Author's Note: Hi, everybody. Here's my new series, I hope you like it. If you're one of my readers, I promise that I will get back to Total Drama ReAction soon, but I just need a break for now. So here's twenty new characters!

The camera focused in on a familiar host standing on a wooden. Chris McClean finished fixing his hair before grinning his charming smile at the audience.

"Greetings, valued viewers," he exclaimed, "and welcome to another exciting installment in the Total Drama series. We've got twenty new teens coming for a chance to win fame and the grand prize of one million dollars!"

He paused for dramatic effect.

"However," he continued, "we've made a few changes for this season. For starters…"

The camera zoomed out to show the environment around Chris. The island was covered with a wild forest. No sign of human monuments could be seen anywhere.

"That's right, no more toxic waste dump," Chris said. "We've moved to a brand new island. And this time there's no cabins, no prepared meals, no nothing. The campers will truly feel what it's like to be stranded. Which is fitting because this season shall henceforth be known as…Total. Drama. Stranded!"

Once again he paused as he raised his hands in the air.

"Not only that, but this time, the runner up will also be rewarded," Chris declared. "They'll be given the-nice, but not great-prize of one hundred thousand dollars."

A blaring honk interrupted Chris's speech.

"Ah, the first contestant is arriving," Chris said like a giddy child. "Now, for this season we made sure we recruited the top teens to bring drama. Nearly all of them have some form of deceit in them. They'll be lies and secrets; façades and betrayals galore this season. Now let's meet contestant number one."

As the boat arrived at the dock, Chris was greeted with a baton to the nose.

"L-U-V, Chelsea!" A girl chanted as she stepped off the boat. "Y-O-U, you want me!"

The tall girl had sandy blonde hair that was streaked with turquoise. Everything about her seemed to match the blue colour scheme. She wore blue eye-shadow, a blue shirt, blue skirt, blue shoes, and of course, he baton was blue. Her expression radiated with enthusiasm.

"That's right, this is Chelsea," Chris said as he pushed the baton out of his face. "She's a cheerleader."

"Come on, let me hear it!" Chelsea continued to chant. "I'm talking spirit. Let's bring it. Cause I plan to king it—"

"Chelsea, why don't you save the rhyming for later?" Chris said as he shoved her to the other side of the dock.

"Fine then, I will," Chelsea pouted as she stuck her nose up in the other direction.

"We've got contestant number two right here," Chris announced as the boat returned. "Let's welcome Rusty!"

The boy who stepped off the boat had orange hair that spiked at the top. Above his eyes was a pair of goggles. He wore an orange shirt, with a black vest on top.

"Rusty, Rusty, is he trusty?" Chelsea returned to her cheering habit.

"And who might you be?" Rusty asked with a sly grin.

"The name's Chelsea," the cheerleader exclaimed as she held her hand out to shake. "I look forward to competing with you, but I must warn you, I've competed in national cheer-offs, I know how to bring it."

Rusty snorted before cracking into laughter. Chelsea smiled awkwardly, but her eyes seemed confused.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"You are so going down," Rusty laughed. "Your attitude…it's just so pathetic."

Chelsea puffed out her chest in frustration as she scowled.

"There's nothing wrong with wanting to have a nice fair game," Chelsea declared.

"No, if you don't mind getting eliminated and losing the money," Rusty continued to laugh. "I could destroy you in one week. But who knows, maybe if you get my good side I'll take pity and let you stay a little longer."

"I don't think I like you very much," Chelsea declared.

"I'm loving this drama already," Chris exclaimed. "But we've got to meet the next contestant. Say hello to Esme!"

The next girl to leave the boat took her time with her steps. She wore a light blue shirt and periwinkle pants, but all that was easy to miss compared to her silver hair down up in a single pigtail and her piercing grey eyes staring forward.

"Welcome to Total Drama Stranded, Esme," Chris said.

Esme whipped her head to face Chris and fixated her eyes on him.

"Greetings, Christopher McClean," she spoke with equal accent on each word.

"Well, she's weird," Rusty chuckled to Chelsea.

Esme's head snapped to look at Rusty.

"Laugh while you can, Rusty Johnson," Esme said. "Because you will be bringing misery to this world."

"Okay, tell you what, I think I'll let you stay after all," Rusty whispered to Chelsea.

Chelsea just shoved him aside.

"And look who we have here," Chris continued. "Everyone, meet Garfield-Stuart!"

A tall boy dressed in a fancy, all gold, suit stepped onto the dock. He wore shiny boots, an expensive belt, and spotless gloves. His long mane of hair was neatly brushed and he wore a warm smile on his face.

"It's just Garfield, Chris," the boy said. "And I'm pleased to be here."

He then spotted the other three and waved at them.

"These must be my new friends; I am thrilled to meet you!" he exclaimed as he approached them.

"Pfft, 'friends?'" Rusty scoffed. "This game is going to be easier than I thought."

"Say, don't I know you from somewhere?" Chelsea asked.

"That's very possible," Garfield replied. "You see, my parents appear in the news quite a bit, and I'm not stranger to the media myself. Just last week I was on TV after I helped raise money for an animal shelter in Ottawa."

"Oh my gosh, I know who you are!" Chelsea exclaimed. "Of course, Garfield-Stuart, you're always on TV helping the poor or the animals or…everything!"

Garfield blushed slightly as he said, "Well, I love this planet so much, I just want to use what I have to make this place a little better."

"That is so amazing," Chelsea gushed. "But what are you doing here?"

"A few different reasons," Garfield said. "One thing, publicity. I want to get the chance to say to thousands of viewers, 'Don't litter.' And if I win I plan on donating all of the money to charity."

"Garfield-Stuart," Esme breathed. "I must warn you, don't think that bringing happiness to others will fill the emptiness inside you. Because it won't."

"Um…okay, I don't really know what you're talking about," Garfield said as he stepped away from Esme.

"Attention everyone, contestant number five has just arrived," Chris announced. "Here's Misha!"

A small girl stepped off onto the dock. She had flowing blonde hair and watery blue eyes. She wore a magenta dress with a pink ribbon on it along with pink shoes.

"Uh, I don't know if missed the memo, but this show isn't for kids," Rusty said.

"I'm no kid, I'm sixteen," Misha answered with a sweet voice.

"Well, you are adorable anyways," Chelsea cooed.

"She's got that right," Garfield added. "Are you sure you're not tender for this kind of thing?"

Misha giggled, "I appreciate your concern, but I am quite capable of holding my own."

"And let's give a warm welcome to contestant number six," Chris said. "Riley!"

No one came off the boat.

"Um…is he invisible?" Chelsea asked.

"Riley, get out here!" Chris ordered.

"Fine…I'm coming," a voice came from the boat.

The boy had dirty red hair and a freckled face. His skin tone was somewhat darker than the previous contestants. He wore a yellow shirt, and seemed to have a tired look in his eyes.

"Everyone, meet Riley," Chris said.

As everyone offered their greetings, Riley sat down on the dock.

"Um, would you mind standing?" Chris said with irritation.

"Come on," Riley whined. "You wake me up from my daily nap, and now I can't even sit down? I'm not Superman."

"Clearly," Chris scoffed. "Anyways, let's just move right on to contestant number seven. It's Matilda."

Matilda had sleek black hair done up in a large ponytail. All of her clothes were designer models and the latest in fashion. She wore stylish jewellery on her wrists and neck, as well as the latest brand of lipstick on her face.

"Like, oh my gosh, I can't believe I am meeting face to face with Chris McClean," Matilda squealed.

"I know, I get that a lot," Chris said with a grin.

"Oh, like, I bet you do!" Matilda continued to squeal. "You were rated as the number thirty-seventh hottest Canadian celebrity of the year."

"Oh…that's nice," Chris said clearly disappointed.

"I know, isn't it?" Matilda said obliviously. "I can't wait to go home and tell all my friends that I met the thirty-seventh hottest celebrity in all of Canada!"

Matilda pranced over to join the rest of the contestants. However, she stumbled over the now sleeping Riley.

"Oops, sorry," Riley muttered as he tried to get comfortable again.

"Ick," Matilda breathed as she moved away from him.

She grouped up with Chelsea and Garfield and returned to her previous demeanor.

"Now you two definitely look like totally styling teens," she said. "I adore your baton, and those gloves, they're like so hot right now."

"Why thank you," Garfield said with a smile.

"Like, oh my gosh, I know you!" Matilda squealed again. "You're Garfield-Stuart, kid philanthropist, you're the thirty-sixth hottest celebrity in all of Canada for the year!"

"Oh, how is he above me?" Chris snorted.

The boat had returned again and the next contestant had exited. He had brown hair and his eyes were covered with black glasses. He wore a brown shirt with an orange circle on it. He held a white stick which indicated that he was blind.

"I'm on a dock, aren't I?" he exclaimed. "Why doesn't this dock have railings? I could fall off; does this dock seem safe to someone with my special affliction?"

"Oh here, I'll help you," Garfield said as he grabbed the boy's arm.

"Right, that's Jason," Chris said.

"Careful, careful, not so fast," Jason complained. "For all I know, you could be leading me right off the edge."

"I swear, I would never do that," Garfield said.

Jason just grumbled to himself.

"Anyways, let's give it up for contestant number nine, Briony!" Chris announced.

Briony had brown hair down up in a tight bun. She wore a tidy white suit and sharp glasses. She had a black skirt on and indigo stockings. Her slightly pudgy face had a perfectly neutral expression.

"Hello, Mr. McClean," she greeted.

She paused briefly as she muttered something to herself.

"Interesting, with the nine of us here, there is a forty-five percent chance that the winner is already on the island," she declared. "Of course, that is just an objective view. Next I'd have to calculate in other factors such as physical ability."

"Was that a jab at me!" Jason snapped. "Are you saying that because I'm blind I don't have just as much as a chance of you?"

"I wasn't referring to you individually…but yes," Briony said.

"I can't believe this!" Jason yelled. "I don't need people telling me what I can and can't do!"

"Uh, hate to burst your bubble, but you couldn't even walk across the dock without someone's help," Rusty pointed out.

"Uh, hate to burst your bubble but—You're a moron!" Jason shouted.

"Can we move on please?" Chris said. "We have a whole season to get your drama out. Now, meet Elijah!"

Elijah was an average heighted boy with light blue eyes. He had shoulder length hair that was a brown silver colour. He wore a black shirt with a red '0' on it and a pair of baggy pants.

"Yo," he greeted. "I'm liking the look of this cast."

He made his way around the group examining each of the girls.

"Let's see…cheerleader, very nice," he commented. "And ponytail girl, I see you've got your style on. Pigtail girl, nice I like the unique style. Fat chick, I can see that you don't worry about your body, I respect that. Pinky…sorry, I don't date kids."

"Oh, I'm not a kid, I'm sixteen," Misha giggled; then under her breath added, "And I wouldn't date you anyways."

"Now, here comes contestant number eleven," Chris announced. "It's Pamela."

"Pamela? Sounds hot," Elijah exclaimed. "Let's take a lo—Ah!"

He had a right to his reaction, Pamela looked very shocking. He black clothes looked ripped and tattered. She wore metal on her wrists. Half of her black hair had been shaved right off.

"Well, what are you staring at?" she barked as she shoved Elijah aside.

As she marched across the dock, she made sure to dig her heel into the sleeping Riley's back.

"Lazy pig," she scoffed in disgust as she walked past him.

"Um…hi," Chelsea said trying to stay polite.

"Oh, a cheerleader," Pamela sneered. "How'd you get that body, starve yourself for a month?"

"Hey, listen you," Matilda said angrily.

"And what are you wearing?" Pamela snorted as Matilda's jewellery. "I've never seen anything so ugly."

"They're not ugly, they're hot!" Matilda pouted. "And like, you don't know anything about fashion."

"Now, for contestant number twelve," Chris continued. "Everyone, say hi to Jojo!"

"Go long!" a voice came from the boat.

A football soared over the dock and headed straight for Pamela.

"Wha—" was all Pamela could get out before the football smacked right into her nose.

Several campers couldn't help but snicker at her misfortune.

"Jojo is in the house!" the boy announced as he stepped off the boat.

He wore a baseball cap, a red and white sweater and sport shorts. He had blonde hair and deep blue eyes.

"Wow, he's cute," Chelsea breathed.

"I know, like, his hotness score would totally be somewhere in the eighties," Matilda exclaimed. "Not higher than ninety, though, he's not that hot."

"Hey, this yours?" Pamela yelled as she held up the football.

"Yeah, pass!" Jojo exclaimed as he prepared to catch it.

"Go long," Pamela smirked as she tossed the ball into the water.

"And next up we've got Ilona!" Chris announced.

A shorter girl with darker skin stepped off the boat. She wore a purple shirt and a matching headband. She had a messy mop of hair that was a dusty brown. She didn't wear shoes and only had a white wrapping around her feet and hands.

"Hello, everyone," she greeted with dignity in her voice. "I am Ilona. I hope you all give me your best shot, and I will return the favor."

"Now, I can get along with her," Chelsea declared.

"Moving along, meet Keith!" Chris said.

Keith was average sized. He had a light blue hood with the hood up. His long hair was platinum blond and done up in a ponytail.

"Hi," he greeted with a friendly smile.

His eyes seemed to be scanning each person in depth. He continued to pace around the cast with curiosity.

"And," Chris continued, "contestant number fifteen is—"

He was cut off as a burst of purple smoke came out of the boat. Everyone started to cough as it filled the entire vicinity. When it had cleared a girl dressed in a large yellow dress stood on the dock. She wore a golden tiara and a draping, transparent cloth over her mouth. Her entire outfit was studded with rubies.

"Presenting…Desdemona!" she announced with a soothing, silky voice.

"Yeah, nice to meet you," Chris said as he shooed away to purple smoke.

Desdemona grabbed his hand, but didn't shake it. Instead she seemed to be examining it.

"Uh…is something wrong?" Chris asked.

"Voila!" Desdemona exclaimed she revealed a playing card. "The Ace of Spades!"

"And does that mean anything?" Chris asked.

"I means…everything!" Desdemona exclaimed dramatically. "This one card tells me everything I need to know about you, Mr. McClean. For one thing…have you called your mother lately?"

"Um…no I don't think so," Chris said.

Desdemona lowered her headed and 'tsk tsk'd.

"I suggest you do that soon," Desdemona said. "She's feeling very lonely.

"Whoa, that's pretty cool," Elijah exclaimed. "What else can you tell us? Who will win the grand prize? Who will be eliminated first? And which one of these lovely ladies will I hook up with? And don't feel obligated to just say yourself, all you have to do is ask."

"I am sorry, but I cannot reveal such information," Desdemona said. "The time stream is a powerful force and I dare not abuse my gift."

"That's a pretty lousy gift if you can't even use it," Rusty sneered.

"Oh I beg to differ," Desdemona said. "For instance, if I didn't have my gift, I wouldn't know that you'll be leaving us soon."

Several campers grinned at that idea.

"Anyone could tell you that," Briony declared. "Outward negativity is always a factor is early eliminations."

Keith seemed to have stopped his gaze on Desdemona and watched her intently. Desdemona noticed his gaze, then looked away.

"We're almost done," Chris declared. "Next up, you can all say hi to Calvin!"

Calvin was a shorter boy. He had fluffy black hair with a red and blue headband. He had a purple jacket and athletic shorts. Like Keith, his eyes seemed to be already appraising his competition.

"It is nice to meet you, Calvin," Ilona greeted.

Calvin ignored her and walked right past her. Instead he approached Jojo.

"Hey, you look like a sporto," he said.

"Yep, that's me," Jojo said with a proud smile.

"That's cool, I think you're my kind of guy," Calvin said.

Several campers just shrugged at Calvin.

"And who do we have here?" Chris said. "Why it's none other than, Shannon."

Shannon barely had any clothes on at all. She was simply wearing a grey bikini. She had yellow hair that rolled down her back. She wore heavy makeup and seemed to be tanned.

"Hey, boys," she greeted as she waved flirtatiously.

"Actually, fifty percent of us are girls," Briony pointed out.

"Well, I wasn't talking to the girls," Shannon huffed as she joined the crowd.

"Who do we have here?" she exclaimed as she noticed Riley.

"Hi, I'm Riley," he yawned.

"Hey, Riley, do you need someone to cuddle up next to you?" Shannon asked.

"Nah, I'm good," Riley said as he closed his eyes again.

"Well, just let me get comfortable," Shannon said as she pulled herself close to Riley.

She made sure to position herself so that his face was directly in contact with her face. Riley cracked an eye open when he realized she wasn't leaving.

"Could you move please?" Riley asked. "I was kinda in a good dream and I can't get back to sleep with you lying next to me."

"Well, I can make a good dream better," Shannon whispered as she pulled herself in closer.

Riley just shoved her away.

"Um, Shannon, we're in the middle of an international television show," Chris said.

"Oh, where are my manners?" Shannon giggled. "I'm sure they whole world would love to get a good look at my body."

"Whatever," Chris sighed. "We've got Stanley up next."

Stanley had black hair and olive coloured eyes. He wore a leather jacket that was studded with metal.

"Ooh, what a handsome man," Shannon exclaimed as she pulled herself up next to Stanley.

"Ooh, what an intrusive girl," Stanley mimicked as he pushed her aside.

Shannon looked somewhat thrown off, but she quickly regained herself.

"I see, waiting to get me alone are you?" Shannon giggled.

"Do I know you?" Stanley asked. "Or are you like this with every guy you meet within two seconds?"

"You're so funny," Shannon laughed. "Normally guys are all over me…but I don't mind having to…work a little bit."

"Well, good luck with that," Stanley said.

Shannon was visibly frustrated, but she just moved on to Keith.

"Hey, cutie," she exclaimed.

"We're down to our last girl," Chris said. "Meet Sasha!"

Sasha had dark brown skin and black hair. She wore a light pink dress and had bunch of pink ribbons in her hair.

"Greetings, Good King McClean," she greeted. "So this is the Isle of Dramatic Totallities. Ah yes, I can feel the enchantments and mystery just emitting from the emerald grass."

"Is she okay?" Jojo asked.

"Nah, she's a freak," Calvin declared. "Just ignore her and she'll probably fine a nice whole to die in."

"What's this? A challenge!" Sasha exclaimed as she charged over to Calvin. "And what is your name, warrior? What claim to you have over me that allow you to declare me an inferior?"

"I'm Calvin," the boy replied. "And you're a freak…end of story."

"And now for the final contestant of Total Drama Stranded," Chris announced. "Um…'No Name Given.'"

The person who stepped off the boat wore a tight black suit. His entire face was covered with a mask of a snarling skull.

"Um…and you are?" Chris asked.

The masked boy just looked at him before walking over to the crowd.

"Not a talker, eh?" Chris exclaimed. "Well, I suppose we couldn't expect to get twenty new kids without one dud."

"Alright, Chris, where are the cabins?" Chelsea asked.

"Right, right, this is probably a good time to tell you," Chris said. "There are none."

He received a collective gasp.

"I'm confused, where are staying?" Calvin asked.

"Well, the twenty of you are going to have to find your own ways to survive this island," Chris said.

"Excuse me, Mr. McClean, but where's the Confession Cam?" Misha asked. "I'd like to say a few things."

"Yeah, we have to lose that too," Chris said. "But we've got cameras everywhere. Just go behind a bush where probably no one will hear you. Go ahead, you can all take this time to give a few words to the audience.


Misha-Ugh, if one more person calls me a kid I swear I will break their neck! Yeah, that's right, I'm not some sweet little girl. But I came here to win, and the only way I'm going to do that is to be as least threatening as possible.

Calvin-There are two kinds of people in the world, winners and losers. I'm a winner, and I'm betting that Jojo guy is too. The cheerleader might have the right stuff too. But there's plenty of losers too, like that crazy girl and the tubby nerd.

Desdemona-Yes, they bought it! Okay, here's my confession, I'm not actually some mystic fortune teller. It's just that, kooky people seem to get the most love, yet never win. So I can cruise right on by to the finish line.

Shannon-All these guys want me; how could they not? Maybe they're feeling a little tired from the boat trip, but once things heat up, they'll be fighting over me.

Stanley-Yeah, even if I wasn't gay I wouldn't want that Shannon girl crawling all over me like that. Still, I can't wait to see her face when I tell her the truth.

"Okay, you said all you need to say?" Chris asked.

"Chris, if I may ask," Ilona said. "What will are teams be? I think I know who I do and don't want."

"Teams will be decided by our first challenge," Chris declared. "There are two sites waiting for you where you will set up and build a shelter. One is next to a river and one is up a mountain. You must explore the forest to find one of these sites. Whoever you end up with will be your teammates. Any questions?"

"But if more than ten people come to one site," Briony began.

"Get moving!" Chris interrupted.

The twenty teens hurried into the woods in a scattered fashion. Those that were physically fit like Jojo took the lead, while others like Briony were falling behind. Riley hadn't even left the dock.

"And they're off!" Chris exclaimed to the audience. "Oh this is so exciting…Riley, I said 'get moving.'"

"In a minute," Riley complained from the ground.

(The Forest)

"The three of us should stick together," Chelsea said to Garfield and Matilda. "We'd make a great team."

"Oh, absolutely," Matilda agreed. "With the three of us combined we'd, like, make a hotness score so high it would totally fill up half a magazine."

Garfield had just noticed a flash of pink from behind some bushes and realized that they weren't alone.

"Would you like to join us?" he asked as Misha emerged from the bushes.

"Well," Misha said uncertainly.

"Come on, I know you said you can handle yourself, but these thing are always easier with friends," Chelsea insisted.

"Be careful, though," Matilda added. "It would like be a major shame if that adorable dress got dirty and ruined."

"Well, alright, if you don't mind me," Misha said as she grouped up with the other three.

"Not at all, what kind of gentleman would turn away a charming young lady like you?" Garfield said.

The four continued to make their way through the forest without any direction.

"Anyways, Misha, like I was saying, that dress is super fabulous," Matilda exclaimed. "Wherever did you get it?"

"Oh, well I made it with my grandmother," Misha answered. "She wanted me to look pretty for all the nice people."

"That is so sweet," Chelsea exclaimed.

"I know, nothing is hotter than self-made fashion right now," Matilda added.

"So, guys, do you have any idea where we're going?" Misha asked.

"Meh, we'll figure it out eventually," Matilda shrugged. "Now I need to know, what kind of hair products do you use, because you hair is oh so glorious!"

Misha sighed to herself before smiling warmly at Matilda.


Misha-Those girls are so annoying. They don't talk about anything aside from their precious fashion. I don't know how they plan to survive this game, let alone this challenge.

Chelsea-Misha is such a sweetie. I hope this game isn't too stressful for her.

"Stanley, Stanley!" Shannon beckoned as she paced through the forest. "Where's my big, hot Stanley? Being out here in the wild is making my feel a little wild on the inside."

Shannon continued to explore the forest, obliviously unaware that Stanley was hiding behind a tree to get away from her. He spotted Calvin and Jojo jogging behind and quickly moved to join up with them.

"Hey, guys, mind if I join you?" he asked. "That girl with no cloths on is starting to freak me out."

"Sure, Stanley, you seem like a good teammate," Calvin said.

"Thanks guys," Stanley said as he broke into an even pace with them. "I don't know what her deal is, but seems like she needs to have all eyes on her."

"I wouldn't mind having a nice looking girl clinging off of me," Calvin said. "But preferably one a little more bearable than her."

The two eventually slowed down to take a look at their surroundings.

"Chris said that one camp is on a mountain," Calvin said. "And I can definitely make out some mountains in that direction."

Jojo noticed that Stanley seemed to be staring at his face.

"Do I have something on my nose?" Jojo asked as he motioned to brush off any dirt.

"No, I was just noticing that you have really nice eyes," Stanley said.

"Thank you," Jojo said as he broke a grin.

They were about to take off jogging again, when something stopped them.

"There's my Stanley!" Shannon exclaimed as she latched onto the boy. "You should really feel honoured that I think you're the best looking guy here."

Noticing Calvin and Jojo she added, "Don't worry, you guys aren't bad either."

She then dragged Stanley aside and said, "So, here's what I figured we could do. We'd find some place alone out here in the woods and I'll let you—"

"Shannon, I'm going to have to stop you right there," Stanley said. "Truth is, you're pretty and all, but I like boys."

Silence filled the area for five seconds before Jojo cried out, "What? Ew!"

He immediately recoiled from Stanley.

"I'm sorry, Jojo, does that offend you?" Stanley said as he turned around to face the jock.

"I should have known you were too good to be true," Calvin said. "Oh well, I'm sure freakshow girl won't might having you in an alliance. But my policy is no losers. Like you."

"Fine, you just lost yourself a loyal ally," Stanley called after Jojo and Calvin as they departed.

"Nice work," Shannon said. "That cleared out the area fast. Now, how about you take that shirt off and we get comfortable?"

"Shannon, I was serious," Stanley said. "I'm gay."

"Oh…are you sure?" Shannon said having difficulty processing what he was saying.

"Goodbye, Shannon," Stanley said as he broke away from her.


Stanley-I expected this kind of reaction, really. This way I can tell who actually will make good allies, and I can cross three off my list.

Shannon-There should be a law against guys not liking girls. I mean, what is the point of having a perfect body if you can't bend men to your every whim? Oh well, Stanley may be out, but the other boys will be putty in my hands soon enough.

Jojo-Ick, a queer told me I have pretty eyes, I feel so dirty!

Ilona had gathered her own group together. So far she had teamed up with Jason and Briony.

"I noticed that the two of you were having difficulty keeping up with the others," Ilona said. "I want to make sure that you two don't have any trouble ending up on a team."

"Oh, I hear what you're saying," Jason accused. "The blind kid couldn't possibly get to his camp on his own. He needs someone who can see to be his guide dog."

"That's not what I'm saying at all," Ilona protested. "I just want to help. In my experience, I find that walking alone is never pleasant."

"Oh, you want to help. Well did you ever think what I might want?" Jason snapped.

"Why do we even have to put up with him?" Briony complained. "If he doesn't want our help I say we let him wander through the woods on his own."

"Oh, so since I'm blind I'll just have to wander around with no direction, is that what you're saying?" Jason said as he jabbed a finger at what he thought was Briony. It was a tree.

"Well…you're not making the best case for yourself," Briony said.

"Enough!" Ilona exclaimed. "We're all going to travel together and we're going to get along. Teamwork is the only way to get through this game."

Neither Jason nor Briony seemed happy with the arrangement, but neither argued. Ilona reached out her hand to help Jason, but he immediately pulled away. Ilona was content to let him walk on his own, until he stumbled over a root.

"So, this is your game?" Jason snapped. "Let the blind guy just trip all over the place?"

"You said you didn't want help," Briony pointed out.

"Of course I want help, how else am I supposed to get through this forest?" Jason yelled. "Maybe for you with your precious vision can get through this forest, but you have you forgotten that I'm blind?"

"I don't know how I could, you remind me every five minutes," Briony pointed out.

"Hey, look, who's that?" Ilona said as she spotted a shadow nearby.

"I don't know, I can't see!" Jason complained. "You can't expect me to be identifying whatever you see. You're the one with working eyes, you do it!"

"Hey, blindy, here's a description of what's going on right now," Briony said with fury. "I am two seconds away from throttling you."

"Are you actually threatening to harm a blind boy?" Jason seethed.

"Guys, be quiet, I could have sworn I saw someone here," Ilona said.

Ilona had seen someone and she eventually spotted who it was.

"Hey, you with the mask, slow down," Ilona called.

The masked figure stopped and turned to face Ilona.

"Are you all alone?" Ilona asked.

The masked boy gave a steady nod.

"You should join us," Ilona said. "I want to make sure that no one is left alone."

The masked boy shook his head.

"Are you sure?" Ilona asked.

"Someone who can't talk would be welcome!" Briony exclaimed.

"No," the masked boy breathed before running back in through the shrubs.


Jason-That Briony girl has some serious problems. Does she not realize that I'm blind? I need special treatment; she can't act like I'm just like her. But she'd better not treat me like I'm less than her either!

Ilona-I've gone through a lot of hardships in life and I know that it's painful when you're alone. I wonder what the masked boy's story is?

Desdemona had to lift her dress so that it wouldn't drag in the dirt and brambles.

"Okay, not the most practically wardrobe," she muttered. "But it gets the job done."

After wandering on her own she heard someone approaching.

"Hey," Keith said as he walked up to her.

"Oh!" Desdemona exclaimed as she turned around. "I mean, oh, I was expecting you."

"Of course you were," Keith said. "Mind if we walk and talk?"

"Not at all," Desdemona said. "But don't expect me to divulge answers about your future. Only you can choose your path."

"That's nice," Keith said, "but I just wanted to have a friendly conversation. So, who do you think-or know-will win the contest?"

"I'm afraid I can't predict that," Desdemona said. "I see great strength in some of the contestants. That girl, Ilona, seems to have a strong soul."

"How do you think you will do?" Keith asked.

"Oh, now that I have seen," Desdemona sighed. "The visions are different, but I always see the image of me walking down that dock. It's a shame, but I just have to admit that I'm not going to win this game."

"I see," Keith said with a hint of deep thought.

"I'm just here to learn something new, meet new friends, and keep things interesting," Desdemona said.

"And what do you think about me?" Keith asked.

"Well, let me get a good look at your aura," Desdemona said as she closed her eyes.

"I think we're pretty similar," Keith said. "You can see into people's souls; I find that I can see through people if I look for the right hints."

Desdemona seemed to freeze slightly, then said, "Well, you're aura seems very complex. I foresee and multitude of choices for you to make in the future."


Desdemona-There the threat of me winning is gone, the seer, Desdemona has declared that she will be eliminated. And that means that the real me, Donna, will have no target on my back. The only thing I'm worried about now is that Keith guy; he seems a little suspicious of me. But it's probably nothing.

Keith-I have an observant eye. I try to learn what I can from people. Desdemona seems interesting, but I think there's much more to her that remains to be seen.

Pamela stamped her way through the wilderness with fierce determination. She had hoped to avoid running into anyone, yet she still heard the sound of footsteps rushing to catch up with her.

"What." She sneered as Rusty hurried to her side.

"Hey," Rusty exclaimed, "I was thinking you and I—"

"No," Pamela denied.

"You didn't let me finish," Rusty complained.

"Anything that involves 'you and I' is out for me," Pamela declared as she continued her march.

"Now hang on, just hear me out," Rusty said as he grabbed onto her arm.

"Get your filthy paw off of me!" Pamela hissed.

"Not until you let me finish," Rusty said. "You see—Ow!"

Pamela had dug her nails into his arm and dragged them down to his hand.

"Okay, letting go now," Rusty conceded. "But seriously, we would be an awesome team. You obviously can't stand these chumps any more than me, wouldn't it be fun to make them miserable together?"

"Or I can just make you miserable," Pamela said as she dug her deal into Rusty's shin. "Yep, that's pretty satisfying."

"Okay, you've had your fun with me," Rusty said between clenched teeth. "Now who should we go after? The weirdo with the yellow dress? The blind guy? Oh, I know, the freak with the one pigtail."

Rusty felt something tap him on the back. He turned around to come face to face with Esme.

"Touch me and you die, Rusty Johnson," Esme breathed.

Rusty paled and backed up. He ended up colliding with Pamela.

"What now? You look like you've seen a ghost," Pamela complained.

"Well, she sure looks like a ghost," Rusty said.

"Who are you talking about?" Pamela asked.

"The freak with the pigtail," Rusty said, yet where he was pointing was empty. "Okay, that's weird."


Rusty-I just get a high from messing with people, and I plan to go through this entire show like that. But that Esme girl will have to go soon, she's starting to mess with my head.

Pamela-Everyone here are nothing but selfish, greedy, pigs who plan on backstabbing each other to get more money. It sickens me, but I'll make them all wish they'd never signed up.

Stanley was walking alone now. Shannon hadn't bothered to keep following him, and Calvin and Jojo had made it clear that they didn't want anything to do with him. However his ears perked up when he heard a voice.

"Thank you, fair tree spirit, your advice is much needed," a female voice said to herself.

Stanley peaked over and saw Sasha talking to a large willow tree.

"Um…Sasha, is it?" he said.

"Ah, Sir Stanley, how nice to see you," Sasha exclaimed. "The Spirit of the Willow was just telling me that our castle awaits us in the mountains due north."

"Really? The tree said that?" Stanley asked.

"Don't be foolish," Sasha laughed. "Trees can't talk; it was the spirit that lives in the tree. Say, where are your companions? It is not a good idea to wander enchanted woods alone."

"Well they left me because they didn't want a gay boy on their team," Stanley said.

"Don't tell me, it was Sir Calvin, wasn't it?" Sasha exclaimed.

"You got it," Stanley declared.

"I knew it the minute I laid my eyes on him," Sasha hissed. "He has darkness growing deep within his heart. Come, Sir Stanley, together you and I shall prove that he cannot simply push us aside."

"Sounds like fun," Stanley said with a smile as he and Sasha took off deeper into the forest.


Sasha-Take note, good scribe, Lady Sasha has found her first ally. United we shall prove to the wretched Sir Calvin, that the ones he calls 'freaks' cannot be broken easily.

"Hello, there's a sexy lady who needs a man," Shannon called as she sat on a rock. "Just come on by and I'll let you do whatever you want."

She continued to wait on the rock until eventually she saw someone emerge from the forest. It was Elijah.

"Hey there, handsome," Shannon purred. "Today's your lucky day."

"Nope, today's your lucky day," Elijah said. "I'm going to make you mine."

"Please do," Shannon breathed as she slinked in close to Elijah. "I would love to be with a nice strong man like you."

"Seriously, simple as that?" Elijah said with surprise.

"That's right," Shannon said. "I know you want me, and I don't like to play games. So what do you say we get cozy under this tree?"

"Whoa, whoa, you don't want to take it slow, or get to know me, or any of that crap?" Elijah said with surprise. "I think I've found my dream girl."


Shannon-I knew that these boys wouldn't be able to resist me. Now I'll get Elijah under my spell and he'll do anything for me. After that, just eight more straight boys to take on.

"Hasn't this been an exciting start?" Chris said back on the dock. "Have you picked your favorite yet? Who do you think will be winning? Who's going to get themselves eliminated on the first night? Well, we've got more coming up and…Riley, are you still here?"

Sure enough, Riley was just beginning to stretch and get up from his nap.

"What'd I miss?" Riley asked through a yawn.

"There's a challenge going on for one thing" Chris said. "I'd get on that if I were you."

"Okay, okay, just give me a couple of minute to stretch out," Riley said.

"No, now!" Chris ordered. "Or I'm eliminating you immediately."

"Alright, fine, I'm going," Riley said as he got up and ran.

He didn't get far before collapsing against a tree and wheezing.

Chris shook his head before saying, "So tune in to see the end of this electrifying debut of Total…Drama…Stranded!"

Another Author's Note: So there you have it, the first chapter. Please review and let me know who you like and who you don't. I'll try to have the second part up soon.