A/N: Hey, I'm back in town! And so is HoL! The first chapter has gone through some changes, following some of your suggestions. If you happen to be one of those who read the first version, I'd greatly, and I can't stress out enough how much, appreciate if you took a look and let me know whether I succeeded at improving it or whether I just made it worse. Thanks.

As for chapter two... I kind of wanted to continue this as soon as one of you suggested it, but for the lack of inspiration... or rather because I was occupied with HEGHHF (what was I thinking...) it got a little delayed. With how things turned out, however, this story can now be considered a prequel to Half Empty Glass..., though. So... onto chapter two, then. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kung Fu Panda

Not now, but perhaps later

It mattered not how many times he'd seen it already. He had the opportunity to watch it on a daily basis now, yet it never failed to amaze him. He would always be the enthusiastic fan, it seemed, watching in awe, his mouth slightly open, the words of astonishment leaving his lips in both silent whispers and loud shouts.

Somehow, the person his eyes were fixed upon was unfazed by his voice echoing through the training hall. She remained focused, not once faltering, doing her best to execute each move perfectly. Avoiding the sharp blades, balancing on the spinning dragons, reducing the large wooden clubs to splinters...

„Awesome!" the panda exclaimed loudly as Tigress finished the obstacle course, landing in front of her master, assuming her finishing pose. She felt a smile tugging at her lips when she noticed the panda's excited expression. It shone from his eyes, his thumbs raised in approving gesture. Still, she kept her composure, her face emotionless as Master Shifu stepped closer, examining her stance, clearly searching for any flaws.

„Well done," he nodded with a small smile, causing her to rejoice inwardly. However, it was short-lived. „You were a little slow at the talon rings, though."

The feline had to fight the urge to wince, feeling a rather familiar pang inside her, but she did not let it to show. Outwardly, at least. Bowing and uttering a quick apology for the flaws in her performance, she took her place beside Po and rest of the Five, patiently awaiting the red panda's orders.

„Po," Shifu spoke, focusing his gaze on the Dragon Warrior. „It's your turn."

All the excitement left the panda's features in a second. He gazed at the razor sharp edges of the talon rings, failing to suppress the urge to gulp.

„Er, now? I mean, it's almost lunch time already..." Po said, and mentally slapped himself right after, noticing the unamused expression on his master's face. „Eh, sorry, I mean-"

„No, Po, you're right," Shifu said, stopping the panda's nervous apology with a raised hand. „It is indeed lunch time, which is why the Five will be leaving now."

Shifu waved with his hand toward the Five, dismissing them. The five warriors bowed to their master, then walked off toward the kitchen, leaving the teacher and a very confused panda alone.

„Er, why-"

„You will be skipping lunch today," Shifu interrupted, causing Po's eyes to widen.


„And you will be repeating the sequence Tigress just demonstrated until you can do it properly at least three times in a row."

What?" Po almost shouted, his puzzlement evident.

„It's your punishment for your yesterday's failure," Shifu stated plainly, only deepening his student's confusion.

„But I thought I got it- I mean, y-you said that-"

„You presented a trophy on time as I asked you to," Shifu explained, pacing in front of the panda, then lowered his voice to a silent murmur. „Even if it was not in a way I'd expect..." Stopping in front of his student and refocusing his gaze on him, the red panda continued in his normal voice, „And you have learned a valuable lesson, as well."

Po remained quiet, twiddling with his fingers nervously.

„But," Shifu raised his voice, switching to a noticeable more stern tone. „You haven't started searching for the trophy until yesterday despite the fact that I have ben reminding you of it for weeks, not to mention that you consequently skipped almost all of yesterday's training."

Po raised a finger in protest, opening his mouth to speak, but decided against it, uttering a silent words of confirmation instead.

„Despite all your improvements in other areas, discipline still remains something you lack," Shifu concluded, then gestured with his hand to the talon rings. „The sooner you start, the sooner you are allowed to eat."

The last sentence seemed to raise the bear's motivation, causing him to nod resolutely and step toward the training equipment, determination shining in his eyes.

Still, standing at the edge of the platform, he could not stop a rather unenthusiastic thought from crossing his mind.

This is going to be a long day...

You don't belong here...

...I just wanted to see who the Dragon Warrior was...

...you're a disgrace to Kung Fu and if you have any respect to who we are...

...big fan...

The voices kept echoing through her mind, bringing the memories with them as the feline kept staring intensively at the little object in front of her, as if it was taunting her...

...a big, fat panda...

A frown formed on her face as the last echo brought up another memory; distant, different and yet similar to the previous...

...she's a monster. A monster!

A long sigh escaped her as she hung her head down in shame, the realization weighing down on her shoulders.

„There you are!" another voice echoed, but this time it wasn't in her mind, but rather in the great hall where she stood. Startled, and rather upset by the fact that she failed to notice the other person's approach, the tiger's head snapped in the direction of the voice.

„Viper," Tigress nodded, her voice bearing no traces of her surprise. „Is something the matter?"

„Nothing serious, just wanted to ask whether you wanted to go with us to Po's father's restaurant," the reptile answered casualy, slithering across the floor of the Hall of Heroes. „We decided to have the dinner there, seeing as Po is still... busy."

„He still isn't done with the punishment?" Tigress asked, turning to fully face her friend.

Viper shook her head in reply. „No. He managed twice in a row already, but then failed at the third attempt," the snake's head turned in the direction where the training hall was, her voice becoming more quiet. „And he seemed to be getting tired, too. I'm not sure he'll complete it tonight."

Turning back to look at the feline, Viper took notice of the little action figure placed on the padestal Tigress stood next to.

„His really stands out, that's for sure," the reptile giggled, moving closer to the Dragon Warrior's trophy.

Tigress allowed herself a chuckle. A short, quiet, but still a chuckle. „I suppose it's rather apt, seeing as he is quite... unique... himself."

„Very true," Viper agreed, letting out another giggle. „I must admit I really didn't expect him to come up with something like this when giving him the advice yesterday..."


„Yeah, Mantis and I found him yesterday shortly before the ceremony, sitting at the top of the stairs with depression written all over his face, lamenting that he had nothing that would compare to the other trophies here," the snake spoke as she continued to study the little version of the feline. „I told him to focuse more on the thought behind rather than on the item itself. Looks like it helped, although I'm not sure what thought he meant by this..."

„A symbol of dedication," Tigress stated, recalling the panda's words.


„I asked him about it yesterday. He claimed it to be meant as a symbol of dedication," Tigress explained, meeting the snake's curious gaze.

...to be like you...

...it was pretty much just the dedication and determination that kept me going...

„Huh," Viper replied, turning back to the figurine. „Well, he never lacked enthusiasm... hmm, the resemblance is quite good, I mean, look at the stripes, and the pattern on the vest... did he say where he got it?"

The silence that followed caused Viper to look at Tigress again. And to notice the puzzled expression on the feline's face.

„What? Just curious."

„He made it himself," Tigress answered after being quiet for a few more moments, her tone notably softer.

„Really? Aww, that's sweet," Viper smiled. „I mean, I know that people are grateful for what we do, but it's still touching to see these things."

The feline felt pang in her chest as her mind wandered to the countless attempts at making her master proud... Long years of hard training and precious little words of appreciation...

And the whole time there was a person in the village just below the palace who admired her so...

...always were, er, my favourite... still are...

Idolizing her, looking up to her, considering her to be his hero...

„Tigress? Is something wrong?"

The feline snapped out of her thoughts, realizing she must have dozed off. She simply shook her head.

„You're not still thinking about that, are you?" Viper asked in a sad tone, eyeing the tiger knowingly.

„What do you mean?"

„Well," she hesitated. „His first days here... and your- our treatment of him."

Tigress kept her expression neutral, just as her voice. On the inside it was a little different, however.

...you know I've been a huge fan of you guys for, well, pretty much as long as I can remember...

„It wasn't the best show of the virtues we are supposed to uphold. I did no-"

We," Viper interrupted sternly. „We were all harsh on him, Tigress. And he forgave us."

„Exactly," Tigress said through clenched teeth, her composure faltering for the moment. „He looks up to us his whole life and the moment he's thrown into our lives without having a say in it, we treat him as if he was a trash!"

Monster! She's a monster!

„It was a... difficult time. For all of us. And you know Po isn't the type to hold a grudge."

„Yes, but... how?" Tigress asked, not taking her eyes from the little wooden version of herself. „Where does he find the strenght to... to forgive so easily?"

„Well," Viper started, then paused for a moment to reconsider her words. Rubbing her head with the end of her tail, she glanced at the action figure of Tigress and smiled. „Maybe it's that his dedication is too strong to waver because of something like that."

Another moment of silence followed as Tigress remained unresponding, her slightly widening eyes the only noticeable reaction to the words, another memory echoing in her mind...

...always looked up to you... you being the most dedicated and all. Also known to be the strongest, and the leader, and the most graceful and the most beatif-

„The boys are probably waiting," Viper's voice interrupted, catching her attention again. „So, are you coming with us?"

„I'll just get something small in the kitchen," Tigress answered, shaking her head, her composure back.

„Alright, see you later then."

Tigress merely nodded, her eyes still locked on the figurine.

Walking through the courtryard, Tigress couldn't help but still ponder on the recent events. Should this really affect me so much? she kept asking herself, her pride waging a war against her heart.

Maybe it's that his dedication is too strong...

Thanks a lot, Viper, the feline thought bitterly, unable to stop thinking about what all that single line could possible mean. He's certainly dedicated enough to have action figures of us. But that's all just the fanboy side of him... or could he really...?

A small puddle of water on the ground in front of her made her stop. Strange, she thought, I didn't even realize it rained... must have happened when we were inside the training hall...

She gazed at her reflection in the water, her mind going back to the end of her yesterday's conversation with the bear...


Her ears twitched as they registered a silent muttering coming from nearby. As she turned around, her suspicions were proved correct: It was Po. He was obviously walking from the training hall, heading towards the kitchen, rubbing his left eye with his hand.

„Guess I really shouldn't postpone things like that- ugh, stupid splinters-"

„I see you're done with your punishment."

„Huh? Wha-!" he almost squeaked, whirling around, his eye forgotten for the moment as he immediately assumed his fighting stance. Once he realized who the voice belonged to, he calmed down, his right arm lowering, the left going back to rub his eye. „Oh, hey Tigress, didn't see you there..."

„As a warrior, you should always stay aware of your surroundings, even at the palace."

„Uh, yeah, guess I was just tired," Po chuckled nervously. Noticing the expression on the feline's face, he began to feal a little uneasy. The emotionless, stone-like was wouldn't be new, but Po had a feeling he saw something in her eyes; something he could not quite place...

„Anyway, yeah, I'm done with the training today, well, sorta," he said rather quickly. „I mean, I finally got it right as Shifu wanted it, but it was still nowhere near as perfect as yours..."

Tigress winced inwardly at those words, her gaze turning sideways. „Well, I did not perform it perfectly either," as she spoke silently, barely above a whisper.

Po was close enough to hear, though. „Huh? Wha- Oh... yeah, I really wish he stopped doing that."

She instantly turned her head back to look at him, her voice almost stern. „What do you mean?"

„Well, the criticising," the bear shrugged, causing her to frown, although not in anger. „I mean, I know he's the master here, like, that he can see thins I can't, right? But as far as I'm concerned, you did it flawlessly. I mean, c'mon, how was that supposed to be more awesome?" he exclaimed, raising his hands up for emphasis.

Tigress watched him wordlessly, feeling strangely warm inside.

„And then he comes and points out mistakes? It's hard enough to have to do it after you as it is!" he almost shouted, his eyes wide. Then, as if realizing what he just did, he brings his paw to rub the back of his neck shyly. „Er, I know I'm the Dragon Warrior, but-UGH!"

The pain in his eye made itself known again, causing him to stop talking and start rubbing the eye again, almost violently so.

„What is it?" Tigress asked, sounding concerned.

„Just a splinter, I think," he muttered, not ceasing in his vain attempts to get rid of the little piece of wood in his eye.

„You'll just make it worse like this," the feline said in noticeably gentle tone, stepping closer to him. „Here, let me see."

„Nah, it's just-"

„Po, let me see."

It did not even sound forceful, but it still got Po to immeadiately stop the rubbing and hesitantly bring the arm down. There was something about her voice, something that gave it the power to leave no place for arguments. Po lived at the palace long enough to grow familiar with it, although he never quite understood it. He never really cared, though. As far as he was concerned, it just made her more awesome.

Tigress cupped his left cheek with her right paw, using the thumb to open his eye a little more, her head moving closer to his as she narrowed her eyes, searching for the source of the pain.

„I see it," she said after a short moment. „It really is a splinter," she confirmed the panda's suspicion, then frowned.

„W-what is it?" the panda asked, stuttering slightly.

„It's rather deep, it could get behind the eye," she answered, the frown still present as she considered what to do with it.

„Er, doesn't sound exactly cool..."

„Don't move," she commanded, bringing her other paw to his eye level, outstretching one of the fingers, the claw unsheathing.

As soon as Po noticed this, his eyes widened dramatically. „Whoa! Wait!" he cried out, visibly startled, taking a few steps back, swatting her paws away. „Those things are sharp!"

„As they should be," she replied rather dryly. „They're claws."

„Well, yeah! I mean-"

„Po, the splinter is too deep for me to be able to pull it out with just my fingers," she spoke as if explaining something to a child. „I would probably just end up pushing it deeper."

„And exactly how does clawing my eyes out-"

„I would do nothing like that, they're not just for clawing," she countered, sounding almost insulted. „I'll use the dull edge-"

„It's just a splinter, it will-argh!" he winced as another jolt of pain came.

„See? You're just making it worse!" Tigress hissed, getting frustrated.

„It will get out on its own in time-"


A moment of complete silence followed, the power in her voice causing him to instantly shut up.

„Po," she sighed, her voice turning gentle again. „I'll be careful."

He stared at her for a moment, hesitating, his left hand half raised, frozen in its way toward the eye. Finally, he lowered the paw, nodding.


Tigress walked toward him again, cupping the cheek as before. The moment she unsheathed the claw in front of his eyes again her sensitive ears twiched, picking up the sound of Po's rapidly quickening heartbeat. He was afraid.

„Po," she spoke softly, causing his gaze to move from the claw to her eyes. „Trust me."

It may have been the tone of her voice, so uncharacteristically gentle, or the way her eyes shone in the sunset, or the warm feeling her paw on his cheek... one way or another, his heart beat calmed down and he made the slightest nod.

Focusing on the tiny piece of wood, Tigress slowly brought the dull side of her claw to it, cautiously pushing it to the side, making it come out a bit. Then, after unsheathing another claw, delicately, and ever so carefuly, she grabbed the splinter, successfully pulling it out.

„There, done," she proclaimed, holding the splinter between the two claws. When Po did not answer, she refocued her eyes on his, noticing the look in them. It seemed as if he did not hear her, still staring into her crimson red pupils, completely captivated.

Their eyes locked for a long moment, the crimson red meeting jade green, all under the veil of the sunset's orange hue. Becoming aware of the position they were in, their faces so close, his face cupped in her paw, she snapped out of the reverie, stepping away a bit, clearing her throat.

Po reacted right after, shaking his head as if to forcefully clear his mind.

„Er, I... thanks."

„No problem," she nodded, a bit too quickly for her own liking.

Another short, rather awkward pause followed.

„So... you and the others already ate or...?"

„The rest went to your father's restaurant, seeing as you were unable to cook due to your punishment," she answered, her tone back to its usual measured self. „I myself was just going for something small in the kitchen."

„I see," he nodded, grateful that the awkwardness was gone. „Would you, uh, like me to prepare some noodles, perhaps?"

„Yes, that would be nice," Tigress replied after a short hesitation.

With his famous grin spreading over his face, Po gestured for them to head toward the kitchen excitedly, soon getting into his usual ranting mood, talking about something undoubtedly awesome. Tigress didn't really hear him, though.

Again her mind was busy concerning itself with the same thing it has been pondering on since her interrogation of the bear the day before. Instead of a frown, however, there was a smile on her face now.

Po admired her, greatly, that she was sure of, but despite the slightly awkward moment that occured with the splinter, she doubted there was something more than a friendship coming from his side. He was just too... innocent, she concluded.

But what about from my side? came the question from her mind, almost making her stop in her tracks. No, she concluded. She was above that, devoted to her duty. And she valued the bear's friendship too much, she realized. He was the one who would always admire her, who would always see her in the light others did not... she would not lose that...

„...I mean, yeah, I know I messed up big time back then, but just because something isn't there it doesn't mean it can't, like, eventually, right?"

She didn't really know what he was asking, having not heard the rest, thus now knowing the context, so she just nodded wordlessly. Something about the question caused another turmoil inside her again, though.

Just because it isn't there now, it doesn't mean it can't be there eventually...

A/N: Thank you for reading! Please find the time to review and let me know what you think!

More shorites like this one are coming (unless I get struck by some great idea this story is to be considered complete); I spent the time away going through some of my other ideas and came up with a few new ones and I intend to present at least some of them to you in the following weeks. This doesn't mean I'm not about to continue on my other stories, though. Chapter eleven of Half Empty Glass... is already underway, and so is chapter two of The Chase. Yes, I'm continuing that one, too.

I just felt I needed to distract myself with something else, too, since working on the tenth chapter of the long one made me feel a little... well... I don't know, I expected you to yell at me for losing my touch or something. Your reviews were positive, though, for which I'm grateful, but none of you really commented on the form of the tenth chapter as I hoped you would... well... I have to assume you're fine with how things are.

Anyway, I have a month of (relatively) free time now, so hopefully see you soon and more often!