Disclaimer- I only own what doesn't appear in Riordan's book. If you don't know what this does/doesn't apply to, you should not be in this fandom.
I always thought that it was interesting that there were no FanFictions about how Reyna coped without Jason. This is a collection of diary entries/notes/letters/stories about how Reyna copes (or doesn't) without Jason.
January 15
He went missing yesterday. We didn't panic at first. After all, he is known to take the occasional walk around camp grounds and New Rome. But when he was late for dinner, I became scared. He had been gone for 3 hours; what if something had gone wrong? What if he was kidnapped? He's never late for dinner. Octavian said that he probably forgot the time, but I didn't believe him. I knew he out there somewhere needing my help. I tried to leave dinner to look for him, but Octavian stopped me. He said my first duty was to Rome, and I suppose he was right, but what does it matter when your best and only friend is missing? After dinner, I was able to get a search party ready, and they looked for hours. But it was no use. Whoever took him had a several hour head start on us. It was as if he had disappeared off the face of the Earth. There was nothing they could do. He's gone. Jason is gone.
Cassandra's POV, 1 week later
I had never seen her, our fearless leader, break down so completely. Never. She was so solid, a perfect person to turn to when things seemed hopeless. But there she was, lying on her bed and bawling her eyes out. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was wrong with her.
She turned; apparently I wasn't as quiet as I thought I was. "Cassandra," she said, her voice low and dangerous. She got up and blocked the door.
"Reyna," I said, mimicking her tone perfectly. She sighed and allowed me to sit beside her, but she staunched the flow of tears. I thought she would tell me off for coming to see her, but she didn't. I guess with Jason gone there was no one else for her to turn to. I had been her friend for years, the only one to get off C.C's island alive besides her and her sister.
Reyna looked down at her lap. "I'm not fit to be praetor," she whispered.
"What?" I asked. "Of course you are! In a few days we'll find Jason and put an end to all of this," I said, but my heart wasn't into it.
"No, I'm not," Reyna insisted. "It's only been a week and I'm already an emotional wreak. What will happen in a month when we still haven't found him? I'll be useless."
My heart plummeted. I'd had those exact thoughts, but if Reyna was thinking them… This was bad. "It'll get better," I promised. "This is just like a bad break up. You'll move on, and soon everything will be fine."
"Are you sure?" Reyna asked.
"Yes," I said as firmly as possible. She started crying again, so I took her in my arms and comforted her. I got up to leave, but before I could make it to the door, I had an idea. "You know Reyna… Often the problem with these situations is that there is no closure. You torture yourself over all the little things you should have said and now can't. Anyway… You should write him letters. Talk to him as if he were right next to you. It's a start, at least." I closed the door and headed out into the night, hoping Reyna would use my suggestion.
So? Like it? Hate it? Flames welcome, just be sure to add criticism I can use to make my writing better. Next chapter will be longer, this is just the prologue. Review! First Reviewer's get a shout out and a virtual cookie jar!