Hello everyone! I know I should be working on my DRRR fic, but. . . This just /had/ to be done! This is a collab/RP fic with Ember8123 ^^. She is Jake and Dave, I am Dirk and AR. I hope you enjoy~!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters or places mentioned in this fic. Characters belong to Andrew Hussie, places belong to the world.

-TT began pestering GT-

TT: Hey, English. ◥▶◀◤

GT: Hey bro.

TT: Sup?

GT: Absolutely nothing! I was just about to settle down and watch some rather enjoyable tomb raider movies!

GT: Whats going on with you strider?

TT: There's really nothing to do by me.

TT: Hey, English, I have a question for you.

GT: Oh? What kind of an inquiry would that be?

TT: What would you do if I said I liked you? Hypothetically, of course.

GT: If you liked me? Well id assume that would be just fine!

GT: After all we are bros and one does have to like another to be brothers dont they?

TT: That's not what I meant, English.

TT: I meant in a romantic way, again, hypothetically.

GT: Oh...

GT: Well strider i suppose that would be okay as well

GT: Ive never really given any thought about my feelings towards anyone but i suppose i would be up to giving any relationship a try.

TT: Seriously? You're not shitting me?

GT: I would never shit you strider.

GT: Something like that would be unquestionable.

TT: Jake, I love you.

GT: Youre not just saying this for ironic reasons are you? You mean it dont you?

TT: Yeah, I mean it.

GT: So what does this mean exactly?

TT: Well, I guess. . . We're in a relationship?

GT: I guess so!

GT: I never thought that i would end up in a relationship with my closest bro. And not ironically.

TT: Dude, we should try to do an offline meeting sometime.

GT: But i thought you lived sometime in the doomed future where our entire planet is in ruins.

TT: Actually, I don't know how this happened, but somehow, I was able to talk to a different, younger version of my bro and together, we created this time machine/transporter device.


-TT began pestering TG-

TT: Hey, so. . . apparently you're some younger version of my bro from an alternate universe?

TG: i am?

TG: does that mean youre some younger version of my bro from another universe somewhere in this fucked up galaxy?

TT: Yeah, probably. ◥▶◀◤

TG: thats pretty boss

TT: How the hell are we talking?

TG: i must have fucked up the timelines so badly that our goddamn universes crossed somewhere along the way

TG: so

TG: irony

TT: Wait, timelines? Are you the something or other of Time then?

TG: knight of time

TG: its pretty awesome even if i had to get used to the damn cape it came with

TG: then again the cape is pretty awesome too

TT: Cool shit. I ended up being the Prince of Heart. Pretty sugoi if you ask me.

TG: whoa whoa

TG: sugoi?

TG: what kind of shit is that?

TT: Sugoi, it means awesome.

TG: ah

TG: never say that again

TT: Sure thing.

TT: Well, since you're the Knight of Time, I need you to help me with something.

TG: what do you need help with?

TT: Building a device that can achieve time travel and teleportation.

TG: how the fuck are we going to do that?

TT: I'm pretty good with mechanics, if I do say so myself. I've already got teleportation down, I just need help with the time travel.

TG: so how am i supposed to help you out with the time travel?

TG: i dont know if i can exactly transfer my powers into a goddamn machine

TT: What tool do you use for time travel?

TG: my turntables

TG: but there is no way im giving those to you i need them

TT: Is there a way to create another set of them? It's not like I need them forever, either.

TG: well

TG: if you had the code i guess you could use it for the alchemiter.

TG: but it might be easier to just fucking let you borrow them as long as you give them back when youre done

TT: Chill, bro. I'll give them back.

TG: good

TG: so how the hell am i supposed to give them to you to borrow

TT: I'll teleport one of my two teleporters to you. Warning, it's kind of big.

TG: ah shit is it gonna take up the entire space of my room?

-TT sends a fairly large teleporter crashing into the middle of TG's room-

TG: holy shit that thing is huge

TG: i can hardly fucking move around in my own room now

TG: goddamn

TT: Sorry, man.

TT: I told you it was big.

TG: its cool i guess

TG: so when do you want the turntables?

TT: As soon as physically possible, but preferably not in the past.

TG: as soon as i find a way to move around without hurting myself ill give them to you

TT: Cool, bro. I'll be waiting.

TG: finally fucking got it but now im sitting in my damn chair like a fucking owl sits in a tree or some shit

TG: im fucking owling now thanks

TG: go check your transporter or whatever

TG: they should be there

TT: They're not there.

-5 min later-

TT: Oh, wait. Now they are.

TG: dont do that man

TG: gave me a fucking heartattack making me think i sent them to the wrong place or some shit

TG: nearly fell out of my motherfucking feathery coop and disturbed my owl stance

TG: caw caw

TT: I'm pretty sure you sent them 5 minutes into the future, since I just fucking spent 5 minutes staring at the teleporter for them.

TG: you spent five minutes of your life staring at a teleporter

TG: you couldnt find something better to do?

TG: why do you want to build a time machine anyway i never really asked that did i

TT: I don't know how, but I started talking to some people from a different time and I got a brocrush on one of them. Want to be able to visit him, you know?

TG: that makes sense i guess

TG: wait like a brocrush or an actual crush

TG: theres a major difference dude

TG: because brocrush is like . . . never mind thats kind of an actual crush too

TG: but forget about that and just hurry up and make the machine so i can get my turntables back as soon as possible

TT: Will do, bro.

-6 minutes in the past-

TT: Hey bro, it works.

TT: I went back to the time you sent me your turntables so you could get them as soon as possible.

TG: whoa what

TG: oh there they are

TG: its cool that it works though now go and visit your brocrush or whatever

TG: ill be here owling

TT: Cool, thanks.

TT: Oh, here's a present for the help.

-TT sends TG 8 smuppets-

TG: wha- oh hell no

TG: dude i see enough of these from my bros room!

TG: we dont need any more of these damn things!

TG: i fucking got some for christmas last year thanks to my bro

TT: I sent another gift to your past self. I'm pretty sure you remember the shades you had when you were a baby. ◥▶◀◤

TT: If you want, I can make them an AR for you.

TG: fuck those shades were humiliating

TG: hell no

TG: i like the shades i have

TG: theyre cool and ironic

TG: and also a present from a friend

TT: The shades I gave you are sugoi as hell.

TG: yeah when i was like seven

TG: the shades john gave me are fucking ironic as all hell

TG: and i thought i told you not to say that word

TT: I wouldn't know what your current shades look like. They probably look stupid.

TG: they are not stupid

TG: theyre cool and ironic

TT: Whatever you say, bro.

TG: you wouldnt know cool if it bit you on the ass

TT: I'm more sugoi then you'll ever be.

TG: stop saying that fucking word

TG: my god

TT: Well, I'd love to chat with my bro some more, but I have a hot piece of ass trying to message me. Have this for your whole "irony" thing.

-TT sends TG a giant stuffed owl-

TG: whoa whoa hot piece of ass

TG: who is this hot piece of ass

TG: oh fuck that is a giant stuffed owl

TG: i cant lie that is pretty fucking ironic

TT: His name is Jake English.

TG: thats the dude you built the time machine for isnt it

TT: No, it's the stuffed owl's name. . . Obviously it's the guy I built the time machine for.

TG: man i already got a name picked out for the stuffed owl dont try to name it after you gave the damn thing to me

TG: well then good luck

TG: if hes anything like john youre gonna need all the fucking ironic luck you can get your hands on

TT: John? Is that your boy-toy's name?

TG: boy-toy?

TG: dude he is not a boy-toy

TG: hes my friend

TG: my derpy friend who has been claiming no homo since i started talking to him

TT: Well, he sounds so interesting, but I'd rather go back to talking to English. Peace.

-TT ceased pestering TG-

-back to the present DUN DUN DUN DUN!~-

GT: So you made a time machine with a younger version of your older brother who somehow came into contact with you through a time paradox just so you can come back in time to see me?

TT: Yeah, pretty much. ◥▶◀◤

GT: Wow im... im flattered strider

TT: I'm sure that proves my feelings for you and that it's not just some irony thing.

GT: I would say so as well.

GT: I never thought anybody would go to such lengths just so see me.

GT: Thank you dirk.

TT: No problem, bro.

TT: Just give me a time I can come by.

TT: I'll be there. ◥▶◀◤

GT: Well if you dont mind watching tomb raider with me you can come over right now if you really want to.

TT: . . . Not so keen about the show, but I do really want to see you.

GT: You can always come over after the movies over.

TT: . . . Yeah, I'll do that. . .

GT: Ill be sure to message you when the film is done then!

TT: Cool, bro.

-TT ceased pestering GT-

-about two hours later-

-GT began pestering TT-

GT: Hey strider!

GT: The movies over so you can come over now if you want to.

TT: Cool.

-TT changed his status to offline-

Ayazi: Yes, I am mean.
Dirk: Just let me see my goddamn boyfriend already that I've had a crush on sin- -ahem-
Jake: Since when, Strider?
Ayazi: -ducttapes their mouths shut- I'm sure you two will love to talk about this IN THE FIC.
Dirk: -rips duct tape off- right. . .

Jake: Remember, good people, REVIEWS MEAN MORE FIC.
Dirk: And you all better review. I want to see Jake.