Disclaimer: I DON'T own Harry Potter, the Magical world or anyone that reside in it. They all belong to the WONDERFUL J.K Rowling. I DO however own the Plot for this Fic.

A/N Thanks to everyone who reviewed, Favorited and Followed this Fic. Sorry this is a bit later than planned. But here is the next chapter. A bit longer so I hope that makes up for it!

Remember this isn't BETA'D and won't be during the writing, so all mistakes are my own. I'll have someone BETA for me when I finish the part of the Trilogy.

WARNING: There will be multi-POV in this Fic, so if you don't like then please hit the back space.



This Chapter is dedicated to V. L. Crawford who has reviewed every Chapter. Hope you enjoy this one as well as the others!


On with the story folks…

Recap from last chapter

It wasn't until I did a second sweep of the room that I noticed something; James wasn't on the "coactus somno" Potion. The I.V that constantly pushed a supply into his system and kept his brainwave active while his body and magic was unable to do the job was no longer attached to his arm.

Yes something had happened since last night; and I was going to find out!




The healers of St. Mungo's were all baffled at the Progress made the previous night. There had been no warning signs for improvement in one of their most favored of patients. Not until just hours before; when the potion they had been using to keep his brain waves active long enough to heal had stopped working. It was no longer needed. They were thrilled for the Father and son who would visit every evening. While no news was good news; this would definitely boost their spirits.

Sirius Black was currently sat behind the desk of his study-waiting for his four year old son to return home from his lesson-deep in thought. He couldn't believe after almost three years there was finally good news concerning his beloved husband.

He had been at the Hospital visiting his comatose husband with their rambunctious son telling him of their day when he noticed it for the first time. There had been change in what seemed like overnight in James' condition. Sirius couldn't believe it himself.

It had been while he sat listening to his adorable son telling his Papa all about his day and new lesson with his Auntie Cassie, that Sirius first noticed the change. The potion needed to keep James alive by continuing brain activity was not there. His husband was doing all the work himself.

Sirius had rushed out of the room as soon as he noticed Hadrian had fallen asleep on his Papa's chest and found the first Healer he could; demanding to know what had happened. Was James finally waking up?

Healer Patil 'Head of the Department of Spell Injuries' was on duty that night and had happily informed him that James' brain activity had increased spectacularly overnight. While he was in no rush to waking up, it was definitely an improvement. With his Brain activity active on its own, his magical core would be less strained trying to get that part of him healed and will now focus more on healing the rest of him.

The spell that had caused him to fall into a comatose state had depleted most of his magical core. The little remaining was so focused on keeping him alive and healing mentally, that it wasn't able to heal and regenerate itself.

Had James woken up before his magical core was able to start regenerating, he would have more than likely lost his magical ability all together.

Sirius was so relieved with hearing this news. James magical core now having the ability to regenerate itself was a sure sign that he was on the way to waking up. It may be another month, or year or even five years. It didn't matter how long it took because knowing that they were finally heading in that direction was filling him with more hope than anything else could have.

Sighing happily Sirius stood from his chair and left the study and headed for the direction of the back exit. It would still be another two hours before his Hadrian would appear home, and he had plans to meet his old friend Moony at the three broomsticks in Hogsmead to tell him the good news.

So Grabbing up his cloak he left the Manor and after reaching the Apparition point spun on his foot; disappearing with a soft crack.

He arrived rather quickly, entering the Pub and head in the direction the back corner where he could see his friend already present; two glasses of Butter-beer set in front of him.

"Moony," Sirius greeted slapping him on the back as he sat down across from him and taking a sip from the glass on the table.

"Hey Pads, how's Hadrian?"

"He's good, attending lesson right now, but you know how he is; he's Hadrian" Sirius answered smiling fondly at the thought of his son. "You should come visit him; he'd love to see his Uncle Moony"

Smiling Remus nodded "I'll pop over sometime tomorrow since he doesn't have lessons"

"Good good, we'll have a picnic for lunch he'll love it…..but Hadrian isn't why I asked you to meet me here, no matter how much I love boasting about my boy" Sirius smirked.

"I have some good news, there has been a bit of a change in Jamie's condition"

"REALLY….Sirius that's great…is he waking up? ... Is he okay? What happened?"

"Whoa Moony calm down, and if you let me finish I would have told you what is going on" Sirius laughed causing Remus to look at him sheepishly.

"Sorry please continue"

"His brainwave activity has increased, and he no longer needs the "coactus somno" to keep it going. The healers say that since his brain can now work on its own, his magical core is now able to heal itself and regenerate. So they expect him to be on the path to waking up. It all depends on how long it takes his magical core to get back up to full capacity."

"That's great Siri…does cub no?"

"Not yet, I don't want to say anything yet, he is still too young to understand. I don't want him getting his hopes up that his Papa is waking up when it could still be a few more years"

Remus nodded in understanding "Makes sense, it wouldn't do anyone any good to get his hopes up only to have them crushed when James doesn't wake up any time soon."

"My thoughts exactly Moony" Sirius said taking a sip of his drink before the two men lapsed into more light topics; discussing the current quidditch season, how Hadrian was doing with his lesson's and about the upcoming Halloween ball that was happening in a few weeks.

It was about an hour later that Sirius decided to take his leave, wanting to make sure he was home when Cassie brought Hadrian back after his lessons were finished. So he stood from the table throwing a few Galleons down for his drinks and waved Remus goodbye.





"Daddy" Hadrian yelled as he jumped into my arms "I missed you, but I had so much fun wif Dway taday"

"Did you? Well you'll have to tell all about it pup" I laughed swinging him around.

"The boys are doing spectacularly well for only being in classes a couple of weeks, but I expected nothing else from them. They are Blacks after all"

I rolled my eyes to Hadrian at that last bit making him laugh quietly. "Thanks again for bringing him home Cassie"

Nodding her head she turned around and headed back towards the flu.

"Aunt Cassie wait, I just want to let you know I will be throwing the first ball of the Samhain season here at the Manor on the 29th of October, the invitations will be sent out the end of the week could you let grandmother and grandfather know please?"

"We will be glad to attend Sirius; I will inform them tonight, good day"

I shook my head after she left and walked towards the dining hall to get a snack for the little boy still in my arms.

"You would think she would learn to be a little less formal don't you think pup" I asked tickling his sides making him giggle again.

How I cherished those giggles. To soon he would be all grown up and attending Hogwarts.

Placing him down on a chair I called for a house elf to bring up in a glass of milk and a plate of cookies.

"Now tell me what was so fun today?" I asked him as he ate.

"Auntie Cassie says dat sense we was being so good, we could pway outside for a bit afta dinna so Dway and I pway Knights n Dwagons Daddy, it so much fun. I was da Bwave Knight Hadwian ruler of Blackmore, and Dway was the Brave knight Dwaconus of MalfoyCity Dwagon slayor"

"Wow, so how did my brave knight do? Did you slay any Dragons?"

"Yup I gots a Weally big one, it was bigga den our Manor Daddy."

"That big huh?" I asked laughing as I picked him up since he was done his snack and carried him to the sitting room to watch some telly. "Well I'm glad I have such a strong brave knight to keep me safe from dragons"

"Daddy….you bigga den me"

"Well how about I keep you safe and you can keep Papa safe while he's sick in the Hospital? How's that?"

"ummm" he sat there in thought with his little finger tapping his little chin cutely "otay..I do dat"

Laughing at how cute he was-even if I'm being a bit biased- I scooped him up and began tickling him, making him laugh. "You can, can you?"

The rest of the night went by rather quickly. We spent a few hours visiting James where Hadrian retold his brave tale of slaying Dragons with his cousin Draco, while I sat and listened fondly before we left as Visiting hours ended; heading home and turning in for the rest of the night.




The next morning came bright and early. I awoke to the normal sounds of Hadrian's wakeup call before getting up and bathing him, dressing myself while he watched the telly sprawled out on my large bed.

Today was a special day as Remus was coming over around lunch time to attend a Picnic and spend the day at the Manor playing with his favorite little nephew!

When I had informed Hadrian of his visit the night before he had started making plans for the whole day; poor Moony would be exhausted by the time he left in the evening.

Grabbing Hadrian up from the middle of the bed we left the room and headed down the stairs towards the dining hall for a late breakfast.

The morning went by pretty fast and before we knew it a smiling Moony was stumbling through the fireplace in the entrance hall.

"Uncle Moony you here alweady?" Hadrian bounced excitedly at my side s huge smile plastered on his small face.

"Hey Cub, I hope you have lots planned for us today"

"Uhhuh…we gonna have a picnic wif Daddy in da gardens, den we gonna pway dwagon slayer…you can be Sir Moony da brave knight, and Daddy can be da king of da Castle"

We both laughed as he rambled excitedly about his plans for the day as we headed out the back door to the large pristine Gardens set behind the Manor.

"Come on Uncle Moony, huwwy up we hafta eat fast so we can start pwaying"

"Slow down squirt, let Uncle Moony get settled before you tire the old dog out before you even start playing" I yelled laughing as he ran out the back door ahead of us.

I laughed even harder when Remus shoved me before following after the excited four year old "shove it mutt, you're older then I am by three months."

"Yes but I still look as dashing as I did when I was eighteen" I yelled after him.





"I command thee to slay thy Dragons Sir Moony and Sir Hadrian of Blackmore" Sirius commanded with a straight face from his makeshift thrown.

"wight away you magemisty" Hadrian stood straight and bowed before pretending to gallop away on his trusty steed.

"Your kingdom sha'll be saved oh great king" Remus stated copying Hadrian's move as he too headed of in the direction of the great Dragons terrorising the Kingdom of Blackmore.

"Sir Hadrian, we are outnumbered by the Dragons, what sha'll your first order be young Sir"

"Attack and slay sir Moony"

With that last statement both brave knights rode towards the Dragon. They raised their swords to attack and fought gallantly for the kingdom they served; defeating the Dragon together.

"King Padfoot, you kingdom is fwee an safe. West for you people can now sleep in peace" Hadrian bowed to his king.

"Thank you oh great knights! For your reward we sha'll feast greatly, come to thy royal Dinning hall, and accept my Table as thanks" Sirius said as he stood and lead them back into the house for their dinner.

"That was fun" Remus laughed once they had taken their seats at the table "you were very brave Sir Hadrian"

"I know"

The rest of the meal went by rather quickly once they all settled down. Hadrian couldn't wait until he got to see his Papa later that night, so he could tell him all about his day playing 'knights and Dragons' with his Daddy and Uncle Moony.

He thought the day was a spectacular one and planned to get his Uncle Moony back to play again.

Soon enough it was time for Remus to leave so the Father and son could head over to the hospital before visiting hours were over and spend some time with the third member of their little family.

As soon as they arrived Hadrian did just as he had planned and told exuberant tales of Brave Knights Hadrian and Moony, gallantly saving King Padfoot and his people from fierce Dragons to his Papa; promising that while the man lay sleeping, he would protect him from any dangers that may awake.




Later that night as Sirius carried an exhausted Hadrian through the Flu and up the stairs to his bedroom-to tuck him into bed-he couldn't help but smile at the events of the day. It had been a good and happy one.

He had spent the day playing with his little boy, and visiting with his best friend, still running on the high that he Husband was on the mend. It seemed the nothing could ruin his mood for the time being.

Everything happened for a reason. Everything had its place, and Sirius' place was with his son, in there Manor waiting for his husband to come home, so they could finally live the happy lives they were meant for.

The knowledge he received that James was now mending on his own, and in the process of building up his magical core so he could wake up at last couldn't have come at a better time. He would never give up on his husband, but as the months waned onward with no change in his condition, he was slowly losing hope that the man would ever wake.

He had feared that they would eventually have to move him over to the Permanente ward at Mungo's alongside of Frank and Alice Longbottom. Something he was not sure he could entirely cope with.

He was more grateful at the news of James' slow recovery then he would be of anything else he would ever learn. His husband will be coming home.

Soon it will happen. Maybe Hadrian would already be off to Hogwarts, but one day they would all be together. Sirius was sure of it. He would make sure it happened.

Nothing would stand in his way.

Nothing would ruin his hopeful and happy mood if he could help it.





In a UN-know Location sat a man frustrated beyond belief. Just a few days prior he had attempted to get into a vault at Gringotts in which he held a key; yet he was denied.

The funds he had been Privy to just a year or two before hand were now closed to him, and he was unsure of what he was going to do now.

He had many plans for that gold. Sure he knew he would be unable to take all of it but with the constant stream being put in the Vault-keeping it at a constant 10 thousand Galleons-he knew that he could get away with taking a few hundred here and there without much notice.

Still even with the key he held no longer of any use and his access to the Childs Vault discontinued he figured he could still find a way around it. Maybe in a year or two, when the condition of a certain head of and old Pureblood family still remained the same with him being unconscious, he could convince another certain Lord that naming him a temporary Guardian of the Child would be wise in case something were to happen to him.

It would not be good for certain families to claim hold of him after all; being the Famous boy-who-lived and all; it would be very dangerous.

Alas he was sure it would have worked if the damned man would just stay Comatose. But he had come across the knowledge-through one of his many contacts- that One James Potter-Black had improved and was definitely on the mend.

This was something that angered him beyond belief. All his plans were slowly beginning to unravel.

If the boy had both Parents there to support and love him he would never fall into the path he had so carefully set for him.

His only hope was to wait for the boy to start school. Once he was away from the constant eyes of his overprotective Father, then and only then would he have the chance to steer him in the right direction. He would have his pawn again.

The boy would fall into line; he would make sure of it, even if it was the last thing he did.

"Hadrian Canus Potter-Black you will be mine to mold one way or another"




Thousands of miles away a man sat unnoticed in the corner of a child room watching over him as he slept.

He was lost in thought as he wearily looked around the Blue and Silver décor.

He was uneasy; something had happened, and oath had been uttered, and this man was more scared then he had ever been.

One of the two things in the world he cherished more than anything had been marked. His only hope was that when the time came; they would be ready for whatever was coming their way.

He would not let his only son stand alone. If it took every last breath he would fight by his side protecting him until the very end.

No one; not ever Voldemort would take his son away from him.

His precious little boy, so full of life, and still so innocent was marked for a destiny no sole person should have to take on.

He had watched over the little boy, smiling as her grew into the rambunctious spirited child he was, and he would continue to watch and take pride in the man he knew he would become.

When the time came-and this man knew it was fast approaching-Their little family would fight side by side. Never backing down, and never waning there love and trust for one another. For the one Power Voldemort will never understand is the Power of love. The lengths they will go to protect the ones they call family.

They would train him; make sure he understood the dangerous he will be forced to endure. There will not be a situation that the sleeping child will be unable to overcome.

As the man sat there continuing to watch the sleeping boy he made his own oath, his own Vow to the two creatures who wished his son Harm.

"Come when you may, but know; we will be ready. We will be waiting, and we will WIN!"

It was with the final words that two heads snapped up from different parts of the world.

One day in the not so distant future, one child marked by two men would turn their reality on its axes.




In one night two oaths had been made, a destiny had been sealed.

One child's life had been mapped out!

Who will stand at his side, and fight for what is right? Who will show true loyalty to the Destined one and vow to protect the week and defenceless?

And who will fall to the shadows, corrupted by the dark that surrounds them on all sides?

But more importantly, who will avoid the temptation of the Dark that hides itself so easily in the brightness of the light?

As the years come to pass we can only wait.

For only time will tell.


A/N WOOT thirteen pages wow, I'm shocked. The longest before this had been 10, so yay. Again sorry for the wait; I don't know when the next one will be up, but hopefully soon.

Up Next is the Halloween Ball!