A/N So I noticed there weren't many Crookshanks/Mrs. Norris fics out there, so here's this one! I really hope you like it.

A strange scent drifted through the air and the orange Kneazle inhaled deeply, trying to pinpoint the source; it wasn't hard, as he had smelled it many times before. Glancing frantically around, he spotted a door that stood ajar and slipped quietly inside as a lithe, dappled creature appeared around the corner, ears flat and nose in the air.

Mrs. Norris.

Crookshanks barely suppressed a low hiss as she passed his door, but she must have heard something because her ears flicked, she froze, and her head swung around so she was staring straight at him. His heart pounded beneath his thick fur and he held his breath, not moving a muscle as she started slowly towards the door he was behind, her tail twitching slightly. Panic grew; if she found him, he would be in so much trouble, even though he was a cat like herself. Mrs. Norris wasn't known for her mercy, and Crookshanks knew he didn't want to be on the receiving end of her fury.

When she was barely a tail length away, a sharp crack sounded in the corridor, echoing faintly before trailing off into silence. Mrs. Norris snapped her head around to glare at something Crookshanks couldn't see before flattening herself to the ground and bolting away from his hiding place with an annoyed growl. A relieved sigh escaped him just as the door was thrown open and a looming human stood silhouetted in the doorway.

"Well, well, what have we here?" Argus Filch sneered down at the cowering Crookshanks.


"And don't let him out at night again!" Filch spat.

"I won't!" Hermione replied as she hurried down the hall the next day, Crookshanks held tightly in her arms. The orange cat was very disgruntled after being locked up in a cramped cage all night, and his fur stuck out in every direction, but as Hermione snuggled him close, he felt his muscles relaxing a bit. He was safe now.

But just the mere thought of the night before sent spikes of fury to his paws and he wanted desperately to tear his claws through Mrs. Norris' flesh, feel her blood running to the ground. She had stayed awake all night, sitting guard outside his cage as Filch had requested, but she had taken advantage of his situation and taunted him all night.

As he was about to fall into an uneasy sleep, she would slip her paw through the bars and give him a nice long gash in his side and he would leap to his paws, hissing as she retreated to a safe distance with a supercilious sneer in her crimson eyes. He would try to turn his back to her but the cage was so small he could hardly move and the arrogant she-cat would just growl with amusement at his futile attempts.

He had never been as relieved in his years as he was this morning when Hermione appeared, led by Filch, and he was allowed out of the cage. He instantly turned on Mrs. Norris, his eyes smoldering.

"I'll kill you, you little—" His yowled curse at the malicious cat was cut off as his mistress scooped him up. The conceited caretakers' cat turned her tail to him with a smirk in her glassy eyes and stalked out the door in search of her next victim, leaving the orange tom fuming.

And now here he was, in Hermione's arms by the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room. He had relaxed enough to start purring, but it was a vacillating purr; his mind was still on Mrs. Norris. Oh, how he wanted her, how he wanted to dig his claws deep into her skin, tear his fangs through her fur, feel her blood spatter over his pelt. But no punishment was horrible enough for that mangy excuse of a cat. She was too evil, too…

"Crookshanks, stop it!"

Hermione's voice cut Crookshanks' thoughts off and he realised he had been kneading her leg with his claws unsheathed. Quickly pulling them in with a guilty feeling that he had hurt his mistress, he leaped from her lap and hurried up to the girls' dormitories. As he curled up tightly on Hermione's four-poster, he couldn't help wondering why Mrs. Norris chose to pick on him most out of the entire school.

A/N How's that for a start? Should I continue? Is there anything wrong with it? Please don't be afraid to point something out, and please review!