Hawke sat at Varric's table watching the dwarf pace back and forth in his room at the Hanged Man. He had asked her to stop by, but now he remained oddly quiet as she sat in silence, waiting to hear what he wanted to discuss.

Varric stopped, turned to Hawke, but then continued his path along the south wall. He'd planned this entire speech in his head a dozen times, but now that Hawke was here, he was at a loss for words. Which frustrated him beyond measure, because Varric always had the talent for words, even ones as difficult as this.

"Oh enough of this," he said, walking toward the table and placing his hands on the chipped wood. He released a long sigh before continuing. "This is awkward."

"I gathered from the path in the floor you've created," Hawke replied. "Whatever it is Varric, I'll hear you out. Take your time."

Varric sat opposite her, adjusting Bianca on his back as he did so. "Always so reasonable," he commented before sighing again. "Look. I just wanted to say that it has been an honor knowing you."

Hawke raised a brow. "Are you about to die?" She asked him. "Am I? What's going on Varric?"

The panic in her voice was not the reaction he had hoped for. "No, no, nothing like that. It's just...I needed to get that off my chest. There have been so many close calls over the years; the Deep Roads, the Qunari, and I've never told you, well, what I just told you."

"Well it has been an honor knowing you as well Varric," Hawke said as she smiled. "We've been through a lot together, you and I."

"We have indeed," he replied. "And I know things with Choir Boy are progressing, no doubt you two will be headed off to Starkhaven to live your happily ever after. But when I think back on when we first met, six years ago in fact since that day you and Carver went to Bartrand about the expedition, I realized I never told you that I appreciate your friendship. So there you have it."

"I know it's foolish of me to ask," Hawke began, looking away, "But you know you are more than welcome to come with us."

Varric laughed. "And give up all this? I've been in Kirkwall my entire life. You think Kirkwall, you think Varric. Without Bartrand around, the guild would kill me if I left. Besides, that's your adventure to move on to, not mine."

Hawke wasn't surprised that just the thought of leaving Varric was bringing tears to her eyes. "You're not rid of me yet Varric," she told him as she tried to compose herself. "Still a few things to do around here, and Sebastian is still gathering allies. I'm sure we can get ourselves into all sorts of trouble before I go."

Varric nodded and lifted his glass. "Then here's to whatever comes next."

Dearest Father,

Varric and I have been through so much together. When I think back on the amount of times that dwarf has been there for me, I can't help but tear up to think he won't be in my future. He's not the type of person to get all mushy or express his feelings, that much has been obvious from the moment I met him, so to have him say that it's been an honor being my friend meant everything to me.

After he introduced himself to Carver and I after being rejected by Bartrand, I knew we would become fast friends. Our first job together was with Anders trying to help his friend Karl; anyone who would stand beside a mage while fighting templars had to be someone special. I also owe him a lot for Sebastian.

Varric was the one who suggested we check the Chanter's board for work that day, which was the first time I saw Sebastian. Had he never suggested it, things may have turned out quite differently for me. To think of a life without Sebastian is unimaginable now, so I owe Varric more than I think he even realizes.

We've also had countless discussions about our siblings throughout the years, something I haven't really been able to talk to anyone else about. He and Carver used to bond over being professional younger brothers, but what Carver doesn't know is Varric and I would bond over feeling responsible for our siblings. Bartrand never had much business sense; it was always Varric making the deals for him. And Carver, well, you know what he's like Father - hot-headed and irrational sometimes, and didn't always make the best decisions. I'm thankful he's doing much better now, though I wish the same could be said about Bartrand.

Varric doesn't talk about him much, but I know he worries. It's not easy to be away from your sibling, regardless of where they are or what they are going through. I hate not being able to see Carver every day like I used to, and I know Varric feels the same about Bartrand. I almost feel bad to complain about it with Carver at least in the same city as me. I wonder if Varric plans on visiting Bartrand, or if it may be too painful to do so? That reminds me, I never did ask him if that piece of the idol was any help to him.

I hope so.

Author's Note: I apologize for the delay, and regret to inform you that more delays may be in the future for this story. There are only 3 chapters left, but they are 3 very critical chapters, so I want to give them the time and love they deserve. Thanks to everyone for the continued support and patience. Next week is the 3 year anniversary of writing this story...crazy! But it's almost done; I want the end to be perfect (in my eyes at least) so I hope you understand.