Disclaimer:I do not own Transformers Prime or anything related to it...No copyright infringement is intended.

Authors Note:The episode "Predatory" stands as one of my favorite episodes purely out of the horror and suspense that it gave us.

The environment and scenery fitted the situation of the episode perfectly

So as I was writing the plot to this story,I knew nothing else would be better than a similer situation.


Transformers Prime:Vengeance

Chapter 1

"Why did this have to be so steep?...I'm completly out of breath"Jack said gasping as he followed Arcee slowly up the side of a mountain.

"Hey don't complain to me..you were the one that wanted to go camping"Arcee responded as she brushed trees and bushes aside making a trail for them.

"I just thought it would be nice chance for us to be alone..enjoy nature...thought you would like it"Jack said as he sat down leaning up-against a tree.

"Never said I didnt like it Babe...in fact I love it"She said as she stopped,turning back to look at him.

"Are you ok?"She asked.

"Yes...Just need some water..and need to give my back a break"Jack answered as he removed his backpack,flexing his shoulders and took a drink from his canteen.

"If you love it...Then how come I had to talk you into going?...Even after I got Optimus's permission"He asked her.

"We're still fighting a war Jack..I can't just take off with you everytime I want...even know I love too".

"There hasn't been any Decepticon activity for a couple weeks now Arcee...everyone is bored...I thought it would do some good for both of us to get out of base for a while".

"Well we are out of base and I'm with my handsome,sexy boyfriend"Arcee said with a smile as she kneeled down next to him,running a finger through his hair.

"Mmmm is that all I get?.

"Mmmm..For now..We need to find a place to camp before it gets dark"Arcee answered as she curled his hair around her long finger.

"Well in that case we better hurry"Jack said as he quickly got up,putting his canteen away,and reaching to put it pack back on.

"You know I would be more than glad to carry that for you if you want me too Babe".

"Now that would make me feel useful..my girlfriend carrying my stuff for me"Jack answered as she chuckled."Men and their pride".

Arcee reached down,grabing his backpack with one hand,like it weighed nothing as she continued her walk up the hill.


"You coming?...Or do I need to carry you too?".

"Yea...Right behind you..."Jack responded as he stood up,following her.


Airachnid walked down the long hallway of the Decepticon ship,bumping into Knockout as she passed the enterance to the medical bay making him drop his scanner.

"Um..Sorry Airachnid"Knockout apologized while bending over to pick his scanner back up.

"That's Commander Airachnid to you!"She said hissing,grabing him around the neck,making Knockout back up against the wall.

"My apologizes Commander...My mistake".

"Just see to it doesn't happen again"She said as she backed away,walking on past him.

"Now if you will excuse me..I must not keep Lord Megatron waiting".

"I would watch myself if I were you..He's not in the best of moods today"Kockout said as he rubed his neck".

Thanks for the advice..But I can take care of myself"Airachnid responded as she walked around the corner.

"Everything alright out here Knockout?"Breakdown asked as he appeared,walking out of one of the nearby rooms.

"Where were you when I needed you?...That multi-legged psycho almost took my head off!".


"Yea...Yea..I know you are"Knockout said as he walked down the hallway in the oppsite direction leaving Breakdown speechless.

"You wanted to see me Lord Megatron?"Came Airachnids voice as she walked through the doors,leading to the bridge of the Decepticon war ship.

"Ahhh...Airachnid...Nice of you to join us...Do come in"Megatron answered turning around,Soundwave by his side.

"What is it you wish my Lord?".

"Soundwave here has picked up a lone Autobot signal..I'm trusting you to handle it with the swiftest action.

"As you wish My Lord...But why send me?".

"Well ever since Starscream chose to betray us,I need an officer that can search by air which your chosen vehicle mode possesses...Do not disappoint me Airachnid".

"My loyalty to you is without question My Lord..You can count on me...The Autobot will be disposed of".

"I need prisoners Airachnid!...Bring me the Autobot alive...Unless its Optimus...No one touches Oprimus Prime but me...Do you understand me!".

"As you command Lord Megatron..."Airachnid answered,giving a bow before leaving the room.


Arcee set Jack's backpack down,leaning it against a tree as she steped into the middle of a grassy clearing,scanning the area as Jack joined her.

"You sure know how to pick a camping spot Arcee"Jack said crouching down infront of his backpack,as Arcee stood silent.

"Arcee..is something wrong?".

"Just keeping an eye out for trouble".

"Arcee we're miles from any civilization..The only thing dangerous out here is bears..and with you being here..They won't come within a mile of us".

"I'm not concerned about the local wildlife Babe...It's Con's I'm worried about".

"Come on Arcee...What would they be doing out here?".

"You can never tell what Megatron's planning in his evil head"Arcee said as she took another look around,drawing her blaster to a nearby,unknown sound.

"Arcee relax..your making me nervous"Jack said as she sighed,putting her blaster away.

"Maybe your right Babe..It's just that if there's trouble..I'm not there to help the others".She said as she sat on the ground next to Jack who was still unpacking his pack.

"If there is trouble..only thing they have to do is to call and send a bridge and my girl will be there in no time ready to kick some Con butt"Jack responded making her laugh and smile.

"Make sure you keep that in mind before you think about ever making me mad".

"We haven't had one fight if I remember right"Jack stated as he dug deeper into his pack,removing more gear.

"What all do you have in there anyway?"Arcee asked,reaching down,looking over some of the stuff that he had already layed out on the ground.

"Everything I need to help keep me alive and comfortable for a couple nights away from home".

"Humans...You all have to many needs"Arcee said as she rolled her eyes.

"Hey!...You have one for a boyfriend I remind you".

"And I'm glad I do...or I wouldn't put up with it"Arcee responded with a smile.

"Ha..Ha..Very funny Arcee".

"Aww..I'm just teasing you Babe".

"I know..and I like it when you do"He said,smiling.

"Do you have at least anything in there that would protect us?".

"Not in my pack...But on my belt on the other hand..."He answered as he un-sheathed a large knife that was attached to his side.

"You will have to get very close to a Decepticon to be able to use that".

"More likely only uses I will need it for is jobs around the camp"He said,looking it over before placing it back into its sheath.

"It will start to turn dark in about and hour...Need to start collecting firewood"He said,standing up.

"Like me to come with you?".

"What?..Afraid I might meet some beautiful Girl Scout?...I am hungry for some cookies"Jack asked with a smile.

"Well I can protect what's mine can't I?...Besides I can carry more firewood than you and the sooner we get back..the more time we can spend together...close together".

"What are we waiting for then...Lets go!".

"Throught you would see it my way"Arcee said with a smile as she followed Jack out of camp.


The glow of the fire lit up the camp that night as Jack and Arcee sat relaxed,Arcee keeping silent,her left knee pulled tight to her chest as she looked off into the night.

"Arcee..is something wrong?"Jack asked little worried,looking up to her.

"What makes you think that Babe?".

"Well..your quiet for one thing"He responded.

"Sorry...just enjoying the night..it's so quiet..so peaceful".

"It is that"Jack added,leaning back relaxing.

"So..did you enjoy your dinner?"Arcee asked,looking down to him.

"Yea..that freeze dried stuff isnt that bad"Jack answered as he closed his eyes,the quietness of the night over taken them again.

"Hey..who's the one being quiet now?"She asked,nudging his shoulder.

"Sorry..maybe some music might help live the night up"Jack said as he reached back into his backpack,removing his harmonica as he began to play making Arcee turn to listen.

"You never told me you play that"Arcee stated making him chuckle.

"Never really came across my mind...I just mess around on it anyway"."He responded while turning the harmonica over in his fingers,looking at it.

"Will you play me something else?"Arcee asked as she layed down beside him,on her side,proping up on one arm.

"Sure..what would you like to hear?".

"Mmmm..Something smoothing and relaxing"


Jack pressed the harmonica to his mouth again and began to play,running it back and forth across his lips.

Arcee's eyes opened after a few minutes as he finished,waking her from the trance like state that it put her in as she sighed sofly.

"That was beautiful Babe".

"You really think so?"He asked.

"Yes I do...Good way to set the romantic mood in too by the way".

"Did I just do that?"He asked with a grin.

"Mmmm...You know very well you did"Arcee stated as she leaned in closer to him,Jack meeting her in the middle,wraping both his arms around her neck as they kissed deeply.

She leaned back,pulling Jack with her as he sat up,straddleing her torso,both exchanging smiles.

Jack leaned foward,placing gentle kisses on her abdomen as Arcee reached down with both hands,pulling his shirt off over his head,making Jack shiver as the cold chill of the night air touched his bare skin.

He kissed up her body making her give a relaxing sigh as she reached down,stroking the top of his head gently.

"Ohh Baby...That feels so good".

Jack layed down on her chest,kissing the side of her neck as she wraped her arms around him,holding him closely.

Arcee rolled over,laying Jack under her,smiling as he layed back,hands under his head as he gazed at the stars.

"Mmmm...What are you thinking Jack?"Arcee asked as she looked into his eyes,stroking his chest.

"Mmmm...Just thinking how much you mean to me Arcee".

"And how much do I mean to you Jack?"She asked.

"You mean everything to me Arcee...You give me everything".

"Well not everything..."She responded sadly at she sat up,looking away and crossing her arms.

"What do you mean not everything Arcee?".

"You know what I mean Jack..Your not a child".

"Arcee..."Jack started to say as he stood up,standing beside her as he reached out,laying his hand in hers.

"Arcee..Do you really think I have to have that to be happy in our relationship?".

"I just assumed...From what research I did...It's very importnant to Human males"She answered,still looking away.

"Your much more importnant to me Arcee..and as long as I have you...I'm the happiest person on earth..and I don't need anything else".

"Do you really mean that?"She asked,finelly turning to look at him.

"I do Arcee...And I love you more than anything in this universe".

"Ohhh Jack..."She started as she pulled him into a deep kiss,breaking it a short time after,stroking his cheek.

"And I love you Babe"


Arcee awoke herself in the middle of the night to a nearby sound as she opened her eyes,finding herself laying beside Jack as she layed on her side,her right arm wraped over him protectivly as he slept.

She heard the sound again making her rise up quickly drawing her blaster,seeing a racoon scavenging through Jacks backpack by the combining light of the fire and the full moon.

She put her blaster away,and with a quick look around on the ground,she found a small stone,lightly tossing it and scaring the animal away.

She carefully layed back down,making Jack turn over on his back to the sound of her presence.

She watched him sleep for several minutes,making sure he was ok before closing her own eyes again,to re-enter her rest cycle,only to be interupted again shortly after.

"Come in Arcee..Are you there?"Came Ratchets voice over her con-link as she sat up,resting her left arm on her knee as she reached up with her right arm to answer.

"I'm here Ratchet..What's up?"She responded,softly and quietly as she could.

"Arcee...I can barely hear you..What's wrong?".

"Nothing's wrong Ratchet...Jack's sleeping and I don't want to wake him"She said quietly again.

"Arcee..I'm picking up Energon activity near your location..I need you to recon the surrounding area".


"Not sure..But be on your guard Arcee...If that is the case...Don't engage...Call for backup..Optimus's orders".

"Understood Ratchet...Send me the coordinates...I'll get right on it".

Arcee ended the transmission as she looked down to Jack,noticing him smiling as he slept.

She reached down,pulling his sleeping bag up to cover his chest and neck before leaning down to him,noticing his smile turn bigger.

"Dreaming about me I hope"She said softly,smiling before placing a kiss on his forhead.

She quietly stood up,trying not to disturb him as she walked out,leaving camp.


"Mmmm...Good Morning Beautiful"Jack said sleepily as he woke up,turning over, and reaching his arm out expecting it to wrap around the torso of Arcee, only to have it hit the mossy,forest floor making him open his eyes.

"Arcee?"He called out,taking a look around,only seeing a sunk in inpression where she was laying beside him.

He up-ziped his sleeping bag,putting on his shoes,yawning as he stood up to prepare breakfast.

Knowing he had to have water to "rehydrate" his food,he grabed his canteen and began to take the short hike down the hill to the crouched down,dipping his canteen into a deep pool,filling it up as he heard leaves crunch behind him.

"Arcee?...You there?"He asked as he turned around only to see a squirrel running on the ground then climb up a nearby tree.

With canteen in hand,he started the walk back up the hill only looking around briefly,wondering where Arcee might have gone.

He got back to camp,sitting down to open his backpack to see what his choices were for breakfast.

After some debating in his mind,he finelly settled on just eating a couple of granola bars while he put some water on the fire to make some coffee..which he wasn't a big fan of it but he was ok with anything that could take the chill of the morning air out of him.

He quickly stopped eating,relieved to the sound of loud,clanking metal footsteps come up behind him.

"Hey Babe!...I was starting to worry about you"Jack said as he turned around,his smile quickly turning into a terrified look as his eyes layed upon a female Cybrotronion standing there looking at him.

"Hello Jack!...Did you miss me?"

To be continued...