Disclaimer - I do not own Megamind

Noire et Bleu
Black and Blue

- - - 13/06/2012

First things first, if I have something relevant to the following chapter it will be here, right under the title. If I have come back to edit a previous chapter (as I have done here) then there will be a date beside what I have added.

I answer all reviews but these are at the bottom of the chapter and may or may not contain spoilers. If you don't want to know what's going to happen next I recommend not reading them.

After the reviews at the bottom of the chapter I will have a small section completely devoted to spoilers so that you can understand why Roxanne does certain things and why I have included things that seem completely irrelevant. Why? Because I like to explain why I write the things I write. Sue me. Okay, perhaps not. I don't think I'd have the money for a lawyer. Heh heh.

Also, speech is no longer BOLD. It's distracting. See? Distracted you from reading the lawyer comment, didn't it?

WARNING ::: Contains graphic smut, gore, evilness, shadows, torture and demented fluff.

This is a DARK fanfic, this means it's going to eventually border mentally unstable content and I can assure you that there are some people who just won't like it, and then some who will have their demented bone thoroughly tickled... Now I have warned you, don't like, don't read and please don't post hateful comments. If you do like it, however, then I'm glad and I look forward to your comments! (hint hint) Oh and if you have any ideas let me know! I encourage being painfully honest to the point of harsh, I'm here to get better not protect my delicate ego.

Chapter 01 : A Matter of the Mind

Song: None

13/06/2012 :: For some chapters I'm going to want to set the mood, you don't need to listen and it wont effect the story but I know some people like the occasional read along song. Myself included.

The alarm went off at quarter to five, the loud and obnoxious beeping stirring a cranky Roxanne from a deep and comforting sleep. She had been up all night again researching the last topic she had relayed to Metro City as had become common place to do so after each of her news reports. It had taken her a long time to come to terms with the distinct differences between the 'truth' and the 'public truth'. Normally she just skimmed the details but lately her curiosity had become too proud to be pushed aside and last night had been another information binge, one of many. She yawned and rolled to the edge of the bed, letting her leg fall off the edge and eventually sliding to the ground. She lay there for a few more minutes, quietly complaining until with a defeated sigh she pushed herself up, ruffled her hair, itched her stomach then made her way to the kitchen.

She never ate much in the mornings, based largely on the fact she was not a morning person and the idea of making a feast so early was almost painful. Today, however, she suspected she wouldn't be getting her usual 'eat everything in the fridge' dinner, something else that had also become common place. Wayne was planning a surprise visit to the mayor's monthly 'all is well' speech, an event that was held in great esteem and to which she was expected to attend. Roxanne knew interrupting events like this gave Megamind some demented thrill, not that she blamed him. Any excuse to cease political talk was a blessing in Roxanne's eyes and the sooner today was over the better. She almost hit herself, had becoming the genius's ditsy hostage become such a normal idea to her? On second thought it really had, not that she blamed him, one look in the mirror told her she was singularly the sexiest person in the- Oh god. She cringed at her reflection in the shiny silver surface of her kettle. No, she was definitely not a morning person.

Making herself a quick coffee she reluctantly shoved a few pieces of bread into her toaster and slid onto the counter, swinging her legs like a child as she pulled yesterday's paper into her lap and began fingering over the headlines. Skimming along until she found that familiar over-sized blue head looking all too smug from the other side of a set of iron bars she stopped to take a closer look. The caption read "IS MEGAMIND, PUBLIC MENACE, DUE FOR HIS ANNUL BREAKOUT?" She scoffed. If anything he was a little over due, how long had it been now? Four weeks? She ignored the rest of the article but quietly marvelled how long it took the city to catch on to Megamind's patterns. Sure they were learning but the city should really just start asking her when Megamind would make his next debut. Gods knew she had been warning her and her friends for years now, how anyone else could not find him so utterly predictable was simply beyond her.

When the toast finally popped she ate it quickly with butter, chewing fast as she ambled towards her bedroom in search of some decent clothes. Honestly, it didn't really matter what she wore, Janey would just pick something out for her when she reached the office anyway. But she supposed turning up at work wearing a pair of trackies and a bra wouldn't play out so well… Janey was quite possibly her only real friend in the entirety of Metro City. They had met several years ago when the station had decided she was sorely in need of a fashion adviser. When she considered the job it seemed almost a given that she would meet a tall fake blonde with bright painted nails and a shrill voice, imagine her surprise when she had met the short brunette who often had Roxanne tripping over her own thoughts to keep up.

Deciding on a simple red singlet with some tight fitting denim jeans Roxanne pulled them on quickly and made her way to the door, she was sure Janey would have a new outfit ready for the eleven AM report by the time she got there but Roxanne always liked looking a little nice on the way in, you know, just in case she got kidnapped early. No one wanted to see a sleep tussled Roxanne being broadcasted over every screen in Metro City, possibly tied to a chair.

It was almost six am when she finally slid into the leather seat of her Toyota, silver, like all the company cars. She didn't know what kind it was and it didn't really turn heads, it was small and practical and that would do her just fine but it still had that god-awful new car smell. She rolled the car out of the drive then took off down the road, a little faster than was lawfully acceptable but she never had any trouble with the police, she was Metro Man's girl after all. Or at least the pair had let the 'common civilians' believe that. Not that Wayne hadn't tried on many occasions to win the heart of the young reporter, the most recent attempt being the last time he had to 'rescue' her from Megamind's evil clutches. She grumbled and shook her head, looks like Wayne and the blue alien were going to be todays thought of choice, wonderful.

She kicked the thought out of her head for a while and turned her attention to what she would be wearing today, not that it held much interest for her. She hoped it wasn't another pastel coloured blouse like the one she had worn a few days ago though Roxanne had noticed floral was the new spring fashion. God how that blasted news station loved floral season. She hopped they had finally realized how much she detested the blasted spring fashion but she highly doubted it. Winter fashion was her favourite, dark blues and blacks, thick clothes and patterned scarfs, lovely leather boots… She loved boots, hated heels. Another of the company's favourites, was she really that strange a woman?

When she pulled into work she was quickly greeted by Janey and after a quick round of smiles and polite chatter the two headed for Roxanne's private office and she noticed a small white bag in the stylist's hands that could only be todays lovely little outfit, hand-picked by the boss man. She felt like a china doll about to be put on display. Janey followed in after her and locked the door before drawing the curtains and allowing the two some privacy. She tossed the bag onto Roxanne's desk with an apologetic look and the reporter gingerly pulled out the first thing she touched.

"Oh, please don't tell me I have to wear that." She grumbled, lifting the green checked skirt between her finger and thumb, as if it were a dirty object. Janey laughed.

"Sorry, Rox, company orders."

"I thought they hired you to dress me, not let them pick." She whined though grinned all the same.

"That's what I thought too; apparently a stylist voicing her opinion is a bad thing." Janey giggled in reply. "It's alright though; I got to pick your dress for this afternoon."

Roxanne relaxed with a deep sigh. "Thank god. I thought they would make me wear one of those floral dresses…"

"Oh I remember that…" Janey mused, her face stern. "Let's never speak of it again."

The two laughed and Roxanne found it almost soothing. She was used to her daily report but no matter how many times she sat in front of those cameras her heart always beat faster and her stomach stirred uncomfortably. Janey started on her hair and makeup fairly quickly but it took a good hour before the talented stylist was happy. Roxanne's hair had been particularly rebellious today and she suspected it had something to do with the way she was attempting to grow it out. It was still very short though, it hadn't even reached her shoulders yet.

When Janey finally turned Roxanne to the mirror she couldn't help but smile, she looked so much better now, younger and not so tired. With a deep breath she started her traditional warm up report and Janey was already smirking, knowing full well what Roxanne was going to report on.

"This is Roxanne Ritchie reporting for channel eight news, I'm here live with Miss Janey Sanders who is just about to announce her news-worthy new brand of hairspray! What say you, Janey?"

"Well Miss Ritchie what is there to say? If anyone has ever used hairspray before than they should all know what a big difference a brand name makes, just because they're cans of the exact same stuff doesn't mean they are exactly the same, as I will show you." Janey pulled out a can of hairspray and began adjusting the last stubborn locks of Roxanne's hair, rolling her eyes at the reporter as she did so.

"Fascinating!" Roxanne sniggered, talking into the 'camera' as she made outlandish gestures to the amazing 'Janey brand hairspray'. "And just think! Not only do you get a wickedly styled hair but you're also causing birth defects in your unborn male fetus!"

"Right you are Miss Ritchie! Two perks for the cheap price of one!" the two both fell into a fit of childish giggles, they certainly had their own fun from time to time.

"Ready for the report?" Janey asked, packing up the makeup and assorted goodies.

"Think so, pass me the skirt and I'll slip it on now."

The report went well, she had read the headlines and talked about some of the recent crimes around the city but beside that it was uneventful and not too stressing so she decided to invite the 'gang' out for lunch shortly after. Janey, Mia and Hal, who would also be accompanying her to the event later in the afternoon. The station always insisted she attend so she could rub up against the more influential people of Metro City during the dinner that took place in his mansion after the main event. To be invited at all was quite flattering and those who weren't could only sit outside and listen as the mayor mentioned names and built up the ego of the rich.

Mia settled in the seat across from her and Roxanne found her thinking back on the time they had spent together. The groupd had been friends for some time now but Hal was still the newest edition, Mia had been her camera girl before and now really only did the fill in work when Hal couldn't make it but Roxanne had to admit she preferred not having someone drool over the camera while filming. She missed working with Mia at times but was glad they still found the time to associate, The group didn't talk about much other than work and honestly Roxanne was grateful, she doubted she could keep up with any kind of debate today, her mind was too busy buzzing with Wayne's coming speech despite her failed attempts at pushing it from her mind.

She sighed at the idea of being forced to attend the foolish event and Megamind's definite crash through some building or another, followed by the traditional monologue until the crowd got bored and he got his ass thrown back I prison. It probably meant that Roxanne would be finding herself hostage to another brilliant evil plan soon too, not that she minded perse' but she suspected frequent abductions with the knock out spray wasn't doing too great on her health. She always used the term probably, if she said no it was a yes, if she said yes it was a no, if she said probably then all was right in the world… And she had a fifty/fifty chance of being right and god she was still thinking about him.

"You a'ight, Rox?" Mia asked, leaning over the table to pop a breadstick in her mouth.

"Yeah, sorry, what were you saying?"

Janey laughed "We were talking about you and Metro Man."


"Yeah." Hal huffed with a grimace.

"Mia thinks you two are an item, I tried to tell her-"

"You have to be! I mean come on, have you seen him?"Mia almost yelled with excitement before hushing to an almost whisper. "And I do mean seen him" she gestured to her lap.

"You can have him if you want"Roxanne rolled her eyes with a smirk, to which Hal beamed up from his sulking.

"Who say's I don't want him?" Janey huffed and the table tried to maintain serious faces, it didn't last.

The group ate and laughed like a bunch of age-old friends and Roxanne couldn't help but notice the sudden weight they lifted from her shoulders, until Mia decided to burst her happy bubble with her loud and easily excitable voice. "Oi, it's almost two, we need to get going if we're going to catch that sexy smile."She laughed, standing from her chair.

"Oh, Right!" Roxanne stood too, reaching for the white paper bag by her side. "Mind if I just shove this on in the bathroom? I don't really want to go all the way back to the office-"

"What?" Janey exclaimed, glaring with all her might.

"Umm… Can I pull this on in the bathroom?"

"That dress can never just be 'pulled on', silly, it's a work of art and needs to be attached with a trained hand!"

"Attached?" Roxanne asked and rolled her eyes as Janey's glaring went up a notch.

"Ok! Ok! Come give me a hand then." She laughed, falling in line behind her friend.

Janey pulled the outfit out with a smile and Roxanne had to approve of her choice. The dress was made of lovely black velvet, cut high on the front and low on the back, held around her neck by beautiful silver chain with a clasp the looked like a kitten. It was cut a bit higher than she was comfortable with (around mid-thigh) so she took a mental note not to be too hasty when getting out of the car. It was very elegant overall and Janey had that 'I did good?' look plastered to her face.

Pulling it on careful and adjusting everything to fit just right she held her arms out as Janey began pulling out various editions to the outfit. "Ok, now just pull on these stockings and… Hang on… These." She presented Roxanne with a pair of heels surrounded with at least a dozen straps.

"Do we plan on getting there before next week?" Roxanne mocked, pulling her feet into the uncomfortable shoes and grumbling.

"You really aren't a girl for fashion are you?"

"That obvious?"



Janey shrugged. "I imagine you were a bit of a gamer girl growing up."

"Yeah, you're right about that." She mused, scuffing her shoes on the tiled floor.

"Hey! Don't do that!"

"Sorry again"

"Just move your gorgeous ass and get in the car, Rox. Before Hal has another fit." The two rolled their eyes and headed for Roxanne's silver car out front and Roxanne was quite surprised to have made it there without seeing a can of knock out spray. It seemed Janey also noticed this and gave her a wink, she had been there way too many times when her friend had been taken from right under her nose and was beginning to spot the pattern.

"No one wants to mess with you while I'm around." She laughed and Hal and Mia exchanged curious glances but nothing more was said. Roxanne wondered for a moment if everything was alright, normal he would have nabbed her by now and she was thinking of him again!

The small group whizzed down the street without exchanging a single word. This was normal though, Roxanne was always particularly quiet during car drives, usually pondering the existence of the universe or thinking about what she would be cooking for dinner that night, assuming she would be home in time and not occupied by a smug looking Wayne having 'saved the day' again. When they pulled up at the entrance to the mayor's estate the crowd there was almost unbearable, they had flooded the yards and were chattering loud enough to make Roxanne's ears bleed, she imagined it would be much worse if the populace knew that their hero would by making a surprise pit stop.

"Showtime" She mumbled as the door to the small car was pulled open by a gracious fan and the first wave of blinding white struck her like a blow to the face, the click of cameras a familiar sound to her ears. She grinned and waved to the crowd, accepting pens and paper as she scribbled her name hastily on each sheet, several were old newspaper clippings of her and her kidnapper, others her and Wayne. She guessed both sides had their fans and she couldn't supress the giggle at such an idea. What an odd concept, she wondered if there were stalls dedicated to them at comicon. Probably…

Hal stumbled up beside her grinning and talking about how awesome she looked only to be pushed aside by a giggling Janey who told him to 'stop drooling on Roxanne's new shoes' and it earned a sufficient round of blushes and Hal fell silent, but only for a while. Long enough to make it half way through the crowd at least before his excited buzzing ended up louder than the kids around her.

"Ok, Hal. Camera ready just in case, don't take it out of your bag yet though, remember no press."

Hal nodded and started playing around inside his backpack before slinging it haphazardly over his shoulder.

"Cam's good to go, Rox."

"Alright, let's get this over with."

The group made their way through the ground and up the steps to the Mayor's manor along with all the other fancy dressed people. Pretty soon Roxanne was shaking hands with some of the most influential people in Metro City and her classic reporters face had been plastered with an honoured smile, she was used to having to be a bit of a boot licker but Janey really took the cake for it and since it reflected so well on Roxanne she was instantly relieved to have her along again. Not only did she knew who everyone was but went about rather enthusiastically commenting on their 'wonderful, dashing, daring, beautiful' outfits and 'guessing' at what brand as though she didn't know, receiving plenty of complimentary murmurs.

Gradually the crowd went silent as the mayor approached his pedestal, nodding his greeting to several guests along the way, before settling himself with a small stack of papers and addressing the peoples. He started by thanking the police force followed by several other people of high stranding and continued with mentions of what the city was particularly proud of and what the mayor hoped to change in the coming month, Roxanne tried not to scowl at the whole affair, knowing full well what a pile of shit this man was spewing yet the crowd drank it like fine wine. Just as he was moving on to bad-mouthing the city's villain the crowd began to roar and Roxanne didn't even need to look up to know that Wayne had made his entrance, he called adoringly over his fans and came to stand beside the mayor with his best toothy grin.

"And I can assure all you fine people of Metro City that while I still live and breathe this city will always be safe from Megamind!" He called out and she and Janey could do little but rolled their eyes until, with a surprised gasp, they began to pay greater attention when a respected member of the police force asked to speak. The crowd immediately fell quiet.

"Why don't you just kill him already, hasn't he caused enough trouble?"

Wayne smiled but the effect was lost to the cop and gradually there were murmurs of agreements.

"It is for the law to decide what shall be done about this criminal, it is not my right to decide and this city has always voted no for the death penalt-"

"Then why do you keep letting him escape? Why does the mayor? Shouldn't more precautions be taken? Why just a few months ago the man literally walked out of prison!"

The mayor spoke. "We are already spending a large sum of the taxpayers money for these precautions, there is little else we can do-"

"Except kill him-"

"Kill me? What an interesting concept."

Ah, there it was, that purring monotone voice that hummed mincingly through the microphone. The crowd couldn't yet see him but they were all gasping and booing, this was all just another show to them, they were not scared and in part it infuriated Roxanne, she knew Megamind was more than capable of disposing those who got in his way, it was just luck and good planning on his behalf that had saved so many lives so far. She couldn't understand how someone like him could allow people to believe he was a bumbling idiot, and bloody oath he certainly played the part.

"Show yourself Megamind!" Wayne bellowed, his chest particularly puffed this evening.

"Oh but where's the fun in that?" Megamind chortled but stepped into view seemingly out of thin air, his dehydrate gun pointed for the city's hero. Wayne smirked almost as if to say 'really? This again?' to which Megamind gave his best coy smile 'you should know I always have something up my sleeve by now'

Roxanne stepped away from the 'stage', not particularly eager to be swept up in their rabble again, she was rather grateful she hadn't been needed for his plan this time though she was slightly disappointed, she really did love the exchange of witty banter and the chance to openly mock his efforts. Did she really just think that? Naturally the whole event escalated from there, Megamind shot a few rounds that inevitably missed, hitting several guards instead and turning them into tiny blue cubes, Metro Man then knocked the gun from his hand and Megamind rolled backwards and disappeared again, when the ground started to shake, however, Roxanne knew it was time for the showy part of the act and quickly urged her friends to move as far away as possible.

"What about you?" Hal whined, his camera propped on his shoulder as he took in the action.

"I'll only draw attention; you know how obsessed Megamind is with capturing my person should things turn sour."

Janey laughed, if only because she knew that Megamind had never been any threat to Roxanne's safety, for whatever reason. The truth was, though, that Roxanne wanted to make sure everything moved along smoothly. She had a bad feeling…

"We'll meet you and Wayne back at your place yeah?" Mia called over the crowd as the three stepped back.

"As always!" Roxanne shouted in return before her friends were swept up in the ever-moving sea of sheep.

She turned back to the hero and villain of today's performance (or at least where she guessed the villain would be) and so didn't notice the shifting black mass in the sky until it was practically upon the showgrounds, hissing as dozens of metal creatures scrapped against one another in the rush to reach their target. She turned and gasped herself, there had to be at least a thousand angry bots, their little domes sparking blue as the flew in to grab at every part of Metro Man they could reach. In seconds they enveloped him entirely in a buzzing black orb and the crowd began to get antsy, most of them stepping back and staring worriedly into the mass, waiting for their hero to emerge.

The longer it took him the more concerned the crowd grew, the orb of bots was drawing tighter and tighter, the crashing of little metal mouths as the gnawed at the air among each other. Eventually the crowd began to call for him, his stage name becoming a chant until several blazing red flecks appeared among the swarm of bots, one by one the bots were collapsing and it became increasingly apparent that Metro Man was frying them one by one.

"Oh no!" Megamind grumbled, suddenly back on 'stage' with his arms crossed and a typical pout across his face. "Do you know how expensive they were to make?" he whined.

Wayne disposed of the last of them with an exaggerated sweep before he lunged at Megamind, knocking him to the ground before he crossed his arms and stared down, unimpressed.

"What did you hope to accomplish with that little stunt?" he growled, tapping his fingers across his bicep.

"Well, actually, I thought they would be able to rip you apart, I mean, look how many there were." He huffed, looking a little disappointed.

Metro Man reached down and grabbed his leather collar, yanking the genius to his feet and presenting him to the crowd, his posture arrogant like it usually was when he saved the day. It was only then that Roxanne noticed the police officer who had spoken up before was carefully navigating his way through the crowd, gun in hand. Roxanne scowled and expected Wayne to notice but the closer the cop got the more apparent it became that Wayne would not notice in time and as the crowd began to cheer Roxanne felt her breath hiss between her teeth and her body made a decision for her and stepped on stage.

By now the cop had aimed his gun and Megamind was still busy shouting at the crowd; It was a bloody gun and it was pointed at the back of his head and the blue genius was too busy telling the world he couldn't be stopped! It was ludicrous and yet Roxanne couldn't find a part of her mind willing to mock the sight, instead she was in shock, gazing from the gun to the inhuman man and thinking to herself without registering the danger 'Megamind is going to die.'

And Roxanne couldn't allow that.

For a brief second she thought back to all the times she had seen him in a crumpled heap, the threat of his life hanging in the air like a thick musk but she never believed that it could be his end. This, however, she knew was a moment not within the hero or villains hands, it was an unpredicted factor and so neither of them had given it thought, after all the things being said about the 'evil' alien, however, it should have been. It was a fault on their side, a fault that she would have to deal with.

She wasn't even thinking, she walked, that's right walked. Leaning down over the discarded gun she picked it up and held it firm in her hand, testing its weight. When she noticed the dial set to dehydrate she turned it slowly until it clicked into place on the explode setting and then she aimed, her face expressionless and stern. At no point did she wonder why he would have such a setting, at no point did she notice the crowd shift their attentions and at no point did she see Wayne turn with a look of pure horror. All she saw was the cop preparing to take the shot and she knew what to do.


She supposed it was an odd day all up, at no point did she wake up that morning thinking she would soon be taking the life of a man who didn't deserve to die but in the moments leading to the act she found she didn't care. This man was a threat in her eyes though she couldn't understand why and she wasn't willing to attempt to at the time. She knew he had to be dealt with before that shot was fired and so she took the fate of two men into her own hands without a second thought to the consequences. The moment her finger tightened around the trigger she had no doubts, she was certain, even in the aftermath as the crowd fell dead silent and the eyes of an entire city were upon her all she could conjure in her lead weighted mind was.

'You shouldn't have aimed your gun, then I wouldn't have had to aim mine.'

Chapter End

Notes on the Criminal Mind / Contains Spoilers

'You has been warned, yes yes.'
Oh and if you has questions for this one ask away, yes yes, this one will answer!

People who have been through a traumatic experience as a young child or infant often block the memory, when something triggers this memory to reappear or trigger a certain emotion it can often lead to minor/major breakdowns and similar. Though I've barely hinted it Roxanne has been through something terrible that she can't remember and the scenario at the Mayor's speech triggered her unusual reaction. I won't tell you what that something is for some time yet but in such cases it can be anything from the shade the officer was wearing to the smells or sounds around her. It can be anything at all from the smallest, silliest detail.

Needless to say whatever triggered it was unknown to her but it created the reaction in her that lead to the death of Mr arrogant which was so far from the normal Roxanne it's not even funny. It's completely OOC but in many cases even the shyest and kindest girl can turn into a nutcase in a matter of seconds with the tiniest provocation.

When the chapter ended Roxanne was still in this unusual state of mind triggered by an oppressed event, in the following chapter she will be struggling with coming to terms with why she did it because she knows that it wasn't a normal occurrence and can tell something is out of place.

In the next chapter I'll explain more on her reactions and why I chose to write it as I did. I hope you enjoy it so far but keep in mind I am no expert of the criminal mind, if you see faults please point them out to me because, as I said before, I'm here to learn and not to guard my delicate ego.

Sue me, I like to educate you while I write. Heh heh. 'Mothers who are exposed to hairspray at work may be more likely to have boys with a common genital defect called hypospadias' If you don't believe me you may google it, go ahead, I can wait. You're back? Okay good, lets move along shall we. Now, I'll bet you want to know why I added that considering it is totally irrelevant to the story. Simple reason, I wrote the scene then began thinking that if Miss Ritchie really was smartening up to the world than wouldn't it make sense for her to have known a bit about some of the standard products she uses daily? I'd think so, I've never used the stuff before in my life and I still wanted to check it out. Surely she'd have read into a lot of things she had to deal with on a daily basis? Yes?