I do not own Hawaii Five-0 or any characters. No copyright infringement intended.

Notes: again my thanks ... the idea of this story changed up a lot and very quickly. Not what I'd originally intended at all! So thank you if you stuck with it and my apologies if you didn't even get this far ... and ergo, don't even see this note.

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EPILOGUE - Amnesia

RECAP: Studying her face, Steve was still intrigued by the idea of a bet and Kono's sparkling eyes matched his own. Shrugging, he repeated what he'd said. "I bet that I am. Dinner for everyone's on me at the steak house IF Danny's back in the office and cleared for duty before I am. And dinner's on you if I'm cleared first."

"Cleared for duty and in the office?" Kono said specifically to make sure the details were clear. Hesitating since she knew better, she shrugged as she shook her head and then agreed. "Okay. You're on boss. Definitely on. But get ready to pay up!"

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"This is fantastic." Danny remarked in glee as he rubbed his hands together expectantly while he read the restaurant's menu board of elaborate Friday night specials. The team was at the most expensive steak house on the island compliments of Steve McGarrett having lost a particular bet with Kono Kalakaua.

At first taken aback about why the bet was made, Danny realized that they'd all won thanks to Kono's quick thinking and Steve's own brand of obstinacy. And now Danny couldn't help the snarky tone in his voice as he pulled out the wine list and selected a pricey bottle for the table. "Thank you Steven."

But Chin couldn't help laughing as Kono snagged the wine list from Danny's hand before he had a chance to order it. "Give me that. What do you know about wine?"

Sputtering indignantly, Danny neatly grabbed it back and waved in her face. "Quite a good deal actually … sit back and watch the master …"

Because of healing bodies and the second mission with the DEA, dinner had been delayed but Steve grinned good-naturedly and took it all in stride. Kono had been right about Steve's first officially approved back to work day. Danny had been in the office on desk duty for three full days before Steve himself had been allowed to consider even a half-day based on doctor's orders and his tender healing wounds.

She had kiddingly reminded him about the bet a few days after the second raid and he'd made reservations at the restaurant immediately.

"We don't have to, you know." Kono smiled as he picked up the phone to call for that Friday evening. But Steve had waved her off happily. "A bet is a bet. And you were absolutely right!"

So now on a beautiful Hawaiian Friday night, they all sat together completely relaxed. But with Kono and Danny in an all out banter over the wine list and who would be ordering what based on their individual vinifera expertise.

Over their slowly rising voices, Chin caught Steve'e eye and smirked.

"You know, I don't know why they're even arguing. They're only going to wind up ordering Longboards anyway!"

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RECAP: "Now tell me. What happened with Cano. Did Danny really break his nose … and his jaw?"

"What?" Steve asked as Ramirez switched gears on him. "What did you say?" But the doctor was only grinning from ear to ear and waiting for Steve to confirm it and he soon felt a chuckle bubbling up.

"His jaw is broken?"

"Hmm. And his nose. Cracked rib too. But the jaw is fractured in two places actually and he'll be wired shut for months."

H5O* H5O*

Without telling anyone and before the team dinner, Danny had waited two days to return to Tripler Medical. He went alone and quietly flashed his badge as he asked at the front desk if he could visit with DEA Agent Joe Cano. Even though he detested the man, Danny felt obligated to pay him a visit in order to apologize and try to clear the air professionally. He had seriously toyed with not going … with doing nothing … but the better part of him made Danny do the right thing even though Cano deserved absolutely nothing at all.

Cano was alone and seemed to be sleeping when Danny reached his room and he wavered briefly in the doorway with a mundane get well card and a handful of magazines that he thought the man might like to thumb through. Rather than disturb him, Danny walked in and made room on the small elevated tray for his peace offerings.

Before leaving, he studied the man's face and outwardly grimaced at the damage he'd done. Eyes blackened and nose taped, the worst of it was the wired jaw which Danny couldn't believe was also his responsibility. The swelling across the man's face extended back towards his cheekbones and neck. It was grotesque, no doubt very painful and Danny was shocked at the after-effects of their altercation.

Sighing almost inaudibly, Danny felt a churning in his gut and was sickened by what he saw. "I can't believe I did that." Cano was hurting from a variety of painful injuries and would likely be on leave for months in order to heal.

Feeling the deeply worried gaze and hearing barely whispered sounds, Joe slowly opened his eyes and couldn't hide his startled expression at seeing Danny Williams standing over his hospital bed. Danny raised his hand in an honest apology and voiced a few awkward words.

"I brought a card." Danny started lamely. "A few magazines. Hey. I'm really sorry this went so far. Very sorry actually." He waited knowing that Joe might not respond but he tried to read the weary black eyes and tense body posture.

"Do you need anything? I don't want to overstay my welcome .. I could get the nurse though .. if you need anything." Danny vainly tried to read the now schooled blank expression and became more uncomfortable by the minute. Not getting a response of any kind, he sighed and rubbed his hands over his face.

"Well listen. I just wanted to apologize. So Joe, if you need something.. anything .. let me know. Please." Hesitating for a fraction, Danny moved the elevated tray closer so Cano would be able to reach the card or the magazines.

Glancing once more at the unreadable face, Danny slowly left the room and then the hospital.

And he missed two major things: Joe Cano's angrily seething expression that was now filled with undisguised hatred as he casually flipped the bird at Danny's retreating back; and then his reaching up with shaking hands to violently rip the get well card into a thousand miniscule pieces.

~ End ~