Title: Shed
Summary: He woke up choking and gagging on the feel of something crawling out of him and he spat on the ground beside his bed, wiped the sweat off his brow as he got up and walked away from his cot, from his cell. This place made him sick, literally.
Notes:Huge thanks to Tansy for her help and support with this. No pairings, no OC's. Set after Season two when they're at the prison just nothing to do with what the S3 trailer showed or The Governor or anything, my little world here. Other fics I'm working aren't haven't been abandoned, just on hiatus. Enjoy.

Something was wrong.

Deep inside of him, something rotten and just wrong.
It had been in him since they arrived at the prison yet he'd barely been able to acknowledge it.

But as things calmed, slowed slightly from the manic pace of before, the feeling in him grew. Like an anxiety, a fear and dread that something was very wrong and it crawled up his throat and he had to swallow to keep it down, keep it inside of him.

He couldn't stand being inside those walls, inside that prison, locked away, it twisted at his guts and he was volunteering for watch constantly. Until they got a schedule and then he had to come up with reason to get outside.
That wasn't so hard, it was staying out there that was tricky.

He woke up choking and gagging on the feel of something crawling out of him and he spat on the ground beside his bed, wiped the sweat off his brow as he got up and walked away from his cot, from his cell. This place made him sick, literally.

He wandered around until he was stood in the kitchen. The large preparation area that was once used to feed the thousands of men that would have been locked inside and now fed their small group.

He felt almost too weak to stand as he came to a halt just inside the room, hand reached out onto the nearest surface to support him and the pots on it clanging noisily against one another.

That's when Lori appeared as if from nowhere, in front of him, looking a little concerned as she rubbed a hand across her stomach. He realised she was speaking to him and concentrated on her face, the noise. "Wha?"

"I said are you okay? It's late, everyone else it asleep. You look half asleep yourself."

"I jus' couldn't sleep," he said, starting to realise it was night time. It was dark and he'd barely noticed. It did explain why he felt so tired though. "Why are you up?"

"I was hungry," she said. "Want some?"

He was tired but was he hungry? He felt sick. He felt tired too and he wasn't sleeping so maybe he felt sick because he was hungry? He couldn't figure out the last time he ate something really, it became so automatic and mundane, he paid no attention to it. How the hell had he got into such a state? What the fuck was wrong with him.

He shook his head. "I need to sleep,"

Lori nodded heading back over to the bowl of food she had. "You do look like you need it," she agreed.

He turned to head away from her, head back to that room, that cell, that had become his place. But he hesitated, turning back to her briefly. "It's a shed," he mumbled before he walked off.

Lori watched him go but something made her following him. He hadn't wandered far from the kitchen though, just stood beyond it wavering slightly. She started to wonder if he were sick or.
"Daryl?" She kept her distance, knowing the man could be a little unpredictable. "Hey?" she tried again and he turned his head slightly towards her.

She gently touched his arm, trying to offer some kind of comfort. Touch was always her way, reach out to people, make a connection. She felt apprehensive with him but knew this wasn't exactly intrusive. She kept her hand lightly on his arm as she moved round into his line of vision. "What are you talking about? What's a shed?"

He face scrunched slightly in confusion at her words. "Bed. I'm going to bed."

"Oh," she said, feeling foolish. She rubbed her hand on his arm, smiled. "Go lay down before you fall down," she told him, heading back into the kitchen.

When she left the kitchen a few minutes later, ready to head back to bed, Daryl was nowhere to be seen.


Reviews or concrit welcome.