Disclaimer:I own nothing...

A/N: This story is the prequel to my story Wish me Luck.


Cedric was bored. He and his father had been waiting for the Weasleys for almost half an hour now and just standing there was no longer an option. His blond head rose, his sharp grey eyes following the tall tree he had been leaning against, carefully calculating his chances of safely climbing up and down of it. Merlin knew he didn't need a broken limb just before the Quidditch World Cup.

Feeling confident on his ability, Cedric secured his bag on his shoulders.

"Hey dad?" He called out.

Amos turned to his only son. Cedric was his pride and joy, the perfect son and the child every parent wish he had. He was tall, lean and staggering handsome with dark blond hair and intense grey eyes. His Cedric wasn't just looks though. No, Cedric was the top student in his year, a prefect and practically a shoe in for the Head Boy position next year; a position Amos coveted for his boy ever since Cedric had been in diapers. He was the school's golden boy and Amos couldn't be prouder.

"What is it, son?"

"I'm going to climb up that tree to see if I can see them, okay?" The seventeen year old (well almost seventeen!) said eyeing the tree's thick trunk.

"Go ahead," his father chuckled, amused. Cedric wasted no time and swiftly climbed the tree almost to the top. He steadied himself with a hand on a thick branch and made sure he wouldn't slip. Secured in his position, he looked towards the field in search of the familiar forms of the twins.

The morning sun burned the exposed skin of his neck and face. He was wearing a simple white shirt and a brown leather jacket to fight of the morning chill; he was sure by the time he and his father had finished setting up camp, it would be smouldering hot.

He was a little disappointed his friends couldn't join him.

Wyatt had to visit his brother in France, Scott was visiting family in America and Percy had been thrilled when his mother announced they'd been going to Romania for an expedition; near the dragon reservation.

Despite the absence of his friends though, the thrill he felt since his father told him he had tickets for the Quidditch World Cup, couldn't be smothered.

His grey eyes searched the ground impatiently. Spending so much time searching for a tiny golden ball, under abysmal weather conditions many times, had made him an excellent scout and it soon after his climb that he spotted a mob of red heads coming their way and smiled.

Noticing the distinctive figures of the infamous Weasley twins, an idea formed in his head. With an unfamiliar smirk on his lips, he started descending the tree. Even though they were still mad at him for catching the snitch last year, effectively winning the game, he was sure they'd appreciate his entrance. Although he was also sure they'd say nothing about it.

He had just reached the lower branch and crouched when he noticed a brown bushy head and a mope of unruly black hair; among the sea of red heads the two stood out like sore thumb.

When they had all arrived and his father exchanged pleasantries with Mr Weasley, he prepared for his grand entrance.

Mr Weasley gave him the perfect opening when he asked his father where he was. With a small smile he jumped off the tree and landed perfectly on his own two feet right next to his father. They were surprised he could tell but Mr Weasley, used to theatrics after raising Fred and George, got over his shock first and greeted him warmly. He exchanged friendly smiles with the rest and started following his father when he and Mr Weasley called at them to move.

He wasn't so far ahead not to hear what they were saying but he only slowed his steps when he heard the younger Weasley saying his name.

"So, what do you think of Diggory?"

The question was obviously directed at the older, brunette girl and Cedric superstitiously watched her out of the corner of his eye. He smiled when he saw her look at him. He was used by now to admiring stares. He expected them.

What he didn't expect however was the girl's answer. She looked at him, thinking perhaps he wasn't paying them attention or simply not caring. The look in her brown eyes was clearly disapproving.

After ten seconds of intense scrutiny she turned to her red headed friend. He couldn't help but slower his steps again and try to catch her words. He needn't bother. The girl didn't try to lower her voice.

"What do I think of Diggory?" She repeated the question sarcastically. "Well... I think he's an airhead who thinks it's funny to jump off of trees. That's not courageous; it's just plain stupid."

Cedric felt his lips stretch in an unconscious smile.

Maybe he was a masochistic of some sort, but he enjoyed the fact she was different than other girls who constantly threw themselves at him, worshipping the ground he walked on and stared adoringly at him.

Like the Weasley girl for example! He thought merrily, noticing the admiring glint in the younger girl's eyes. Don't get him wrong, he was a guy, he loved the attention. But for once he wanted a girl to notice him for his brain, his achievements, not how good he looked in his shirt.

Blinking back to earth, he peeked at her from the corner of his eye, half expecting her to be staring at him, drooling over his handsomeness. She was happily chatting with her friend, not even sparing a glance his way. He smiled.

When their group finally found the port key (an old boot!) he tried to position himself near her but the younger Weasley boy and Potter stood by her sides like guard dogs. He sighed dejectedly and stood next to Ginny.

She blushed, he smirked.

As was expected he was the only teenager to land on his feet. His father and Mr Weasley were howling with laughter at the fallen kids. Most were groaning but the twins were too busy swearing to notice anyone else.

"I think I'm going to be sick," a red head moaned pathetically.

Cedric spotted her lying a few meters away and, after helping Harry stand, he walked toward her prepared to offer his assistance. Before he could extend his hand though, she had lifted herself up and was now dusting her jeans off and muttering about cars, her brows lowered in an adorable frown.

"Are you okay?" He asked smoothly, using the sultry tone that had girls drooling in mere seconds. She raised her big, doe like eyes and stared at him with confusion. She was probably wondering if he was walking to her; and why.

"Yes, I'm fine, thanks." She answered curtly and turned to the Weasley girl dismissing him. He smirked and came to stand right behind her.

"I'm sorry, I'm awfully rude! I'm Cedric. Cedric Diggory!" He cheerfully said and extended his hand for a handshake. She was obviously annoyed with his constant badgering and although she tried, she didn't do a great job hiding said annoyance. Too bad he found her annoyance amusing and charming.

She turned to him, her left eye twitching and her mouth set in a firm line that vaguely reminded him of professor McGonagall. She contemplated him for a few seconds and after the Weasley girl pinched her backside (discreetly she thought) she plastered a fake smile on her face.

"Hermione Granger," she finally offered and reached for his hand. He was having the time of his life teasing her and since the others were still preoccupied, he decided to take this a touch farther. He gripped her small hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed her knuckles softly and held her firmly when she tried to retrieve her appendage. His bangs had fallen and covered his eyes, in a way girls swore made him look irresistible, when he slowly lifted his face to watch her with his lips hovering over her milky skin. If he had done that to any other girl, they'd already be swooning.

Granger on the other hand was looking at him like he was stupid. She was not even blushing! Ginny was putting tomatoes to shame just from looking at the show! She was tapping her foot impatiently and attempted to get her hand back twice more unsuccessfully.

"I'm quite happy to meet you; I have heard quite a lot about you and your extraordinary intelligence." he almost purred.

Ginny, now as red as her brilliant hair, was checking if anyone was watching them.

"That's nice I guess, but can I have my hand back? I kind of need it." She demanded lifting an eyebrow. He released it and she snatched it back immediately. He slowly stood up to his full height watching her with smiling eyes as she returned the favour; her eyes scanning him from head to toe. "I have heard a lot about you too, Diggory."

He flinched when he thought what she meant but then he noticed her smirk. The little minx was teasing him back!

"Oh?" He replied playfully, his eyes twinkling.

"Hm." She responded. He smiled at her antics.

"And what exactly have you heard?"

"You supposed to be quite intelligent." She elaborated.

"And what doyouthink of that?" He asked cheekily. Her smirk widen and he felt his heart flutter.

"Well..." She drawled. "I believed them. Until today that is. Your little stunt back there just prove that you, as most boys your age, have the maturity of a five year old and your pathetic little attempt to embarrass me just proves it farther." At this point both his and Ginny's mouths were dropped open in astonishment. Before she could continue though, they were called by his father and Mr Weasley. She gave him a pleased look and with an: "Excuse us but we must hurry!" left him standing there.

After he found his voice, he barked out a laugh and followed them highly intrigued. Unfortunately he didn't find another opportunity to speak to her before they had to part.

"Bye!" He called with a high pitched voice, waling backwards so he could watch her. She didn't look back.

He couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.