/I apologize in advance for any OOC characteristics for Dave or John. I've never written them in my life, so..yeah.
Homestuck belongs to the god known as Hussie. God Bless :') /

John clamped and unclamped his clammy hands as he sat down on the hard plastic of the airport seats. How was he supposed to stay calm when he knew that in just a few minutes, his best friend would be walking to him with his cool shades and his swifty blonde hair and those mysterious eyes that he could only guess were just as gorgeous as him and holy shit this was only making him even more clammy and awkward.

'Stay focused, John. You can do this. It'll be just as awkward as on Pesterchum, that much is known, but this'll be fun!'

Taking a deep breath, the lanky teenager rolled his shoulders, trying to relax as a voice announced the arrival of a flight.

A large, dorky grin spread across his lips, and he stood swiftly in one motion. He should at least be in view of the luggage picky uppy thingy, right? Then again..
SeaTac wasn't too bad. But what if Dave got lost? Or what if some girl from Seattle decides to scope for boys and picks him up and takes him away before he can even get a chance to meet him in pers-

"Hey Egbert." Cool rings in his ears immediately caused his attention to snap up. There stood Dave Strider himself, a small smirk curling up at his lips.

How long had John been standing there freaking out? It couldn't have been that long. Certaintly wasn't the expected 10 minutes it took to get off the plane and hunt down your luggage.

"Quit staring, Egbert. You're going to make me blush." Dave held back a chuckle, ruffling up the already messy hair of John. John's overly obnoxious display of emotions had faded into a shy grin, his over bite still as noticeable and cute as ever.

"Hey, Dave! How was you're ride, dude? Yah didn't get stuck between any big guys, did yah?" He managed to spit out, his cheeks already as red as...well shit. It really was impossible to compare the red of his cheeks to anything because that's how god damn red they were.

Dave rolled his crimson eyes behind his shades, his free hand resting on top of his red suitcase. "Nah. No fat guys perspirated all over my cool ass self. Don't worry about the kids who kept trying to get apple sauce all over my shades though. God damn child wouldn't sit the fuck down and calm himself."

John let a chuckle slip, shaking his head as he pushed Dave's hand away from the suitcase and picked it up himself, not allowing the weight of the luggage to show on his face. "Well, how 'bout we get home so you can clean your rad shades and take a shower? You still must be pretty tired from that flight. 5 hours is a pretty long time to sit still for, if yah ask me!"
The blonde allowed a blank expression to fall back onto his slightly chapped lips, a nod following. "Yeah sure, why not. You were going on and on about how..cool your apartment was anyways. Do I get a fancy ass room all to myself or do I have to bunk my sweet ass in with you, Egbert?"

The two, by now, had already began walking to the exit of the airport, John already seeing the clouds of awkward comments and embarrassing moments pushing themselves out of their way. It had to be good..right? The two would get along perfectly. After all, if that wasn't going to be the case in real life at first, than they wouldn't even still be friends now...right?

'Oh don't you dare start getting all embarrassed and clammy again, John! God dammit, this is the only time you can make this right, don't screw it up!'

The raven haired boy took a deep breath, finally responding with a soft laugh, and another lift of the bag after taking a quick break for his arm. "Of course yah get you're own room, Dave! Jeez, Strider, don't get all clingy now that we just met for the first time 'n all. I know I'm quite handsome myself, and I know these gorgeous blue eyes are quite charming and fitting for my beautiful cheek bones and just over all face structure, but come on. And I will admit that I do have some trouble not getting flustered by my own face just by looking in the mirror- but don't tell me you're already fallin' for me, dude!"

Dave stared at John, his cheeks just barely escaping the blush that was on it's way. What? Had Egderp really just said that?

He wanted, more than anything, to burst out into a fit of laughter, but he had to keep his cool.

He had to stay calm, and promise himself not to get too infatuated with this cool as shit dork that was grinning unbelieveably bright right next to him.

Dave had to be the cool kid.