Purple Haze

By: Aurora Collins

Disclaimers: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters associated with it. I'm only borrowing the characters to amuse myself and hopefully others. ^_^

Ch. 1 Memories

"Today on the news there is a new story unraveling. Apparently all the workers on the local construction site for the new condos died. No one knows the cause of death, but there will be more updates on this miraculous story. Some people believe that this could be the cause of ruining the holy grounds of an old shrine and the deceased ghosts are haunting the area. More will be revealed…." the television was on channel 4 news and it could be heard in the dining room.

"Oh that is simply terrible," Mrs. Higurashi said.

Kagome looked up from her notes on the table, "What was that mom?"

"The news honey, some construction workers died on a site. That is just terrible," the mother rambled on.

"Well I guess that is pretty bad, but it happens all the time," Kagome said as she took a bite from her toast.

Souta piped up, "Yeah, but all of them at once?"

"Listen Souta, just because you're sixteen and in college doesn't make you so smart," Kagome commented.

"You just got out of college and you're twenty-two. I'll be younger than you when I'm done," Souta smirked out.

Kagome ground her teeth, "Yeah, well you weren't in the Feudal Era until you were eighteen now were you?"

"That's no excuse Sis, the well's been closed for four years and your grades still suck," Kagome's brother teased as he grabbed his backpack.

"It's so sad that you're my student. I could flunk you, ya know?" Kagome said with a smile of her own.

"I think it's embarrassing how I'm even in your class anyway."

"Well it's not my fault you took my class."
"It's a requirement for my degree. I don't have a choice."
"You could have chosen another professor."
"Not if I wanted to stay in school late. I have a job too you know."
"Oh right, the waiter's job at that crappy restaurant."
"It's not crappy."
"If you're so smart then why not get a better job?"
"Because I was asked to personally work there and get sales up."
"They're up and that crappy restaurant is almost number one in the city."

Kagome laughed, "Alright, alright. I wasn't trying to start a fight Souta. You're a good little brother. Now let's go little scientist before we're late for school."

"By mom, see you later!" Souta called out as they left out the front door and into Kagome's car. "Hey Sis, what made you want to be a professor for history?" he asked as he put on his seat belt.

"Well, I was in the Feudal Era for a long time and I know it very well. I always found it interesting and I thought, why can't I teach this stuff? I guess I was right and now look where I'm at? I work full time at the college I got my degree through. It's amazing. So what made you want to be a scientist?" Kagome finally asked.

"Glad you asked. When grandpa died I wanted to be able to figure out cures to all kinds of diseases so that mom can live longer. I just want the world to be a better place with my help," he explained.

Kagome smiled, "Well you're going for it and in another couple of years you'll have your degree. I just don't see how you go through your classes so fast."

"I'm dedicated," was all he had to say. Kagome knew what he meant. He had spent all his time studying, and he never went out to play, hang out, or even have a girlfriend. Kagome supposed that it was alright for the moment, but eventually her little brother had to get out.

They came to the college and went straight to the classroom. "Hey Kagome, wasn't there an assignment due?" Souta asked.

Kagome nodded, "Yeah, it's on fictional stories in the Feudal Era that are known as legends; like a kappa or a demon. Hmm, maybe even a story that could have been told through generations."

"Like your adventures with Inuyasha?" Souta said. Kagome winced and Souta realized what he said, "I'm sorry Sis, I didn't mean to mention him."

Kagome just shook her head, "its okay. I'm fine."

In all reality, she wasn't fine. Sure it had been four years, but she still wasn't over it. She wasn't over the loss of Inuyasha, or her friends, or the fact that she could never see Feudal Japan again. Before Kagome could delve deeper in her mind she was pulled back into reality by her noisy classroom. She felt a headache coming on, "Alright class, take your seats so we can get started." Like a good pupil Souta always sat in front with his homework ready, even though Kagome wouldn't be collecting homework until the end of class.

The day finally ended and she had Souta take the car so he could go to work. Kagome would either take the bus home, or she would call her brother to pick her up once his shift was over. Having limited funds, they could only afford two cars and one was their mother's.

"What time do you get off work Souta?" Kagome asked.

"I get off about nine. Want me to pick you up?" Souta questioned as he took the keys from his sister.

Kagome nodded, "Yeah, I have a lot of papers to correct." With that they parted ways and Kagome went down the hall to her office. She did have a lot of papers to correct because midterms would be around the corner shortly. She sat down at her desk and her intention was to get straight to work, but saw her brother's paper and read the header and the title, 'Demons are Real'. This instantly caught her attention and although the paper was scientific, it had substantial evidence that supported his theories. The document even mentioned half demons like Inuyasha that could live for hundreds of years, even though they had human genes within them.

Kagome wondered if Inuyasha was still alive, if he was then he'd be nearly six-hundred years old. Could a half demon even live that long? She thought to herself, her mind drifting to the past, and what she could have done to change the present.

* "Kagome, please wish Kikyo back, Naraku is dead and there's no one left to use the jewel for evil," Inuyasha pleaded.

Kagome pronounced, "No. I can't do it and you know I can't. This jewel has to be wished out of existence or it could be used again."
"Kikyo and I could take care of it. I know you're going to go home after this is done anyway," Inuyasha lashed out.

Kagome became confused, "What do you mean? I thought I was staying here with you. After all we've been through, I thought…"

"Listen Kagome, I care for you, but I still love Kikyo. I can't help it," Inuyasha explained.

"I-I know that, but I thought that your feelings might have changed," Kagome didn't know if she could keep it together. She fell in love with the half demon and she always knew that the half demon had feelings for Kikyo.

There were times when she thought Inuyasha came around and loved her, but she guessed she was mistaken. "So you made your choice then?" Kagome asked.

"Yeah, so please wish her back," Inuyasha begged one last time. Kagome knew what she had to do and she knew that Inuyasha would hate her for life, but it had to be one and she was left with the responsibility of making sure that the world would be safe again. She held the completed jewel close to her heart and saw how the others gazed at her with worry. Sango held her little brother Kohaku, and it was thanks to Kikyo that he was saved. Shippo was sitting on Miroku's shoulder and even Sesshomaru was there. They all fought with her and Inuyasha to defeat Naraku, and it worked.

Kagome whispered, "I wish that the jewel would cease to exist forever…" The jewel cast a bright light that illuminated a pink hue. It encompassed the decrepit valley and the jewel floated in the air and disappeared. Once the light desisted they all stood in awe.

"What did you do?" Inuyasha screeched.

Kagome winced back and said, "I had to wish the jewel away. I had to, I had no other choice and you know it."

"You had a choice! You could have wished her back you jealous wench!" Inuyasha berated on.

Kagome put her hands on her hips and said, "You're the one being selfish about this! This isn't just about you or me or Kikyo! It's about all of us!" they were about to get into a serious argument when Sesshomaru happened to step in-between them.

"Cease these antics. There is a way to bring her back. Her body is still here and if Kagome wishes to give up part of her soul to Kikyo then I can bring her back to life with the Tensuiga," Sesshomaru said with his cold voice.

"You would do that for me?" Inuyasha said.

Sesshomaru grunted, "Not for you, I owe that woman a debt for Rin."

"Kagome, if you do this for me then I would be eternally grateful to you," Inuyasha said this as he grabbed Kagome's hand. Kagome gulped down and nodded. The group moved to become seated around Kikyo. With Sesshomaru's help it was completed and the demon disappeared soon after, never knowing that Kagome was from the future.

Once Kikyo was alive and just not some reanimation of a clay pot, there was nowhere for Kagome in the past. She wanted to visit her friends and would have thought that the well would always be open to her, but once she passed those timbered walls. That was it. She never gave a proper goodbye, nor would she see those she cared about most. She would be forever stuck in her time living a normal life day after day. Kagome was able to finish her last year of high school without incident, and she even went on to college to receive a degree for teaching. Now that she was a professor at the college she graduated from. The really cliché thing about all of this was that she taught Feudal Japanese History.

The clock chimed and Kagome came out from the past. She saw the time and realized that it was half-past nine, and that meant she should have been out in the parking lot by now. "Oh no, he's gonna kill me!" Kagome said to herself as she picked up her papers and stuffed them in her briefcase. She ran outside in the cool air of spring and saw Souta honking his horn at her.

"C'mon Sis, you're late!" He yelled out to her as she ran to catch him. "Sorry Souta, I had a lot of work to do. I'm sorry," Kagome apologized as she hopped in the car. In all actuality she didn't get any work done at all.