Hey all! First Fan fiction!

Thinking a one-shot is more appropriate because if I'm a terrible writer its best not to write a whole story which will not be read.(just so you all know! This is OOC! I am better writing my own stories in which i know the characters better.)

So this will be set right after the kiss in the reckoning!

I loved that kiss and it's what I always wanted to happen but I wish the book never ended there!

I really hope Kelley decides to write another series that leads on from that kiss and how the rest of their lives pan out.

I see everyone does a disclaimer I don't see the point because none of us honestly own it! We're just really big fans who love the series! Any who this is the disclaimer!


Hehee done! :D

So here we go!

"So," I said. "Seems you're going to be stuck with me for a while."

He smiled. A real smile that lit up his whole face.
"Good," he said.
He pulled me against him. Then he bent down, breath warming my lips. My pulse was racing so fast I could barely breathe. I was sure he'd stop again and I tensed, waiting for that hesitation, stomach twisting. His lips touched mine, and still I kept waiting for him to pull back.
His lips pressed against mine, then parted. And he kissed me. Really kissed me- arms tightening around me, mouth moving against mine, firm, like he'd made up his mind that this was what he wanted and he wasn't backing down again.
I slid my arms around his neck. His tightened around me and he scooped me up, lifting me off his feet, kissing me like he was never going to stop, and I kissed him back the same way, like I didn't want him to ever stop.
It was a perfect moment, one where nothing else mattered. All I could feel was him. All I could taste was his kiss. All I could hear was the pounding of his heart. All I could think about was him, and how much I wanted this, and how incredibly lucky I was to get it, and how tight I was going to hold onto it.
This was what I wanted. This guy. This life. This me. I was never getting my old life back, and I didn't care. I was happy. I was safe. I was right where I wanted to be.

The kiss intensified when Derek push me up against a tree, not hard might I add. A moan escaped my lips and Derek started kissing down my neck, dragging his teeth till he met the point where my neck meets my shoulder.

I was in total bliss until something hard hit Derek which made him grunt and pull away. I gave him a quizzical look while trying to regain a steady breathing pattern.

"What do you want Tori!" Derek snapped but kept his eyes closed and his head resting against mine, inching his lips closer to mine and then pulling back slightly as if he was restraining himself.

"Oh don't snap at me like that wolfboy! And stop humping Chloe for a second and come back to the motel because Kit wants to talk to us all about our next move!" she snapped back then she stormed away.

When she said stop humping Chloe I'm sure I must have gone the reddest anyone could possibly have gone. Derek gently put my down on the ground but kept his firm grip on my waist and my body still moulded to his. He bent down and gave me a short but equally as passionate kiss while bring his hand down to my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"We better go back then." He whispered so softly.

"Yeah… I suppose we should." I whispered just as soft while gazing into his eyes.

We just gazed softly into one another's eyes; Derek started to stroke his thumb across my cheek looking at me with such lust.

"Come on we better go and see what my Aunt Lauren and your dad have thought about while we have been gone."

He grabbed my other hand and gently pulled me into a hug while he breathed me in by putting his nose into the crook of my neck. He pulled away all too quickly for my liking as I missed the warmth and the comfort his gentle touch gave me. He grabbed my hand and led me back to the motel at a slow and steady pace obviously trying to salvage as much time alone with me as he can. Once we reached the border line of the forest we both turned to each other and kissed long and hard with as much passion as we could. Once we pulled away for air he heard the faint call of Simon.

"Derek! Come on bro were waiting! Stop making out with Chloe!" I turned to see him smirking and then Tori run out saying,

"Oh no you should have seen them before; they were practically humping one another." She said smirking whilst leaning against the rail of the shabby motel. From the distance I could hear Aunt Lauren screech,

"WHAT? Chloe get up here now!" I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but smile. This was my family now and even though we will have ups and downs over the next few weeks, I wouldn't have it any other way. I squeezed Derek's hand and whispered,

"Oh this should be fun, but I will never leave you no matter what." He rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

"You can't get away from me that easily Chloe Saunders. We just got together and nothing will keep me apart from you."

"I wouldn't have it any other way Derek Souza." I smiled and gave him one last kiss before we walked hand in hand, back to the world of runaway experiments.

Well alone time was nice while it lasted.

I know its short but it's my very first fiction piece on here.

Please review and tell me what you think and if you want more let me know!

Thank you for reading this Fan Fiction piece.

Love from
