Reviews for Total Drama Stranded
Guest chapter 2 . 5/24
Shannon was hot ngl
insertnamehere21 chapter 28 . 4/1/2018
Chelsea and Keith would have been worse, but Calvin was a rubbish winner. Eh, he'll probably sink into depression when he realises being rich means nothing when everyone hates you.
insertnamehere21 chapter 26 . 4/1/2018
And yet another good character leaves while Keith the Bland stays.

Ilona better win, or this may be the first time I've hated the winner of a TD fic
insertnamehere21 chapter 25 . 3/31/2018
It really sucks that Keith had more success. Desdemona was a far better character.

The only good characters left are Ilona and Pamela. Keith is a boring strategist, Chelsea is Lindsay if she was unlikeable, and Calvin is self-explanatory
insertnamehere21 chapter 23 . 7/19/2017
Well that made no sense. How did anyone trust Keith enough to vote Riley off?
insertnamehere21 chapter 22 . 7/16/2017
Yeah, Jojo was an awful character. At least Calvin is established as a coward. Jojo is just a natural piece of shit. Now if Chelsea would leave

I think I'm starting to like Keith more after that. His change from grey to black felt very natural, and he has in-game reasons, unlike Calvin who is just a paranoid idiot
insertnamehere21 chapter 21 . 7/15/2017
Oh thank you! Matilda was awful for so many reasons that I've already gone through
insertnamehere21 chapter 20 . 7/13/2017
Happy that Desdemona got immunity, even if it was uncharacteristically stupid for her to blow her cover.

Why did Rusty do that? I know he isn't the smartest but come on! Did he really think Matilda would believe him over Calvin? A real shame to see him leave, especially in such a contrived way

Ilona - Rusty is disrupting peace? At least he keeps to himself. Have you forgotten the shit that Calvin did?

Matilda should be gone right now. She's a disgusting character
insertnamehere21 chapter 19 . 7/11/2017
Just as I feared. What a forced way to get rid of a solid character.

What has Chelsea left to do? Other than bitch about Matilda?

Happy Elijah has told Calvin to fuck off. While I still love Desdemona, getting rid of someone with three allies is a much higher priority than getting rid of a threat
insertnamehere21 chapter 18 . 7/10/2017
Chelsea and Matilda, shut the fuck up. Seriously? Who the hell cares? They're fighting over a boy that they only like for superficial reasons, and in reality he is a shallow cunt.

That moment of weakness from Calvin was satisfying. I may end up liking him by the end of the story.

Love how 'no bullshit' Ilona is. Calvin knows she could easily kick his ass.

Misha got caught. Why? One of the better characters does not need a reason to be eliminated.

Really like the returning choices. Pamela and Riley I've talked about before, Rusty is very entertaining, and as for Elijah... I'm just happy Desdemona will have an ally. No way Elijah will return to Calvin
insertnamehere21 chapter 17 . 7/10/2017
I said last time that Ilona and Misha were the only good characters but I also still like Desdemona. She's also an interesting idea for a villain

Such a relief she didn't get eliminated. I didn't hate Garfield because he was a Gary Stu (that term gets thrown around way too much), but because he was bland and inoffensive.

Chelsea is happy when she hears she won't win? How does she have the cranial capacity to breathe?
insertnamehere21 chapter 16 . 7/9/2017
No! Not Pamela! She was legendary!
Almost everyone left is either bland, unpleasant or unnecessary at this point. Misha and Ilona are the only good characters left
insertnamehere21 chapter 14 . 7/6/2017
Would have preferred if Chelsea left. What has she left to do? Continue her pointless misunderstanding with Matilda and Jojo?

Pamela absolutely destroyed Calvin. He is no less self loathing than she is. At least Pamela isn't a coward about it.

Stanley never kissing a guy was good development, and the 'good guys' of this season lack it. Seriously, Chelsea and Matilda are the same character with the cheerleading aside
insertnamehere21 chapter 15 . 7/8/2017
Why did Keith waste his time trying to get Matilda eliminated when he knew he'd only be able to get Calvin on his side? It would have been easier to just vote with Calvin with the others if he wanted to weaken the other side.

Sure, Pamela would have still voted Stanley, but what sense did that make? Calvin has had his way far more recently - he deserves some misery

Pamela is by far my favourite, but I'm also enjoying Desdemona's strategy. Misha is also an unusual villain and I like that
insertnamehere21 chapter 13 . 7/5/2017
Pamela attacking the shit out of Calvin and Jojo is very satisfying.

Not only do Calvin and Jojo lack any self awareness, but now they're trying to play God? Saying it would be unfair if Timothy stayed, and calling him selfish. Fuck off.

If Keith is wise enough, he'll target Calvin's side next. Who does he think will be picked off first if Stanley and Pamela leave?
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