Andy awoke to the alarm going off she reached over to turn it off. As she sat up in bed her heart went a flutter as she sat and watched Sam asleep with Leo in his arms. It was just so cute. Leo had spent the night because Tracy and Jerry wanted a little time alone together, and with Leo's dad being out of town and her mother being sick Andy was happy to help out. Besides that is what a matron of honor is for had a blast last night playing avengers even with the whole Hulk and Iron Man fiasco. So she slipped out of bed so she could wash up and begin breakfast. Today was her and Sam day off and she knew Tracy would be by to pick Leo up around noon. Andy had made pancakes, bacon and she was finishing up the eggs when she felt two arms circle around her waist.

"Morning" Sam said.

"Morning to you sleepy head" she said with a soft laugh.

"Why didn't you wake me? I would have helped with breakfast" Sam offered

"Oh its okay I didn't mind, and besides you and Leo looked so cute sleeping I didn't want to disturb you" as she finished the eggs

Sam leaned in to kiss her and then he pulled and gave her that look she knew all so well.

"Oh no" Andy said "You cool your jets mister. Leo is right down the hall" Andy protested

"That kid is out for the count he is not waking up anytime soon I promise" Sam said "I even shut the door, he can't turn a door knob can he?"

"Really he's six years old he can turn a door knob" As she poured the rest of the eggs on the plate and placed the pan in the sink, that's when she was lifted off her feet by Sam and carried in the guest bedroom.

She tried to protest but as he started at her ear lobe, then her neck, and then to her stomach, she could not fight it anymore as she brought his mouth back to meet hers. She broke away to tell him they have to be extra quiet and quick. Sam stopped and looked at her with his eyebrow arched "

"I don't believe in quickies" as he smile that irresistible smile of his, he pulled the cover over them and they begin where they left off.

I guess Andy didn't get the memo, she tried to be quiet but it was just to good. Then they heard someone banging on the front door. They both looked from under the covers at the same time wondering who could that be. It wasn't noon yet so it couldn't be Tracy, so who could it be banging so loud on the door? They both got up to answer the door Andy in Sam's shirt and he was wrapped in the blanket. As Sam opened the door he saw Shaw, Epstein, Nick, Gail, Chris and two other officers they didn't recognize. Sam with a big smile on his face shouted "Good morning officers!"

"Sammy we received a call from this number and address saying someone was being hurt?" Shaw looked at Sam waiting for him to explain, but he just had a confused looked on his face.

It took everything in Shaw not to laugh " I didn't call you guys" Sam said. Epstein tried explaining the caller said that the woman was screaming With a big smile on his face Sam commented

"well you know I have had some say" and before he could finish his comment Andy kicked him from behind the door.

"Ouch McNally what you do that for!" Andy could hear everyone laughing.

"Good morning McNally, do you know anything about the phone call?" Oliver asked Andy peeking around the open door with her face bright red,

"I may have a clue who might have made the call" she says Sam looking at her dumbfounded realized who she was talking about.

"Leo!" they both said at the same time.

"Nash kid he is here right now" Oliver asked

So they walked down to Andy's bedroom when they turned the knob it was locked Andy knocked on the door, "Leo its auntie Andy everything is fine you can open the door now I promise you nothing bad is going to happen" They heard a click and the door opened and Leo stepped out.

"Am I in trouble" Leo asked?

"No" Andy said "You thought someone was being harmed and you call the police you did nothing wrong sweetie" Andy explained to him

Leo said "I heard you screaming so I locked the door and called the police that's what mommy told me to do"

"You did good buddy" Oliver told him "You are going to make a great cop just like mommy" Leo gave Oliver a big smile

"Why were you screaming auntie Andy?" Leo asked her

Epstein spoke up and said "auntie Andy and uncle Sam was just playing a game of wrestling" Epstein looked up with a wink at Andy, "nobody was being hurt okay buddy"

"Okay mommy and Mr. Jerry wrestle all time" he said

Everyone held it in but it was hard to stop from laughing, Andy didn't feel so bad now knowing that he heard Tracy doing the same thing. "How about you two go get out your wrestling clothes and I will feed Leo" Oliver offered with a big smile on his face. He gave them a look that they knew they would never live this the time Sam and Andy came back everyone was gone but Epstein and Shaw who was enjoying breakfast that she made. As Shaw and Epstein was leaving Tracy and Jerry pulled up and they was asking was everything okay Shaw looked back at Andy and said

"He would let them explain" as he got into the car with a big smile on his face.

"What was that all about" Tracy asked?

Andy put her arm around Tracy and said "it's a long story you might want to sit down and let me explain" as she shut the door behind them.


Sam and Andy was back on the job doing their thing still being harassed about what happened on their day off. They was just finishing up a call when they stopped to get some lunch while they were finishing up they got another call as they were getting out of the car Andy got very light headed and almost passed out. She managed to keep it hid from Sam so on their way back to the barn Sam notice something was off with Andy.

" Anything wrong Andy" Sam asked feeling very concerned

"No I am good" Andy tells him

"Okay let get cleaned up and head out for a drink" Sam says as he heads into the men's locker room

So everyone was at the penny having a good time Andy had just finished her first beer when she felt very sick so she went to the ladies room and threw up. She felt bad even light headed and her stomach hurt she didn't know what was going on. Tracy walked in and saw Andy leaning over the sink

"Andy are you okay" Tracy walked up and place a hand on her back

Andy turned around and faced Tracy "I don't know trace" as she wiped her mouth with a napkin

Tracy saw that Andy was crying "do I need to get Sam?" Tracy asked her

"No!" Andy yelled "don't go get him"

"Why? What's going on Andy you are scaring me and you better start talking" Tracy demanded her

"I need you to do something for me" Tracy looked confused "you have to keep this between us okay no telling Jerry" Andy tells her

As Andy got in the car she thought to herself.(keep it together he will never know anything was going on)

Sam got in the truck and leaned in and gave Andy one of those I can't wait to get you home kiss. As soon as they walked through the door Sam was undressing Andy her head was not in it but she made love to Sam that night. She laid in bed as Sam slept thinking of everything that they have been through and by tomorrow morning all of it can next morning when Andy arrived at the barn she saw Tracy and they went in the women locker room they waited until it was empty. Tracy then gave Andy the bag and she pulled out the pregnancy test she went in the stall.

"So how long does it takes before we see the results?" Andy asked her

Trace answered "about 3 to 4 minutes" Tracey says " Andy its going to be okay no matter the outcome is I am here for you" she tried reassuring her best friend. Andy started to cry

"this can't be happening I am not ready to be a mother" she blurted out " I am three years into my job which love, I barely have enough as it is for me, my job" and then she looked up with tears coming down and said "Sam!"

Tracey goes and comfort her friend " Andy Sam loves you if you are worried about him walking out I don't think he would do that" as she wiped the fallen tears from her cheek "Andy this doesn't have to be a bad thing you and Sam created a life together that is something so beautiful. Andy look at me" Tracy said "and before you freak out the test might not come back positive it may be a false alarm" Then they heard her alarm go off on her watch.

"Can you go and check for me trace I can't do it I just can't do it" as Andy sat there shaking with her head in her hands

Andy heard Tracey voice "Andy it is Positive"

In parade Sam was wondering where was Andy, and Jerry was thinking the same thing about Tracy. Frank walked in and gave everyone their assignments and dismissed everyone. Sam got up to go look for Andy to figure out why she wasn't in parade. Frank called Sam name and told him he needed him to take Diaz and respond a call right away. Sam tried to stall but frank wasn't hearing it. Sam said to himself he would just call her and figure out what was going on. Frank called Andy and Tracy in his office to figure out what was happening.

"McNally, Nash can you explain to me what's going on" Frank questioned them

Nash spoke "sir I was seeing if I can get Andy so she can work on a case with me I need a extra set of hands, eyes with on this one."

"Did you already run this by Barber" he asked her,

"Yes sir he told me to clear it with you first" Tracey lies Andy knew she was lying for her and she felt bad.

"Okay Nash its alright with me you are dismissed" They both got up and left out of Best office.

"I am so sorry trace I am putting you in the problem" She said feeling bad for what her friend was doing for her

"No Andy you are my friend, no let me rephrase that you are my sister and I am here for you" Tracey said with a hug

In Jerry office Andy and Tracey was going over paper work when Jerry walked in "Um Trace can you tell me what the hell is Best is talking about?" Said Jerry.

"What case are you and McNally working on?" Jerry looked puzzled

"Jerry come in I need to talk to you" trace said.

"I know I am asking a lot but I need you to go along with me on this no questions asked please" Tracey begged him Jerry looking confused asked trace "what the hell is going on I can't help you with anything until I know what I am helping with."

"She is helping me" Andy spoke up

"Does Sam know about this?" Jerry asked.

"No" Tracy said "and he can't okay I know you have questions but I can't answered you right now" was all she could Jerry right now

Jerry said "okay"Against his better judgement, something was not right about this but he went along for now.

Sam made it back to the barn and he rushed in so he could see Andy. Before heading to the locker room Sam ran into Jerry

"Hey man have you seen Andy?" Sam asked him

"Yes she is helping me and trace on a case they are up in my office" Jerry told him.

Sam rushed up to Jerry office he opened the door and he saw her and his heart raced so fast he had missed her so much.

"Hey there beautiful how have I missed you" Sam told Andy . He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her giving her the biggest hug. She pulled away and said

"she missed him too" but it was something in her eyes that made Sam question her response. He didn't say anything he just thought maybe she had a long day.

"Are you ready to go home so I can take care of you?" Sam said with a smile

"I can't I still need to finish up, You can go I am sure trace will give me a ride home" she told him as she put away files.

"You have been at it all day aren't you tired" Sam a little disappointed in her answer

Just then Jerry walked in "what is the meaning of you working my angel so hard" Sam teased him

Jerry said "I am sorry man it won't last long I will have her home in no time" Jerry hated lying to his friend, Sam gave the biggest smile and then turned and left out the office.

Jerry turned around and said, " I can't do this" he told Andy and Tracey "I thought would be able to but I can't"

"What Jerry you promised" Tracy said, she was mad

"Tracy i am sorry I am trying here I am, but I can't do it." he told her

"You are not trying very hard are you Jerry" Tracy yelled at him

"I AM PREGNANT!" Andy yelled out "I am sorry I didn't mean to bring you in the middle Jerry, I don't want to be the reason you guys fight"Andy walked out the door a

Jerry said "she is pregnant that is great news right?" he was excited "Uncle Jerry she is scared to tell Sam right? That's why you are covering for her" Jerry stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Tracy and apologized for getting angry with her.

"She is not keeping the baby" Tracy blurted out

"What, she is not keeping the baby" Confused Jerry thought for a minute and then "when is she going to tell Sam?"

"She is not, that's why it has been so hard on her lately" Tracey told him

Hard for her so he doesn't have a say in this?" as he stepped back from Tracey "She is just going to get abortion without even telling anything? that is just fucked up, how can you go along with something like this Tracy?"

"You don't think I have tried to talk some sense in to her, she is my best friend Jerry I am just looking out for her this is very difficult for her" she yelled back at him

"Well I am sure you will understand when I do the same for Sam" Jerry told Tracey.

"No Jerry you can't you promised me" she stepped in front of him

"So its okay for me to lie to my best friend so you can help yours out? Really Tracy do you hear yourself, she is excluding him from even having a say in what is going on. Unless it's not Sam's kid?" Jerry looked at her

"You know its Sam's baby, why would you even fix your mouth to say something like that. she is my friend and I am going to help her out I am sorry if you can't see that" she told Jerry

"Well I am going to do the same Tracey, he is my best friend and I feel he has the right to know" Then Jerry walks out the office.

Tracy was sitting and thinking on what to tell Andy when she got back, knowing this was heading to be out of control. Andy then walked through the door and she saw the expression on Tracy face she knew it was time to tell Sam. As Tracy pulled in to Sam's driveway Andy was relieved when she didn't see his truck this gave her enough time to get her nerves together. Her train of thought was interrupted.

When Tray said "I can come in with you if you want" Tracey offered.

"No I have to do this on my own trace" With tears coming down Tracy gave Andy a hug

"Its going to be okay I am just a phone call away" Andy got out the car and headed inside.

Andy was sitting on the couch thinking of the right words to say when she saw the headlights from Sam's truck pull into the driveway. Her heart started to beat so fast she was so scared. She heard the keys in the door and then the door knob turned and Sam walked in. When he saw Andy his face lit up and showed those deep dimples.

"Hey beautiful I was hoping you would be here when I got home" Sam says as he walks over and pulled her up in his arms and kissed her passionately, Andy pulled back because she knew if she didn't she wouldn't be able to stop. she had to tell Sam the truth while she had the nerve. She wanted it to come from her instead of someone else.

"Sam I need to tell you something, can you please sit down" she asked him with a shaky voice

"Can it wait I'm trying to show you how much I miss this past week" Sam said smiling and continues to kiss her neck. Andy starts to cry she didn't want to hurt Sam, but she had to tell him. "Sam please" Andy said, he looks up and sees she is crying.

"Sweetie what is wrong? Why are you crying?" Sam was scared now his voice was soft now "talk to me" as he sits on the table in front of her

"Sam I am pregnant" she tells him

It was quiet for a long time neither one of them said a word the silence was killing Andy but she didn't say a thing she just let it sink in with him.

"Umm are you okay? I can understand why you haven't said anything, but can you say something now you are freaking me out." Andy says while she reached down and touches his leg

Sam stood up rubbed his hands in his hair, "I am going to be a father" with so much love in his voice "I am going to be a father, Andy are you sure are you really sure?" He had reached Andy again pulling her into his arms, "sweetie are you okay? You need anything? Is it a girl or a boy? Do you need a back rub craving anything"

Sam then dropped to his knees and was talking to her belly saying " hello in there this is daddy I can't wait to meet you, I love you so much already" Sam hugged her belly so excited.

Andy spoke very softly "I am not keeping the baby"

"What did you say" Sam asks her

Moving away from Sam, tears falling down her face she says it again "I am not keeping the baby"

"Andy what are you talking about" Confused at what she was saying Sam got off his knees so he could hear her better "I am happy about this Andy, I am excited yes I was quiet for a long time at first but I want this especially with you am here and I am not going anywhere I promise" as he caresses her face wiping away the fallen tears

"It's not that simple Sam. I don't want this I am sorry to get your hopes up that's why I didn't want to tell you" as she pulled away from his embrace

"You didn't want to tell me what?" Sam was caught off guard "if this is you joking it's not funny McNally, I get it hormones pregnant women ones goes crazy no offense" he tells her with his hands in the air with a smile on his face

"You think I am joking" Andy yelled! "This is no joking matter, I'm talking about going to some clinic and laying on some cold table and letting some doctor and his nurses judge me, while the whole time he is sticking some instr….." Andy couldn't even finish the words coming out her mouth. She was so hysterical, shaking and crying, that Sam ran to console her but she pushed him away.

"What's going on sweetie I'm about to lose it here" Sam said "What do you mean going to some clinic, you are not going anywhere. You are not making any sense" Sam was mad now.

"Why are you even thinking about some clinic, I want our child Andy", Sam grabs her face to get her to listen to him "I don't know where you got a stupid idea from, but please get it out your head" Sam had to take a breath and calm down, he didn't want to spook Andy any further.

Sam spoke softly and said, " I Love You McNally with all my heart , we did something great here out of all the love we share we made something so beautiful". as he touched her belly "How can you even think that I wouldn't want our baby" Sam was hurt

She pulled herself away again yelling "I DON'T WANT THIS!" Andy screams "I just became a cop I love my job, its so much I need to do now and a baby is not in the plans. I want to be settled in my career, married at least" she says

"The career thing I can't help with" Sam tells her, "but the marriage lets go and pick out the biggest carat there is and do this McNally" Sam had the biggest grin on his face as he looked at Andy and he knew it fell on deaf ears.

"Really Sam this is not a joke." she finally speaks after her outburst

"Who said I am joking McNally" Sam looks at her

"I am not going to marry you because of this" as she touches her belly she couldn't even say the words. "I am not ready for this Sam"

Sam was irritated and she could hear it in his voice "So you are ready to go to some clinic and make like none of this existed" He asked her "All you would have to do is wake up and I would take care of the rest for you sweetie. I love you so much please don't do this" Sam begged her to change her mind

"Sam please don't do this, it's already hard enough, I love you Sam with all of my heart you are my everything." she tried explaining to him to see this was very difficult for her

Sam interrupted her and said, "just not enough to have a baby with me"

Andy knew this was crushing him as it was doing for her. She didn't want to hurt Sam she loved him but she is not ready for a baby. How was she going to make him understand that by her not wanting to have a baby does not mean she didn't want him, because she knew that was what he was walked over to him and placed her hands on both sides of his face,

"Sam please understand where I am coming from please don't doubt my love for you" Sam pulled away and looked at her with so much hurt in his eyes.

Sam spoke," what do you expect for to think and feel Andy" as he turned his back to her "you think I should feel joy, excitement, well its not going to happen I can't do this" Sam tells her

"Can't do what Sam?" Andy asked him "Be with me?"

"Are you going to keep the baby Andy" Sam asks her

"Sam please understand I can't and it is not because I don't want you, because I do now and forever please don't make this end us" Andy pleaded with him

Sam spoke with rage in his voice, eyes, and heart "I can't pretend like everything will be okay when I am sitting here with my love growing to hate because you killed our baby" as he reaches up and wipe the tear from her eye "so no Andy I can't be with you" Sam turned and walked upstairs and slammed the door behind him.

Andy knew what she feared most had happened, she was losing Sam she sat on the couch and cried herself to Andy woke the next morning she was lying in bed, so it wasn't a dream Sam had came picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom last night. She called out for him but he didn't answer. So she got out of bed and went downstairs, it was no sign of Sam he must have left for work already, but it wasn't time for them to be there. Andy got ready for work and decided to walk so she could clear her head a little. As Andy walked into the station Tracy was there to meet her.

"Hey sweetie how are you doing? I wanted to call you last night, but I knew you needed time" as she gave her best friend a hug

"Tracy he left" and Andy begins to cry. Tracy hugged her best friend and Andy talked into her shoulder. "He can't be with me if I get rid of the baby I can't lose him Tracy"

"You won't" Tracy spoke "He is just taken back with everything that's all he will come around"

"You didn't see the hurt in his eyes trace" Andy spoke "He was so happy and I crushed all of that he even said lets get married"

"What he proposed as well Andy" Tracy didn't want to say but this looked bad "Okay pull yourself together wipe your face because we have to get to parade"

As Andy and Tracy walked in to Parade Sam was sitting on the back table with Shaw. When Shaw saw her come in he made a comment,

"Wow McNally you look beat is Sammy boy keeping you up all night" Andy turned and looked at Sam I mean just looked at him which it didn't phase him because he just looked right through her, so she walked over to sit by Tracy with Shaw witnessing it he knew something was wrong really wrong. Sam was the first one out of parade he didn't want to see, talk, or be in the same room as her and Andy knew it and which it just crushed her. Andy thought she was alone in the parade room until she felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned around and saw Oliver standing there.

"McNally are you okay" Oliver asked clearly seeing that that she was not. Before he could get a response Andy was in his arms crying.

"There it's going to be okay" Oliver said he knew it was worse than he thought because for Andy to react like this was very surprising.

"I know couples fight all the time, but hey I know it's Sammy's fault he can't help it he was dropped on his head as a baby so I am saying you guys are great together don't let a little fight mess that up besides we men are always wrong and you ladies are always right" he said with a soft giggle

"I don't know about that Oliver, he hates me and I don't blame him" Andy tells him

"You know this is usually my wife department she gives the best advice" Shaw said.

"It's okay Oliver I know Sammy is your friend, so I won't bring you in the middle" as she wipes her tears

"McNally you are my friend to, don't forget it okay" before he left out the door.

Andy had left ten minutes before the officers were due back in the barn, she had somewhere she had to be that she knew could help her in this situation with had just got back to the barn when Shaw said I will meet you in about 20 minutes at your truck we need to talk brother. Sam didn't want to talk, all he wanted was Andy and that he didn't have so he wanted to drink and a lot of it. When he was coming out of the locker room Sam heard someone call his name?

"Sam have you seen Andy?" Tracy asked "I haven't seen her since parade this morning"

"No I haven't seen her Nash, she is the last person I want to see. Maybe if you check in the local clinics you might find her" Sam was angry

"Really and I defended you to her, saying Sam is a great guy he won't turn his back on you he loves you no matter what boy was I wrong about you"

Sam was mad now and he let Tracy know just how much, "You don't get to judge me, I want the baby maybe if you didn't encourage you friend to have abortions things will be okay" he yelled at her "And you want to sit here and call yourself a good mom" Sam knew he had went to far he just wanted someone to hurt like he was, he knew Tracy was a great mom.

"Hey don't you speak to her in that way Sam" Jerry told Sam after hearing them argue "I get that you are mad but it is not Tracy fault"

"Yeah and how long did you know? I thought we was friends, so don't you dare say a thing to me" Sam said bitterly

"Hey buddy when I found out what was going on I told them both I wouldn't lie for either of them, and if they didn't tell you I would" he tried getting Sam to listen to him knowing he was mad and hurting "Look Sammy I have known you for a long time I value our friendship"

Sam was quiet for a moment and then he apologize to Jerry and Tracy.

Sam headed to his truck and he saw Oliver standing there with a bottle of jack. They went to Sam house and begin to drink "so you want to let me know what's going with you two" Oliver broke the silence

"It's nothing Oliver" Sam takes another sip of his drink

Really nothing Sammy, is it nothing for McNally to throw herself into my arms and cry her eyes out? I am for you brother, I am a supporter for team Sandy Shaw grin.

"Andy is pregnant" Sam says

"Wow congrats Sammy, you joining the fatherhood why with all the tears and silence you are suppose to be celebrating" Oliver urges him

"She is not keeping it" Sam tells him

Oliver got up and placed his hand on Sammy shoulder and said, "it's going to be okay brother" as he comforted his friend "do you know why she doesn't want to keep the baby?"

"It doesn't fit into her plan. how do I suppose to look at her and love her knowing what she did, I can't do it I can't" Sam let out "Oliver I even propose to her and she turned me down I did everything man and I can't change her mind what am I to do Oliver I can't lose her"

Andy took a deep breath before she rung the door bell, and then she saw a figure come to the door and opened it. There stood Zoe Shaw confused to see Andy McNally standing on her door step.