Dear Celestia,

I have a concern to express. Since her arrival, Princess Cadence has not seemed to grasp the full extent of what it is to be a ruler. She spends her days on frivolous activities and seems to care little for the "Protector" and "Overseer" roles which we hold. I attempted to talk with her about this matter, but I fear I did not explain myself very well. She seemed perplexed, as if she did not understand that there are several facets of the royal role. Although, I cannot say that she is the only one at fault. I too see in myself, a lacking perhaps, of the aspects of ruling that she embraces so openly.

Dear Luna,

Princess Cadence, although she has not been with us long, seems to have grasped a concept which both of us have struggled with. What I mean to say is that she can mingle with relative ease, with anypony. She is able to cast off her royal appearance and connect with ponies. Take, for instance, when we appear in the city, we are kneeled before and greeted with respect and reverence. Princess Cadence walks as though she is one of them, for, she is, and we are as well. She is what we strive to be; a respected, but befriended royal. I have often thought that this is the proper state of royalty, but struggled with how to become such a princess. Perhaps, there are things that we can learn from, as well as teach dear Cadence.