Yo. This is Never Ending Dawn. (NED)

This is my first story, so I'm open to advice on how I could write it better.

Officially being rewritten!

Kakashi briefly wondered how he ended up in this situation. He had been leading an eight man squad to capture Sasuke when they had been delayed by a masked member of Akatsuki. The fight had been ridiculous, trying to deal with the members seemingly impossible speed. They hadn't even landed a hit before the weird plant member of Akatsuki arrived to say that Itachi was dead, to Kakashi's complete shock. Truthfully, Kakashi hadn't even thought of the possibility of Itachi being defeated by Sasuke, Itachi was just that powerful .So either he severely underestimated Sasuke or there was more to what happened then he knew of.

He's getting off track. Before 'Tobi' left the battlefield, Kakashi had seen it. A Sharingan in the hole of the man's mask, and Tobi saw that Kakashi saw. Leading to his current situation. No warning whatsoever. Just a rather large kunai being shoved through his heart from behind. Kakashi slowly turned his head to see that Tobi had gotten behind him in a split second. The answer came to Kakashi, space-time ninjutsu. That was how he had been evading them.

Tobi spoke in a serious tone, completely different from his earlier voice, "I didn't plan this, but I can't let you tell what you saw."

Tobi wasn't able to say anything else before Naruto screamed out, "Bastard!" Naruto then attempted to hit the man with a Rasengan, but the attack literally passed through Tobi. Tobi then disappeared into a portal, which Kakashi now saw was originating from his Sharingan. It was Kamui, used to a degree Kakashi could never manage.

Kakashi barely noticed as Yamato caught him and slowly lowered him to the ground. Sakura immediately appeared above him. A small grunt came from him as she removed the kunai, before she started working on healing his wound. Just seconds in, she cried out, "It isn't working. The kunai was covered in poison. It has paralyzed his heart and is spreading."

Kakashi closed his eyes briefly. So he was going to die. At least he could tell them what he learned about Tobi before he passed. He opened his mouth and prepared to speech, but nothing came out. His eyes widened as he realized why Tobi had used a paralysis poison. It had paralyzed his voice box, making it so he could tell them that Tobi had the Sharingan. Kakashi clenched his hands as the edges of his vision darkened, before realizing something. He could still move his hands, the paralysis hadn't spread to his extremities yet. He quickly formed a plan. If the enemy had the Sharingan, he had to make sure his side did. It also might be able to tell them about Tobi's Sharingan.

Kakashi started to quickly make the hand signs ANBU used to communicate. It couldn't do anything complicated, just simple orders, but hopefully Yamato could understand what he was trying to tell him. He already felt his hands start to stiffen, but he persevered till he finished by pointing towards his own face.

Kakashi never felt such relief as when he heard Yamato yell, "Sakura stop. He's dying. I think he said to give his Sharingan to Naruto."

After that, all he heard was some nonsensical yelling as he felt his hearing start shutting down. Moments later though, he felt a small twinge of pain in his eye before most of his vision went dark. He managed to move his stone like facial features into a smile before everything went black.

Yamato looked on anxiously as Sakura worked on Naruto. It had only been a minute since they removed the eye from the now still Kakashi. It was relief when Kakashi smiled before he died. The hand signs he had picked up from Kakashi had been barely readable from the dying man, and much of it wasn't even standard ANBU signs. It was more due to his intuition that he could tell what Kakashi had wanted.

It had been messy getting Naruto to agree. He clearly hadn't wanted to give up on Kakashi, but luckily Sakura quickly followed his orders. She obviously had been used to being given orders in the operating room by Tsunade that could cause a patient's death if she hesitated. It worked in their favor now. If Kakashi had died before they removed the Sharingan, it might had deactivated and become useless. Unfortunately, Naruto wasn't quite as cooperative. Yamato actually had to use an ANBU technique to basically paralyze Naruto briefly so that Sakura could implant the Sharingan.

Sakura quietly announced, "It's done. I've connected the optical nerve endings." Yamato quickly decided he should talk to her after the mission. No matter how professional, she was probably hurting from her teacher's death as well.

He was interrupted from his thoughts when Naruto let out a pained grunt. Yamato looked over with a frown. They had placed the still Naruto next to Kakashi's body. He should have still been paralyzed from the jutsu for several more minutes, but Naruto had managed to sit up and clutch at his eyes.

Yamato quickly approached and asked, "What's wrong, Naruto?"

He watched as Several tears of blood flowed down Naruto's face as the jinchuriki managed to gasp out, "My eye is burning."

Yamato frowned again. Sakura was a very skilled medic, so any pain from the implant should have been numbed by her medical jutsu. Kakashi had once claimed that the eye had always burned slightly. Though he didn't think that a slight burning sensation would be bad enough to bother Naruto, who seemed to rarely be affected by lesser pain sensations. He quickly ordered, "Let me see." Yamato still had to pry Naruto's hands away before he could see. Naruto's new left eye was letting out a constant stream of blood out the side, and Yamato saw that it was in its Mangekyou Sharingan form. Wait, it was…changing slightly. The whites of the eye were slowly turning purple and the Sharingan seemed to be darkening.

Yamato immediately tried to sense his chakra, only to have his confusion increase. Naruto's chakra was literally being sucked into the eye, mixing with the special chakra naturally produced by Sharingan. The two types of chakra seemed to be…reacting to each other or something.

Suddenly, Yamato's finely honed instincts caused him to leap backwards. Just in time. He saw a vortex start to form around Naruto, making him appear distorted. It was Kakashi's Kamui. It must have activated from the massive amount of chakra being absorbed into the eye. Yamato quickly yelled to everyone else, "Everyone, get back."

Everyone jumped back from the rapidly growing vortex, but they were helpless as they watched Naruto and the body of Kakashi both disappear into it. Once the vortex died down, they were both gone.

Mahora Academy was a perfectly normal school in Japan. Well, besides the large number of mages, a number of demons, a vampire, some robots, the 30,000 students, and being the size of an entire city. Yep, perfectly normal. That is why when a huge explosion of abnormal energy happened in the forest surrounding the academy, a large number of people went to check it out.

Naruto groaned as he pushed himself to his feet. He looked around blearily. He was in a forest, but it was nighttime. He then clutched his left eye, which he had been keeping closed. It was still burning, but his curiosity was slowly overcoming his initial fear.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly opened it. The burning increased slightly, but Naruto was slightly awestruck, so he didn't even notice. Everything was so clear. The dark wasn't nearly as restrictive as before. Although he still couldn't see far, the clearing was shown in more detail than Naruto had ever seen before. Each blade of grass was clear, all the leaves in the trees, every star in the sky. It was all frighteningly defined.

So it was shocking when he finally registered Kakashi's body on the ground near him. Naruto immediately crouched down next to him as he whispered, "Kakashi-sensei?" He didn't expect an answer. His new incredibly clear vision saw. He was already dead.

Naruto felt grief overcome him and prepared to start sobbing over his dead sensei, but apparently he wasn't going to be allowed to. His ninja instincts screamed at him. Naruto jumped back just in time to avoid having his neck bisected. He hit the ground and saw this new threat. It wasn't what he expected. It was a blonde woman wearing fine clothes and holding a sword. She seemed to be wearing formal clothes. A white, long sleeve blouse, a black skirt with stockings underneath, and high heels. The way she was holding her sword though was that of an experienced warrior.

His observations were cut short though when his ninja instincts once again saved him. Naruto executed a back flip just in time to avoid another sword wielder from slicing into his back. He reached down and grabbed the collar of the girl and once he hit the ground, threw her away.

Naruto quickly jumped backwards as he scanned around him. It looked like it was just those two. He watched as the two met each other. Naruto quickly scanned the other girl with the Sharingan. She was far younger than the other. Her ebony hair was tied into a ponytail on one side with the other side handing free. She seemed to be wearing clothes more suited to fighting though, wearing a pair of hakama and a loose kimono like top.

Naruto quickly asked, "Why are you attacking me?"

The older one quickly exclaimed, "Quiet, murderer!"

Naruto quickly realized what had happened and felt like smacking his head. They found him over a dead body, of course they would misunderstand. Unfortunately, they didn't give him the chance to try to explain. He found himself dodging the swords of the two. Naruto growled. Fine, if the two wanted to rush to conclusions and attack strangers, he'd stop them the hard way. The two were very skilled, but Naruto was better. Even without the Sharingan, he could have just beat them through brute force, but now the eye was making multiple opening the two had painfully clear.

Naruto jumped up and had his body face the ground to dodge the high and low attack the two did. As soon as the sword passed below him, his feet hit the ground before he did a spin kick to the smaller girl. She managed to block it with her sword, but with his other foot rooted to the ground with chakra, the kick quickly launched the short girl backwards with extreme force to slam into a tree really hard. He then smoothly moved his body to the side to dodge the older woman's attempt to attack him. Her sword dug into the ground, and Naruto used one hand to prevent her from lifting it as he used his other hand to deliver a palm strike to her stomach. Spit flew from her mouth before she was thrown backwards into a tree as well. Naruto held his right hand out and quickly charged a Rasengan before leaping forward. The recovering woman tried to block it with her sword, but Naruto's attack only paused a moment before the entire sword broke. The woman's eyes widened in shock before closing them as his Rasengan approached. Naruto drilled it into the tree right over her shoulder. This caused the woman to open her eyes in surprise at not feeling pain.

Naruto quickly yelled at the surprised woman, "Let me explain. This is all a mis-"

Naruto barely caught it. If it wasn't for the Sharingan being on his left side, he never would have dodged it. He just had the time to jerk his head back before something passed right where his head had been. It was a streak even to his Sharingan. Naruto let out frustrated growl at another interference. This one using projectiles so fast even his Sharingan couldn't follow completely.

He quickly moved behind a tree as he thought. He hadn't sensed anyone new, so they had to be a good distance away. He had to at least home in on their position before he could try and attack. He peeked around the corner to look at where the projectile had come, only to have to duck back to avoid another one which blew off a small section of bark. Still, his Sharingan had seen it. Someone about two hundred yards away.

A plan formed, Naruto made his favorite hand sign and a clone popped into existence. The clone nodded before running away.

Mana frowned as she saw the boy run out from behind the tree. She had come about the same time at Kuzuhona-sensei and Setsuna. She had thought they could handle it, but the boy had managed to dispatch them, rather easily in fact. Kuzuhona probably wouldn't be alive if the boy wanted. If that wasn't a sign of his skill, then dodging her opening shot was. It had been perfect. He hadn't been aware of her presence at all. Yet he still managed to dodge. She had been so shocked he managed to get into cover before she recovered.

She now engaged in a waiting battle with the boy. Setsuna seemed to be stunned, and Kuzuhona-sensei was out due to him breaking her sword. The boy kept trying to use the trees as obstacles to approach her, but luckily the trees weren't that dense in this area of the forest. She let off constant bullets whenever he came into view, but he kept managing to barely dodge, which irritated her to no end. She always made sure to not overestimate herself, but she should be able to finish this easily. Even Takahata-sensei probably couldn't defeat her at this range and at night. Her spells breaker bullets made barriers useless, but they didn't travel as fast as real bullets. So one could see them and dodge in daylight if they were extremely fast, but no one could possibly see one of her bullets at night. Still, he had no chance of getting close to her. She could just stall him till Setsuna recovered.

Naruto appeared behind the person in a pop, now seeing that it was a tan girl holding some metal tube in her hands. She turned her head as he appeared in complete shock. He mentally grinned at the duped girl. He had used his clone to distract her and go in a different direction while he went the opposite way to circle around her till he had the opening to use shunshin to close the distance.

The shocked girl reacted slowly, allowing him to easily grab her collar like he did the other girl, but he was interrupted before he could throw her. He had to pull back his arm to prevent it from being amputated by one of the largest shuriken Naruto had ever seen. He turned to see another girl, (didn't they have any guys here?) standing on a tree branch wearing loose clothing like a ninja. She wasn't wearing a headband, so Naruto couldn't tell what village she had come from though.

The girl seemed to have her eyes closed as she smiled and said, "Pardon my intrusion, de gozaru, but I think it is time I stepped in."

Naruto growled out angrily, "How many of you are there?"

She ignored him, leaping towards him in an attack. Immediately clones puffed into being around her. Naruto growled and pulled out some kunai before tossing them at all the copies. They all pulled out their own to try and block them, but Naruto had charged them all with wind nature chakra. They sliced through easily before hitting their targets in vital points. Every copy immediately disappeared, leaving only one. Realizing that she was outclassed, she tossed a kunai in desperation to try and distract him. To her shock, it hit him right in the stomach. Her narrowed eyes widened though when it disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Naruto appeared behind her and told her seriously, "Clones are useless against me." He then landed a punch to her back, launching her forward into the other girl, who had pulled out smaller versions of that weird tube thing. The girl didn't have a chance to dodge before the two collided. He then dodged the sword strike of the girl who had tried to sneak up on him. He now used the opportunity to once again grab and throw her away. This time she managed to twist in midair to land on her feet before the other two, who had recovered.

Naruto was truly irritated now. He might be stronger than them, but they had the numbers to allow each to recover from his attacks. He also didn't want to hurt them, so he was limited in what he could use. It seemed he would have to use more than taijutsu to keep them all down long enough to explain himself.

He quickly started forming hand signs. The three recognized the threat. The sword wielder charged forward, the ninjas threw a few shuriken, and the tan girl aimed those tube things. They were too late though. Naruto raised his hands to his mouths before shouting, "Fuuton: Daitoppa!" He then released a powerful gust of wind from his mouth towards the three. The three were immediately picked up and thrown back, there attacks completely stopped. The three flew through the air before slamming into the ground right in the clearing where this all started.

Naruto sighed before approaching the completely disoriented girls. Now he just had to explain that he meant them no harm. Hopefully no one else would arrive till he finished.

Fate decided to mock him, cause right after that though, it felt as if a boulder was thrown at him from his right side. Naruto immediately flew through several trees before coming to a stop. He cursed at his carelessness before he lost consciousness.

Takahata Takamichi let out a sigh of relief. It was lucky the man had been focusing on his students. If he hadn't caught him by surprise, it would have turned into a messy fight. Even he would struggle against someone of that strength, judging by his three students and Kuzunoha being defeated so easily.

He turned to the three girls who were still on the ground before asking, "Are you three alright?" The three were struggling to stand, but each of them still nodded. So he turned to Kuzunoha, who had come and gotten him once she had been defeated. He immediately reprimanded, "You should know better than to jump to conclusions, Kuzunoha-kun. It seems he was trying to avoid hurting you all, but if he hadn't been so merciful, this might have turned out much worse."

Kuzunoha lowered her head as she admitted, "I know. I didn't behave as a professional."

Takamichi quickly started ordering, "We need to clean this situation up though." He turned to the three girls who had finally managed to rise to their feet, "You three go back to your rooms and don't say a word." He then turned to Kuzunoha and continued, "You should take him to the infirmary. I'll take the body and talk to the dean."

Kuzunoha nodded, but asked, "What is going to happen to him though?"

Takamichi sighed before saying softly, "I don't know. It's up to the dean, but I have a feeling a lot of things will change, what with the new year starting in two days."

Naruto groaned as he awoke. He slowly reached up to cover his left eye. It was burning again. All the images flowing through his mind hurt like hell also. They were all blurry and going at a speed he couldn't follow, so all it did was give him a terrible headache. What was happening? Is this what Kakashi always had to deal with? That fight should not been stressful on his chakra level at all, but Naruto still felt slightly drained. He hadn't noticed, but the Sharingan had managed to siphon off quite a bit of his chakra. The images were slowing down, but it still hurt.

Naruto opened his right eye slowly, while keeping the left firmly closed. He saw a white roof, and then caught a whiff of disinfectant. He groaned again as he realized that he was in a hospital. At least he wasn't dead. They must have realized he didn't want to hurt them. When he felt his right shoulder ache though, he wondered what had hit him. He had been relying on the Sharingan so much in that match he didn't even notice when someone attacked from the other side.

Naruto slowly tried to stand up, but quickly realized that someone had stripped him down to his boxers. Naruto wasn't to shy about showing his body, but leaving in his boxers would draw a lot of attention to himself. He quickly scanned the room, but couldn't see them anywhere. Naruto's eye twitched as he realized that he was stuck here.

Sighing, he sat onto the bed once again before closing his eyes. He started taking deep breaths and started meditating like Ero-Sennin had taught him. He wasn't particularly good at it, but it would hopefully help him sort out these images flooding his mind. At first, it availed him nothing but a headache from actually focusing on it. Yet he continued, and was eventually rewarded with the images started slowing down. He saw a whole lot of different techniques, hand signs, so many opponents it was difficult to even see all of their faces. Naruto mentally flinched when he saw Zabuza before focusing on those images.

They all came together to almost feel like a movie. He saw Zabuza being held down by a pack of dogs, and watched as lightning filled the edge of his vision before rushing forward. He saw in almost perfect detail as another figure jumped in the way too fast for the lightning covered fist to maneuver out of the way. The face of Haku was shown in perfect clarity as the Raikiri pierced his heart.

Naruto stopped meditating immediately, coming out with his heart racing. Even worse, as soon as he opened his right eye, he saw a man leaning against the desk several feet away from him. Naruto instinctively jumped backwards, but quickly flipped over due to the bed blocking his legs. He crashed into the floor for an instant before he jumped to his feet. Naruto quickly saw the man hadn't moved to take advantage of his surprise, but had started chuckling at his fall. Naruto felt his face redden in embarrassment.

Trying to ignore his red face, Naruto examined the man. It was a middle aged man with silverfish blond hair. He was dressed smartly in a white suit, which contradicted with the scruff on his chin and the cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth.

The man quickly gave an easy smile before apologizing, "Sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you. I entered several minutes ago, but it seemed like you were busy thinking. Didn't want to interrupt you."

Naruto coughed into his hand as he fought back the blush before replying, "No problem. I didn't realize I had been sitting there that long anyways." Naruto now focused on the man before asking, "So who are you?"

Takamichi smiled before claiming, "I'm sorry. Where are my manners? My name is Takamichi Takahata."

Naruto nodded before saying automatically, "I'm Naruto Uzumaki. Nice to meet you." An awkward pause ensued between the two before Naruto asked, "So can I have my clothes back, and can you tell me where I am?"

Takamichi nodded before explaining, "Of course. We were just washing your clothes. As for where you are, I'm to take you to the headmaster. Hopefully we can answer a few of your questions, and you ours. However, I guess I can tell you that you are currently in the infirmary of Mahora Academy, in Japan." He ended by gesturing to the desk where Naruto's clothes were folded in a pile.

Naruto frowned at the unfamiliar name. Mahora Academy? Japan? He quickly started putting on his clothes as he thought of that. He barely remembered how he had ended up in that forest, but he had remembered the burning in his eyes. The rest of the team wouldn't abandon him, and since they hadn't been anywhere near a 'Mahora' in the first place, it meant something had gone wrong. What though? He didn't have nearly enough information to know. If this 'headmaster' could give him more information, well he didn't really have a choice. Not to mention he could feel in his gut that this Takamichi was strong, and probably would use force to get him to the headmaster if necessary.

Naruto straightened, fully dressed, although he mentally frowned when he noticed they hadn't given him his weapons back. Oh well. Naruto turned to Takamichi and said seriously, "Lead on."

Takamichi nodded and started walking away. Naruto followed as they left the infirmary. Naruto quickly found himself being led through a lot of hallways lined with doors. It quickly became clear to Naruto that if he lost Takamichi, he would be hopelessly lost. It was only after the two climbed a flight of stairs that Naruto saw the first window in the place.

Naruto was struck speechless by the sight. He had traveled around with Jiraiya a lot. He'd seen the largest cities the Elemental Nations had to offer, and they all paled in comparison to the sight before him. Buildings stretched as far as the eye could see, and some of them were beyond belief. He saw buildings in the distance that rose into the sky itself. Naruto had seen several skyscrapers in some large cities, but none as tall as these. Not to mention all of the buildings seemed to be more advanced, more perfectly designed.

He was so awed by the sight that Takamichi had to stop and wait. When Naruto realized, he let out a weak, "Nice view."

Takamichi didn't look fooled, just lead him down the hallways before walking through another door. This one didn't lead to another hallway, but an office. As Naruto walked in, he got his first glimpse of the headmaster. He had to be one of the weirdest looking people Naruto had ever seen, and that is saying something. Naruto had seen Kisame Hoshigaki. The headmaster was an old man with a weirdly shaped head that was bald except for a small spot in the back. He also had a long beard and eyebrows that put Guy-sensei and Lee to shame.

Naruto looked away before it would be considered rude, and looked around the office. The headmaster sat behind a large desk while there were chairs around a table in front of him. The desk had a small second level, and almost all of the walls were lined with book shelves.

Looking back to the headmaster, Naruto quickly exclaimed, "Hey old man. Nice office."

The headmaster seemed to take it in stride, just chuckling before responding, "Thanks. My name is Konoemon Konoe. Now take a seat, I think we both have some things to discuss." Naruto grew serious as he nodded and sat in the single chair. Takamichi took a spot on the couch. Silence filled the air before the headmaster spoke seriously, "Now before anything else, I must have an answer as to why you were on my school's campus with a dead body."

Naruto twitched at his words, but realized that he would have to answer his questions to have a chance to ask his own. Naruto tightened his hands before admitting, "I don't know."

The headmaster frowned as he asked, "What do you mean, you don't know?"

Naruto took another breath before explaining, "I mean, I don't know how I ended up here. Least thing I remember, I was with a large group in a forest in Fire Country. I haven't even heard of a Mahora before, and I am probably one of the most well traveled shinobi in my village. So I really have no idea why I am here."

The headmaster frowned before answering, "Well I've never heard of a Fire Country before."

Now, Naruto knew he wasn't the smartest person in the world, but he also knew he wasn't the stupidest. He just found thinking to be very annoying. He preferred to act, but Jiraiya had made sure to beat it into Naruto when to think instead of act. Ever since looking through the window and seeing the city Naruto had been thinking. He was in the heart of Fire Country when things went crazy. He was sure that none of the cities in Fire Country were as large or advanced as the city he had just seen through the window, not even the capital. So he naturally wasn't in Fire Country anymore.

So now two new issues has appeared. Where was he and how did he get here? Takamichi had said he was at Mahora Academy, in Japan. Naruto didn't recognize either name, and as Naruto had said before, he was well traveled. Jiraiya had literally taken him everywhere during his training trip. Naruto had literally walked in every country in the Elemental Nations besides a few really small and inconsequential ones. Jiraiya had actually hired a ship to take them so far to the east, even past Water Country, that they had landed on the far western part of the Elemental Countries. Jiraiya had claimed that was proof that the world of actually round. The fact that Naruto hadn't heard of these names left only three options that he could think of.

One option was that these two were lying to him about where he was, but that didn't make much sense. Naruto had seen the city, and he knew that there was no place in the Elemental Nations like it. Naruto wasn't the best person at telling when he was being lied to, considering he preferred to trust people, but he was pretty sure these they were being genuine in their confusion on his presence. So Naruto doubted this was all an act.

Two, this was all a genjutsu. Naruto doubted it though. He may not have any skill in genjutsu, but even he knew that genjutsu relied on the casters mental capabilities. There was a reason most genjutsu only altered certain parts of the victims perception, moving everything to the right slightly, trapping them in a tree, etc. To do anything more than alter a small part of the victims perception of reality required immense concentration and mental prowess. Naruto only knew of two people so skilled in genjutsu that they could literally trap the victim in a world created by their genjutsu. Itachi Uchiha and that Yakumo girl he had helped a few years back, and both of them had bloodlines to aid them. The fact that Naruto had been on a mission to track down Itachi made this option slightly more plausible, but it was still far fetched. That Tobi guy had said Sasuke killed Itachi before things went crazy, and while that could have also been part of a genjutsu crafted by Itachi to trick Naruto, Naruto doubted Itachi would so much trouble to trap Naruto in such a complex illusion. The main reason Naruto discarded this idea though was that there was nothing he could do if this was the case. Naruto hadn't been able to escape the genjutsu Itachi had managed to cast on him by waving his finger while simultaneously fighting Kakashi. If this was a genjutsu, then it was to the absolute best of Itachi's abilities. So the chance of Naruto being able to break out of it was pathetically small, even by Naruto's standards. So he hoped it wasn't a genjutsu.

The final option was that this wasn't his world. Naruto had traveled all over his world and since this place didn't fit, it must be in another one. That would explain them not even recognizing the name Fire Country. The only issue would be how he ended up here. The only way a person could possibly end up in another world is through a Space-Time Techniques. Besides summoning, Naruto didn't know any such techniques. Kakashi did have Kamui though, which he used with his Sharingan…Which Naruto now had. Naruto admitted it was farfetched, but that seemed like the best option Naruto could think of. Someone like Shikamaru could probably do a whole lot better, but since Naruto was alone…He had to rely on his own reasoning skills.

Naruto put his head in his hands and letting out a groan as he finally accepted the third conclusion. He then looked up and claimed, "I think I have an idea of what happened."

The headmaster quickly asked, "What do you mean?"

Naruto answered seriously, "I think I am in a different world."

Neither Takamichi or the headmaster replied for almost half a minute. Finally, the headmaster asked simply, "Why do you think that? Your inner energy does seem strange, but another world?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow before mumbling, "Inner energy…oh. You mean my chakra."

The headmaster once again repeated slowly, "Chakra?"

Naruto nodded before he started explaining, "Yes. My world is mainly run by ninja villages placed inside of countries with the support of that countries daimyo. Ninjas use chakra to perform superhuman feats, like walking on water or controlling the elements."

The headmaster stroked his beard as he declared, "I see. Then it is lucky you arrived here, and not any other place. Showing such abilities could dramatically affect the balance here."

Naruto now asked, "What do you mean?"

The headmaster quickly explained, "Your use of chakra seems very similar to using magic of this world, but here, magic is a secret. Much effort is kept into keeping the existence of magic secret."

Naruto frowned before questioning, "Why do you keep it secret? It seems a lot of trouble."

The headmaster nodded but answered calmly, "We keep it a secret to prevent violence. Mages are outnumbered a hundred to one in this world, and if its existence was ever revealed, it may very well start a war between magic users and regular humans."

Naruto still frowned, but admitted softly, "I guess that makes some sense."

The headmaster obviously saw he disagreed, but ignored it to ask , "However, you still haven't told us why you believe you are in a different world, although since I've never heard of this 'chakra' then it has become far more likely."

Naruto grimaced slightly as he wondered what to do. Although it might not seem so, but Jiraiya had managed to impress upon Naruto the importance of keeping certain things secret. Most people thought Naruto was an open book to anyone willing to talk to him, but probably everyone short of Jiraiya would be shocked by some of the things Naruto kept secret.

So now Naruto had to decide what to tell these people. He did not know anything about these two. Part of Naruto wanted to keep them in the dark about him as much as possible, but another part was reasoning to tell them some about himself. If Naruto was in another world, then he needed allies. He also didn't want any enemies. Naruto could tell that both of them were strong enough that Naruto wanted to avoid getting into a fight with either of them, much less both of them at once. If he had to give them a little bit of info in order to gain their trust…then so be it.

"I think it happened because of this." Naruto then opened his left eye, which he had been keeping shut. Takamichi immediately tensed at the sight of his eye while the headmaster flinched visibly. Naruto then continued, "This is a bloodline in my world called the Sharingan. My teacher had one…He's the body you found. We fought an enemy who managed to kill him, and they implanted it to me. I remember it burning before I ended up in that forest where you found me. The Sharingan has many different abilities. One of which Kakashi-sensei showed me in a battle before. He called it Kamui. He didn't know a whole lot about it, but it seemed to be a space-time jutsu. They are extremely rare, but they are literally able to manipulate space and time, mainly space. I think something went wrong which caused this ability to activate. I'm guessing me and Kakashi-sensei's body got pulled into it."

The headmaster stroked his beard as he looked at the Sharingan for several moments before replying, "I see. Fascinating theory. Plausible too. All we know is that an explosion of an unknown energy happened yesterday, which caused so many people to investigate."

Naruto nodded, but clutched his eye again without warning. He let out a pained groan as images flooded his head again. Apparently opening the eye had caused it to respond again.

The headmaster quickly asked in a worried voice, "Is something wrong?"

Naruto looked up and forced a grin before explaining, "Sorry, it's the eye. Not only was it implanted only a few hours ago, but I seem to be having a few complications."

Takamichi was the one who questioned, "What sort of complications? Should we call a healer into here?"

Naruto shook his head before clarifying, "Just some adaptation issues. The Sharingan is a bloodline limit of the Uchiha clan. I'm not an Uchiha, so I seem to be having problems with a few of its abilities. Not only does it have eyesight like five times better than a normal eye, but it also seems to give photographic memory for everything the eye sees. The Sharingan isn't usually transplanted to non-Uchiha, so we don't know a whole lot of what happens when it is given to a non-Uchiha. To my knowledge, Kakashi-sensei was the first. It seems as if the eye is forcing images of when Kakashi-sensei used it into my head."

The headmaster quickly whispered in an awed voice, "Amazing. Are you saying that the eye itself seems to have its own memory?"

Naruto nodded while grimacing in pain. He then explained, "It seems so. I couldn't even understand them when I woke up, but I seem to be adapting. Using the eye is very chakra intensive for non-Uchiha, so Kakashi-sensei only really used it in battle. It is like watching a movie of dozens of fights running through my mind. Not really a memory. I don't hear his thoughts or anything. Just a video of what the eye had seen." Suddenly, Naruto's face reddened as he saw a new set of images. He forcibly prevented blood from escaping his nose as he continued in a an awed voice, "Apparently he also used it to when he had sex. Lucky bastard, I didn't know he had a threesome with Anko and Kurenai-sensei."

The headmaster immediately let out a perverted giggle while Takamichi's face reddened slightly. The headmaster immediately whispered, "Lucky you then, having that ingrained in your head."

Naruto nodded before looking down. The two watched curiously as Naruto smiled before declaring, "Hehe. I'm bigger."

The headmaster now coughed before saying quickly, "Moving on. Since you've told me about your situation, I guess I can tell you about what will happen now."

Naruto looked up before asking in a confused tone, "What do you mean?"

The headmaster quickly shed light on what he meant, "Considering that you seem to be having trouble with your 'Sharingan' and the fact that you said space-time 'jutsu' are rare, it seems likely that you are currently stuck here. If that is the case, I am willing to give you a job."

Naruto's eyes widened and his jaw dropped before he exclaimed in shock, "What? Why would you do that?"

The headmaster stroked his beard as he explained calmly, "Well, Mahora Academy is a very special place. The World Tree," Naruto quickly assumed it was the giant ass tree he could see from the window, "Is one of twelve magical points throughout the world. We can assume this is why you ended up here."

Naruto tilted his head as he asked, "What do you mean?"

The headmaster quickly explained, "The World Tree saturates the surrounding area in magic. This is one of the most magical points in the world. It seems logical that this magic in the air is probably what caused you to end up here, instead of in the middle of the ocean. It probably acted almost like a beacon to your 'Kamui.' Anyways, this academy is far from normal. Due to the World Tree, many magically aware students attend this school. Naturally, this gathering is a beacon for trouble. I am always on the lookout for people who could help ensure the safety of my students. Considering how easily you defeated four of my best fighters, it is easy to see that you are capable. I would be foolish not to try and use this opportunity to use your abilities to both of our benefits."

Naruto thought for a moment before narrowing his eyes. He quickly said in an accusatory tone, "That isn't all. I can tell. Why else are you offering me this?"

The headmaster raised an eyebrow before commenting in an impressed tone, "You are sharper than I had thought. Okay. First, let me ask a question. Do you believe in fate, Naruto-kun?"

Naruto blinked in shock for a moment before responding, "I guess. Why?"

The headmaster nodded before continuing, "Well, I find your arrival to be so coincidental, it is almost like fate. The school is currently on break, but will be starting tomorrow again. Starting tomorrow, there will also be a new teacher here. A mage who has just finished his schooling, and has been given an assignment."

Naruto quickly asked in a slightly irritable voice, "What does that have to do with me?"

The headmaster quickly stated in a deadpan, "He's ten. His name is Negi Springfield. He's a boy genius, but I still had been thinking that he could use some help since he's so young. Not to mention the class he is getting is…slightly rambunctious. I thought that having you there to keep discipline and function as a male role model would be a perfect arrangement."

Naruto quickly asked, "So I would be a teacher?"

The headmaster shrugged before correcting, "Assistant teacher, but yes. Essentially."

Naruto frowned before claiming, "I'm not too sure. I'm not really a teacher sort of person, and I should focus on trying to get home."

The headmaster frowned before saying, "I can't force you, but I hope you will agree. Negi is young and needs a role model."

Naruto just shrugged as he declared, "I just don't really feel like teaching a group of brats."

Takamichi quickly informed him, "Actually, you would be teaching an all girls class of fourteen year olds."

Naruto now paused as he imagined that. Kind of young for his taste, but now something in his gut told him to take the job, whatever the cost. It said that if he did take the job, his inner pervert would forever be satisfied.

Still, he couldn't take a job before checking to see if he could get home. He quickly announced to the two, "I will if I can't get home, but I need to check a few things out first. I also need Kakashi-sensei's body. Where I come from, we burn the bodies of shinobi."

The headmaster nodded before replying, "Of course, but I'll have to have your answer in before the end of the day. If you take the job, Takamichi will have to take you out to get some new clothes that are more suitable to teaching."

Naruto grimaced at that, but nodded his head in agreement.

Hope you liked my opening. This story has been going through my head for a while. I've always liked Sharingan Naruto stories, and I've wanted to do a Naruto/Negima story for a while.

This is before Naruto learns Sage Mode, and I'll probably be taking Naruto in a slightly different direction since he now has the Sharingan…and its my story. I get to do what I want.

Next Chapter: Burning Kakashi and talking to the toads.