Reviews for Noire et Bleu (Black & Blue)
why chapter 8 . 6/9/2016
You left us hanging cMon
werewolf6780 chapter 8 . 7/25/2015
The problem with this... Is that there aren't more chapters!
werewolf6780 chapter 3 . 7/25/2015
I never liked tap water to begin with... Bit now I'm never drinking it again so thanks for that! Also, your writing is done seriously cute stuff.
N.O chapter 8 . 4/15/2013
I'm good with the way this story is progressing. I like your writing style and the plot holds my attention. But unless someone else adopts it, please don't let it hang. I'd read a short and terrible endind than no ending at all. Just my opinion. But I hope you finish it for real. Thank you!
BookWormGirl93 chapter 8 . 4/15/2013
Awwwww! Update soon! Hurry up!
Birusa chapter 8 . 4/13/2013
I'm so happy to see this chapter. really interesting!
Gillsandsundry chapter 8 . 4/11/2013
Nooooo! You can't give up this story now! Its so brilliantly fantastic! I've been waiting for stories of villain/heroes who actually try to make the world a better place instead of upholding the status quo! So far all I've had is Dinosaurus in the last three volumes of Invincible (he blew up Las Vegas knowing the government would build a huge solar panel array on the glass-smooth surface), and now this story has come to my attention :D

Please please please continue it! I want to see the process of them getting Wayne into power. Maybe one (or both) of them could take up the identity of someone who died in a legitimate accident (like a car crash) and become one of Wayne's advisors to help nudge his decisions? Is Megamind still going to play the super villain publicly? How are they going to shove big crime circles into Wayne's grasp? Infiltration?

I really love this story idea, but I in no way have the skills in detail to pull it off even half as well as you've done it so far! Oh it is just delicious!
Guest chapter 7 . 3/23/2013
No more chapters?
madameHunterr chapter 7 . 2/14/2013
It's a good story thus far, I'm waiting for their kiss! LOL.
Birusa chapter 7 . 12/20/2012
what a nice srory! I want to read more of it!
lefkaz chapter 3 . 9/5/2012
hey! what do you mean whit "song: none"!? what about "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen? Read the lyrics! when you'll use it?!
Now you deserve to be flamed!
Charmander, i choose you!
Charmander, use "Flames Of Doom"!
"... Chaaar..." Fluuush!
(maniatical laughter)
lefkaz chapter 4 . 9/5/2012
your plot management is awesome. your narrative is admirable. but it sucks that you have so many otohbrapics... i mean, ortoGraphics horrors... a mean errors!
Example: flick the bird over her shouldER... And so...
so i suggest you alpha-read AFTER using the corrector, and then make someone beta read it
this is NOT A FLAME.
Btw I'm in a phone. sorry...
Best wishes
Vast Difference chapter 7 . 8/11/2012
This is a very interesting and intriguing story! I can see why you've gotten some comparisons to "Pale Blue Shadows," but this is really pretty different. For instance, in this story, Roxanne has made at least some kind of a conscious decision to commit murder. Not so at all in "Shadows." Also, I am seeing the occasional grammar and spelling issues. I have to admit, I'm not always the best with the spelling myself, but there are some basic grammar things that you could tweak that I think would make a big difference. You have a great style of storytelling, and I hate to see easily fixable grammar errors distract from that. If you want me to point a few things out, send me a PM and I'd be happy to :-)
BookWormGirl93 chapter 7 . 8/10/2012
Very interesting. Update soon!
SalemAnderson chapter 7 . 8/10/2012
I can't wait to see what you are going to do with this. How will they get Metro Man to bleed?
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