Reviews for LWL: Part Two
Jbryme94 chapter 50 . 3/29/2019
OMG this story just keeps getting better and better, you sir have a knack for writing i put you in my top 3 fav authors next to Kellyladd and Norolemodelz. I am loving this series, its better than Netflix in my opinion, of course there's never anything good on Netflix any ways lol. I started Living with Lilly like a week and a half ago, finished it, then saw a part 2 and just finished it last night. I'm so hyped for part 3, i cant wait. Also i love how you write your lemons, something about them makes them more enjoyable with out getting bored of the same stuff i see in other stories. I like how you built up Cody and Lilly's love for each other before jumping straight into a lemon. You wrote about true love over lust, how sex between two individuals who truly care about each other is supposed to happen. The attention to detail is everything i look for in a story, you need to be famous for the stories you write. I dont normally write this big of a review on a story, but with this masterpiece... how can i not...! Im getting ready to start One of the Pack because i just cant see myself closing the app without checking out this other story that has been hyped up through you and Lilly's author notes throughout this story. Nevertheless you let Lilly and everyone else know that ya'll did an amazing job on this story and I will be eagerly waiting for part 3.
ItsFreerealestate69420 chapter 1 . 12/6/2017
We are looted, rebooted and ready to scoot it! Fanfictionsins back again baby! First thing to point out, I like the back story and explanation over the year, but then you had to ruin it by getting Lilly a inflatable canine penis dildo. And also great job making the over flooding of the apartment a not to worry issue, as Eve, Naomi, and Kevin have left, and Lupa and Shadow as well. But there is still a flaw, isn't Glacier the place where Lilly was raped, and the place where wolves attack you for no reason, AND the place of Lupa and Dakota's real father's resting place? What on heart made them return there?
Nero Kirigaya chapter 50 . 4/12/2017
just finished this story after a week of reading it and I fucking loved it about to start the next part
MotherTrucker4x4 chapter 12 . 3/11/2017 an idea for Kate's next visit if I'm there...PM me
Guest chapter 50 . 7/20/2015
Please make one more of these
camxalphawolfx chapter 50 . 3/8/2015
Great story cody cant wait till number three
Bossu chapter 50 . 3/6/2015
Great ending to chapter 2, can't wait for the next one. Hope you'll get an update on shadow, lupas, aato and fable aswell. very nice reading these fanfics, you are an excellent writer, hope your new job will be good to you and give you the spare time to write. Sends my love to you guys!
Xxthe dark shadowXx chapter 50 . 3/6/2015
Amazing chapter
imjustlikehumphery chapter 50 . 3/5/2015
Great end to part two starlit, keep it up! Well looks like both Lilly and Cody and Alexis and Chase had some fun. Although it sounded like Alexis and Chase had much more fun. Wonder if they'll ever go through with tryin to have a pup or pups? Courteous of Dakota and Crystal, the family got one member bigger, that bein Lianna. Love the name choice as well. Just as important, Serenity said her first word that night. Pretty amazing how she's growin. Seemed just yesterday that she was born. Can't wait for part three! PM me if u can when ya start posting if u dont mind starlit.
MotherTrucker4x4 chapter 49 . 2/18/2015
Damn it that hurt! Im gonna be lame for a few days! lol

awesome chapter bro
imjustlikehumphery chapter 49 . 2/17/2015
Great chapter starlit, keep it up! I'm happy that Thomas didn't break anything when the new engine dropped onto his toe. I do hope he'll be aright. As for what Lilly and Lyla talked about, I too agree with Lilly that both will be great parents when her and Thomas wanna try. Plus they'll have his parents just like Cody has his parents when Lilly had Dakota and Lupa. Speakin of Lupa wonder how she's been doin? Can't wait for the next chapter!
LillyAndMe chapter 49 . 2/17/2015
Great chapter. That is not good for Thomas getting his foot hurt from the engine. That would hurt. I think Thomas and lyla will be great parents. Crystal and Dakota have some fun in the bedroom. Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work.
Dr. Rockefeller chapter 48 . 2/3/2015
Oh my sweet summer child...I completely forgot about this! I read the entire first one as it updated. I cant believe your still going! Man...Tell me, what inspired you to do this much? (in next Author's Note)
MotherTrucker4x4 chapter 48 . 1/28/2015
Holy shit. This chapter was a little knotty... ;) lmao great chapter bro!
Xxthe dark shadowXx chapter 48 . 1/28/2015
Good chapter
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