Author's notes: So this is a spontaneous thing that I wrote because my friend asked for a GerIta romance fluff thing. I really couldn't think of a plot, so I went and looked at ideas that other fanfiction authors used—from Naruto, Man, Fullmetal Alchemist, Kingdom Hearts, etc... and saw that some people had done a sort of thing where each person of the pairing wrote a letter thing about why they loved the other. So... I'm doing that, except it's as though they were asked to write an essay... somehow. OMG, just read it. Hopefully it's good enough, Justice. :3

By the way, Justice is awesome guys. Like, Prussia would look at her and be like "OH SHIT THIS BITCH IS AWESOME." Yeeee.

I don't own Hetalia. If I did, Spain and Romano would be together (SPAMANO FTW), Germany would have kissed Italy for real, Japan and Greece would have gotten together by now, Britain and France would have solved one of their fights with a serious makeout session, Prussia would have raped (except it wouldn't be rape ;) Austria, Canada would get fed up and punch America and then they would somehow get all up in each other's grills... well, you all get my point. Since none of that happened, I clearly don't own it. T.T

This will be separated in two, with Italy speaking first. I will try to get Germany's part up in the next couple days.


Part 1: Italy


A lot of people ask me why I hang around Germany all the time... uhm... well, I love him, of course! You sillies! He can be such a big fat meanie pants some days—I hope he didn't hear me say that, though. Actually, I hope he's not home. I kinda burnt some pasta to the bottom of a pot earlier... It was an accident! Romano called me on the phone complaining about Spain being annoying again! I forgot the pasta was on... and... uhm... well, let's just say it's a good thing Prussia was around and knew how to turn off the fire alarm... and how to use a fire extinguisher... Germany is going to be really mad when he gets home.

What was I talking about? Oh, right. Why I love Germany! It's 'cause he loves me too! I mean, he never says anything, and usually always yells at me, and—oh, crap! One sec. Someone is at the door—I hope it's not Germany! Oh. It's just Prussia being a freak. I think he's running after the ice cream truck... yepp, that's definitely him. No one else runs down the street screaming "HEY STUPID ICE CREAM TRUCK MAN! WAIT FOR THE AWESOME ME I AM AWESOME PRUSSIA AND YOU SHOULD BOW BEFORE MY AWESOMENESS!" Well, no one sane, anyways. Okay, well as I was saying... where was I... Ah yes! I know Germany loves me, because he hasn't kicked me out yet! I mean... I am pretty useless. And when I try, I usually mess up... but Germany is so nice! After he's done yelling at me and going on about things in his funny angry language (hehe I love when he says 'nein', he looks like a mad gorilla!) he always helps me make things better! Romano says it's because "the potato-loving bastard doesn't like you and he secretly laughs at the little doll he has of you under his bed!" which is just ridiculous because the only thing that is under Germany's bed is a pair of underwear, dust bunnies, and a pair of froggie slippers that he told me he'd kill me if anyone found out about them (So, uh, don't tell okay?) and his... box. You know. The Box.

One time I asked to see what was inside since I can't figure out the code on the lock and open it myself. He'd promptly turned the color of spaghetti sauce, choked on his spit and passed out! I drew a moustache on him then, but don't tell~

I keep getting distracted! Let me try again. Germany... uhmm... where was I... he... Oh yeah! So after he is done yelling he helps me make things better. Which is good, because otherwise I would probably be dead now. He also pushes me. No, I don't mean like shoves me—even though sometimes he does that when he's mad—I mean like he pushes me to get better. Like with running! He always promises me pasta! What a motivation! And he keeps his promises too! I love him!

And he lets me sleep in his bed! It's really cool! He's actually super cuddly. When you look at him you think 'oooh Big Bad Mister Germany Meanie-bo-beanie!' but then he's really just a big teddy bear! He's always all "NEIN SCHEIßE GET OUT OF MY BED YOU FREAK" to me, but he never actually kicks me out! Sometimes he gets up and paces around and gets mad and looks at the box under his bed with a weird look in his eyes and then at me but I don't know why. Oh well. He also sometime goes and eats those potatoes he's got sitting there on his dresser, eating it like an apple, then comes back, lays down and just goes to sleep! It's so cute! He sometimes kicks me or yells at me to go away when I cuddle him, but he always gives up. Although he always has this look of doom on his face. I wonder why.

Ooh! Ooh! And guess what! He wears those red underpants I gave him last Christmas sometimes! Heehee! They're so cute! Germany is such a cute person! Even though he can be a meanie! And, he—


Stop getting distracted?

But I'm supposed to talk about Germany right? That's what I'm doing! Sheesh! You're like Romano with all your whining. And he's kind of a dick.

Anyways, I also love Germany because he can be really sweet sometimes. There's times when I'm feeling really sad, and I ask for a hug. He will turn red like a tomato (hehe) and then say some bad words and then mumble and then say 'fine' and hug me! He's like a chocolate. All hard on the outside but gooey on the inside! It's true, actually—have you ever touched his bum? It's really firm. Kinda weird. What? Of course I like his bum! It's part of him after all! I love all of Germany! Another thing is remember that song I wrote him? He got all mad at first and sent me back home—I came back of course—but every once in a while, I hear him singing or humming it. And get this.

It's his ringtone.

Yeah! Really! One time Prussia called him for potatoes or something and it was my song! Yay!

Germany is also a big dose of reality. Okay, I'm going to sound a bit stupido here—but he likes me for me! See, a lot of people like me because of my talents, and I'm related to Grampa Rome—but not Germany. In fact, he gets annoyed when people praise me, then always tells me I shouldn't show off so much because people might start taking me for granted. When I asked if that was the only reason he liked me (that moment was so scary—I thought he didn't like me!) he told me that he liked me for me, not because of any of my "considerable talent and skills, just because you're Italy." I almost died! I was so happy I hugged him right then and there— and he didn't even try to push me away! He hugged me back! See? Like a teddy bear!

Oh! Oh yeah! Romano told me I shouldn't tell this to anyone because it's "SCARRING AND DISGUSTING AND I HATE MY FUCKING LIFE NOW OH GOD WHY DID YOU TELL ME VENEZIANO I COULD HAVE LIVED MY WHOLE FUCKING LIFE WITHOUT KNOWING THAT DAMMIT AND NOW YOU'VE GIVEN ME FUEL TO FIRE MY NIGHTMARES FOR THE NEXT THREE CENTURIES THANK YOU VERY FUCKING MUCH STUPID LITTLE BROTHER" (those were his exact words with a bit more Italian swearing, and Spain pulled him away before he could get any further) but I really want to say it anyway! Sometimes... shhh, don't tell, okay? It's a secret. Plus, I don't need any more Romano-panic-attacks. But sometimes—ooh, this is embarrassing. Am I blushing? I am, aren't I? Ohh... well... Maybe I shouldn't say...

Okay, I'll just spit it out! I will pretend it is a plate of pasta and just eat it all in one devouring! Yeah! Okay!





Crazy right?

You didn't hear me? I don't wanna say it again... Okay. Sometimes, me and Germany kiss! It never goes more than that but it's so weird! I always feel all warm and fuzzy! He's a really good kisser and—ah, poop, someone else is at the door, one sec~

Crap! Crap! Oh no, it's Germany, he's home—I need to wrap this up—!

Let's see! SO Germany is really cute, he loves me, he helps me, he makes me improve (whether I like it or not), he lets me sleep beside him, he hugs me, and he likes me for me instead of for my talents. Right! And sometimes, we kiss! It's so fun! Heehee! That's why I love Germany! And he loves me too!

Oh, darn. He's yelling about the pasta, now, I have to go... Darn...

Hasta la pasta!

...By the way, don't tell him about this, okay? Especially not the froggie slippers... I don't want to die.


Author's note: Uhm... yepp, pointless. But... I tried. Haha I might take it down if it gets no positive feedback.

Reviews, favs and follows are muchly appreciated, that is if you want to be so nice as to grace my crappy writing with your time. LOL.

Germany's will be coming up, unless no one likes this pointless thing. Yeshhh. *hearts*
