Chapter 35: The Dance Reprise




Looking back on the memory of

The dance we shared beneath the stars above

For a moment all the world was right

All I want to say's that we'd never say goodbye

And now I'm glad to tell you so

How I've loved you and how together we will go

Our lives are meant to be together

I will cherish you forever

I will cherish this dance



Lindir's magical voice rang through the hall. Elves were dancing merrily. The twins were dancing with every elleths in the realm. Legolas was now dancing and laughing merrily with Arwen in his arms. Elrohir tried to steal a dance with the prince, but to no avail. Thranduil always interrupted him in every turn he tried.

"Just let the kids having fun for once Thran." Elrond spoke to the king when they met in the corner of the hall.

"Is it that obvious?" The king smirked.

"Only the blind cannot see it." Elrond sighed.

"Then they can see that I do not approve of their relationship." Thranduil said bluntly.


"I don't believe in a long distant relationship, besides they are too young."

"They are of age."

"But still too young. Don't you agree?" Thranduil raised his eyebrow.

"Yes, I agree." Elrond nodded his head. "Why don't you let them decide for themselves? Give them a chance."

"You know what, true love must face obstacles. I consider myself to be one. If they can prove their love, true love not a puppy love, to me, then I'll consider it again."

"You are over protective, you know that?"

"Yes, I know. And I'm proud of it."

They watched the elves in the hall dancing merrily in silence.

"By the way," Thranduil knitted his eyebrows when he saw Glorfindel dancing with his son and the little Arwen. "Where is Erestor?"




Glorfindel felt an absence of his mate from the hall. He left the hall to search for Erestor, and his instinct led him to a balcony in the north of the house.

Erestor was standing on the open balcony, looking up at the sky.

"Here you are, Lord Erestor!" Glorfindel called his lover.

Erestor turned to look at the one who called him, the one who he just saw twirling around on the dance floor. He smiled lightly, remembering the past when they had their dance.

"Lord Glorfindel. May I help you?"

"Oh no. I was just wondering where you were." The golden elf said, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Why?" Erestor raised his eyebrow mockingly.

"Because I don't want to be apart from you even for a second." The music from the hall could still be heard there. Glorfindel smiled brightly. "Would you honor me with a dance, Vilwarin?"

"Yes, my lord." Erestor bowed his head to his husband. "I'll lead."

"But Erestor, I'm taller!" Glorfindel laughed.

"I'm not complaining, am I?" Erestor smirked.

"Are we role playing or something?" The taller elf looked at the dark-hair beauty with love in his eyes.

"We are changing our destiny." Erestor whispered.

Looking back on the memory of

The dance we shared beneath the stars above

For a moment, all the world was right...

Erestor placed both hands on Glorfindel hips, while the blond circled his arms around the dark-hair elf's shoulders. Erestor's head rested on the muscled shoulder, and they moved in synchronization with each other. It seemed like the world stop in that moment, there were only two of them under the starlit sky.

"Erestor, I love you." Glorfindel whispered to Erestor's ear.

Erestor tilted his head to look into the beautiful blue eyes of his husband.

"I love you too, my Glorfindel."

The soft red lips were captured by the warm lips of his mate. They broke apart only when they felt the need for air. Glorfindel touched his forehead to Erestor's. Their breath mingled, their lips were merely touched.

They looked at the north waiting for something that would not happen again.

"It will not happen again." Glorfindel whispered. "We will live."

"We will live together."

"Happily ever after?" Glorfindel laughed.

"May be." Erestor smiled. "The future cannot be predicted precisely even by Elrond or Galadriel."

"Then, we will live our lives happily in this moment. We will cherish the time we are together."

"I would love that."

"Shall we dance?" Glorfindel pulled his lover closer in his arms.

"Of cause." Erestor circled his arms around Glorfindel's neck, and his lips almost touched his husband's lips. "Let's dance."



Looking back on the memory of

The dance we shared beneath the stars above

For a moment, all the world was right








A/N: Thank you all for reading this story to an end. Thank you for your reviews and your kind words. They help me continue writing this. Please forgive me for my poor grammar though. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to tell me. Thank you very much. ^_^





