"Don't you understand?" he shouted, tears falling down his face, "I have to do this. I have to kill you. If I don't, he'll kill me." His voice, breaking with every word that escaped his lips. I never knew how that boy really felt. But I do now. The image of his Dark Mark, burned in my mind. I never thought he would actually turn, like I did. But I suppose he could say the same about me.

"Draco, stop!" I ran up the stairs before his crazy aunt could. If she opened her mouth, the only thing that she would say, would be words of encouragement for him to follow through. I had prayed every day for a year that he would never see me in that dress. But now, I had no choice

"Good, Liola decided to join the fun!" Bellatrix cackled happily, my name is Nora, I thought in my head

"Miss. Liola, I see the rumors are true." Dumbledore said, "I always thought there was something evil about you."

"This mark is a year old," I said holding out my arm, showing the Dark Mark, remembering how much effort I put in to hide it from everyone. I was no Gryffindor. I never deserved any of the good things that came to me, "I haven't been this way forever, mind you." I hissed, trying to hide the pain that ate out my insides. Poor Draco.

"Nora…" he whispered

"Snape," I said, he came up the stairs, following my order, "You must follow through or I myself will see it out that you pay fro breaking your vow." I said with an evil smirk. Oh the power I loved to use with my 'fellow' Death Eaters. Yeah right, I am much too superior. Even more than Bellatrix. But I am just a kid

I walked around, behind Draco. It would look as if it was encouragement to follow through and not let Snape get his hands dirty, but that was a lie. I never wanted Draco to see the way that when I walked, the dressed seemed to be made up pure black shadow. It made me look like I was pure mad. I gripped his arm with my hand, looking up at him. His eyes were wide and wild. His face was flushed. That was his first time killing someone he cared for. I remember my first time. I was fourteen, that's how I proved I was worthy to the Dark Lord.

"Severus. Please." He whispered, begging for life. But in his eyes, there was no sign he was against what they were doing

"Avada Kedavera." The headmaster fell off the tower, dead. No chance he would ever hear the real reason I wore that dress.

"Draco, please let me explain." I said feeling my throat tighten ass I fought back tears. We were alone now. The Death Eaters feed the castle, and we were to follow. But we would find another way.

"I… I don't understand. You seemed so…" he was incapable of words. Understandable, he was still a boy. Not able to do what the Dark Lord ask of him

"Please Draco. I was forced this way, I was destine to join them since the day I was born. Please, please don't judge me." I said not able to fight back tears which, at times, seemed to be stronger than the Death Eaters

"I'm not. I love you, but… I could never picture you like this." He said pulling me into his arms. Maybe there was a bright side to all this.

"I love you too." I said, my voice muffled from my head being buried in his chest. I needed all my strength to not break down in tears

"How many? Have you killed?" he asked, hands on my shoulders. His eyes bearing into mine

"Three. Three too many if you ask me." I said looking away

"Let's go." He said, holding me tight as we ran through the castle. As loyal as we were, we didn't agree with what they did. Which is why we were perfect for each other.