A/N: I know all of you are the best reviewers ever. I think all of you can be alphas if you try, and don't worry about your friends not being cool enough. Their personalities will become more defined and you and your group will be the coolest group of girls ever. I am going to make this last guide because I think I have molded such beautiful girls. You guys are so amazing and I wish I could see you. You are so awesome and sweet with your reviews. I'm just going to finish up this story because there is absolutely nothing to talk about. I am glad you came with me on the journey on my first Clique story and Ciao for now.


Hey guys. I've decided that I'm done with the whole how to be me thing. It's just created so much drama and I just don't think I have time for it anymore. The PC and I have to do some major work that may or may not include facials. See, it's not like I don't love all 999,999,999 of you, but I just don't like continuing this sort of thing. School is over and I just want to focus on me and the PC. I'll still continue the blog. I'll still talk about my life, things that are up with the PC, and some emotional stuff but other than that, I'm done with "How to Be..." I'm sorry that it had to end this way. You all wanted more but I just ran out of ideas. You guys helped me so much and I am so grateful to have followers like you. Bye now, see you soon!

*Real life*

"Ew! I actually apologized and said I was grateful," Massie gagged.

"It was the thing to do," Claire pointed out.

"Can we puh-lease go get facials now? I'm breaking out from previous drama," Alicia whined.

"Opposite of not me," Dylan agreed.

"Mass, are you ready?" Kristen asked.

"Yeah, I am," Massie replied confidently as she closed her Macbook and went off with her girls.

A/N: That's it. I would be lying if I said I was crying right now because I don't cry unless stories have a really sad ending. I just hope you guys aren't crying. This is the end, my friends. Don't worry. You'll see me around the Clique community but I have some unfinished business with another community. Ciao!