5 Months.

Exactly five months ago, I got my first nice phone. What do they call those? 3G? 4G? Well, my phone has a G, I'm just not sure what kind. Once I got my phone, I promised myself, (and Stan), that I would not turn into one of those nerdy kids that bury their nose in their phones the whole time they hang out with their friends.

Stan ever-so-nicely pointed out that I was already a nerd that kept his nose buried in books, so he mused that keeping up with the electronic nerd world would be too much for a book nerd like me, Ouch.

Stan says hurtful things sometimes and doesn't realize it. I can tell he doesn't think it hurts me because when I do look at him with watery eyes he usually just punches me and says, "stop crying, fag." Ouch. Again.

It all started when Stan and I were at a party drunk off our asses and Stan's football friends started making fun of him for being gay. With me. Now, don't tell Stan this, but somewhere deep deep down I wanted Stan to grab my hand like he used to when we were made fun of in the 4th grade and say "Fuck You." But I know that we were in a different world now.

That night at my house as we shared the same bed Stan asked me, well more like told me, "You aren't gay."

I kept quiet for a moment. That was the middle of our Sophomore year. Of course I didn't think I was gay. More importantly, at the time, I didn't want Stan thinking I was gay.

So, of course, I said, "No dude… that's just…gay!"

We both laughed a small laugh and fell into silence again.

I remember this was the first time I let myself imagine myself being gay. Since I really had no particular boy in mind (heh…) I thought about Stan and I. I thought about us really being in a relationship and the things we would do together. Now, you can consider me a 'late bloomer' or whatever but I never thought about the physical side of a relationship.

Once I began thinking like that I couldn't stop. I almost opened my mouth to correct Stan's statement. I thought about jumping right out of bed and looking Stan straight in the face and saying, You know what, maybe I am gay, And maybe you should love me either way because we are super best friends."

But before I worked up the nerve to say something I heard one word that I personally feel, no, know for a fact, ruined our relationship.

"Good." It wasn't a soft unsure tone. The tone was cold, completely out of a pit from hell. I know those are contradicting terms, but the hell I imagine is void of anything loving, including that warm feeling. Hell is cold for me, alright?

Stan never thought for a second, 'Hey, maybe my super best friend is gay.' Which completely threw me off. I'm a sensitive guy and I know it. Before I can reminisce any more about my sexually journey, there are a few interruptions that have come up.

Class is over, time to leave.

My phone needs tending too.

Five months is a long time for things to change.

I don't even know what we were learning, I don't even care. Once the bell rings I immediately reach for my phone.

Ah my phone. The reason for my constant dwelling inside my head.

I unlock my phone, half knowing and half hoping I would find that little alert box light up with my favorite four words.

"Your move with _CMFt_"

That last word might not be an actual word, but it has become a regular part of my minds vocabulary since four months ago. I knew there would be an alert; it's been all of my class period since I last got one. I just knew it.

Like I said, 4 months ago was when I started playing this game, the game that got me hooked on many things. Letters with people.

I had my phone for a month and I was keeping a steady promise to Stan and staying away from the apps.

That is, until Kenny got a hold of my phone and downloaded this game and began playing with people from who knows where. That night, my phone kept buzzing with alerts, so I was introduced into the amazing world of mobile to mobile gaming.

I quickly beat every person I would play. Until _CMFt. He was unlike any other player I've played against.

He would quickly play back and even respond to my messages. I always tried to come off as friendly, telling whoever I played with that the game was a close one, and that I was up for a rematch any time. Most of the time I never go a response. Not only would he respond to my messages, he would also kick my ass playing every single game.

Instead of just placing tiles with one letter in common, he would find words that shared 3, 4 letters at a time. Anyways, back to my phone.

I have an alert.

It's my move.

With any move I expect a message attached. I open the game.

'Moose.' He played moose against my word 'often.' That clever fuck.

And of course, my favorite part of the game.

My message.

"How was it?"

He's asking about my class. Being four years late and 100% positively gay, maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions when I think he is actually a he. But I am 98% certain that _CMFt is a boy.

More importantly, I am 130% certain I know who this boy is.

Craig Mother Fucking Tucker.

What do ya think?