Chapter 1: We Have a Problem

You are Dave mother fucking Strider, and you have a problem. You went to bed last night feeling like shit, and upon waking up, you feel even worse than shit. Your head is pounding, and your shirt feels a little too snug around the chest. You raise your head to find platinum blonde locks of hair cascading down, and around your face. Running your fingers through it, you find it's your own hair, not a wig, and that creeps you out just a bit. Striders aren't supposed to feel creeped out. You decide to get up to look into a mirror, see what's up.

You are Dave Strider, not that you never stopped being Dave Strider, and you just looked into the full length mirror in your bedroom. You have long, silky, platinum blonde hair, a pair of D cup boobs on your chest, and a lovely hourglass figure. If this wasn't your reflection, you would think this girl was a very fine looking bitch.

A look of utter horror spreads across Dave's face in a matter of seconds. Dave pulled at his boxers revealing that he no longer had a dick on top of everything else.

"What the FUCK!" Dave stated. His voice had risen a couple octaves as well.

"Everything alright in there lil' man?" Bro called from the living room.

Dave would have gladly stated everything was fine, but everything was not motherfuckin' fine.

"BRO!" Dave yelled. He didn't care at the moment if he sounded cool or not. He freaking had boobs and long hair, keeping his, well, her cool was not the most pressing issue at the moment.

"Dave, what did I tell you about yelling?" Bro answered in that same, emotionless tone, as he flash stepped into Dave's room, ready to get his ass up to the roof for a strife.

However, when Bro looked to where Dave was he almost let his jaw drop. Almost. Bro raised an eyebrow as he took in the sight before him.

"Don't say anything. I am in a really shitty mood, and I would really appreciate it if you didn't fucking laugh."

Bro just stood there for a moment; staring intently at Dave's body. He now had long, soft, hair that would make any girl jealous. He also had a nice set of plump, round tits where his toned pecks had been (they were as toned as a boy of thirteen could have them). Dave's shirt wasn't too clingy, but it looked like he had a nice, curvaceous figure; not to mention a mighty fine ass.

Damn! Lil' man really makes one hot bitch. Bro now had a smirk plastered on his face having thought of a pretty good phrase.

"Dave, why are you a bitch?" Bro joked, his smirk widening a little.

"This isn't the time for stupid ass jokes Bro, this is serious!" Dave felt tears collecting in his eyes. He tried to hold them back, knowing that Bro would definitely kick his girly ass into next week if he let them fall.

Bro noticed that Dave was really feeling stressed, and being reduced to tears, so he did him, well, her a favor and cut the crap.

"Okay, sorry. I can try and figure something out, but I can't make any promises. You could be stuck like this forever." Bro stated bluntly.

"Fine, just fucking get out. I need to take a shower."

"'Kay lil' sis, whatever you say. You wouldn't mind if I joined you in there first right? I haven't showered ye-"

"NO!" Dave growled as she pushed past Bro into the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

Geez, Dave's really in a pissy mood today. Bro smiled as he made his way to the computer. He needed to at least find the tiniest scrap of information before Dave was finished in the shower.

~Author's Note:

Hope you all have enjoyed the first chapter. ;)

I got this idea today. I am sure others have written stories like this before, but I figured what's one more? Please comment, because I really need to know if I am doing a good job capturing the characters that are Bro and Dave.