Welcome to my third story in my WISC Universe. I know i have been really quiet for a few months but i have been writing. This story takes place a day after WISC and fills the space between that and CWLW. Enjoy!
The young Lt entered the conference room where the CSI's, Rick, Frank, Alexx, Tom, Dave, Valera and Michael were sat waiting and placed a bunch of files down onto the table in front of him.
"Okay seeing as I didn't get chance to do this properly yesterday I want to say thank you to all of you for these last few weeks. It has meant so much to me knowing how hard you all worked despite Horatio and everything else. Nat I heard you took on the role of running the lab so I would like to offer you the chance to become my second in command. Don't decide yet, have a think about it and get back to me in a day or so."
"Thank you sir." The female said softly; a pink flush spreading across her cheeks.
"Okay let me see…" The young man mumbled as he sifted through a pile of paperwork. "Right Tom I need to know whether or not you would be prepared to share the morgue with another M.E. You would keep your salary and still work the same hours but it would mean that when we end up with double or triple homicides you wouldn't be swamped with work."
"Well I suppose so but it depends on who they are and how experienced they are."
"Okay Alexx would you like your old job back?" Ryan asked; turning to the older woman. "You and Tom could share the work load so that you would still get time to spend with your family…"
"Ryan you don't even have to try to convince me." Alexx said; cutting the young Lt off. "I would love to work with Dr Loman if he will have me."
"Dr Woods it would be a pleasure." Tom replied.
"Good. That's settled then." Ryan said with a grin.
"Yeah and what about my job?" Eric growled as he stood up. "I suppose you expect me to work with Cardoza then do you?"
"Eric sit down." Calleigh whispered; tugging on her boyfriend's hand.
"No Cal." The Cuban replied before turning to Ryan. "I don't see how you can expect to show back up out of the blue and order us around. I refuse to share my job with some over-dressed know it all who belongs back in Hollywood."
"Tough Eric." Ryan snapped. "You will have to learn that it isn't always about what you want. You will work with Jesse and you will get on with him if it means me having to send you both on several team building courses and believe me I know just as much as you how shit they are. So be a man and suck it up. Dave, Maxine and Michael I want to see you in my office in the next five minutes." The young man said before scooping up the papers and making his way out of the conference room leaving a stunned group and a seething Cuban in his wake.
Ryan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as a hesitant knock echoed from his door. He got out of his chair and opened it to see a nervous looking trio waiting on the other side. He chuckled at their expressions and led them inside his office.
"Dave close the door behind you please." The young man said as he sat behind his desk. "Take a seat guys." The trio instantly sat down on the sofa opposite their Lt who laughed at their faces. "Don't look so nervous you three." Ryan said with a grin. "You're not in any kind of trouble." The three lab techs visibly relaxed and small smiled graced their faces. "Actually I want to say a huge thank you to you. Rick has told me how you three and Natalia worked around the clock to try and get me home. Between us Rick, myself and the chief want to offer you all the chance to become CSIs." Three jaws dropped as the words sank in.
"You mean like go out see dead bodies and collect all the evidence instead of just running it CSIs?" Maxine whispered.
"Yep." Ryan replied. You will start training after the holidays and we'll see how it goes.
"Thank you sir." Michael breathed.
"Don't Mike." Ryan whispered with a soft smile. "It's me who should be thanking you all. I can't even begin to tell you how much it has meant to me to hear that you've been working around the clock to find me."
"You're our friend Ryan." Dave said. "Of course we were going to work like we did."
"Yeah Ry we were worried about you." Valera added.
"Thanks guys." Ryan said; a pink blush sprinkling itself across his cheeks.
"Do you think Eric will give half of his lab up so easily?" Speed said softly as he and Ryan sat down with their lunches.
"He'll have to learn to. I needed you Walter and Jesse due to the amount of work the lab has been getting over the last year or so."
"I love you so much do you know that? I'm so proud of what you've achieved." Speed whispered; placing his hand over Ryan's and giving it a squeeze.
"Thanks Timmy." Ryan whispered with a deep blush. "I love you too."
"Hey love birds squish over." Valera declared as she placed her lunch on the table and slid into the booth; plopping herself down at the side of Speed.
"Are we alright to sit here?" Natalia asked timidly.
"Yeah of course you are." Ryan replied; sliding over to let the female sit down.
"Thank you."
"Have you decided if you want to be second in command yet?" Speed asked softly.
"Timmy don't rush her. You'll come to me when you make your choice won't you?" Ryan whispered to Natalia.
"I want to take you up on the offer actually Ryan." The female replied. "It would be a pleasure to work with you." Ryan grinned.
"Told you." Speed teased.
"Do you ever shut up?" Ryan retorted.
"Nope." The older man replied with a wide grin. The two females giggled at the pair's arguing.
"What?" The two men asked in unison; causing the two women to laugh.
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