-This is a Sasuke X Sakura fanfic. My first fic to write and publish here.
-Yes, I love their pairing, they're my ultimate OTP.
-This has been in my head for quite sometime now and I need to get it out.
-sorry for the grammar errors.
-rated M at some point.
-please enjoy and comment, or rather review... all of them are accepted. Just try to avoid my kunai and shuriken, and my Katon no Jutsu if ever. :3 kidding~

PS: -the story will be dragging for awhile at some chapters, you've been warned! :)

Chapter 01

The sun was high in the sky, it's already noon. Sakura had stopped from walking merely 10 minutes ago, and tried to cool her feet from the running stream she saw down the road. She smiled as she felt the comfortable water on her aching feet. Konoha was still a few miles away.

She looked around her...its peaceful...and the scar of the recent war was barely visible. Well, almost.

How many years has it been, when all of the 5 nations across the whole continent decided to fight together as one against the evil plans of Orochimaru, Kabuto and Tobi? In all of the history of ninja, the last war was the biggest, yet also the saddest. It was never an easy task, especially for the new generation of ninja who had just passed the Chuunin and Jounin exams, it was a terrible and scary experience. Many had died, but they're not forgotten. Many had survived, but the aftermath of the war was a great lesson for them, the fierce battle and the honor of scars were forever imprinted in their hearts. Each and everyone's pain, triumph, sadness, dreams and goals were inched in each other's soul which settled deeper to each individual as the Will of Fire burns fiercely within. Many had shed tears, many had mourned, many had been lost, many had been damaged, there were a lot of casualties, many had to go through it, but as a human, to survived and lived the memories of war, and to protect what they believed, and to passed on the fire of their nation's dream, passion, soul and heart, it's what everyone was working on these past 2 years. It's hard from the beginning. Every nation had its own loss, but they tried to stand up. Stand proud with dignity, to be able to survive the war and wished that another won't happen again.

Each nation comes to an agreement, the alliance that had started in the war still continues to this day. Each promised to help each other, to aid and assist in the rehabilitation of each other especially in Konoha, where the most damaged have been inflicted not directly by the 4th Nin War, but from the attack they have received from Pain. After that, as if the loss and pain wasn't enough and just as the village was starting to cope up, they have joined the war. Konoha's resources had almost been depleted, but they made it and achieved victory. In this past 2 years, Konoha village has been restored, but not the same way as it was before. But still it was Konoha. Its physical attribute may have been destroyed and changed, but never its shinobi heart and soul. The village people are more than thankful, that they survived the recent war, and have a tale to tell to the next generation of courageous and brave budding ninja of Konoha. They still have the fire in them which they'll be able to pass to the eager and promising generations.

Ninjas have been deployed here and there, in missions to aid, or to assist to other villages. Sakura had just finished her mission from the Sand Country, and was on her way home to Konoha. She personally requested it from the Hokage, because she wants to check and study old Chiyo's personal data on medical ninjutsu and the different herbs and the concoctions she can use for medicinal purposes. This was the only time she had to thoroughly see and study old Chiyo's research. After all, she was studying medicine to help others, to gain more knowledge, and just to improve herself. At her age now, she far exceeds Tsunade-sama's ability in medical ninjutsu. But she didn't stop there, there are a lot of things to learn, lots of things to discover. The recent war taught her, that life is too precious. Friends can be gone on a second before you knew it.

She picked up her bag to continue the long walk towards Konoha. She already sent a falcon addressed to Lady Tsunade, so they'll be expecting her arrival. Meanwhile, in Konoha, the falcon had just arrived in the aviary tower, and one of the attendants there took the missive attached in the falcon's leg. They recognized it was Sakura's. Immediately, they sent it to the Hokage. Tsunade read the note, folded it just as Shizune arrived.

"Sakura?" Shizune asked as she closed the door, Ton-Ton on her left arm.

"Yeah, she'll be coming home, and was on her way now," Tsunade replied. She stood up and faced the balcony-window. She could see the new Konoha in perfect view. It wasn't the same as before. From the remnants of Pain's Shinra Tensei attack, Konoha's center became a barren crater that stretched two miles in diameter. The only remaining intact were the houses on the far end of the village that settled near the gigantic walls that encircle the whole village. Since the rehabilitation of the village, the geographical and topographical of Konoha were changed. As a part of reconstructing the whole village, they had thrown in rocks and land fill the center of the crater, flattened it like a plateau and placed where the new houses and buildings were built. They leave a deep gap between the plateau and the main wall and the only way to get into the village and out the walls was a series of strategic bridges and zigzag stairs that connects the whole village to what remains to be the original level of the former land. A lot of historical places in Konoha had been gone and to mention a few, the Uchiha compound which was located in the eastern part of Konoha, the Naka Shrine and a lot of important and historical places. There were still a lot of rubbles around and a lot of constructions were on-going. Tsunade sighed.

"What seems to be the matter, Lady Tsunade?"

"Sakura discovered the medicine for the incurable 'red demon' disease. When she arrives, she will immediately report her findings in the science department and will be busy. I want you to lead this one Shizune,"

"Would Sakura be the one to personally deliver this? I mean, she discover this,"

Tsunade sighed again then faced Shizune.

"No, she'll hand over the whole research to you. I want her to do something else," Tsunade said, without changing her demeanor.

"...and?" Shizune asked. She sensed Tsunade's been worrying over something.

"I'm seeing myself with Sakura...back when I was young, Shizune,"

"Well, is it not good? I mean, right at her age now, I could say she fairly surpassed you already with all of what she achieved when it comes to medicine, she even achieved enough to be called a doctor now,"

"Yes, and I'm proud of her. What I'm talking about is...her current state..." Tsunade paused for a while, as flashes of the past went by in her mind, "she will end up like me…grow old, alone..."

Shizune twitched with the word old. Of all the words not listed in her dictionary, it's that word, yet she spoke it without hesitation. She's really serious about this.

Shizune knew too well that other side of story when it comes to Tsunade. She lost her brother, Nawaki in the 3rd Nin War and she lost her lover, Dan too. She was hurt by it all; enough to leave the village just like that, enough to traumatize her, enough to make her became afraid of blood. She left the village, her life, her profession, everything to escape reality, to escape sadness. Because at that time, it hurts so much, so she needs to run…run away from it all.

"It's too early to say that," Shizune tried to fake a laugh, "I mean..."

"You know what I mean. Lately, Sakura's been taking a lot of missions. Not that I have problems with it, but it seems she's avoiding everything..."

Shizune shuts up. After merely a minute, she went towards the desk. "Should we get worried? She's smart, and she knows what she's doing. Put some faith on her Tsunade-sama," she said softly. Ton-ton squirms to agree.

Tsunade sighed. Somehow, it won't just get off her. One of these days, she'll have to talk to her.

Sakura arrived on the huge gate that faced the southern part of the village. It was still the same huge gate she remembers when she was still a toddler. That big A and N letters in the gate, so distinguishable even at far. It spells home to her and among the shinobi who had been sent to far-away missions. Seeing that gate relieved so much of the tiredness they've been carrying. Its home. A smile crossed on her lips. There's really nothing a place like home, she thought. She had been gone for a month, yet it seemed she have been gone home for a year. She stretched her arms, and inhaled the fresh cold air. She passed by the guards on duty and waved a smiling hello to them. The two guards abruptly stand on their feet and gave her a bow. She gave them a smile and told them not to be too stiff. Really, being respected like that just because she's now a Juunin was one thing she'll never get used to. Well, it was too early then, she just became a Jounin three months ago when the exam resumed. Now, she could actually apply as ANBU if she wants too. But it's far from her mind right now, she's focused on nothing else but to study medicine, enhanced her strength and to help others.

She's been well-known as the Hokage's apprentice, a second Tsunade as they say it. Maybe because Tsunade had trained her personally and that she inherited her monstrous strength, or the ability of a medic-nin. She's honored to be called like that, and it became one of her reasons to train harder. She didn't want to disappoint her shishou. After the last war, she spent most of her time in the hospital, as one of the resident doctors. It kept her busy, she learned from it and she helped and met other people. Aside from that, she kept on receiving personal training from Tsunade once in a while. She also made sure she never skipped her daily trainings alone. Sometimes she would spar with Ino, or she would ask either the boys of the former Team 7.

From the huge gate, inside the premises of the village, she halted and looked further on the road...there were a lot of changes, she noticed. Even though she lived here, she seldom paid any attention to her surroundings. But it relived her to see, everyone so alive. It gives her a bit of sadness now that she sees every people, trying to get back on their feet, rebuilding their lives. Not just the whole Konohagakure, but everyone and everything around it. And just with that thought, Shikamaru appeared in the corner.

"Yo," he greeted.

"What's up, Shikamaru?" she smiled. As usual, he was in that lazy face of his. Among her peer, Shikamaru has been the earliest to achieve the rank of Chuunin. Now, he's in ANBU. He greatly partake a huge contribution as a tactician from the recent war.

"Tsunade said to get you," he scratches his head, then muttered, "so troublesome,"

She smiled. I think that side of his hadn't changed.

"I can still find my way to the Hokage tower y'know, " she said with a bit of giggling.

"Orders," he just simply said.

What does Tsunade think of me, I mean, I just did a research mission! She arched a brow. But that was Tsunade's way. And she smiled. The Hokage has been posting as her guardian, her trainor, her second parent. She could be a doting kind of parent just like this. She must've missed her badly.

As they walked towards the Hokage Tower, she thought about her friends. Looking back over the past, they were just eager grade schoolers who're overly excited to attend the academy. She was just a cry-baby Sakura, and the kids specially the boys were just mischievous brats before. Now, they were in line with their own league, achieved various honors, and were the pride of their village. And the one who had changed among all of them, was Naruto. With that stream of thought, she wondered if anything had changed on her at all.

"Heard anything from him?" she asked Shikamaru, who lazily stride before her. He glanced back at her.

"Who? Ah," he resumed his head back to the road, "he's still out there, looking for him,"

She looked at the ground and sadness crossed her face. She was asking about Naruto. Like her, he's been taking mission, an A to S class.

"Lady Tsunade has been grumpy this week because he won't stop asking her for missions. You know the scenario, the usual. So to get him bouncing off the walls from her office she had no choice but to give into his demands,"

"...he's not gonna give up is he?" It was more of talking to herself.

"You know him, more than anyone else. You were with the team 7. Of course he's not the kind to give up. He demonstrated it to us countless times. He's been taking missions here and there in the hopes that one of those, he'll be able to crossed paths with the Uchiha," Shikamaru said, mindful of what her reaction would be. People know, well, it's not a secret, that she liked the missing nin. No, that would be an understatement. She LOVED Uchiha Sasuke.

She flinched. Just the mere mention of the name brings a lot of emotion to her. She didn't answer. And she choose not to divulge much further as she saw the Hokage Tower in sight. So divert this conversation which was beginning to bring uneasiness on her, she changed the subject.

"Temari said hi. She liked the gift you sent her,"

Shikamaru blushed and scratches his head trying to avoid Sakura's smiling gaze.

"O-oh…" he nodded.

"C'mon Shika, why don't you just propose already. You two were so obvious y'know,"

"What are you talking about?" The Nara genious trying to feign ignorance.

"Don't tell me you're afraid of Gaara-kun?"

"Y'know, how can you simply call Gaara with a –kun. He's the Kazekage,"

"So Kankuro had said," Sakura chirped, "so, what stopped you?"

Shikamaru stopped walking and looked at her, "We're both busy you know that. It's not the right time, there's so much to do, so much to accomplish. Konoha is under rehabilitation and Sand is facing yet another political drama that they must solve. She has to be there for Gaara. We can't let our personal desires get in the way right now and she understood that. We mutually understood that," he stares at the sky, "someday…but not right now," she smiled to Sakura, "besides, women are TROUBLESOME!"

Sakura giggled. "I envy Temari-san…" she dreamily whispered. Shikamaru just stared at her saddened face.

"Well, let's just say we'll wait for that day when he'll be back and let's see from there. Lett's put a bet on that shall we?" Shikamaru winked at her which made her blushed.

She knew what's he's talking about. And Shikamaru was just trying to lighten up the mood. For she knows there's no guarantee on when it will happen. Or will it ever happen. Her mind drifted to Naruto, he was still determined to get Sasuke back to Konoha, despite the warrant put on the missing nin. The entire shinobi nation wants his head in the platter. There's no way Naruto will just accept it like that, all hell will break lose. He still considered Sasuke as his friend, and he will fight for it no matter what. For Naruto, this is about him and Sasuke, the bond they've shared, their fight as men. And he won't let others, be it Kage or the shinobi council gets in between them. And Tsunade will definitely side with Naruto. If ever this could go on, it will be a start of a big conflict with the other nations, coz there's no way that Naruto will let his friend be touched by others. If there's one thing that's gonna get complex than this, then it'll be that Naruto was much stronger than he was 2 years ago. Heck, he could even be nominated as the next Hokage, yet he chooses to look for Sasuke!

"...how can I be a kage, if I can't even save a friend? How can I convinced him to go back to Konoha? I may have saved the village, or the world, I may be the Hero, yet I can't saved Sasuke, I have no right to be called a Hokage right now,"

That's what she admired with Naruto, his dedication and determination. Yet, here she was, drowning herself with other things. Did it ever cross her mind to look for him too? There's that pang of pain in her chest. Yes, she looked for him. She always did. Or did she give up already? At one point she did, when he almost killed her. Her inner mind said she did abandon him, yet her other mind said she's not. She sighed. She has no time with this. She's dead tired and all she needed was her bed right now. After she reported her findings and research to Tsunade, she'll dash to her pad, take a nice shower and embrace her bed.

They reached the vicinity of the Hokage tower and went directly to the Kage's office. She bid a wary farewell to Shikamaru before she knocked on the office door.

Tomorrow, she'll need to take another mission...far from Konoha.

