Itachi's Promise: Prologue

It is a nice hot summers day, all ninja were either training or outside with their families. The young Uchiha heir had been training at his usual training grounds; he had been there nearly all day and now was watching through the village. He had promised his dad he would return home an hour ago to discuss him getting married to a fellow clan member. He as usual was late when talking to his father about future business, mainly picking a bride. Itachi rests his eyes for a moment before hearing a scream from the forest, being trained as a ninja he dashes into the forest towards the scream. Reaching a small clearing, to the side of it lay a small blue haired female with a small pink haired baby in her arms. Itachi froze, he knew nothing about babies or helping people with injuries. His mum was pregnant with a baby, so soon he will have experiences, but right now he hasn't a clue what to do.

"Young boy, please come here," The women holding the baby begged, pulling his feet along the ground Itachi walked peacefully towards the women and stopped at her side.

Holding up her arms with the baby resting in them, Itachi's eyes widened and he looked down at the small baby. He didn't know what he was supposed to do, he didn't want to hurt the small baby.

"I don't want to hurt it," Itachi whispered, not wanting to sound weak but no wanting to hurt the small baby.

"Create a circle with your arms and make sure you support her head," The women said, weakly.

Taking the baby as gently as he could, Itachi took the baby from the woman's arms. The first thing he noticed was that the women had a gash crossing her stomach. Second thing was the baby was wearing nothing. Carefully Itachi held the baby with one arm and pulled his other arms out the sleeve of his jacket then moved the baby to his other arms and released to baby from his arms, wrapping the baby in his jacket he looked down at the women. Her eyes were closed, her chest not moving. Leaning down towards the women, he tried to find her pulse with no luck. Itachi left the women and was suddenly back in the village, the small baby still in his arms.

"I need to get home, or maybe to the hokage," Itachi whispered, looking down at the small baby.

"Excuse me, have you seen my baby?" A male voice asked, behind him.

Itachi turned round and looked back at the man, he stared down at the young Uchiha and his eyes widened. he seemed to realize who the child was, the first in line for the Uchiha clan.

"Mr Uchiha, may i please have my child back?" The man asked, Itachi looked down at the small baby and pulled her closer.

Watching from a nearby rooftop was Itachi's dad and current head of the Uchiha clan, he had never seen his son so comfortable with another human being. Itachi was looking down at the baby and debating weather to hand her over to this man or take her home and ask his parents. Stepping back Itachi was about to answer before his father jumped down between Itachi and the man, who had just tried to grab him. Standing behind his dad, Itachi was holding the baby tightly to hid chest. Glancing over his shoulder Itachi's dad made sure Itachi was still protecting her even if he stood in between him and the man. Sure enough Itachi held the baby tightly to his chest.

"Itachi, go to the hokage's office and wait for me," Itachi's father ordered.

Running Itachi headed for th hokage tower, he had been there a few times usual when his dad needs to talk about the future of the clan, usually hour long meetings that go one for hours. But he had never gone here alone, without his mum or dad by his side. Finally reaching the steps Itachi hauled for a second before continuing on, he remembered the top floor and knocked on the hokage's office.

"Come in," The hokage's muffled reply was yelled through the door.

Twisting the door handle and pushing the door open, he stepped into his office. Looking up Itachi saw the hokage sitting at his desk signing something.

"Mrs Haruno was found in the forest, Anbu are taking care of the situation and the traitor has been killed," Itachi's father explained, appearing beside the hokage.

"And the daughter?" The hokage asked, looking up at Itachi's father.

"My son," Itachi's father answered, both the hokage and Fugaku looked at Itachi and Itachi stayed exactly where he was.

"Itachi, do you mind showing me the baby?" The hokage asked,stepping forwards Itachi was soon in front of the hokage's desk.

Itachi gently pulled her away from his chest and allowed the hokage to see he.

"Fugaku, until we find a home for her would you mind taking care of her?" The hokage asked.

"My family and I will look after her," Fugaku answered.

Then Itachi was forced to wait outside and Fugaku had a quick private talk with the hokage. walking into the Uchiha compound everyone watched Itachi trail behind his father with a pink haired baby in his arms. This was going to be difficult but Itachi was determined to protect this little girl with everything he had.

To Be Continued