Author's note: First off, I highly recommend reading Haiza Tyri's "Close Encounters of the Tenth Kind" (which can be found here www . fanfiction s/7876195/1/Close_Encounters_of_the_Tenth_Kind ) which is an absolutely beyond brilliant POI/Doctor Who crossover about which I could rave on and on about, and to which she most graciously consented to let my story be connected to; this story lies in the same universe as Haiza Tyri's, and her story about how Finch and Reese met the Doctor is what I accept as canon (and I cannot imagine it happening any other way). Please, if you have not read her story, do yourself a favour and read it (also, it will help you understand references I will be making to that story).

Warning! this may take me some time to complete and I cannot promise with what frequency I shall post another piece; I have the story ('nearly', I'll say, just to be on the safe side) complete in my head, it's just a matter of time in which to write it that will be the issue.

Any critiques or reviews are most appreciated, and I thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart. Enjoy!

A Prologue Which is Actually an Interlude

10:03 p.m.


"Detective Carter, our mutual friend and I need your help."

"What's going on, Finch?"

"I need you to go to the nearest subway station; it's about two blocks away from your current location. When you get into the station, I'll give you further instructions."

"What sort of trouble?"

"I trust you're carrying your service weapon, Detective."

The phone went dead.

Carter let out a frustrated explosion of breath and ran the two blocks to the subway station.

When she reached the edge of the platform, Finch's voice popped back in her ear, "There is a service ledge to your left, follow that for fifty yards until you come to a gray door which should be ajar."

Carter did as she was instructed, sliding along the ledge as fast as she could. Finch hadn't turned off his phone, and she heard a gentle murmur from Finch consoling a quiet sobbing, but she was unable to hear the words. She started as she heard shots fired and the vague growl of Reese's quiet urgency.

Her pace became reckless and she hurtled along the ledge, "Finch! Are you and John alright?"

No answer, but some sort of dialogue commenced between Reese and Finch, nothing she could pick up clearly, but at least she knew they were alive enough to bicker.

She reached the door and flung herself through it, drawing her weapon, whispering with fierce concern, "Finch, what have you guys got yourselves mixed up in this time?"

"Time really is what all this is about, and it's of the essence, Detective. You should see us in a few moments."

Carter prowled forward, weapon at the ready.

The passage took a bend, and she peeked around the corner and at one of the strangest sights she'd ever seen. It was a large room, filled with panels and flashing buttons and screens showing gibberish. A young woman with red hair supported a battered Reese whose shoulder was bandaged and bloody, her and Reese's eyes gazing worriedly at another young man bent over a shape on the floor.

An absurd young man, dressed like a stereotypical professor in tweed jacket and bowtie, darted out from a large blue crate in the corner of the room with something in his hand, and the other long-nosed man moved away and revealed the figure on the floor. It was Finch, unconscious at best, his suit rumpled and torn, blood trickling from his ears, nose, and eyes.

Carter just stared.

"Have you found us, Detective?" Finch's voice came impossibly through her earpiece.

"Finch, I'm looking at you right now, and you're not doing much talking. What the hell is going on?"

"It's a little complicated, Detective, but I'm sure everything will be explained to you in due course."

Carter cursed the insane situation and Finch's evasiveness under her breath.

"Thank you, Detective."

"For what? Stickin' with you even though I'm not sure I'm not crazy?"

"For what you're about to do."

Carter's gun blazed as all hell broke loose.