Okay, sorry for the long update time. Here is the update for Jinchuriki of Mahora.

Warning: I am going to be switching to shorter updates more frequently. My new goal is a 5000-8000 words update every week compared to a 12000-18000 words update every four weeks. This particular update is about 11,000 though.

Naruto breathed deeply as he watched the ten clones surround him. They then all moved as one towards him. They seemed to be moving in slow motion to Naruto due to the Sharingan. So he was easily able to slip through their formation, dispelling two of the clones in the process. He then rushed towards another group before they could try and regroup. They tried to work in coordination in order to combat him since they were forbidden the Sharingan, but it was all wasted effort. The Sharingan seemed to shine a light on all the openings. A minute later and all the clones were dispelled.

Naruto took several breaths before sighing. Damn, no wonder Sasuke had a superiority complex. Even Naruto couldn't deny the pure potential a Sharingan gave the wielder. The difference in the clarity of sight was simply astounding. Naruto created another ten clones, this time with the mental command to use the Sharingan. He then got into a fighting stance and waited.

Naruto was training in taijutsu this morning. Sparring with Ku Fei had clearly showed that he needed it. Naruto was a ninjutsu specialist. He knew that. His chakra reserves, and now his Sharingan, made that obvious. That didn't mean he didn't want to be at least semi-skilled at taijutsu. The fact that Ku Fei had showed him an entire new level of skill in martial arts had made Naruto realize that his style of an experienced brawler wasn't going to cut it. Ku Fei didn't have the ki manipulation skills to defeat him, but that didn't mean no one else in this world did. Or in Naruto's world. Naruto knew that there were a number of people in his world he likely still couldn't even touch.

This was one thing he was doing. While the Sharingan was almost natural in its use, that didn't mean Naruto couldn't improve in its use. One of the tactics used to defeat the Sharingan was to use multiple people or attack from the blind spot. So Naruto used clones to simulate both. Learning to use the Sharingan while at the same time not ignore his other senses was actually a pretty difficult task. After an hour he had managed it against ten clones without the Sharingan. Now he had to step it up to ten clones with the Sharingan.

Naruto wasn't able to think anymore before the clones started the assault. The difference became clear immediately. The Sharingan literally raised the level of the clones by quite a bit. It also made it irritatingly difficult for Naruto. A fight between Sharingan users was like a chess match where things occurred within milliseconds. Each move you made was read by the other, and you read their response so you altered your move and vice versa. It was a twisted cycle that made Naruto's head hurt.

Of course he didn't have to really participate in the game. When fighting a shadow clone, one could simply exchange hits to dispel the clone while just taking a hit yourself. He wouldn't do that though. The second part of this training was to actually improve in his taijutsu. Relying on his greater durability to defeat his clones wouldn't help that.

So Naruto was stuck in a extremely difficult battle of trying to defeat his clones who had the same speed, strength, agility, fighting style, and even the Sharingan as him. Needless to say, it wasn't going too well for the real Naruto. He wasn't receiving any direct hits, but he was taking a number of glancing strikes.

The one advantage he had was that he was the only one able to try and incorporate what he had seen with Ku into his style. Technically Naruto could use the Sharingan to perfectly mimic her movements, but that wouldn't end well. Their builds were simply too different. A solidly built seventeen year old male fighting exactly like a lithe fourteen year old female wouldn't work too well. No, he had to literally disassemble her movement and fighting style and try to adjust and restructure it for his own build. That takes time, effort, and a lot of trial and error. Which meant Naruto basically took a beating.

After a while Naruto watched as a clone's fist headed towards his floating rib. Naruto tried to push the strike to the side with a block Ku Fei had used earlier and succeeded, but the second strike by the clone successfully made it through and connected with his sternum. Naruto stumbled back while clutching his chest. The clone moved forward to follow through, but Naruto sent a mental command and the remaining clones immediately dispelled. After about twenty minutes, he had only succeeded in dispelling four of the ten clones.

One the clones stopped, Naruto dropped on his butt and tried to recover. He used one hand to feel along his body, wincing whenever he came to a place where he had taken a more direct hit. He would be healed within an hour or two, but that still didn't mean they hurt now.

He started muttering to himself, "It is worth it. I'll improve, it will just take a while. Better hurt now then in an actual battle." He stopped once he had reaffirmed his desire to improve his taijutsu. Never let it be said that Naruto enjoyed training where he took a beating. He liked training sure, but even that had limits.

After calming himself, Naruto stood and dispelled the rest of the clones training. He reviewed the progress quickly before recreating the clones to continue as he headed to class. He quickly informed one of them, "I want you to practice using Kamui on clones now. I'll replace you if you run out of chakra, so don't hold back." The past few days he'd been focusing on sending small objects like stones or branches wherever Kamui went. Now it was time to go the next step.

Once the clone nodded, Naruto set off to the school. He'd eaten breakfast earlier.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx

"I hope to see you all again next year," Negi announced to the rambunctious class happily.

The entire class had just gotten back from the closing ceremony for the term and year. It just so happened that Negi had been announced as a permanent teacher. So the class was basically in an uproar over it. Not to mention that the class had also been publicly praised by the principal for coming in top of their grade.

As shown by Makie lifting up the fancy trophy they had won and exclaimed, "Look! Look! It's the 'Top of the Year' trophy."

Ayaka quickly stood up and gracefully proclaimed, "This victory shall be sealed in the hearts of class 2-A for a thousand years to come. I'm proud to be class president."

Naruto rolled his eyes as the class celebrated. While Naruto enjoyed celebrating victory as much as the next person, he found it hard to be psyched up over getting good grades. He really had just wanted to make sure they didn't get last. He really didn't much care about them managing to get first. Not like it really mattered. Getting Rookie of the Year back in the Academy didn't matter, since Naruto was dead last and he managed to beat both Neji and Sasuke(although that one was a series of complicated battles). Still, it would be stupid to stop them from celebrating their momentous achievement, in their minds at least.

It seemed that Naruto wasn't the only one unconcerned either. There were a number of people who didn't look as happy as the others. Like Evangeline, Chachamaru, and Setsuna. Naruto even saw a student who had a clear look of anger and disbelief on her face. Hasegawa Chisame, if Naruto remembers correctly.

Naruto's attention was brought back to the celebration when Fumika and Kuuka declared, "Let's have a 'Topping the School Celebration' party today."

Yuuna immediately jumped up and exclaimed, "Oh, great idea."

"Yeah, Let's do it. Everyone with spare time today, come to the lawn in front of the dorms," Sakurako quickly added.

Naruto chuckled as most of the group quickly agreed. He did notice however that Chisame was now trembling with a badly concealed expression of irritation on her face. Apparently Negi didn't pick it up though.

"What's wrong, Hasegawa-san? Are you cold?" Negi asked in concern.

"No…Not really," Chisame managed to stiffly reply before she suddenly stood and briskly left as she claimed, "My stomach hurts. I'm going back to the dorms."

An anxious Negi was left looking at the door where she left. He was soon joined by Yue, who informed him, "Don't worry. Chisame-san is always like that when the class gets more excitable."

"More importantly, the party is going to start soon. Come to the dorms with us," Fuuka practically ordered the child teacher.

Negi looked hesitant, but finally told them, "Sorry, I'll catch up later. I'm going to go check on Hasegawa-san." Fuuka looked visibly disappointed, but Negi seemed determined.

Unfortunately, as soon as Negi left chasing after Chisame, Naruto became the center of attention. Haruna was the one who skipped over and questioned, "Are you going to come, Naruto-sama?"

"Of course," Naruto answered with a grin. Several of the girls fist pumped, but Naruto regretfully had to add, "But I have to do something first. It shouldn't take too long." Once again the students looked disappointed, but quickly accepted the fact. The students soon left the classroom in groups while enthusiastically discussing the party.

Naruto waited till the classroom was empty before looking nervously towards the first seat in the class. His Sharingan clearly showing the figure of the ghost sitting there. When he'd come this morning, she had been much clearer then when he had seen her before, probably because his Sharingan had adapted to seeing yang energy with Ku. After looking at her back while Negi talked for a little bit, he could now see her like she was a normal student instead of a kid. Well, not completely normal. She was still semi-transparent.

So now he was clearly able to see the ghost. So this was Aisaka Sayo. Her visage fit with the picture in the class roll book. A girl roughly the same age as his other students. She seemed to be albino, with pale skin, white hair, and red eyes. She was dressed in an old styled school uniform. Right now she seemed to be bored. She was resting her cheek against her hand while her elbow was propped up on the desk. She seemed to be using her other hand to absentmindedly draw circles on the desk.

Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, which were screaming at him to run away from the ghost, Naruto stood up. He dragged his chair he always sat in to the space right in front of the ghost. He then plopped down and stared at Sayo. Unfortunately, Sayo didn't even seem to notice. Not really surprising. She had likely gotten use to ignoring people moving around her.

So he took a breath before saying, "Hello, Aisaka-san." No response whatsoever. He tried again. "Uh…Aisaka-san." Once again. No response. Naruto felt his eye twitch before he yelled, "AISAKA-SAN."

This time the ghost reacted. She seemed to scream in shock and fell backwards out of the chair she had somehow been sitting in, literally falling through the floor. Naruto said it seemed she screamed because he literally heard nothing. The Sharingan told him she was there, but his other eye and his other senses literally picked up nothing. Not a thing. It was downright creepy. A second later Sayo rose from the floor. She looked at Naruto with wide eyes.

"Hello, Aisaka-san," Naruto spoke calmly, forcibly shoving down his unease. Sayo's eyes widened before her mouth started to flap rapidly as she started trying to speak. Naruto quickly held up a hand though, and waited till she stopped trying to speak. He then informed her, "Slow down. I can only see you. I can't hear you. I can read your lips, but please speak slower. That will make it easier."

Sayo looked hesitant and unsure as she mouthed with very exaggerated movements, 'You can see me?'

"Obviously," Naruto replied in faint amusement. Okay, ghost she may be, but otherwise Sayo looked as scary as a kitten.


Naruto pointed to his Sharingan before explaining, "This is a very special eye. With it I can see you, although the rest of my senses don't perceive you."

Sayo didn't really react anymore for several moments. Naruto tilted his head in confusion before flinching when he saw her eyes start watering. She then threw herself at Naruto. Naruto felt absolutely nothing as Sayo passed through him. Okay, she might be adorable and not have a scary bone in her body(or any bones), but that was just a downright creepy. Having only one sense tell you a ghost was there, but none of the others agreeing was really disconcerting. After taking a moment to gather himself, Naruto turned to look at the ghost again. Sayo seemed to be crying. It was somewhat weird since Naruto couldn't hear it, but that didn't make it any less heartbreaking.

"No, no. It's alright," Naruto hurriedly exclaimed while holding his hands up in an attempt to be reassuring. Normally he'd be patting her back or hugging her, but the whole ghost thing kind of put a damper on that. So he just continued saying, "Don't cry. It's alright."

Naruto then read her lips as she yelled at him with watering eyes, 'It isn't alright. I want to feel again.'

Naruto really didn't know what to do. It's not like he could give her the ability to feel again. Tilting his head in thought, he finally kneeled down behind the sobbing ghost. He then concentrated chakra into his hand and tried to pat her back. Unfortunately, his hand still passed through. Naruto let out a sigh of disappointment. Of course it wouldn't be that easy.

He didn't notice when Sayo's head perked up. It wasn't until she was nearly face to face with him that he noticed. He immediately recoiled from the close proximity, but quickly recovered. He then saw that her mouth was opening and closing rapidly. He concentrated and started picking up what she was saying, 'that? I felt it? It was…warm? I've forgotten what it felt like? How did you do it? Do it again?'

Naruto held up a hand to stop her and replied, "I was just trying something. Let me try again."

Naruto then once again concentrated chakra into his hand. He then slowly lifted it and tried to touch Sayo's cheek. His hand once again went right through her cheek, but this time he picked up the visible shiver that ran through her body. She also tried to lean into his hand despite it just putting his hand in the middle of her head.

He then caught her saying dreamily, 'It's so warm.'

Naruto took his hand away, causing her to pout at the lack of the warmth. He quickly told, "I don't mind doing this for you, but I have to get going to the class party. You can follow me if you want, since no one else can see you."

Sayo immediately nodded, clearly having no intention of leaving her new avenue for feeling something. So Naruto stood up and dusted off his pants before heading away. As he moved through the hallway, Sayo did her best to drape herself over Naruto's back. It was a difficult task since she would slip through and the fact that Naruto was moving, but she soon managed a good system where she maximized the amount of her that was around him. She was in a position like she was handing from his back, her arms around his neck. Naruto rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smile as he released chakra from his entire body. For most ninja it would be an exhausting task to release all that chakra, but Naruto was anything but normal. If anything, he was most worried Sayo was about to fall asleep considering the blissful and satisfied expression on her face(although Naruto wasn't really sure if ghosts could even sleep).

Naruto soon worked his way to the yard in front of the dorms. Already most of the class had gathered underneath a large cherry blossom tree. Naruto was actually surprised by several of the participants. He hadn't thought Setsuna or Mana would show up considering they hadn't looked all that happy about getting first place, and Naruto was downright shocked that Evangeline had shown up.

He had to put that thought to the side though when Naruto was immediately surrounded by several girls. Sakurako immediately exclaimed, "Yay, you're finally here, Naruto-sama."

Naruto scratched the back of his head in embarrassment as he told them, "Sorry, I took a little longer on my errand then I thought I would."

"No problem, Negi-sensei isn't even here yet," was the response from Kazumi.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at that, but shrugged. Negi would be here after he finished with Chisame. He then looked around and questioned, "So what exactly are we going to be doing here?"

"I can answer that, Naruto-sama," a voice exclaimed as an arm draped across his shoulder, actually going through the middle of the still blissfully happy Sayo. Naruto stiffened though from the voice. He recognized it. He turned to see a grinning Chao.

Naruto definitely hadn't forgotten what Chao had done the previous day. She had manipulated Ku Fei in order to find out information about Naruto. She was way too calculative to underestimate, ever. Even now he can see that hint of mischievousness in her eyes.

There was also one thing that was really bothering Naruto. He'd by now learned to differentiate between magic, ki, and chakra when a person was close enough. He'd just thought he was making a mistake before, but now there was no doubt. Chao had chakra. How is it that Chao had chakra? The people of this world don't have chakra systems. The entire idea was infuriating to Naruto.

Nothing to do for now, but go along with her for now though. He'd have to solve the mystery of Chao later. So Naruto nodded and grinned at her as he replied, "Alright. Thanks, Chao-san."

Her grin widened slightly before she gestured towards where Ku, Hakase, Chachamaru, and Satsuki were all handing out meat buns and other snacks. She quickly explained, "I decided to donate various types of foodstuff from Chao Bao Zi. I make so much profit that even all the food here would amount to little more than a side margin. So it is the least I could do for the class."

"How…generous of you," Naruto commented dryly. Not sure whether to be impressed that she donated food or annoyed that she basically admitted it was a pittance to her. He then thought for a moment before asking, "Why is Chachamaru helping hand out stuff though?"

"She works for me of course," Chao replied immediately. She clearly saw Naruto's surprised look and added, "It is basically payment from Evangeline for building her in the first place."

Naruto's eyes widened as he remembered that fact. It was apparently Chao and Hakase that built Chachamaru. Naruto may have only found out what a robot is a few days ago, but even he had been able to find out that robots like Chachamaru weren't exactly common. So how is it that two students managed to create a robot the quality of Chachamaru?

"Magic," Chao announced softly without even looking at him. Naruto's eyes widened in response, but she didn't take notice. Instead she continued speaking while following Chachamaru with her eyes, "There is an old saying. Sufficiently advanced technology is no different from magic. There is an element of truth to that. By studying magic I have managed to create amazingly advanced technology that should be impossible for this time, with help from Hakase as well, and by combining that technology with magic I have managed to reach levels unseen before. Even with the limited amount of magic Evangeline-san could provide, I was able to make great strides towards my goals."

Man, she really is bold. There isn't anyone in hearing distance of the two, despite many of the girls frequently shooting at the two glances, but still. To talk about magic, which is suppose to be a secret, while surrounded by people is so fearless it could be considered foolhardy. Not to mention she is saying this to someone who could possibly be considered an enemy…Damn, Naruto was starting to like this girl. This is exactly the kind of stunt Naruto admires most.

Couldn't let her know that though. So he just tilted his head and asked, "I don't suppose you'll be so kind as to elaborate on what exactly those goals entail."

Chao waved a finger at him chidingly while telling him with a mischievous grin, "That would be boring, don't you think? I have a much better idea. Let's play a game."

"A game?" Naruto repeated in amusement while raising an eyebrow questioningly.

"Yes. A game between the two of us. Let's see who can reach the end first. Can you find out what my goals and motives are before I can find out just who you are?" Chao declared with a challenging smirk on her face.

Naruto blinked in confusion over what she said before recovering. Blunt, another quality Naruto could enjoy. He finally stated confidently, "Alright. You want a game, I'll play. Just warning you now though, I will win."

"Mighty confident of someone who had personal information stolen right from in front of them," Chao immediately countered.

"Yet the information taken didn't help you at all, did it? How do you know I didn't tell Ku false information in case she let it slip?" Naruto replied quickly.

"You aren't nearly that devious. I can practically smell the honesty on you," Chao claimed with a smug grin. Naruto really couldn't deny that. He much preferred evasion than out right lying. He also wasn't exactly the best manipulator. He could persuade people, but manipulate them…Not quite so much. Chao's smug grin widened at his silence, so she continued, "So the game is set, and before you ask. No, I won't give you some perverted prize if you win."

Naruto immediately deadpanned, "Why did you feel the need to say that? You really think I'd ask for something perverted as a prize?"

"Well you are the teacher who asked his students to call him 'Naruto-sama.' You also peeped on most of the class in the bath. You are already 'training' Ku to be your sub. I heard from Ku that you also peeped on all the girls present during the whole Library Island Incident. Your history is against you" Chao quickly pointed out.

Naruto sweat dropped. When all listed like that it really sounded bad. Naruto hadn't even known that Chao had found out about the whole bath incident. The Library Island stuff he had expected though. Clearly Ku was incapable of withholding information from a determined Chao. He still managed to retort though, "I'm not training Ku to be my sub!"

…Unfortunately, Naruto spoke it a little too loudly in his embarrassment. Loudly enough that all the girls who had been standing just outside of hearing range managed to pick it up. Ku, who had been one of them, immediately blushed heavily. The rest blinked in shock at the unexpected thing they had just heard. Naruto felt his face pale as he awaited the inevitable blowup. He sent a furious glare towards Chao, who just grinned smugly and mouthed out, 'Your fault.' She then quickly left ground zero before the explosion. Naruto didn't have the luxury of just leaving now. While he was sure he could escape, he definitely didn't want to see what would happen overnight if this was left to the rumor mill. Finally, it happened.

"I knew it!" Haruna announced victoriously while pointing at Naruto. She then finished, "My editor said that the character I modeled after you should be the uke. Claimed it followed your selfless and caring nature, but I said no. I don't care if you seem like the kind of person who would do anything for his friends. You are 100% seme when in the sack."

Naruto tried to not gag at that. Let it be known that when he gave Haruna permission to use his image in a doujinshi, he was not aware that she specialized in boy love. His friends would never let him live it down if they found out he was the model of a yaoi character.

Ku, who was completely baffled, embarrassed, and in the middle of freaking out, jumped when Kaede appeared in front of her. Kaede smiled at Ku in amusement and claimed, "I'm somewhat surprised that you managed to take such a lead against me, de gozaru. I guess I shouldn't be. Naruto-kun is very strong. I should have suspected you would be an opponent, de gozaru. I am surprised by your tastes though. I didn't know you were into that sort of stuff, de gozaru. I guess I'll have to renew my effort if I intend to not lose this battle." Ku's mouth open and closed, utterly unable to formulate a reply. She was in an even worse state than Naruto in this whole mess.

"Always suspected, but I guess the proof is finally here," Kazumi muttered to herself as she rapidly wrote on a notepad before taking a picture of Naruto. She then claimed, "Now if I just work late and get a brief interview with Ku, I can get this article included in tomorrow's school paper."

"Oh hell no," Naruto said as he tried to reach Kazumi. No way was he letting an article in the school newspaper help spread this rumor.

He was stopped though when Sakurako appeared between them. Her hands were clasped together and stars and glitters were somehow appearing in her eyes. She immediately claimed, "Sounds fun. I want to give it a try too, Naruto-sama."

Now that stopped the surrounding people cold. Even Naruto had no idea how to react to that. Was this a confession? Was she misunderstanding the situation? Was she a horny sub?…Was she drunk?…Why and how were her eyes sparkling like that?

"Seems I'll have to act in order to not be pushed onto the sidelines," a new voice declared. Kaede then disappeared from her spot by Ku and reappeared next to Sakurako using her ninja skills. She then smiled serenely at Naruto and announced, "While I never truly considered such topics before, I guess I would at least be open to the idea if that is what you enjoy…Naruto-sama."

Damn this class! That was the only thought running through Naruto's mind at this point. Why couldn't he have ended up the teacher of a normal class. This sort of thing does not happen to normal people, but nooo! He has to end up the teacher for class 2-A. Normal students don't want to start relationships with their teachers, but this class apparently has multiple students who do. Normal people would have questioned how Kaede appeared like that, but this class simply waves it off as unimportant. Instead they question their teacher's sexual fetishes. Normal students don't ANNOUNCE THAT THEY ARE WILLING TO BE IN A SUBMISSIVE REALTIONSHIP WITH THEIR TEACHER WHILE SURROUNDED BY PEOPLE! While part of Naruto couldn't help but find the entire situation awesome, the majority was dreading the amount of grief and trouble would result from all this.

Haruna wiped away the stream of blood flowing from her nose and giggled perversely before commenting, "This just keeps getting better and better."

Kazumi's pen was going even faster across her notepad as she exclaimed excitedly, "Now this is getting exciting. The paper should fly off the shelves if it has an article about how Naruto-sensei is not only a dom, but also seems to be rapidly gaining multiple subs."

Naruto felt like crying. Was there no way to prevent this rumor from spreading across the entire campus? It said a lot about this class that even Naruto sometimes couldn't fight their flow. Dealing with hyperactive children who lack any sense of common sense or etiquette is way harder than it sounds. Is this what the Third had to deal with during Naruto's childhood? If so, Naruto promised to get on his knees and beg for forgiveness when he met him in the afterlife. How on earth could anyone expect a kid like Negi to teach this class?

Speak of the devil and he doth appear. Several of the girls soon called out Negi's name in greeting. This seemed to break the concentration of all the girls who had been teasing Naruto, thankfully. Naruto quickly moved out from the center of the group. Dam controlling the situation. Right now he has to just make sure it doesn't get any worse. If that means sacrificing Negi in order to get some room to regain his composure, so be it.

Once he managed to escape the crowd, Naruto erased his presence before looking towards Negi. Naruto immediately sweat dropped at what he saw. Negi was running to the group, practically dragging a girl in a bunny suit. Where did Negi go after class? The playboy mansion? After a closer look at the girl though, Naruto quickly recognized her as Hasegawa Chisame. Wow, she really looked like a different person without her glasses and her hair let down. It was almost like she was an entirely different person. The bunny suit also really made it not seem like Chisame. What the hell did Negi do since class ended that resulted in the serious and seemingly normal Chisame being brought to the party in a frickin' bunny suit? Never mind, Naruto didn't even want to know.

The rest of the class apparently didn't recognize Chisame, since they all rushed forward asking who she was. Although more than a few looked around in confusion first, trying to find Naruto before finally shrugging and joining the rest. Despite managing to hide from girls like Kaede from only several feet away, Naruto felt eyes on him. He turned his head and met the eyes Evangeline. Should have suspected Evangeline wouldn't fall for such tricks. Being centuries clearly has many advantages. Naruto was more interested in the emotions behind her eyes. Although she was close enough to witness the entire event, he didn't detect any amusement in her eyes. Instead she was looking at him calculative, ruthlessly assessing him. Clearly his display the other night hadn't worked as well as he had hoped in pacifying her. This was the look of someone trying to plan to defeat someone. He'd deal with that later though. What really intrigued Naruto was the confusion and familiarity he saw in her eyes. Like she was trying to recall something she had forgotten that related to him. When she saw that he was returning her gaze though, she narrowed her eyes into a glare before looking away. What was currently going through Evangeline's head? Naruto couldn't help but wonder that, and couldn't seem to come up with an answer.

Naruto's head snapped away from her when felt a sudden wind. His jaw dropped at what he saw. The bunny suit Chisame had been wearing seemed to have turned to…cherry blossoms based on the large number of them in the air around her. The class quickly started raving in excitement and admiration at the trick. Chisame quickly squealed and tried to cover herself though. Negi meanwhile was being berated by Asuna for the 'ridiculous timing of his sneezes'…Naruto didn't want to know. Just like he didn't want to know why girls randomly ended up in either their undergarments or birthday suit when near Negi, especially Asuna. He had a feeling that the truth would be the sort of ridiculously outrageous and perverted thing Ero-Sennin would come up with.

Instead Naruto stealthily unsealed one of his orange jackets and walked over to Chisame, who was still trying to cover her exposed body parts. He quickly draped it over her shoulders. She peeked up at him with embarrassed tears in her eyes and a red face. She quickly looked down and muttered a 'thank you' before she slipped into the jacket. Naruto was quite a bit taller than her, so the bottom went down to the middle of her thighs. So once she zipped it up, she was capable of standing without risking flashing any watchers due to an unlucky gust of wind. That didn't stop her from glaring at a rather depressed Negi though.

After the class calmed down, Sakurako asked in a slightly oblivious voice with her head tilted and a finger resting on her cheek, "What were we just doing? I forgot, but I remember it was something important."

Naruto prayed to every god listening, ramen or not, that the rest of the class was just as air headed as Sakurako.

"Oh yeah. We were discussing how Naruto has admitted to being a dom. He's already training Ku to be his sub, and Kaede and you also volunteered yourselves," Kazumi exclaimed like she had just remembered, as if she would ever forget a scoop like that. She had just wanted to make the most of the situation.

Naruto cursed. He also saw Ku do the same, except in Chinese. It seemed she had been hoping the same thing as him. Apparently both of them were without luck right now.

Kazumi's words drew a big reaction from the class. Before only part of the class had been participating, although it had included the most troublesome ones like Haruna and Kazumi, but now Kazumi ensured that the entire class heard. Multiple conversations started simultaneously.

Chisame slowly took a step away from Naruto, who had been standing by her side. Was him giving her his jacket part of some scheme to seduce her or something? Too bad for him, but her sexual desires did not include being a sub. Cosplay and role-playing maybe, but not sub. Not that he was really an option for her. Although giving her a jacket while everyone else simply asked her questions earned him a few points in her book. He was still weird though.

Hearing all the conversations discussing his supposed fetish, Naruto made up his mind. That was it. Naruto had reached his limit. He couldn't even stop a small group by being nice. There was no way he could stop the entire class. Fine then. He'll stop being nice.

Naruto unleashed his aura, and even added some extra chakra to it. It was more than enough to stop all conversation by the class. The chakra was so potent and dense that the ground actually cracked slightly around him, drawing a bit of Naruto's attention. That had never happened before. Why the heck was his chakra so much stronger now?

Deciding to ponder that later, Naruto instead turned his eyes back to the petrified class. He soon growled out, "Okay, my patience has run out. This little delusion you all seem to be gleefully taking advantage of has gone on long enough."

Naruto motioned with his hand for Ku to come up. Ku was still incredibly embarrassed and looked reluctant to come up and be the center of attention, but she wasn't in much of a position to refuse. Ku simply wasn't strong enough to possibly fight against his aura when even Evangeline was being forced to at least pay attention. So she slowly trudged her way up to him. He immediately clasped her shoulder and spun her around so that she faced the group.

"Now listen well. I am not training Ku to be a sub. I am training her…in fighting. We are sparring together in order to improve our fighting skills," Naruto announced seriously, making sure that they understood. Once he knew all of them heard, he released the pressure he had placed on them. The entire group visibly relaxed afterwards.

Apparently too relaxed as Sakurako quickly claimed with a pout, "Awww, so no spanking or shibari? That stinks."

Naruto and the rest of the class just stared at the disappointed Sakurako. The only person to react differently was Madoka, who just palmed her face while shaking her head in exasperation. Seems she had been aware of Sakuako's fetish, and was likely expecting something like this. Apparently being air headed, lacking any real sense of embarrassment, and clearly knowing one's fetish was a bad combination. As clearly displayed by Sakurako's unembarrassed statement to the entire class.

Haruna was the one who managed to break the tension by proclaiming as if Sakurako hadn't spoken, seems even she had certain limits, "Sparring. Geez, that's boring."

At least this time Naruto could reply without venturing onto the topic of sex or fetishes. He waved a finger back and forth while smirking as he retorted, "You just don't know the beauty of combat, Saotome-san. Two people competing and struggling against each other with nothing more than their bodies. It is the best expression of your own power. A coward can shoot a gun, but a coward won't even willingly participate in a martial arts match."

"Competing and struggling with nothing more than their own bodies? Would be more interesting if it was a competition during sex," Haruna disgruntled muttered to herself, although Naruto still picked it up.

"Fine then," Naruto replied with a grin before turning to a relaxing Ku and suggesting, "How about we give them a quick demonstration, Ku-chan?"

Ku quickly agreed. She seems to have recovered since the whole sub thing was dropped. The fact that she was very comfortable with sparring likely helped as well.

The class gathered around as Naruto and Ku faced each other. Naruto was grinning widely, an expression Ku was returning. Ku got into her usual stance before charging Naruto and unleashing a barrage of quick jabs and combinations, just trying to land a hit. Naruto easily moved through them all without being touched since he was now using his Sharingan to predict and counter her moves before she even made them. The point of the spars now was for Ku to face a clearly superior opponent where she had to use ki to even stand the slightest chance. She was coming up short though. While Naruto noticed a noticeable improvement since their first spar, it still wasn't enough to worry Naruto.

Despite the fact that anyone with a decent amount of fighting experience could see that it was a completely one-sided, the class still started cheering excitedly. Even if it was one-sided, it was still likely awe inspiring for normal people to watch it. With Ku using even her limited ability with ki and Naruto enhancing his speed with chakra, the two were likely only blurs to the rest of the class. Besides Kaede, Mana, and the other magic knowledgeable students.

The class weren't the only ones excited though. Despite not winning, Ku clearly had a wide grin on her face throughout the spar. Seems that after her little episode yesterday, Ku had once again reverted to a personality where simply fighting was enough to make her happy. Naruto in turn couldn't help from returning the smile, finding her happiness contagious.

The spar continued on with no clear end in sight. Some of the class had started doing their own things, but several were still sitting watching their spar. Ku clearly wasn't about stop the spar despite her breath now coming in gasps and sweat gathering on her forehead. And Naruto wasn't about to stop her since the trait he admired most was determination.

The spar finally ended by the intervention of someone else. Ku had jumped back to create a bit of distance after a failed assault on Naruto. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she tried to get her back while wiping the sweat from her forehead so that it wouldn't get in her eyes. Naruto just calmly waited, almost no sign of physical exertion present. The entire fight he had been on the defensive, and he wasn't planning on changing that now. It allowed Ku to set the pace she wanted to.

"Fei-san," a voice spoke up behind Ku, causing the foreign student to jump in shock. Ku turned to face the person while Naruto just raised an eyebrow in interest. It was Setsuna. The samurai like girl bowed towards Ku before continuing, "Do you mind if I have a quick match with Naruto-sensei, Fei-san?"

Ku blinked in surprise before straightening. She then shrugged and said, "O-Of course-aru."

Setsuna nodded her head in thanks before taking a position opposite Naruto. Naruto tilted his head before asking curiously, "May I ask what caused this?"

"I simply wished to test my strength against yours," Setsuna answered in a hard voice. She then narrowed her eyes and got into a draw position with her hand on her sword before finishing, "Now prepare yourself!"

Naruto sighed got into a ready position. He had to be more careful here. Based on his past experience, Setsuna was at quite a bit higher level than Ku. He couldn't underestimate her.

"Zan…gan," Setsuna started as her hand tightened on the hilt of her nodachi. She then launched forward in a slash as she finished, "-ken."

Naruto's eyes widened as he thought, Fast!

It was all over in a flash at least to most of the students. Setsuna disappeared from where she was standing before she was shown rolling across the ground in an uncontrolled tumble. Naruto had only shifted a few feet away from his original position. His arm still positioned in a palm thrust. The victor of the exchange was clear, although most of the observers had no idea what had happened.

Naruto was thinking of something else though. The very short bout. Setsuna's speed had caught him off guard, but not to a great degree. She was fast, but not that fast. Instead he was thinking of how her assault had gone. It was a straight, direct attack. It was incredibly surprising to Naruto. No feints or different angles of attack. Just a straight on assault. It was especially hard to comprehend for Naruto. Ninja combat specifically avoided such attacks. That surprise might have actually done him in if Setsuna's assault hadn't been so easy to counter. Change the angle between the two so her attack became nullified, and then attack the clear opening she creates when she tries to adjust on the fly. It was a very situational type of assault. It used incredible speed to overwhelm the opponent, but when the opponent has enough speed to counter it suddenly turned into a liability. The best comparison Naruto could make for it was the Chidori. A very fast, very powerful attack that requires the user to attack in a straight line. Since Setsuna doesn't have a Sharingan to predict the opponent's response though, it would only work against slower moving opponents who lack the speed to counter. Against Naruto though such an attack would fail every time.

Naruto turned when he saw Setsuna stand. She had withdrawn her sword. She then bowed stiffly and told him, "Thank you for the quick match, Naruto-sensei." She then quickly left the party.

Naruto tilted his head, slightly dismayed. Although she had done a good job of hiding it, Naruto had clearly been capable of noticing the subtle signs she gave. The frustration and anger she had felt was clear. Naruto grimaced. Great! Setsuna had already basically been ignoring him since she arrived due to the incident the first night, and now he had pissed her off even more.

"Don't worry. She isn't mad at you," a voice spoke up from just behind Naruto. It would have shocked Naruto if he hadn't sensed her before.

He turned to look at Kaede. He raised an eyebrow before commenting, "Sure looked like it was to me."

"She was angry. Just not at you," Kaede claimed with a knowing smile. Naruto blinked in confusion, so she explained, "Setsuna is proud of her strength. It was why she was so bothered when you beat all of us the night you arrived. This spar was likely to determine if it was just a fluke before. Instead she was even more clearly outclassed. To be beaten like that in one blow. I doubt she has ever experienced such a decisive defeat. She is angry and frustrated with herself. Not you."

Naruto sighed in some understanding and relief. Understanding because he knew what it was like to one's pride to be outclassed by someone, and relief because he apparently wasn't the recipient of Setsuna's anger.

Naruto turned to Kaede and questioned, "What was up with that style of attack? You know her better than me. Why was it so straightforward? That type of attack would only really work on slow moving opponents."

"Wow, you figured out her entire style from that single exchange. You really are on a different level than us," Kaede commented with a grin. Naruto blushed slightly and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. Kaede soon explained, "It's that way because that is her style. Setsuna is a user of Shinmei-ryu. It is a style that is primarily used by an organization based out of Kyoto. They specialize as demon slayers. Since the majority of demons are large, armored, rely on power over speed, and slow, that style is best suited to exterminating them. Powerful direct strikes that are strong enough to pierce a demon's armor, and fast enough that they can't react or dodge."

Naruto nodded before commenting, "That is well and good against demons, but that leaves her incredibly vulnerable to quicker opponents who can dodge."

"Yes, that is true. Which why I would actually give myself or Mana good odds against Setsuna in a fight, despite her being stronger, faster, and having more formal training. Her specialty is simply not suited for fighting people like us. Naturally, more advanced users of Shinmei-ryu close up that weakness, but she isn't quite at the age where she is taught such things," Kaede clarified, displaying her knowledge.

"I see," Naruto muttered before shaking it off. He quickly turned to Kaede and questioned with a grin, "Are you looking for a spar as well?"

Kaede chuckled before holding up her hands and replying, "I'll pass. I'm not really a person who fights my opponent straight on and in front of a crowd."

Naruto scratched his head and chuckled before saying, "Guess you are right. Clearly you are a better ninja than I am. I've never really been the subtle type."

"It's part of your charm, I guess," Kaede stated with an amused smirk.

"Got that right. I wouldn't be the most unpredictable, knuckleheaded ninja if I did things properly," Naruto proclaimed proudly with his nose up in the air with exaggerated pride.

Kaede tried to muffle her chuckles with her hand, but enough got through that Naruto heard her. He soon joined her, except in a much louder and bolder laugh. After Kaede calmed down, she whispered, "I'm glad that we can talk and laugh like this."

Naruto replied with a confused, "Huh?"

Kaede just shook her head in amusement before clarifying, "We really haven't talked alone since I confessed. You've been avoiding me."

Naruto froze at that before relaxing slightly. He then replied softly, "Yeah, sorry about that. It is just…" Naruto didn't really know how to finish that sentence.

"I'm sorry," Kaede stated suddenly, drawing a confused look from Naruto. She quickly elaborated, "You've been troubled by my confession. I just wanted to apologize for making you awkward."

"…It's fine?" Naruto finally spoke, unfortunately it came out as a question rather then a statement.

"Don't think I'm giving up. I'm still want to try to have a relationship with you. I just wanted to apologize for the trouble that I've caused you, and the trouble I'll probably cause you in the future," Kaede said sincerely, one of her eyes opening to actually lock gazes with him.

Naruto immediately deadpanned, "You could just not cause trouble for me."

"Oh, Naruto-kun," Kaede exclaimed while shaking her head in amusement. She then patted a confused Naruto on the cheek before stating, "Trouble is what makes life interesting." She then walked away.

Dammit, Naruto can't argue with that. He is the kind of person that played pranks on people when he was bored after all. Seems he'll finally be the recipient. His thoughts drifted though when his eyes drifted down the back of the leaving Kaede to fix on her backside, which was almost hypnotic with its back and forth movement. He only looked away with an embarrassed blush when Kaede laughed without even turning around, showing that she knew where he had been looking and that she had been shaking her hips so much while walking on purpose. Damn, Kaede was really making it difficult for Naruto to control himself.

Deciding to stop that train of thought, Naruto decided to spar some more. Looking around, Naruto saw that Ku was talking to several other girls. Sighing, Naruto's gaze soon alighted on Chao, who was sitting on the ground by herself. Grinning deviously, Naruto decided on a course of action.

Naruto appeared before Chao at high speeds, and grabbed her arm without saying anything. He then pulled the shocked girl to her feet and started leading her towards the sparring area. By this point though, Chao recovered enough to dig her heels in to the ground and ask, "Hey, what are you doing? Pervert! Molester! Rapist!"

Naruto rolled his eyes and turned around to tell the uselessly struggling girl, "We're going to spar."

"Hey, don't I get a say in this?" Chao demanded.

"No!" Naruto said as he resumed dragging the genius girl. He then told her, "I heard from Ku that you are quite a martial artist. I want to see it myself."

Naruto finally dragged her to the sparring area, so he let go of his grip on her wrist. She rubbed it as she complained, "Eh, I don't want to. Plus, I'm not nearly on Ku's level."

"Nonsense. I'm sure you're amazing, and you don't have to do anything else. Not since all the food has run out that you brought," Naruto asserted while crossing his arms stubbornly. Seeing the denial on Chao face, he put a smirk on his face and added, "Unless you are afraid to spar with me? Is that it? Don't hesitate to tell me. I definitely won't tease and torment you with the knowledge that you are too afraid to even spar with me. Not at all."

Chao's eyes narrowed. It was a low blow, but Naruto is a ninja. He's allowed to do that. Chao finally caved in with an extremely reluctant, "All right. Just a quick spar though."

Naruto grinned smugly and got into a ready stance. Chao quickly followed with a very well balanced stance, indicating that she was actually very accomplished in Chinese martial arts like Ku had claimed. Naruto waited for her to make the first move, but as soon as she lunged forward he acted.

This spar was for two things only. Revenge and to make a point. Revenge because Naruto blamed Chao for the whole mess earlier. No way someone as smart as Chao didn't suspect that would happen when she started teasing him about being a pervert. So Naruto was going to blame her for all the problems that had resulted, and the rumors Naruto had no doubt would be spreading.

Mainly it was to make a point though. Naruto was realistic. The incident where Chao managed to interrogate Ku in front of him a few days ago, her genius intelligence level, and her technological skill clearly displayed in her creation of Chachamaru proved that Chao had greater information gathering skills and intelligence than Naruto. She was also fiendishly cunning. That 'game' she had proposed earlier was blatantly in her favor, although Naruto doubted she'd actually manage to figure out his origin simply because of how outlandish it was. Naruto wanted to make it clear though that he wasn't defenseless though. In a fight between the two of them, there was no doubt about who was stronger. It may be a low blow to basically intimidate his own student, but Naruto was a ninja. He could do that. And yes, he'll use that excuse for everything.

The spar went far different than the previous two against Ku and Setsuna. Naruto had been the more passive participant in those spars, but now he had to make a point about his physical superiority. As soon as she started the match, Naruto was off. Moving with far higher speed than before, Naruto basically danced around Chao. Dozens of punches pierced her defense, although he made sure to stop right before they connected. This was to make a point, not kill her.

Chao stood absolutely no chance. It wasn't even in doubt. Chao apparently didn't know how to use ki, which Naruto found somewhat suspicious for a girl who clearly knew a lot. Without it, she was at an even lower level than Ku.

Chao very clearly got the point, as Naruto saw her scowling within a minute. She recovered her composure quickly though and started saying while Naruto practically danced around her, "Is this your form of sexual harassment, Naruto-sensei? Woops, I meant Naruto-sama. That is what you enjoy being called by your innocent schoolgirl students, right."

Naruto had been expecting this. When her strength so clearly fails, she'll revert back to her wit and start teasing him. This time Naruto was prepared though. He quickly replied without stopping, "Not at all. This is what I consider sexual harassment."

Naruto then appeared behind Chao. One hand carefully grasped the bottom of her skirt and lifted it up, displaying her panty clad ass. His other hand then shot forward and spanked one of her cheeks…hard. Like so hard she'll still hand a hand print on her butt several hours from now.

Chao leapt in the air with a squeal. She then came down in an undignified heap, with her butt in the air. Her skirt had also fallen forward, clearly displaying her sky blue panties to Naruto. She clearly didn't care though, as her hands went to her no doubt stinging bottom. She grasped it till the pain or shock died down, she then rolled over and yelled while pointing at Naruto while the other still grasped her butt, "You spanked me! That hurt!"

"I know. I did it after all," Naruto stated while grinning mischievously at her. He quickly continued with a bit too wide of a grin for the recipient to not feel nervous, "I am just a perverted teacher interested in his students after all. Spanking naughty students should be my thing. What do you think, Chao? Do you want a detention with yours truly? Don't worry. I won't make you scream too much."

Chao couldn't hold in a blush at that. Her mouth open and closed several times silently. Naruto had little doubt Chao would find a way to fire back once her ass wasn't stinging and she had some time to properly think, but for now he enjoyed the bewildered and embarrassed expression on her face. Yep, definitely a win for him.

Chao was saved from trying to respond by noise. Both Naruto and Chao looked over to note with surprise that the entire class was watching their interaction…Woops, Naruto had completely forgotten the rest of the class was there. Many of the girls were blushing at his words, while others were grinning broadly with bloody noses(Haruna)...He just had to open his big mouth.

Sakurako broke it by pointing at Naruto and declaring excitedly, "I knew it. Totally a dom. I guess I just have to misbehave in class or something. I think I'd enjoy that detention."

"Hehe, so we just got the sub wrong. Not Ku, but Chao. Seems you're still in the middle of training her though. Can I watch your next session? It should help me get the scenes right for your character," Haruna exclaimed with her usual perverted grin and chuckle.

"So…you claim to not be into that sort of thing? I'm sorry, but I think you're deluding yourself, Naruto-sensei," Kazumi stated in amusement while patting him on the shoulder. She then added, "…So can I publish an article about how you are a dom now?"

Crap! Naruto just had to taunt Chao. He had put an end to this, and now it was entirely his fault that it had restarted. Naruto also doubted there was anything he could do to put this rumor to rest now. Sakurako was already planning on how she was going to get detention when school starts back up, and Naruto knew Kazumi was going slip something into tomorrow's paper about this whether he gave her permission or not. Why? Why have the ramen gods abandoned him in his time of need?

Naruto felt a rush of information enter his head suddenly. He stiffened and lost his balance, falling on his butt. He then stared at the ground in a daze. He was only pulled out when he felt several of his students pull in to his feet. He blinked at all the concerned faces.

"Are you okay, Naruto-sensei? You just fell down for no reason?" Yuna asked in concern.

Naruto shook his head to get his thoughts straight again and gave a weak smile before replying, "Sorry about that. I got up early this morning, and it seems that I'm more tired than I thought. I'm going to have to leave early."

The girls nodded, all the previous talk dismissed in concern for him. Naruto walked away slowly till he was out of sight. He then launched off at full speed, his thought in a panic over what the clone's memories told him.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx

The clone slowly peeked an eye open. It's eyes then opened fully. Whew, it was svared there. They had already gone through 50 clones by trying to transport them with Kamui. They'd always destabilized. Seems they finally managed it. Felt weird too. Like his entire body was distorting.

The clone looked around the strange world he'd found himself in. It was a world filled with boxes and rectangles. Everything else was empty. The only thing there besides itself were the rocks and sticks they'd already sent over with Kamui.

Its observations were cut short though when it saw a distortion in the space before it. It raised an eyebrow. The other clones were already trying again. Shrugging, it waited for a fellow clone to arrive.

It did not get what it expected. Instead, a figure wearing a black cloak with red clouds appeared. Seeing the orange mask, the clone recognized it as the person who had killed Kakashi. It was too surprised to act immediately though, same as the person before it. The two just stared at each other, neither having expected another person to be here.

The first to move was the masked man who surged forward while exclaiming, "Got you, Kyuubi jinchuriki."

The clone couldn't move out of the way of the hand that grasped its throat. Its eyes were drawn to the hole in the mask, where it saw a Sharingan. The clone's eyes widened in shock. Its Sharingan immediately detected the genjutsu being placed on it. Knowing it couldn't fight it off even with the Sharingan, the clone destabilized its chakra and everything went black.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx

Kakashi's killer had a Sharingan! Kakashi's killer apparently had access to the same dimension as Naruto! The implications of those two facts were immense. The second made it clear that Naruto couldn't practice with Kamui. Or at least his real body can't. The risk of capture is far too great. The first had an even bigger impact though. How did he get a Sharingan? Was he an Uchiha or was it an implant? Naruto had to pass this on to Tsunade and Jiraiya.

Finally arriving in the forest where his clones had been training, although they had all poofed away already, Naruto bit his thumb and ran through several hand signs and slammed his hands on the floor while yelling, "Summoning Jutsu."

Gamakichi immediately appeared in a puff of smoke. He raised a hand and said, "Yo, aniki."

"Not now, Gamakichi. I got serious news that Baa-chan and Ero-Sennin need to know," Naruto told him seriously. He then explained what had just happened to the equally serious toad. When he finished, Naruto asked, "So did you get all that?"

"Got it. Akatsuki guy with a mask has a Sharingan. Leads to the same dimension as your Kamui travels to. I'll make sure they know. Anything else?" Gamakichi asked.

"I don't think so," Naruto said thoughtfully before his hand shot up. He then continued, "Actually, I'd like Baa-chan's advice on something."

"Okay, what should I tell her?" Gamakichi questioned curiously.

Naruto blushed slightly before he started slowly, "I need help with…women troubles. I know what Jiraiya will say, so I need some more reasonable advice. I'm teaching an all girls' class here, and several of the girls seem…interested in me."

"You dog, aniki," Gamakichi exclaimed in glee.

Naruto blushed again and replied, "Shut up, Kichi."

"Sorry. Go on," Gamakichi said, eager to hear more.

Naruto sighed at his attitude, but reluctantly continued, "I know I'm going to be going home eventually. So I've been avoiding it, but several of the girls are…persistent. I'm not exactly the most controlled individual either. I just wanted some advice from her on what to do."

"Do you like them?" Gamakichi questioned.

"I'm…not sure," Naruto claimed thoughtfully before adding, "But I do think I could eventually gain feelings for several of them if I let myself. I know I'll be leaving this world soon, but I still find my control…waning around several of them. I was hoping she could help."

"Got it. Akatsuki guy with a Sharingan and love troubles. I'll get back to you with their replies in a few days. See ya, aniki." Gamakichi then disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Naruto sighed in relief. Let Jiraiya and Tsunade deal with that business. They sure as hell are smarter than Naruto. He stretched before started strolling in the direction of the cabin. He took his sweet time with this walk. He wasn't in a hurry anymore.

It took close to half an hour for Naruto to arrive at the cabin. He strolled in without a care, but stopped when he saw Evangeline waiting for him with Chachamaru by her side. Naruto raised an eyebrow. Did he underestimate her, and she was going to try and attack him? No, that would be stupid of her. She couldn't beat him as she was? So what was she doing?

Naruto tilted his head before smiling widely and exclaiming, "Hey, Eva-chan."

To his surprise, she didn't react. She just smirked before declaring, "I know."

Naruto blinked before asking in befuddlement, "Know what? How big I am? If so, you pervert!" He ended with a smirk.

"What! No," Evangeline reacted without thought before regaining composure. Naruto smirked. Evangeline was so fun to fluster. Much better than the whole cold, evil queen feeling she usually aimed for. He stopped though when she actually grinned at him. Okay, what did she find out that made her so confident. She pointed at him and proclaimed, "Royal magic."

"Huh?" Naruto grunted out in complete confusion.

Evangeline didn't seem to notice though, as she nodded her head with eyes closed as she clarified, "I knew I felt your energy before. It just took me a while to notice. I have only ever fought one royal magic user before, and it was over two centuries ago. I have no idea how you are related to the royal bloodline of the magical world, but I don't care. I got you figured out, brat."

Evangeline still didn't notice Naruto completely confused look, and stalked away. Naruto just blinked blankly. What was that? Royal magic?

Fuck it. Naruto decided to just ignore everything she just said. Today had to many revelations and surprises. Naruto just wanted to sleep and figure it all out tomorrow. So he moved to his room and quickly stripped to his boxers. He then dropped onto his futon. He was out like a light within moments.

This chapter is shorter than i expected. The party scene got really extended. I swear, i did not plan all the scenes centered around Naruto being a dom. Totally out of nowhere for me too.

Not a whole lot happened in this chapter besides the Sayo scene. This chapter did have hints and setups for later events. See if you can spot them.