Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with Rizzoli & Isles.
- By MegannRosemary
I missed you.
I missed you too.
They stayed in each other's arm for a long time, holding on tight and breathing deeply, until Angela butted in to get her fair share of hugs and love from her two girls.
Tommy and Frankie teased them good naturedly, their exhaustion and the shock adding to the hilarity. They settled down enough to put on an old DVR-ed baseball game and they were all in good spirits, given the situation.
Angela puttered around the kitchen fixing food and drinks before she settled in to watch – more her happy family than the baseball game.
To Maura, these scenes seemed disjointed and jumped quickly. The overwhelming relief to have made up with Jane washed the fight right out of her, made the world around her a little foggy. She was able to relax, truly relax after so long. She fell asleep within the first inning, her head lying on Jane's shoulder.
She only woke up to the cheers of three Rizzoli children screaming and yelling at the television when the game was over.
She rubbed her eyes, trying to rid herself of the sleep and the fog that invaded her mind. Of course, Angela noticed and apologized, starting to clean up and usher her family out the door.
Tommy and Frankie were the first to leave, thanking Maura for the baseball game and the food. A reluctant Angela followed. First, she had to fuss over her doctor in the family, making sure she had absolutely everything she could possibly need and more.
Finally, they were alone.
Jane was first to speak, "Sorry about the baseball game."
"I was glad to have company." You really. "Although I can't say that I was very good company myself."
"I wouldn't worry about that, I just cut your leg open and we were bombarded with toxic water."
That brought a weak and sleepy smile to Maura's face. "I know we said it before but..."
Jane awkwardly patted Maura's uninjured leg, "Hey, we're good now."
"If we don't talk about it, then it will always be there like a bullet under the skin of our friendship, ready to move, cause damage and infect our friendship."
"What kind of drugs are you on?"
"Oh, I don't know..."
It was unlike Maura to not rattle off the drug, dose and possible side effects.
"Jesus Maura." Jane pushed herself up from the couch, jostling Maura in the process, to look for the bottle of pills that would have come home with her from the hospital. "When did you last take one?"
"Your mother gave me one before she left."
"Jesus." Jane shook her head, her wild curls flying. "Let's get you to bed." She would call her mother later.
They hopped down the hall to Maura's room and set Maura on her bed before Jane moved to the large closet to find her something to sleep in. She found a Boston PD t-shirt tucked away and decided that it would do the trick. "When did you steal my t-shit?"
"Who says it's yours? I work for the Boston PD too."
"Whatever. Put this on."
Maura made a face at the unshapely garment but obliged, too tired to argue.
She unbuttoned her blouse, pulled the t-shirt over her head and unzipped her skirt. She used Jane as a crutch to slip the skirt up over her head, thus avoiding the leg.
Jane helped her up, the t-shirt falling halfway to her knees, and to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and scrubbed a warm washcloth over her face - feeling almost, almost, human again.
As much as she hated the help and loved to be the independent woman she was, she was grateful that her best friend was there and that they could spend just a little bit longer together, healing.
When Jane had gotten her settled in her large bed and her foot propped comfortably, she fussed, much like her mother. Maura had to force her lips shut to keep from letting it out, after which it was a definite that Jane would never speak to her again.
"Night Jane."
She sat on the other side of the bed, gently to avoid jostling the leg, to take off her boots.
"What are you doing?" Maura mumbled sleepily.
"I'm staying." There was a certain finality in her tone.
"You don't have to..." She didn't, but she wanted her to. The thought of spending any more time away from her made her heart ache as it shouldn't.
Jane didn't answer her then, only traded her slacks for a pair of Maura's sleep shorts. They were a bright, deep purple and not Jane's usual style. They fit and they weren't covered in toxic water and blood, making them the better option. She did her own cursory wash in the bathroom, tied her hair back and slid into bed beside Maura, answering her with, "Goodnight Maura."
They lay alert, the adrenaline of the past day coursing through their bodies. Every minute detail was augmented and they could hear every heartbeat, feel every deep breath. The darkness was powerful, the moonlight blinding and the silence both deafening and calming.
As their bodies slowly relaxed, their racing minds slowed, they began to relive every moment of the past few days.
They relived every harsh and sarcastic word and every angry jab.
They relived every conversation and all the silences.
They relived every touch; a small touch of a hand on an arm, butt, leg or belly.
They relived every breath and every heart beat that reminded them that they were alive.
Their hands drifted towards each other in the darkness, drifted by some greater force. Their fingers met, entwined and reassured the other of the wonderful life they shared. It was the final reassurance before they fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.
A/N: Thank you all so very much for the truly amazing response to my first fic! I'm thinking this one will be a two-shot if people are interested. Thanks for reading :)