licking him, saying "Nuh uh, can't be having that yet..." He whimpered and said "Please, I need to! It's starting to hurt..." She smiled and stood back over him, lowering her hips down until his tip was rubbing against her clit, making her moan. He suddenly grabbed her hips and pushed back in, thrusting as hard and fast as he could, making her nearly squeal in pleasure.

"Alexis, fuck...Here it comes!" He growled, pushing in to her as far as he could, his knot pressing her soaked lips apart as he came. She loudly moaned as she felt streams of his sperm enter her, quickly filling her womb and then leaking back out around him. "Chase, yes...Oh, it's so good..." She sighed, relishing in how it felt.

When it finally ended a few moments later, he was panting harder than she'd ever seen. She laid back down on his chest and he put his forelegs around her, saying "I love you so much...You're the most amazing girl ever..." She smiled and briefly kissed him, saying "I'm your little angel...And you're my big devil." He kissed her back and turned onto his side, laying her on hers as well as he asked "Whaddya at we get some sleep? I'm exhausted and sore after all that..."

She giggled a little and nodded, saying "I am, too...Can't say it wasn't worth it, though!" He chuckled and shook his head, saying "Never is. Night, my angel...My beautiful, warm angel..." She softly purred and cuddle against him, feeling his wolfhood go a little deeper inside her. "Mmm...Goodnight, Chase...You were amazing, by the way." He smiled and kissed her forehead, gently pulling her tight against himself before closing his eyes, quickly dozing off with her.

Down in Lilly and Cody's bedroom, they were both asleep with Serenity between them, but she wasn't asleep. It was almost 1AM and Serenity was whimpering, trying to get to her mother's stomach to nurse, but Lilly was laying on her stomach. She tried pushing her, which ultimately woke her up. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked down at Serenity, hearing her whispers and sleepily asking "What's wrong, baby girl?"

"Hungry!" Serenity suddenly said, making Lilly gasp and turn to Cody, quickly shaking him awake. He groaned and opened his eyes, asking "Lilly, what's wrong? It's still early..." Her tail was wagging and she excitedly said "Serenity said hungry!" He leaned up on his arm and looked down at her as Lilly said "Say it again, honey! Are you...?"

"H-Hungry..." Serenity whimpered, making them both smile. Lilly happily giggled and turned onto her side, letting her nurse. She immediately latched on, greedily sucking down milk. "I think that was Dakota or Lupa's first word, too." Cody said, rubbing Serenity's back. Lilly nodded and laid her head down on the pillows, saying "I'm just so happy to finally hear her say something..." Cody chuckled and kissed her nose, making her purr a little before laying back down as well, saying "Let's go back to sleep...I've got work in a few hours."