Reviews for Growing up Marauder
Silvermane1 chapter 5 . 2/4/2013
BattyCrash chapter 5 . 2/2/2013
This is a pretty good fan fiction. I usually don't read Slash fan fictions... But this, this is good.
Martionmanswife chapter 5 . 2/1/2013
you are doing a great job with the story. Love it.
Guest chapter 5 . 1/30/2013
Amazing, I love how you've made Sirius and James gay for each other, its perfect!
V. L. Crawford chapter 5 . 1/31/2013
That was brilliant. Thank you for the dedication I was really honored by it. I loved the Dragon slaying it was fantastic. I also really loved Sirius's vow. Can't wait to read more.
wwemoon12 chapter 5 . 1/30/2013
Hi this is a really good story and I want to say I think the guy with the key is dumbledore it sounds like something he'll do for and I quote" the greater good"
Dahlia Lupin chapter 4 . 12/19/2012
Okay so I liked this chapter but in a couple of places I noticed some grammar mistakes.
"those of higher social slandered" Its standard not slandered. Also "taught like the Black Hair" Its Heir not hair. Sorry but those two things bugged me, lol. Anyway love your story its super cute! Can't wait 'til you update again. Btw I also like your story Twilighted.:D
Fallen-Petals15 chapter 4 . 12/20/2012
No, you don't suddenly move to writing in a different person EVER it's sloppy and pathetic change all the "I"s to he's and sirius, to improve the integritiy of your story
Dahlia M. Black chapter 4 . 12/19/2012
I liked this chapter but there was a couple grammar mistakes. One "taught like the Black Hair" its Heir not hair, and two "greeting those of higher social slandered" its standard not slandered. Sorry but it was bugging me. Anyway I love this story its super cute! Can't wait 'til you update! Btw I also like your story Twilighted!:D
Guest chapter 3 . 12/17/2012
I personally think Ravenclaw would be the best choice for him cause though Slytherin seems natural now he wouldn't be Snubbed by Draco and the rest for being there cause there is a certain possibility that they would do the above mentioned if he ended up in Gryffin instead and being in Slytherin might make Snape against him
V. L. Crawford chapter 4 . 12/18/2012
This was fantastic. I love the way Harry acts and I love Daddy Sirius. I also want James to wake up soon. Please update soon.
Child of Dreams chapter 4 . 12/18/2012
I bet it was Dumbledore!
Red05 chapter 3 . 12/17/2012
great story so far i love the ones that show the rest of the Black family in them,he should be a ravenclaw since he seems like a smart child so far and the lessons will only help him along
V. L. Crawford chapter 3 . 12/16/2012
This was great but I wish you would actually have Sirius and Harry interacting. They are father and son but we are not getting to see any of that. Trust me a two and three year old child can definitely interact and have converstaions. Whether they are more prone to a baby talk or like my niece who is now four years old that shocked her peditrician when she went for her two year check up because she couldn't believe how well she spoke and undesrtood everything. But even when the don't talk that well, like another niece who is two at the moment and does have a more trouble speaking clearly because she had water on her ears for the first year and a half and couldn't hear the words clearly, but she still will argue with and make sure you no what she wants.

I know this is your story and you have to write your way, but with it starting so young I was hoping for a chance to really see Harry have a childhood, not just a few chapters and then sent away for ten months of the year. You are writing a story with so much possiblities and I was just hoping to read them.

I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway, but I couldn't help saying that in hopes we really get to see some of Harry's early years not just schooling. Trust me on this normal children don't spend all their time on school related things. they avoid it as much as possible.
Child of Dreams chapter 3 . 12/16/2012
Will you PLEASE wake James up already?
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