Disclaimer: Scandal belongs to Shonda and ABC. We all know this, and I for one am glad for it. I sure as hell couldn't pull off what they have with the show. However, I do feel the urge to borrow the characters for a bit. It's their own fault so hopefully they won't fee the urge to sue.

A/N: The idea for this has been bouncing around my brain since I watched the last six episodes straight through via OnDemand one Sunday a month or so back. It actually turned out different on paper than what I had imagined in my head. I think that's a good thing. Feedback is always appreciated.

Who is Quinn Perkins?

They all wondered, when Olivia hired her.

Some even asked the question. What was it about this girl that made her worthy of Olivia's time and attention? What was it about her that made her –not worthy—but at least deserving of a place among them?

They knew of course, that she wasn't just a baby lawyer. Olivia Pope never brought anyone into her fold that was 'just' anything.

So Quinn Perkins was somebody; somebody that had caught Olivia's eye and earned her respect; and that was enough for all of them, in the beginning.

Then they were called upon to remove all traces of Quinn Perkin's DNA from the scene of a crime. Destroy evidence, and steal what little they didn't destroy. Allow a murder to walk free to protect the slip of a girl that had been foolish enough to end up in the bed of a reporter.

A dead reporter now, so at least that relationship wouldn't pose a threat in the future.

It posed a threat now, though.

David Rosen had figured it out. Of course. There were precious few people in this city who could—not outthink—but at least keep up with Livie. As one of those few, he figured them out and took the girl.

Figured her out.

Then brought her back-a rare show of faith from one white hat to another; a declaration of trust; maybe even the forming of an alliance.

Olivia Pope and David Rosen would make a formidable alliance indeed.

And now they all know exactly who Quinn Perkins is. Or at least they think they do.

Watching them argue amongst themselves and throw bitter questions at Olivia and Quinn alike, Huck decided they were too focused on a name and the history that went along with it to realize the only thing that mattered.

It would come to them, once they'd talked the thing to death; argued with each other and Olivia; debated and harangued; insulted and acquiesced.

When they had looked at it from every angle they would come to see what he already knew.

The name and the history were who Quinn Perkin was and only matters in so much as they make her a client of Olivia Pope and Associates.

What truly matters is who Quinn Perkins is.

And Huck knew that from the day Olivia brought her in to the fold.

She's one of Livie's chosen and that makes her theirs.

And they take care of their own.
