"Brrm", "Brrm", "Brrm," was the sound of a cell phone that loudly vibrates against a wooden bedside table.

The owner lazily extends an arm out from underneath a fluffy white bed comforter.

It continues to audibly vibrate as the hand feels around until it comes in contact with the plastic metal, grabs it in their grasp, and raises it to their ear.

A very drowsy "Hello" was spoken in to the phone reciever since the person was too sleepy to even check the callerID.

"Hinata, where are you?" A concern voice inquires to the current lump in the bed, whose name is Hinata.

"It's like twelve in the afternoon, Sakura. I have some time." Hinata softly mumbles once she finally pops her head out from underneath her comforter.

The individual, whose name is Sakura, pauses for a brief moment in order to exchange words with someone else on her end.

"I'm talking to her now!" "Yeah, she will be here on time!"

"Look Hinata, I'm going to need for you to get your clock fixed, honey. It's fifteen minutes past five and Kurenai wants us all here by six to go over the new routine."

It was at that moment did opal eyes cast toward her alarm clock as the three red lights were in the shape of: a five, a colon, and a fifteen that soon flips to a sixteen.

"Oh crap!" The young woman abruptly exclaims as she aimlessly tosses the covers off of her body and madly dashes toward her personal bathroom.

'Don't have time to take a shower but...I can wash up a little.' She thinks to herself when she checks out her reflection in her bathroom mirror.

The indigo haired woman gently scrubs all of her important feminine areas, washes her face clean with the facial cleanser, brushes her teeth, and rinses her mouth out with mouthwash.

Opal eyes peered up at her clock that now read 5:20 pm, which meant she spent at least four minutes to get clean.

'The ride to work from here should be about twenty-five minutes.'

'I should dress in my workout clothes so I won't have to change once I get there.' She inwardly works out a plan to spare her some time.

Hinata speedily rushes over toward her closet and blindly plucks out a pair of crop grey leggings, a black tank top, a grey midriff shirt and her black dance shoes.

'Where did I put that bag at?' The woman mentally ponders about the location of her bag. Her sights swiftly scan over the floor area of her walk-in closet.

A sigh of release escapes her mouth once they land on a white tote bag with "Ice" and "Dollhouse" stitch in elaborate black cursive script.

Hinata was completely focusing in on changing her wardrobe while monitoring the time that was left from her clock.

'I can still make it.' She reassures herself once she finishes with her clothes and notices that it was now 5:23 pm.

The young woman retrieves her cellphone, wallet, and a set of keys from her side table. She then sprints toward her apartment door opens, closes, and locks it behind her.

The indigo haired woman gracefully glides down the two flights of stairs and the four additional steps that leads her out on to the busy sidewalk.

She repeatedly waves her right hand up and down while she shouts, "Taxi!"

A yellow cab with black squares that alternates on the side with "Taxi" scripts in bold and chunky letters and rolls closer to the sidewalk where she waits.

"Where to?" The taxi driver politely asks once she finally slides inside of the cab and hurriedly slams the door behind her.

"Dollhouse" Hinata replies once she was able to catch her breath and adjusts herself to the cab's seats.

The driver asked no further question, shifted the car to drive and drove away from her one bedroom apartment.

'This might be a long day.' She concludes to herself while she releases yet another sigh and eases her tense muscles in her shoulders.


"Hey Sakura, did you call Hinata?" A feminine voice pops the question to a woman, name Sakura, who lays her cellphone inside of her vanity's drawer.

Emedals green eyes peer in the direction of the voice and come face to face with a set of green pupils.

A woman, who is about three years her senior, stood in front her with sandy blonde hair styled in a weird fashion of four equal sized ponytails.

"I just got off the phone with her Temari. She claims that she didn't know about our early rehearsal time." The rosy pink haired woman explains the situation to the woman, name Temari, after she pushes the drawer in.

A high pitch feminine voice interrupts Sakura and Temari's chat that they turn toward the source, "Since when has the old bat been concerned with someone other than herself?"

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite conceited blonde counterpart, Ino. You seem to be in a rather good mood since you're talking to me." The sandy blonde retorts with a small smile and a shrug of her shoulders.

The woman, name Ino, cracks a similar smile before she flings her purple tote bag, with "Princess" stitch in silver, underneath a vacant vanity.

"I'm surprised that you're here this early!" Sakura chimes in when she catches a glimpse of her neighbor on her right.

The oldest of the three nods her head as her ponytails shake from the movement. Her sights soon landed on Ino's left ring finger. "Uhm, Ino…is that what I think it is?"

Her question snares Sakura's focus, as she tracks Temari's gaze until her eyes settle in on the rather large rock that grace Ino's ring finger.

Ino knew sooner or later that one of the girls was going to find out, but she secretly wished that all the girls were here so she could flash it in all of their faces at one time.

Yet, she was satisfied enough with Temari and Sakura's reaction that she responded with an "Oh, this little thing?"

The rosy pink haired woman swiftly secures Ino's hand within her hand in order to critically inspect the diamond that rests on her left ring finger.

"Don't tell me he proposed."

Light blue eyes examine her friend's facial expressions once again before she snatches her hand away from within her grasp.

"And so what if he did?"

Temari rests her right hand on Sakura's left shoulder as a symbol to show comfort before she asserts with, "Don't be surprised Sakura, dear."

"Ino isclearly head over heels in love with the money or she would've never accepted the old fart's proposal."

Sakura simply shakes her head left and right in disappointment and calmly remarks, "He's like three times your age plus more."

Ino was slightly sadden that her friends did not take too well to her news of her recent engagement as she thought that that they would.

However, she would not allow them to rain on her parade of joy, which seems to flow with never ending money.

The girls were so engross in their conversation that they did not hear the dressing room door open and close.

"What's all the noise in here about?"

The trio whirl their sights toward the door to see a brunette haired woman, whose hair was styled in two circular buns on both sides of her head with a pair of bangs that frames her heart shaped face.

She totes a blue gym bag with "Panda" stitch in yellow on the side.

"Ah its Tenten…maybe she will agree with my good news." Ino suddenly speaks up while she happily brings both of her hands together with a smile on her face.

The woman, name Tenten, merely raises an arched eyebrow at the platinum blonde woman's statement. The brunette eventually strolls over toward her personal vanity space.

"That's what you think." Temari mutters underneath her breath before Ino struts over to Tenten.

"Are you ready for it Ten?" She questions while the older woman nods her head forward before she flashes the large diamond in her face.

Ino silently observes her chocolate brown orbs meticously examine the engagement ring on her finger. The taller of the two idly faces the other girls with a nod of her head.

She releases a whistle of appreciation and exclaims, "That's a big rock Ino!"

The platinum blonde openly cheers for her victory until she adds in, "You know that means he wants you to do it with him if he gave you that."

Her face instantly scrunches up after she listens to Tenten's statement right before Temari bursts out in to laughter, "See what I told you! Even Ten agree with us."

"Ah shut up Temari! I do know someone, who will truly appreciate my good news despite what you think." The young woman declares with determination in her tone.

"If you're talking about Hinata then of course she will. She's in to that lovey dovey kind of stuff." Temari dismisses while she waves off her declaration with her hand.

'I'll show you that Hinata will be on my side. Just you three wait!' Ino hopefully predicts.


Opal eyes tacitly observe the urban scenery from inside of the taxi cab when the driver suddenly veers down a familiar street.

She checks the time on her cellphone when she notices that it was 5:40 pm, which means that she has a total of twenty minutes left to make it in time for rehearsal.

"Dollhouse ma'am," The taxi driver broadcasts her final destination once they arrive in front of the location.

Hinata digs inside of her tote bag, locates her wallet, pays the fare, and exits from the cab.

After she emerges from the cab and out onto the sidewalk, she beholds the lights on the side of the building that read "Dollhouse" in cursive.

There was a black background with purple spray paint effects behind the word as a means to capture bystanders' focus.

'I might as well head in while I still have some time left.' She reminds herself.

The young woman ventures over to the side of the building where the employees would use as an entrance and exit.

Once she entered the building, the bar was off to her left with enough stools to serve about ten or more people at one time.

The circular shape stage with a runway was set on the farthest side away from the entrance with black curtains that prevents the patrons to watch the girls get ready backstage.

The floor was covered in a soft black carpet rather then the wooden panels at the bar while the walls were a grey hue.

There were square tables accompanied by high stool chairs with silver circular guard rails that separates the exclusive V.I.P. section, which had dark purple plush love seats with lower circular tables and was position closer to the stage.

Her sights spot the bartender, with long brown hair, wipes down the surface of the bar with what she assumes was a hand towel.

"Hey there Ayame," Hinata politely greets the woman,who halts in the middle of her task.

She faces Hinata, flashes a smile, waves her free hand, and greets her with, "Hello there Hinata-chan!"

"Are you getting ready for tonight's crowd?" The indigo haired woman asks Ayame once she draws near her at the counter.

The woman behind the bar nods her head and queries "Shouldn't you be getting ready yourself?"

Her question prompts Hinata to peek up at the clock to see that it was now 5:47 pm.

"Silly me, how could I forget? It was nice talking to you Ayame." The fairly pale woman abruptly states before she playfully hits herself upside the head with one of her hands.

"Same here, Hinata," Ayame agrees before she watches her retreat down the hallway to the girls' dressing room.


Ino, Temari, Tenten and Sakura were killing time by busying themselves with their own individual activities.

Hinata gently thrusts the door to their dressing room open and closes it back when she realizes that all of the girls were already present at their respective vanity.

She was watching Ino chewing gum and filing her manicure nails with a filer at the same time.

Temari wears her headphones and drowns out the others.

Tenten scribbles a word down on the crossword puzzle in the daily newspaper.

Sakura flips through one of the hottest and latest fashion magazine without too much of a care in the world.

Before the indigo haired woman publicizes her presence, the back door flings open and reveals an older lady in her early thirties with shoulder length raven-black hair and bright scarlet red eyes.

She wears a simple black leotard with grey leggings, white leg warmers around her calves and black dance shoes.

Her presence was immediately recognized not only by Hinata but by the other girls as well. They swiftly snapped their focus toward the woman that currently stood in the middle of their dressing room.

"Where's Karin?" The older woman poses to the group since she processes that there was one more person absent from the group.

The girls exchange looks of "how could we forget about Karin?" before they return their attention back to the older woman's direction.

"I'll text her." Sakura voices before she shoots the red haired woman a quick text about the change in their practice time.

"Alright then ladies…" She speaks up after she scans the room and says to the group, "...let's get started, shall we?"

Hinata chose to use that as an opportunity to toss her bag down in her personal area while the other girls file in a line behind each other.

They traveled the same path Hinata just used, but veered backstage and was now on the stage.

"This will have to be one of the cleanest and sharpest performances that you six will ever have to do here at the Dollhouse." The woman sternly advises them with emphasis on cleanest and sharpest during the girls' routine stretches.

"It's that serious, huh Kurenai?" Temari directs her inquiry to the older female as she leans forward until she touches her toes.

"Let's just say that the boss might be in tonight." The raven haired woman name Kurenai forewarns them once they break from their warm-up exercises.

'So it's that serious then.' The group of girls shared similar thoughts in unison.


(A/N: 2.2.14 Major revisions completed)

7.3.16 Major cleaning edits