Let Me In Sam Winchester

Oh my word! Thanks for all the reviews and hits! I fell in love with weechester fics since day one! Enjoy! Thanks again to Shawn for letting me make him the bully. Warning: Contains minor Spanking.

Chapter 3- Swings and Green Mints.




"Singer Auto Salvage" Bobby answered the phone while wiping the motor oil from his hands.

"I have a collect call from Sam Winchester, do you accept the charges?" The operator spoke.

"Yea. Put him through."

"Uncle Bobby?"

"Sammy? You alright little bit? Dean and your dad? They ok?" Bobby was worried, Sam wouldn't call him like this if it wasn't an emergency.

"They all ok Uncle Bobby. I'm just….I don't know where I am."

"Listen son have you called your dad?"

"I don't remember the number. I got on the wrong bus but it wasn't my fault. There was this kid chasing me and I thought Dean was there because I didn't know other people wear leather jackets like his and I got off thinking he was Dean but he wasn't and it looks like its going to rain and…" Sam tried to explain. He wiped the tears that fell from his eyes. "I should of paid attention like Dad said but I was just mad at him and.. "

"Hold your horses! Where are you?" Bobby tried to calm Sam down. The youngest Winchester always carried his emotions on the edge.

"At a park. " Sammy softly said.

"There an address on the payphone."

"Yea." Sam lifted his shirt collar and wiped his eyes. "Dad is going to be so mad…"

"Calm down alright? I'll talk to your dad. You'll be home soon. Now give me the address and number." Sam slowly said the numbers and spelled out the street address. "Alright. Got it. Stay there ya hear. Ill call ya back soon. "

"Ok. Thanks uncle bobby."

"Just stay put." Bobby heard Sam hang up the phone. He couldn't believe how much trouble sometimes Sam was. At times the boy just didn't think. But that's what made him different. Sam was just Sam. He wiped his face with his hand and forgot how oily they were.

"Idjit.." Bobby called himself and started to dial John's home number.




Dean was the last person to enter the school bus, he met this hot girl and made out with her before the buses left. He was told by the school bus driver to take a seat in the availed seat upfront because they had to go. Dean looked for Sam and saw the brown mop sitting with a girl towards the back.

"Way to go Sammy" Dean grinned and sat down at the only available seat in the front. At the first stop, a few kids exited and Dean went back to sit with Sam. Maybe he could embarrass the kid in front of his new girl friend. He started to panic when he realized it wasn't Sam and went down the aisle on the bus once more checking for his little brother. Leave it to Sam to get on the wrong bus. That or maybe Dad came for him early? Those were the two only explanations he let his mind come up with. He didn't want to think of any others.

The second stop was the one where he were to get off and saw the Impala in the drive way. Maybe Dad came for Sam after all. Dean rushed to the front door and opened it with his key. He saw his Dad with newspapers on the table and books stacked on a chair.

"Learned anything?" John grinned as he kept checking the newspapers he got from the library.

"Sammy here?" Dean dropped his bag and looked around the dinning room for any sign of his brother.

"No. You two were suppose to get on the bus and straight home. What happened?" John placed his newspaper down and stood up.

"I thought he was on the bus but… I was late getting on and I thought I saw him in the back. But it wasn't him."

"You lost Sam?" John came face to face with his eldest.

"He might of gotten on the wrong bus." Dean pulled out the bus routes from his pocket and laid it on the table.

"There's 6 buses and each have 5 stops. One's miles away! Dammit Dean, I ordered you to watch him!" John slammed his hand on the table.

"I should of waited for him." Dean looked down, he knew if something happens to Sam it would be his fault.

"Yes you should of. I am going to go look at all these stops." John grabbed the keys to the Impala and his coat.

"I'm coming with you."

"No. You are going to stay here and wait for my call. I will call every 15 mins from the first call. You stay here incase he calls or comes by. Is that understood?" Dean nodded and watched his Dad leave.




2 hours have passed and Dean kept pacing around the room when an unexpected call came. It was too early for his dad to check in. Sam. It has to be Sammy!

"Sammy?" Dean held onto the phone and waited to hear Sammy's voice.

"No, its Bobby."

"Bobby. Sorry I have to keep the phone line clear. Sammy's missing."

"I know he called. He's.." Bobby began but was abruptly cut off.

"He called you? Is he alright? Is he hurt? Where is he?"

"Woa, hold on motor mouth. Look do you have something to write an address down?"

"Yea. Hold on." Dean ruffle through some papers on the table and was back to the phone. "Ok. " Bobby gave him the address and phone number of where Sam was calling from. "Thanks Bobby."

"Your welco…. "Dean didn't let Bobby finish when he hung up on him fast. Dean looked at the clock and saw there was 5 min remaining until his Dad called him to check in. He wanted to call Sam and tell him Dad was on his way but if his Dad heard the line busy at the time he called he would get more upset. Dean now waited the longest 5 mins of his life. Each second passed like days. Well not days but it was long enough to feel Dean age about 10 years. The phone rang exactly on time.


"Has Sammy showed up or called?" It was the same question he asked each 15 minutes. John needed to keep it short and to the point. It has been two hours and still no sign of Sam. He was at the breaking point.

"Sammy called Bobby. This is where he's at." Dean read back the address he wrote down. The line was silent a bit. Dean heard Dad take in a deep breath. "Dad?"

"I'm heading over there. Call the number and keep him there until I arrive." John's voice cracked a bit. He coughed it out and composed himself. "Don't need him wondering around and losing him again."

"Right. Ok." Dean hung up and knew he had to protect Sam. He dialed the number and waited for Sam to pick up. He looked at the phone confused and dialed the number again. The line was busy.




Sam waited outside the phone booth chewing his thumb nail. He was nervous what was going to happen right now. His dad was going to be pissed. He wished Dean was here. He would feel safe with Dean here. He wouldn't be lost. He would be home doing his homework. Being made fun of doing homework and heck he would volunteer to do some training if he could just be home right now. Maybe Uncle Bobby calmed him down. Maybe. Fat chance. He was too lost in his thoughts that he didn't feel someone move him to the side.

"Move.." Someone opened the door to the booth and threw Sam's bag out.

"I'm waiting for a call." Sam said to the guy who looked older then Dean. "I need to keep the line clear because…"

"Listen kid, my girl is waiting too. So I suggest you leave before I kick your ass. Now beat it." The rude guy closed the door on the kid and started to dial out the number. Sam grabbed his bag and knew he wasn't going to win this battle. The guy was a giant compared to him. Way taller then Dean and his Dad.

One day I am going to be taller then you. And I am going to come back to kick your butt. Sammy thought.

Sam took his stuff and sat down at the park bench near the swings. The park was empty and the air around Sam was starting to get colder. Soon it would be snowing and Sam just wanted to go home. Sam had a clear view of the road and just kept staring. What if Bobby couldn't reach his dad? What if his dad wasn't looking for him? Was he happy that he was gone? Finally rid of him? Sam started to get teary eyed again but controlled himself. Dean would never leave him. Dean would always be there for him. The only hope he had was Dean. Dean loves him. Right?

Sam heard the metal swings rattle and turned to see who was there. He didn't see anyone there before but now he saw a young girl swing back and forth. She kept her head down and kept her swinging motion low. Sam looked back down at the road but his attention was back at the girl. She looked so sad. Maybe she was lost too. Maybe she needed help. At least it was someone to talk to.

"Hi. Are you ok?" Sam asked. The girl shook her head and kept her head low. Her blonde hair looked tangled and her dress looked dirty. Surely not dressed for the weather. "You sure? I have some candy if you want some." Sam looked through his bag and pulled out some pieces of mint candy from the inner pocket. "The green ones is the best." The girl looked up at Sam. Her eyes had dark circles around them and her bottom lip was cracked by the cold. Sam felt he had to help her. Maybe waiting here until Dad showed up and he would know what to do. Sam walked over to the swings and sat down at the one next to the girl. He put out his hand out again with the candies and smiled at her. The girl kept staring at him.

"My name is Sam. I'm waiting for my dad. He could help if you need any help." Sam didn't know what to say to her. All he knew that if started to snow, she might get sick. "Are you ok?"

"I can't be your friend." The girl spoke and turned away from Sam.

"I.. oh. Its ok. A lot of people don't want to be my friend. Used to it." Sam turned away as well and started to get up from the swing.

"No. I mean. You're nice. But I can't."

"Why not?" Sam was confused. She couldn't be his friend?

"Its.. Complicated. I… can… . My name is Abby." Abby spoke and heard something coming down the road. Sam stood up from the swing and looked towards the road. That was the noise of the impala! Sam ran towards his bag and started to zip it up.

"Abby. My dad's here. He can help you and…." Sam turned to see the swing seat empty. Abby was gone. Sam looked around and didn't see Abby anywhere. Sam heard the door of the impala open and saw his Dad exit the car.

Sam took in a deep breathe and grabbed his bag. He slowly walked towards his dad and expected him to start yelling. "Dad… I…. " Sam began when he felt his Dad take his bag and throw it on the floor. His dad got down on one knee and pulled him into a hug. Sam was shocked. Was his dad crying? He heard a small sob escape his lips in his ears and Sam started to relax into the hug. He brought his arms up and hugged his dad back. A few moments later his dad pulled him away and stood him where he could see him face to face.

"What were you thinking Sam? Didn't I tell you to memorize our number and address? And you didn't wait for Dean. I gave you an order. Answer me son."

"I couldn't remember it. I didn't know what else to do so I called Uncle Bobby." Sam started to cry again. John didn't want to attract attention to themselves and also felt the cold wind hit him in the back.

"Lets go back home. Deans been worried." John picked up Sam's bag and walked towards to the car he left running. Sam followed his dad and entered the back seat. Sam looked once again towards the swings and hoped that Abby was there. She wasn't. He closed his eyes and wished her luck as the Impala drove away from the park.




The drive back home was longer then Sam expected it to be. He thought he was close by but the drive took a good 40 mins. The car drove up the driveway and before the car came to a full stop Dean was already out the front door and opening the passenger door.

"Sammy!" Dean climbed in the car and hugged his brother tight. "I tried calling you and it was busy. You had me worried!"

"A guy.. He kicked me out of the phone booth. Said he was going to kick my… " Sam whispered the last part to Dean.

"You tell me who he is and I swear I'm going to kill that sonofabich." Dean clenched his teeth and gave his brother a tight hug.

"Dean…" He whispered not to cuss.

"Alright boys. Inside." John ordered them inside and once inside he walked both boys to the living room. He took a look at both boys. Dean stood straight at attention and looked up but away from his Dad. Sam stared down at his shoe and his fingers nervously tapped his side.

"You both disappointed me today. Dean, I told you to keep an eye on him. Was that too much to ask from you?" John began.

"No sir."

"I understand you thought he was on the bus. You explained that to me but you had to be sure it was him. The last bus stop is miles away in a part of town that has no phones available. What would of happened if he was stuck somewhere out there in the snow? What if he was attacked and taken like the others around here? Sam has to be with you at all times. Do you understand your orders solider?"

"Dad, I swear I won't let you down again. I understand." Dean's eyes began to water but he did not wipe the tears away. The stand of attention did not allow any movement. He knew his dad was right. Sammy could of died out there on his own.

"Go upstairs and change. We have to patrol the streets tonight. Go while I have my talk with Sam."

"Yes sir." Dean turned around and headed upstairs to shower. He wiped his eyes with his palm as he entered the bathroom and shut the door.

"Sam. Come here." John sat down on the sofa and waited for his youngest to stand in front of him. "Look at me." Sam lifted his head and saw tears in his eyes already. "While I am glad that you didn't panic and called Bobby for help, I am disappointed in you. Sam, first rule when moving is?"

"Know the address." Sam recited.

"Second rule?"

"Know the phone number of the place."

"Third rule?"

"Stay with Dean at all times."

"3 simple rules when we move Sam and you didn't follow any. That was always the plan!" John calmed his voice down, he didn't want to lose his temper with his son. He could of lost him forever but he also had to make sure Sam understood what could of happened. "Why did you get on the wrong bus? And didn't wait for Dean?"

"I'm sorry dad. I thought I saw Dean. There was this guy with the same jacket as Dean and I … I was running late to the bus." Sammy kept the bully to himself. He didn't his dad to know a bully was chasing him. Not adding more to the problem already.

"You and your brother are going to be the death of me." John sighed and ran his hand through his own hair. "You have to be more careful. We are on a hunt and it hunts when it snows. You know what's out there Sam! Your not a baby anymore Sam. I have to trust you know what to do when the time comes. You are risking my life and Dean's if you don't follow the rules. Do you want Dean to die because you didn't listen" John didn't want to but knew Dean was Sam's weakness. The same goes for Dean. Both boys had their moments but when it came to each other, they both looked out for one another.

"I'm sorry dad. I really am. I… I don't want Dean to die…I am so sorry!" Sammy looked away and wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

"I know you are son but I still have to punish you."

"Dad… I… I promised to listen.. " Sam took a few steps back. He knew what was going to happen now.

"Sam." John motioned for Sammy to come towards him. Sam started to cry as he knew what kind of punishment he was going to receive. Sam knew if he didn't go to his dad the punishment would be worse. Sam walked towards his Dad and started to cry more. John put Sammy over his knee and pulled his pants down to expose his behind. John didn't like doing this but Sammy had to learn.

John opened his palm and smacked Sam's behind. Sammy winced the first few smacks and tried to hold back his cries but by the 5th smack he started to cry out. John knew Sam would be sore for a while but he had to carry out with the punishment.

"Daddy.. Stop." Sam cried and for a few seconds John did stop. Daddy. Sam had stopped calling him Daddy since he learned the truth of John's employment. Now the only time he called him Daddy was when he was really sick or times like these. John felt a single tear run down his cheek but continued the spanking. John was surprised his own tears didn't stop from running. Sam started to squirm from under him but John held Sam in place.

John smacked his son a few more times and finally stopped. He hated hearing Sammy crying. He looked so much like Mary. Even her stubborn personality was in Sam. To hear his youngest cry was heartbreaking. He lifted Sam's pants back up and stood the boy up. He hugged his son and rubbed his back, soothing the pain he just inflicted on his son.

"You know I love you don't you? I was so worried about you. If anything happened to you… I don't know what I would do. What would Dean do. Please Sammy, don't do that again ok?" John soothed his son by holding him tight.

" I won… wont. I'm sow.. Sorry." Sam hiccupped onto John's chest.

"I believe you Sammy. Now why don't you lay down here on the sofa and take a nap. Dean and I will be leaving in about an hour, we will wake you then alright?" Sam only nodded and slowly took off his shoes and laid on the sofa. He curled onto his side and hugged the small sofa pillow, burying his face on the pillow. John grabbed his jacket and covered his son with it.

"Hey Sammy.…" Dean came down the stairs fresh out of the shower and a towel around his lower torso. Sam had always loved the room of the bathroom fogged up so he could make faces on the fogged up mirror.

"Shh. He's asleep." John came up the stairs and placed his hand on his Dean's shoulder. "Come on, lets get ready. Hunt awaits."




Tony left Kathy's house before it started to snow. He made the trip to her home each day and hung out until it snowed or was late. They spent all day taping back his comic with Jal who was sleeping over. Tony had to get home because his mom was making his favorite dish for dinner tonight.

The only thing between the his home and Kathy's was a section of the park that was used as a field for football games. Once he crossed the field there was a small tunnel that lead down to the lower level of the street and down to his home. The snow began to fall and Tony quickly made it across the field. He thought he heard someone behind him and quickly turned around to see who it was. There was no one there. He turned back around and didn't see a hole on the ground that was covered in snow until his foot sunk into the ground. He lost his balance and fell face forward onto the field. His bag added weight to his fall and his glasses were knocked out of his face, buried in the snow.

"OW!" Tony yelled as he pulled his foot out of the hole. His ankle felt really hot and hurt when he moved it to the side. He blinked the snow away from his eyelashes and soon realized his glasses were gone. He couldn't see anything around him. Everything was green with white.

Tony turned and felt the ground for his glasses but he couldn't feel them anywhere. He crawled forward a bit more and felt the ground again. He stopped when he felt something cold. The shape of it was oval and was connected to a … leg? He felt with his other hand and felt the same shape next to the first one he felt. Shoes. They were shoes. He felt the shoelace bows on the shoes and tried to make out who the person was. He looked up and squinted his eyes, trying to focus on the figure in front of him. The ten year old opened his mouth to say something but was silenced with a sharp weapon slicing his throat.




Ooo… That is all I will say. Good? Bad? Was expected? Unexpected? Let me now! Review! Please? I made cookies! And have Chocolate soy milk! Yum! Thanks for reading!