Author's note: I'm so sorry for not updating. I've had a lot going on. And I also apologise for how short this chapter is. The next one is pretty sad. I'm working on that one.

Terezi woke up to a chilling breeze crawling across her skin. She cracked open one eye and then shut it. It felt like her eyes were made of dried leather. Rubbing them hard with both hands, and opened them again. She found herself still on the beanbag chair. Gamzee was nowhere to be seen. Sitting up, Terezi looked in all directions for him, but to no avail. Her skin suddenly felt cold again, and it took her a minute to realize that she was still not wearing anything. She instinctively wrapped her arms across her chest, gripping her shoulders. Her teeth chattered involuntarily, and she began looking for her clothes. She spied them folded up in a neat pile on the wooden chair. Gamzee's work. Terezi smiled as she leaned over and slid them over to the beanbag. She made sure to get her bra and panties on first, since, well, you know. After donning her shirt and pants, she sat back on the beanbag. She was still feeling cold.

Terezi began looking for something like a blanket or a jacket. She took note of how cold and wet the grass was under her feet, and she came to the conclusion that the ground had frosted. She spied a hoodie handing up on a nail that was jammed into one of the tent poles. Heaving herself up from the beanbag chair, she made her way to the pole. She made a sort of duck walk as she fumbled around. Gamzee had certainly given her a good time last night. Taking the slightly damp hoodie from the nail, Terezi stuffed herself through it immediately. The fleece inside was sort of coarse and lumpy, as if someone had run it through the dryer on more than one occasion. But she didn't care; it was already warming her up. She absently took note of the purple Capricorn symbol on the front as she made her way back to the beanbag chair. After gingerly sitting down, she began to mull over the events of the night before. She found herself feeling confused, in a way. Yes, she had been in control of herself, but she didn't know why she had let herself have sex with Gamzee, of all people. She wasn't sure how it had even happened. But nothing she could do about it. It was over and done.

I really hope that doesn't mean we are dating or anything...

For it was true; while Terezi knew that having sex with someone could make you develop "romantic" feelings for someone, she felt nothing for Gamzee. And she wished with all her might that he felt the same way about her. And speaking of Gamzee, he walked in the tent as she was thinking about that. In his hands were a long, white, cardboard box, and one of those ugly brown mushy cardboard cup carriers, which held two cups inside it. Gamzee set the white box on the wooden chair, and he offered the cup carrier to her.

"I got you some coffee," he said in a low, but content tone of voice.

Terezi grinned and took one of the cups from the carrier. The to-go cup of coffee felt nice and hot, and it warmed up her cold hands. She cautiously took a sip; it was very hot, but not enough to burn her tongue. She detected hints of vanilla and caramel in the coffee, which were flavours she had never had in a drink before. She looked up at Gamzee, smiling, "Why be a clown when you could be a barista?"

Gamzee shrugged and chuckled, "I make better motherfuckin' money here than I would at Starbucks," he said, taking a drink of his own, "but I'm glad you like it." He then opened the white box, and Terezi noted, with sheer delight, the assortment of donuts that were inside. He offered the box to her, allowing her to take the first pick. Terezi immediately snatched up one with a chocolate glaze that had sprinkles on it. She loved sprinkles. They were so colourful and tasty. Gamzee took a filled donut and took a bite out of it. As he chewed, Terezi could see the purple jelly inside, and it made her hungry. She began eating her own donut, savouring it.

Gamzee finished chewing and then just randomly sucked out all of the jelly in the donut. He then ate the rest of the donut, chewing noisily. Not really caring about his eating habits, Terezi finished her own donut and picked up a cream-filled one. After quickly finishing that one, she made short work of a regular glazed one. The Capricorn seemed amused by her appetite and calmly began nibbling on his second pastry. Terezi took a few gulps of coffee and then began eating a fourth.

Terezi noticed that Gamzee seemed to be toying with his donut. He seemed to be focused on something other than eating.

"You okay Gamzee?" she asked.

Gamzee tossed the donut back into the box and shuffled his feet a little bit. It made him look nervous, "Well.. about last night, Terezi.."

Pausing in mid-chew, Terezi's shoulders slumped a bit, "Yeah.." she mumbled.

Gamzee ran a hand up one of his horns, looking stressed, "I.. I'm not really looking for any kind of relationship, y'know.."

Terezi let out a huge sigh of relief, "Oh my god, because I was thinking the same thing..!"

Letting go of his horn, Gamzee let out a relieved breath of his own and smiled, "Thank motherfuckin' Jesus.. I didn't know how you would react.."

"I just don't really want that with you Gamzee, I hope you're not offended."

Gamzee laughed out loud, "Fuck, even I wouldn't want that with me!"