This kinda popped into my head. It's not technically a songfic, but two songs gave me inspiration for this. 'Dancin' Away With My Heart' by Lady Antebellum, and 'It's All Coming Back To Me Now' by Celine Dion.

A/N: For the purpose of this story, Sam and Andy are the same age. They're both 18, and Andy is getting ready to go off to college, while Sam is staying in Toronto to join the academy.

Disclaimer: I do not, unfortunately, own Rookie Blue or any of the characters.

Coming Home

Sam tightened his hold on Andy as the music swelled, swaying back and forth. Andy had her head on his shoulder, and for that moment, it felt like nothing was changing, and Sam tried desperately to hold on to that feeling.

He heard Andy sniffle, and looked down to see tears running down her cheeks.

He brushed the curls off her face.

"Hey," he whispered, "why the tears?"

"Sam, come on. I'm leaving in two days. Everything's changing, and you know-"

"You hate change," he finished for her.


"Listen, you're going to finish school, and you're going to come back, and we're going to be together. That was the plan, right? Stick with the plan, and everything will be fine, I promise. I will wait for you to get back, I love you."

"But-"she started, and Sam cut her off.

"Andy, please. Please let's just enjoy this moment, and enjoy being together. No serious talk, I just want to be with you, and in the moment."

She buried her head in his shoulder again, and nodded. "I love you, too," he heard her whisper.

Two days later, Sam stood in the driveway of her dad's house, waving and watching as Tommy's car rounded the corner. His rubbed his hands over his face, and then pinched the bridge of his nose, willing himself not to let the tears that were in his eyes to fall. He promised her that he'd wait, and that's exactly what he was going to do.

Andy sighed. It had been four years since she'd been back in Toronto. She'd meant to come back in between semesters, she really had. To be honest, she had wanted to be back in three years, by taking summer courses, but she could barely afford to live with what she had, and she was definitely not asking her dad for help. Not that he'd be able to, anyways. She'd gotten a job in a diner run by an elderly couple that absolutely adored her, and she them. Days during the school year were spent in classes in the mornings, and at the diner in the afternoons. Coming back in the summers had been forgotten, and holidays were spent in her small apartment with her dad, who made the trips to see her. Hopefully, Sam would understand. She stepped off the train, and looked for the familiar face of her dad. She grinned when she saw him, and threw herself into his arms.

Twenty minutes later, they were seated at one of her favorite restaurants.

Andy cleared her throat. "Hey, dad?" she started.


"Have you, uh..." she paused, not sure how to start.

"Seen Sam?" Tommy supplied.

"Yea. I mean, how is he?"

"He's good."

Andy cursed to herself. She should have known he wasn't going to make this easy on her.

"Is he, uh, seeing anyone? Or has he…" gotten married, she thought, not being able to bring herself to say those words out loud.

"Nope, as far as I know, not even a date, not since you left."

"Dad, you know I didn't leave." She hated that term, considering that's what her mother had done to them. "I went to school, there's a difference."

"I know sweetheart, but you could have come home. If you see him, he's going to want an explanation."

"What division is he in?"

"Division?" Tommy questioned.

"I just thought… is he not a cop? I know he was going to the academy, he only ever wanted to be a cop, I guess I just assumed…" Andy stopped as Tommy chuckled.

"No, no, no. He is, I was just surprised, I guess. He is, he's at 15th."

She should have known. When they first became friends, Sam and Tommy got along great. Considering Sam's dad left when he was young, he looked up to Tommy. She should have known he'd want to be at Tommy's old division.

She nodded, "Do you think I should go see him?"

Tommy just looked at her a minute, then said, "It's up to you. He's waited this long. I think you owe it to him to let him know you're back."

"You didn't tell him I was coming home?"

"Not my place to tell him. As much as I think of Sam like a son, this is between you and him."

Sam shifted in his seat in the cruiser, sighed, and looked at his watch for what felt like the 5th time in 30 minutes. His shift was dragging on for some reason, and he couldn't wait to get back to the barn.

"Dude, you got ants in your pants or something?" Oliver asked around a mouthful of chips.

"Dude, we just ate like, an hour ago." Oliver just gave him a crooked grin.

He couldn't help but grin back. He and Oliver had met in the academy, and then ended up as rookies in the same division. They were such a great team, their staff sergeant kept them together as partners once they were cut loose. Two years later, they were still best friends.

"And no, I just have some weird feeling in my gut."

"Maybe it's those sandwiches we ate earlier. They weren't very good," Oliver cracked.

"I don't think so," Sam said. "It's probably nothing."

Thirty minutes later, Oliver pulled into the barn parking lot. As they made their way into the building, Sam went straight for the locker room after dropping off his vest and gun.

"Hey Sammy!" Jerry burst into the locker room, "Someone's at the front desk, asking for you."

"Who is it?"

"I don't know, I didn't ask her name. She's a babe, though. Got a hot date?"

Sam smirked. "Not that I know of."

"Well, if you're not gonna date her, I will."

"Oh yeah? And what's your girlfriend gonna think of that?"

"She won't mind," Jerry laughed.

Sam stopped at the locker room door and laughed too, "Yeah, I bet."

Sam pushed through the door and made his way to the front desk.

He rounded the wall behind the desk, and noticed Noelle was sitting there.

"Hey Sammy."

"Noelle. Jerry said there's someone…" Sam drifted off as the person in question turned around.

"Hi Sam," Andy said quietly.

Damn, he looked good. His hair was longer, and he was more muscular, but he still looked like she remembered.

Sam just stood there open-mouthed.

Damn, she looked good. Her hair was longer, and she was a little skinnier, but she still looked like he remembered.

Noelle cleared her throat. "Hey, Sam, I heard Interview 1 is open, "she started.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks." He held out his hand, and Andy nervously took it. She was a little shocked she was getting that. She'd assumed he wouldn't even want to see her.

Sam shut the door to the interview room, and rested his forehead against the door, not turning around.

"Sam-"Andy started.

He spun around, and held up his hand. He walked over to her, and stopped right in front of her.

"You're back. When?"

Andy squinted at her watch, "Um, about two hours ago. My dad picked me up from the train station, and we went to lunch. He told me you worked here, and I came right here."

"He told you? Or you asked?"

"I asked."

"Well, at least you care enough to ask about me."


"No, Andy. You left. You said you would be back."

"I am back! And I didn't leave! I went to school! Why can't you people get that? I didn't just get up and walk out of your life, Sam. I even considered not going to school, but you stopped me. You made me go."

"Yeah, but I at least thought you'd be back every so often. Not come walking back four years later."

"I couldn't afford to come home, Sam."

"There's this new invention, it's called a phone, Andy. Mine never rang."

She was losing her patience. "Sam, don't be a smartass. And you do realize those things work both ways, right? If I remember correctly, my end never rang either. Don't give me that shit."

They'd gotten closer and closer as they argued, but neither seemed to notice.

"So, what? You expect to come back and be together again? What if I have someone, Andy?"

She almost laughed. "You know what, Sam? I know you're pissed off at me, and I know you're upset, but do not lie to me. We both know there hasn't been anyone else. For either of us. It'd be impossible to even try."

Sam didn't say anything, and neither did Andy, both breathing hard from getting worked up, and staring at each other.

All of a sudden, it was like two magnets. They both moved forward, crushing their lips together, and wrapping their arms around each other. With every touch and every kiss between the two of them, Andy couldn't help but admit everything was coming back to her. The way he kissed her, and the way she felt when he did. The way he nipped her lower lip, and the way his hands cradled her face. Sam lifted her up, and placed her on the table, standing between her legs, never breaking their kiss. Andy gripped his shoulders, and Sam tangled his hands in her hair. They broke apart only when the need for oxygen became too great. He rested his forehead against hers; quiet, as they both sucked in air.

"I missed you so much," she whispered, "More than you'll ever know."

He nodded, "I know. Trust me, I know."

They sat there for another few minutes, giving each other a few small kisses every so often, until Sam pulled back.

"Go to dinner with me?" he asked.

"Of course," she whispered back.

He helped her off the table, and started pulling her towards the door. Before he could open it, she stopped him.

"I'm sorry. So, so, sorry. I should've made more of an effort to come home. I understand if you want some time, or- or- or some space, or whatever you need to-"

"Stop. We definitely have some talking to do, but for right now, I want to take you out to dinner. Do you remember the last thing I said to you before you left?"

"Have fun?" Andy recalled.

Sam chuckled, "Before that. I told you that you were the love of my life, and that I loved you and that I would never stop loving you. I do need some time to get used to you being back in my life, but that's exactly that- I want you in my life."

He pulled her close, and planted a kiss on her lips. He opened the door, only to find Noelle, Oliver, and Jerry on the other side.

"Sammy!" Oliver crowed and Sam sighed. "Who's the lovely lady?"

"Oliver, Noelle, and Jerry, this is Andy. Andy, the three clowns. Now, if you don't mind, we're leaving."

"Wait, that's it? No chit-chat?" called Jerry, as Sam and Andy walked towards the front door.

"Not gonna happen," called Sam over his shoulder. He still heard the three of them protesting as the front door to the station shut behind them. He wrapped an arm around Andy and grinned down at her.

"I don't mind meeting them, if you want to go back in there," Andy said.

"Nope, this is your first day back, and I just so happen to have off tomorrow. I have plans for us," Sam stated matter-of-factly.

"Oh, really?" Andy giggled. "I'm sure my father would love to hear that."

Sam shrugged his shoulders. "I'm sure we can surface to go have dinner with him."

Andy laughed again. "Alright, Casanova, are you taking me to dinner or what?"

Sam smirked, "I guess dinner should be first, right?"

"Right," Andy agreed.

Sam pulled her closer as they started off down the street.

"I'm glad you're back."

"Me, too."