Hey there everyone! How are you? Excellent I hope. I'm doing fantastically but it is wholly fucking impossible to assume that all of you are doing swimmingly as well so if you are having a shitty day, here's hoping this makes it better!

You see I'm starting this new, super cool, fun-fun, interactive thing in which YOU, the reader will get to interact with myself, but more importantly, the characters in the story! Yes, I know, it's fucking genius but it's not my idea, I promise. I would feel horrible taking credit for it.

Either way, this new...adventure, will be called "Letters to..." Initially I'm starting it off here with "Letters to Twilight" but very soon there will be others. "Letters to Vampire Diaries", "Letters to True Blood", "Letters to Harry Potter" and more to come!

And I won't just be doing "Letters to..." here on FanFiciton, I'll be spreading over to my Livejournal, Jonas Brothers Fanfiction Archive and Archive of Our Own as well. There you can participate in "Letters to Bandom" where you write letters to your favorite band guys, "Letters to JB" where you write letters to your favorite Jonas' "Letters to ME" where you write to, wait for it, ME! Remember, "Letters to ME" can be used for questions, suggestions for other "Letters to..." ideas or even advice (although I'm not really all that great at advice.)

So, now that I've explained this as thoroughly and as non-idiotically as I can, here's how you submit your letters:





Copy and Paste the above template and add your information. Leave your letters in the form of a review. If you have anything you would like to say OUTSIDE of your letter's topic such as a simple "OMG that last chapter was so effing hilarious" or something to that nature PLEASE do so in a separate review. Things tend to get tedious when I have to read something OTHER than questions, you know?

Also remember to put this story in your ALERTS to be informed of an update. That way you can see when your letter is responded to!

Please understand that, while this is early in the process, I will be able to respond to almost everyone. But in the rare case that this somehow becomes a "thing" not everyone will get a response. That means you'd better do your damndest to make your letters interesting! Because if they're not...well...don't expect to get a letter back. Tough love.

For those of you here that want to venture outside of the realm of FFNet feel free to go to my profile for links to my Bandom and Jonas Brothers "Letters to..." and wonderful fanfiction as well as a link to the "Letters to ME" page!

Thanks for being awesome, guys!

