From: UPDATE (Guest)


Oh shit bitch, that's actually true about you. I have waited since this
chapter came out for the next one, and I had to wait a long time before for
this one. So please, fucking update already!

Here is the update that you, Guest, wanted so badly. Now, this story is officially on hiatus.

I don't take the time to respond to reviews like this, however, this one honestly ruined my day as well as made me realize just how insensitive some people are.

Forget the fact, sir or madam, that my last best friend—considering that the other one died three years ago in a car accident—died recently in the past few months after committing suicide. I apologize for not being able to keep my life together. Forget the fact that my fiance of close to three years had to move out of the country indefinitely, which led to the ending of our engagement. The time that I needed the people close to me, they were either dead or unreachable. Forget the fact that my life did fall apart, I'll admit that. So, it is only natural that I was spending my time trying to convince myself to carry on—as opposed to the alternative—any rather than writing fanfictions. After Leslioma—my best friend and the person who introduced me to fanfiction in the first place—died, I apologize for the fact that fanfiction was the last thing that I wanted to look at, let alone write. I am just now beginning to read fanfiction again.

This is the reality of what is going on in my life. If that makes me a bitch, then so be it. But being insensitive, self-absorbed, asinine, and inconsiderate to those around you—even through the internet—is completely uncalled for and I applaud you for getting an update out of me. This story (even though I was considering picking back up the "pen" so to speak in a week or so) is on hiatus—until I deem so. The last thing that I need is to be berated for actually trying to get my life back together. Especially by someone who didn't even have the courage to send such a message through his/her real account so that I may respond.

I truly apologize to those who have done nothing but support me. In a sense, "one bad apple" really does ruin "the bunch". I will return to this story one day, however, it will not be as soon as it was going to be previously.

—Eryn "Ninja" Silvenia