Death's footsteps

"Oh no, not dat!"

"Give it up Grim you're going to look after Harry and make sure he doesn't die." Mandy huffed but she already knew the battle was won. Ever since moving to England and losing Billy Mandy's eyes had opened. She was still a bitch and totally evil and dominating but she had more realistic life goals now. She still wanted to take over the world but she had plans for if, and only if, it didn't work out. She was going to be a lawyer. Harry had given her the idea. If she got caught with her plans by some government then she could defend herself even if they claim that 'traitors can't have lawyers, and until she reached her PHD in law, everyone would probably believe that her goals were an ongoing joke.

Ever since her surrounding craziness had taken Privet Drive by the throat she had been looking for an accomplice. Billy was…nice… but she didn't want to be held back by his stupidity. After all, if you kill off all of the smart minions then you can't complain about the stupidity of the rest, you obviously wanted them like that. Harry had been perfect, horrified by the thought of publicity but loving the ideas of what he could change while he was in control. In short, Harry would do most of the ruling, Mandy would get the glory, and Grim would do the grunt work. Not that Grim wanted to…

"Why don' I just stay here? The place he's goin' is the self-proclaimed safest…" Grim, the Grim reaper, Death incarnate, all were names for Harry and Mandy's double proclaimed 'bestest friend' he claimed nothing but sheer loathing for Mandy, and he liked Harry to a degree…plus he came with a prophecy that said he would kill off one of Grim's more…difficult, clientele

"You know that's just bull Grim, now quit complaining. You gave Harry that glamour ability and so you're going to Hogwarts with him as his owl." Mandy once again lay down the law for Grim's activities. He never liked the fact that she had him under her thumb, though things had gotten slightly better when he helped Harry get the deathly hallows, which while not actually as powerful as told, did have the formidable power of the opposing forces of death and life in harmony. Dumbledore had been quite surprised when a snowy owl with black eyes had come to his office decreeing Harry's acceptance of going to the school.

"Mandy, Harry soothed her; I will be fine Grim or no Grim, though I'm not saying I don't want him along. Besides Grim," he turned to the scythe wielding skeleton, "It's a chance to get away from Mandy until Christmas!"

"Okay," the Reaper looked up in excitement, "when do we leave?"

"*snicker* you know when Grim, I do need to spend time at this school to fulfill the prophecy safely, thanks for taking the liberty of telling me the whole thing anyhow." Harry hugged the skeleton, who smiled his terrifying grin.

"I still would prefer to be a dog"

"Fine" Harry rolled his eyes, "I'll have an excuse to give every teacher a heart attack."