Dirthoof trotted quickly along Pasture path towards Ponyville. He hadn't seen anything in the Everfree forest last night, but Green Apple Smith was not a dishonest filly. His mind was abuzz with thoughts, possibilities and concerns. He didn't know what exactly Green Apple had seen, so he wasn't sure how to explain his worries to the mayor. Reaching the town hall, Dirthoof heard many voices inside and pulled open the large oak doors to take a look inside to see what was going on.

"When did it happen?" Asked one stallion.

"Did you see it? Asked a fearful young mare.

"Quiet!" Yelled the mayor stallion, smacking a gavel down on the desk he sat at on the far end of the hall.

"What's going on here?" asked Dirthoof.

"Ah, Dirthoof, come in. Something terrible has happened." The mayor said, looking to a crying mare and a stallion consoling her.

"A young filly has been foalnapped right out of its home. Whatever took it ran straight off into the Everfree Forest. Do y'all know anything that might help us?" Asked the mayor expectantly.

"Well," Began Dirthoof, taking a seat, "My little un' was playing out in the forest last dusk and she said she saw somethin' akin to a griffon without feathers. She also said it breathed smoke." Dirthoof explained, conscious of the mutters and whispers of disbelief around him.

"Now, I know this sounds a mite fantastical, but my Green Apple is an honest filly." Dirthoof finished.

"Well, what do we do?" Asked a panicked mare in the crowd.

"We need to save the foal. Next, we need to find out what this thing is and how to get rid of it." Dirthoof replied.

"So far, we think it looks like a bald griffon and lives somewhere in the largest forest around. I don't know how well this is going to work." A gray earth pony stallion said, emerging from the crowd and approaching Dirthoof.

"Y'all have somethin' better to add?" Dirthoof asked challengingly.

"Yeah. I think we shouldn't anger this creature. We need to take time to think about this. We can't just run in and expect everything to come up roses!" The gray stallion said, slamming down a hoof for emphasis.

"So, what y'all seem to be suggesting is less like a plan of action, and more like a plan of inaction!" Called a voice from the crowd.

"Hold on now, he does have a point. We do need to have some kind of plan. Where I don't quite agree is the time it may take. Every minute we spend talking is another minute that foal may be in danger." Dirthoof explained, rising from his seat and trotting to the mayor.

"Mister mayor, I suggest forming a search party. Finding the foal should be our main goal." Dirthoof proposed.

"I second that." The gray stallion said, raising his hoof and smiling.

Although glad they had agreed, Dirthoof was perturbed by the stallions smile. It seemed off; that is, not quite normal…