I have just finished watching the three seasons of the Vampire Diaries in DVD. And I couldn't help but write a story about it. It has the same plot. I just kind of wanted to write the seasons with my character in it. Lets see how it goes...
Chapter 1: In the world of Vampire Diaries
I woke up feeling completely exhausted for no reason at all. How come I woke up was a mystery to me? I clearly remembered, I was lying on the couch watching vampire diaries and waiting for death. I had taken loads of high power sleeping pills and they were working inside my body system, dissolving slowly. So it was just a matter of time for me that I fell asleep and die.
Why I wanted to die in the first place? Because I simply had no reason to live for, I had nothing to live for actually. I was an orphan, I never knew my parents. When I was ten, a family adopted me. They loved me, cared for me and I really began to think that finally, I have got a family of my own. But then all on a sudden they left me, abandoned me just like that. Why? I really wanted to have an answer to that question myself. They just left the town without me and went somewhere else to live. I waited for them for a while but they never came back for me. Eventually I accepted the reality that again I was an orphan.
I didn't go back to the orphanage though. I started to live on my own. I met many people along my way, arranged myself a roof to stay beneath, and earned enough money to buy food and necessary things. It's not an unknown matter that dealing in exotic drugs earns a lot of money. I don't exactly know how but I got involved with a gang. I began to work for them and sold the poison to many people without feeling guilty about it. I walked down the path of crime for a long time without feeling remorse about it but just a few days ago, I came across a young girl not much older than myself. She died suffering because of the drugs I sold to her. Though I had seen people dying before. Many a times but her death kind of shook me from inside and made me wonder exactly how many people I have killed already besides her and how many lives I have destroyed. Since the realization came into me, I lost all my interest in life and living slowly. And then one day I couldn't endure the guilt anymore and decided to finally end my miserable sinful life for good.
I was supposed to be dead. But now that I woke up, tired as hell not to mention covered with sweat, so obviously I didn't die. Rather I found myself lying on a comfortable bed. However, the bed was definitely not mine. What the hell was going on? It was the only thing I could think of at the moment. I clearly remembered lying on couch when I closed my eyes. And since I lived alone either I sleep walked myself to the stranger bed or someone barged into my house, replaced my bed with another one and then put me on the bed for comfort. BTW both were absolutely ridiculous theories. I sat up slowly and looked around the place. What I found out was that I was not only lying on a stranger bed but I was in a stranger bedroom as well. Did someone bring me here? Why would anyone do that and more importantly who would do that? Then suddenly my eyes landed on the dresser and a gasp escaped my throat loudly. There was a photo of me, Elena Gilbert, and Jeremy Gilbert sitting together on a couch and smiling happily.
"What the fuck is going on?" I whispered to myself. Without thinking for a second, I ran out of the bedroom door and went straight downstairs. There I found Jenna and Elena. They were talking with each other about school and stuffs. I stopped dead in my track and I gaped at them with wide eyes. However, when they saw me both of them flashed me smiles.
"Hey Jacq, good morning" said Jenna sounding joyful about god knows what. How the hell did they know my name?
My name is Jacqueline, in short Jacq, most people called me that. Not bothering about being weird and stupid, I ran upstairs again and got straight inside the room I was in a while ago which seemed to be my bedroom.
"I better go check up on her." I heard Elena saying from downstairs. I had no idea what to do, so I just dropped myself on edge of the bed and waited for Elena to enter the room. She came into my room shortly. At first she stood at the door for a moment and observed me carefully from the doorway.
"Jacq, you okay?" Elena asked me with concern and worry. I just nodded my head and hoped that she would leave me alone now but instead she let herself in. After observing me for a few seconds more Elena sighed heavily.
"Look Jacq, I know it's hard for you but you need to start moving on now. You can't live miserably your whole life. I mean you are just fifteen for god's sake. The way you are living your life now, it's not healthy for you. You have any idea how much you make me and Jenna worry for you." I didn't say anything to that. Honestly what can I say when I have no clue at all about what the hell was going on. Elena sighed heavily again.
"Aren't you gonna get ready? You will be late for school." I simply nodded to that, praying that Elena would leave me alone now and thankfully she left. After getting ready somehow, I went downstairs again and found Jenna who was still in the house, getting ready to go to work but thankfully no Elena or Jeremy. I didn't want to deal with them at the moment. Jenna looked at me with a small sad smile this time.
"Do you need a ride to school?" asked Jenna hopefully but I shook my head to that. I would manage my own ride. I had said that confidently to her. But obviously I had no intention of going to school that day. I needed to do a lot of investigations first. By the time I started to understand a bit about my situation. It seemed that I somehow came into the world of vampire diaries. However, I had no idea how that happened. I wanted to believe that I was dreaming it all up. But everything seemed so real that I couldn't think of all these as hallucinations anymore. So if this was really vampire diaries, I mean if I was really in Vampire Diaries show and not just dreaming it up, no matter how ridiculous that sounded then I knew exactly where Elena's diary was and from that I could easily get a lot of useful information about the situation I was in at the time. So without wasting anymore time, I went straight up to Elena's room and found out the diary in no time.
Within an hour I learned that I was Elena and Jeremy's baby sister. My name was however Jacqueline Gilbert. Both my parents died six months ago in a car accident over the Wickery bridge. I had almost learned everything about my place in the Gilbert family and my situation as well. Elena wrote a lot of things about me. By what Elena wrote in her diary, it seemed that my big sister worries a lot about me and about Jeremy as well. Elena wanted to move on in her life and get a fresh start with the new school year. So she had gone to attend classes for her junior year after a long summer vacation. I learned from the diary that Jeremy was a pot smoker and a druggie as well just like he was in the show. And I knew personally that he fancies Viki, Matt Donovan's sister. I also knew that Matt and Elena broke up recently which was also mentioned in the diary. Actually now that I was thinking about it, I practically knew everything. I knew what happened, what's going to happen, whens and hows as well. I knew about every single thing in the world of vampire diaries.
"So, now it's time for Elena to meet Stefan Salvatore."
I said that to myself out loud. Well according to the diary time line, I was pretty much in the first episode of the first season. I soaked up all the information that I could get from some other things in the house. However, what I still didn't understand was that, what the hell I am doing here? I mean I didn't really exist in the plot line of the series. So, why the hell I am here and what for? How the hell did I end up in a fucking TV show when I was surely supposed to die? And more importantly how? It seemed utter bullshit to me, getting stuck in a television show I mean. But then again no other explanation really fitted the situation except that I somehow got in the world of Vampire Diaries. Which by the way was really hard for me to digest. The mere realization was threatening to drive me crazy.
I spend almost another two hours thinking and thinking but it got me nowhere. I mean I got the idea and accepted it as well that I was in a TV series and everything was real and not fictional anymore which wasn't exactly a really good thing but what am I supposed to do now. Moreover, it seemed like I have always been here, since my birth. As if I was really a family member of the Gilberts and lived my whole life here with them and in this very town, Mystic Falls. It was more confusing to me than anything else.
However, I look like myself. I meant to say that I was my old self; my face didn't change into someone else's neither I was in someone's body. I was still me and not someone else. Why it was like this? Well that was another mystery for me. If I was in someone's body I would have understood that after dying my soul must have got into another body, that would have made more sense to me but the situation was nothing like that. Now that I am thinking of it, I might actually have a purpose to come here, in vampire diaries I mean. But what that could be? In the show the story is still unfinished and I only knew what is going to happen until Elena becomes a vampire which was the end of season three. Am I supposed to change something or do something? I didn't know for sure. However, now that I am speaking of changing things, I think I might actually have some fun while I am here. Like messing up with the characters and pairings and change the situations by interfering in many ways. And I can also save my favorite characters like Alaric and Mason. Actually I could change a lot of things here for good or for worst.
However, the one thing that was really bothering me was the fact that I am sister to Miss. Elena Gilbert- the center of everyone's attention in vampire diaries. I kind of disliked Elena for her nosy attitude and above all, for keeping both the Salvatore brothers all to herself. Both Stefan and Damon spent three long seasons fighting over her which was absolutely pathetic in my opinion. And god knows how many episodes more they are gonna spend worshiping her. And I hated Elena more for keeping both Stefan and Damon occupied with her all the time one way or another. I mean come on give them a break, poor guys. I didn't really give a damn about Stefan. He looks good with Elena anyway but Damon, now he is a total hottie and he deserved to be happy. I definitely have a crush on him. And now that I have the power, I am gonna mess up with his head for sure. Muwaa ha ha.
Onto more serious issues, I also found out that the 'Jacqueline' in here was kind of a zombie. She hasn't talked much to anyone since her parents died and whenever she did talk, it was always some anger tantrum or argument with Elena. Jacqueline of this world stays mad at Elena all the time because she believed that her mom and dad died because of her. She blamed Elena for the accident and the whole situation. And like we know how Elena is, she is always trying to make it easy/better between them, and trying hard to rebuilt the sibling relation between her and Jacqueline. But obviously failing.
However things are gonna change from now on. Because now it's not Jacqueline Gilbert anymore and just Jacqueline which means me. The mere thought of messing around with people here was thrilling to me. I am definitely gonna have a lot of fun after a long time. I already looked more alive and more beautiful because of the sudden interesting unnatural turn of events in my life. I stood in front of the mirror of my bedroom and checked out myself. My long raven black hair reached my waist line in loose curls. I had big hazel eyes, long black lashes and perfectly plucked eye brows. Another attractive feature of me was my soft pulpy pink lips. They were definitely kiss-want-able. I was almost five four in height and very thin in appearance however, with developing curves in all the right places. Elena seemed a bit taller than me. But I bet I was the most attractive and beautiful one out of the three Gilbert siblings. I think I can even beat Caroline in a beauty contest. Yeah, I can sometimes get full of myself.
Before that girl died back in my world, I used to love myself a lot. The thought suddenly made me realize, that the feeling of loving myself has returned to me again, and I continued to admire my looks for a while longer. No more self loathing for me. It was a new start. Maybe I can make Damon fall for me this time though it seemed impossible with Elena around but hey a girl can dream. But my age could be a huge problem for me in this matter and I knew it. Demon would never be interested in a fourteen years old kid no matter how good looking I am. And he will be all over Elena in no time. Sighing heavily to myself I stopped thinking about Damon and began to think about other things of the story.
I sorted out that there are quite a lot of things that I would change this time. First of all, Alaric's death, then Mason Lockwood's death. I really liked that guy for some unknown reasons. Then, befriending Katherine, yes shocking but I loved that woman for her brains and evilness. Another thing was, no way in hell I am letting the originals get their hands on the moonstone this time. That ugly little rock started all the havoc in the show in the first place. So, no moonstone in Klaus's hands, meant no breaking the hybrid curse. For now I don't want Klaus to break the curse on him. And for that all I need to do is get in the Lockwood mansion when the mayor dies and then I would steal the stone from there. Like that's going to be an easy job to to. I scoffed at myself darkly as I thought about stealing the moonstone. However, if I somehow manage to get the stone, I will keep the stupid rock in a safe place unlike Damon who put it in a soap case. And I already knew where I am going to hide it.
Suddenly, my eyes fell on the wall clock and I was surprised to find out that it was almost evening. I had no idea how time flew away so fast. With that, I also remembered that tonight, there is going to be a party at the Grill and I also knew that Viki is going to get attacked by an unknown animal there. However, I didn't really care about Viki's death or anything about her. So I will do nothing to stop it from happening because I am simply not interested in saving her. I will just stand by in the shadows and watch it happen just like I did when I watched it happening in the show. It seems that I don't actually have anything interesting to do until Mayor Lockwood dies. But that didn't stop me from going to the party though. I sill went there.
I wasn't allowed to attend the party but I always do what I want to do. So, without any care I started to walk through the crowd. I was having a good time actually. However, when Elena saw me taking a sip from the beer glass at the party, she immediately got angry and started to give me lectures right away. I had an inner feeling that she always does the lecturing thing with me. I kept hearing her out but not really listening to what she was saying to me. It didn't really matter to me what she was blabbering about. Elena didn't notice that I was being completely deaf ears with her but, Stefan was there as well and he noticed how ineffective the lecture was going on with me. Truthfully, I was hardly paying any attention to her. And as I knew, Stefan was already head over heels for Elena and he must have felt very bad for her therefore he felt the need to help her out.
"Elena, you okay?" Stefan asked her with concern in his voice. Elena sighed out heavily. Stefan then looked directly at me. I waggled my eye brows at him once and then smirked at him knowingly which made the vampire confused a bit.
"Yes, Stefan everything is okay" said Elena with another tired sigh. Suddenly a mischievous idea clicked in my head. How about I embarrass Elena a little in front of Stefan? It would be hilarious.
"Yes, Stefan, everything is alright. She was just asking for my opinion about you. Actually she wants you to take her out on a date. And she was also wondering if you find her hot enough. However, the opinion I gave her concerning the second matter, wasn't really what she wanted to hear from me. That's why she is really upset right now. Hope you could cheer her up somehow. Anyway see you guys later." I didn't miss the chance to see Elena's jaw dropping on the floor and Stefan really enjoying the whole thing. He even wanted to smile or laugh maybe but held that back for Elena's sake. I winked at him with a knowing mischievous smile again and started to walk away from there.
"Little sisters are supposed to be fun. Jacq, is simply pain in the ass" said Elena trying to hide her embarrassment with futile attempts. I couldn't stop smirking to myself.
When I entered the Grill I spotted Bonnie and Caroline at a table right away. Caroline as always was whining about something with Bonnie. She was pouring her heart out to her best friend. Wait I knew why? Because Stefan didn't even spare her a single glance and went straight for Elena. Don't worry Caroline; you will get a chance to get laid with the sex god in the name of Damon Salvatore. I said that in my mind. Thank god the vamps here can't read minds. I can't wait for Caroline to become a vampire. She was awesome when she became one in the show. As I walked towards the girls, I spotted Matt, Tyler, and Jeremy as well. My so called brother was looking at Viki now and then with hurt expression on his baby face. Poor thing Jeremy. I felt really bad for him knowing all of his girlfriends are gonna end up dead. And as for Bonnie, she will break up with him within a short period of time. I wanted Jeremy and Anna to pair up and stay as a couple till the end this time. They were awesome together in the show. Then Bonnie and Matt could do great together too. But I am not sure about that yet. Speaking of Matt, he really should get over Elena soon and see someone else.
While thinking and planning various things, I looked around the place and my eyes landed on a certain devil in everything black. He was looking handsome as always. The one and only Damon Salvatore. He was sitting all by himself and looking at Caroline with interest. Caroline was all blushing and flushed at that little gesture. Only if she knew what he has in his mind for her. Damon definitely doesn't feel any emotion right now. And he was quite dangerous to be around too. It was like he could snap and kill anyone. Even Elena maybe at this time. His sole purpose for now is to open up the tomb and free Katherine. He would do anything to get the tomb open. Unfortunately only to find out that his long lost love isn't really in there. And then his attention would turn to Elena- the look alike one. We all know what happened next, the beginning of the epic love triangle.
I was so lost in my thoughts for a while that I didn't even realize that I was staring in the space. And I wasn't just staring in the space, I was looking straight in his way though my gaze was unfocused but still it drew the devil's attention to me because of that. And Damon too was looking at me curiously at that moment. When I snapped out of the trance I quickly looked away as if I never saw him and cursed myself in my mind for the stupidity. However, I kept feeling his gaze on me for sometime. To avoid his stare and interest, I decided to leave the place right away but then Bonnie saw me and called me over to them. Sighing to myself, I walked up to their table.
"Hey Bonnie bear, hi Care bear." I said cheerfully. Bonnie seemed surprised at that but in a good way.
"You seem to be in a good mood today" stated Bonnie and I nodded my head vehemently.
"What's with the nick names?" asked Caroline in a dull tone of voice and I just shrugged my shoulders at her nonchalantly in reply. While taking a seat there, I asked Bonnie-
"Coraline's having another boy issue?" Though the soon to be witch looked surprised again, Bonnie simply nodded to that and started to describe what actually happened which I already knew about. However I had to pretend to be oblivion. At the end of Bonnie's explanation, I sighed out heavily and bluntly rolled my eyes at the blonde.
"Come on Caroline, Stefan isn't the last man on this planet. You can always find someone better. You just need to look around, that's all." At that Caroline madly blushed and giggled while Bonnie just looked at me with amused expression.
"Wow Jacq, you seem like a totally different person today." Bonnie couldn't stop herself from saying that and I just shrugged my shoulders again in response.
"Well, I am not gonna live for thousand years. So why not enjoy the short life time? Besides, I am starting over from today so 'differences in attitude' is on the menu." After saying that, I dared to steal a glance at Damon's way and found him still looking at us. Well at me particularly. I pretended not to notice him expertly and behaved as if I didn't even know that he was looking at me.
Nothing else changed in that night. Viki was taken to the hospital just as it happened in the show. It created a lot of chaos as well. All the related insignificant incidents remained unchanged as well. However, there was one thing that changed that very night. I was in my room. Just before falling asleep, I was thinking about the entire day and everything that happened in the party tonight. Suddenly, the whole situation seemed utterly crazy to me. I mean my being in a TV show. But then again it wasn't driving me insane for some unknown reasons. It was like getting a chance to live your favorite fictional story or show or whatever. I realized that so far I have enjoyed being in the world of vampire diaries. While I was trying to figure out my feelings about being in the fictional world, suddenly I heard flapping sound of a bird's wings. I looked out of the window and found a huge crow sitting on the widow still. I recognized the crow immediately. It was Damon's crow. But what the hell was it doing here, outside my bedroom? And if the crow is here than Damon must be somewhere near by. What is he doing here now? I couldn't help but wonder. Shouldn't he be stalking Caroline or making Stefan's life hell? Well that's what happened in the show anyway. It didn't take me long to understand something.
"Oh boy things are already changing because of my presence here."
AN: So, what do you think? Opinions are highly appreciated.
Second time editing. 7/29/2015