This is my fourth FanFiction. I got the idea from my own duct tape bracelet (my very kind friend gave it to me). I hope you like it, and please review! :) Tell me what you think of this story. Is it awsome? Boring? Weird? Good? Fantastic? Tell me in a review!

Knock, knock. Gilan knocked quietly on the door.

The door opened and a grim Ranger stepped out.

"Hello, Halt, could I see Will?" Gilan asked his former mentor.

Halt gave Gilan a suspicious look. "That depends. Why?"

Gilan smiled. "Well, you see, I was going to Redmont to buy some bread, and I was wondering if Will would like to come along. It's always good to have company now and then, you see."

Halt beckoned Gilan inside. "Will is in the kitchen."

Gilan found Will in the kitchen, half polishing his Saxe knife and half eavesdropping on Gilan and Halt's conversation.

"Eavesdropping is not good, you know," Gilan whispered in Will's ear.

"I'll go!" Will said, and he sprang up from his chair. Will knew that trips with Gilan were bound to be interesting.

Halt smiled at Will's enthusiasm. If only the young apprentice were that eager during training, they would accomplish a whole lot more…

"Please return before dinner, Gilan," Halt told Gilan.

"Of course." Gilan replied. "C'mon, Will, we mustn't waste any time…go saddle Tug up, all right?"

A few minutes later, Gilan and Will prepared to leave Halt's home. They waved good-bye to the Halt, and then set off to Redmont.

When they arrived at the village, something immediately caught both Rangers' eyes. There was a small stand selling colorful duct tape. Gilan and Will both rode over to the stand and the seller instantly started shouting sales and random discounts at the two Rangers.

"Buy one roll, get ten free!"

"This roll's ninety-nine percent off!"

The seller offered Gilan a mushy yellow roll of duct tape.

Gilan took one look at it and said with disgust, "No thank you, I think I'm looking for…ah, this one's perfect." Gilan picked out a neon pink roll of duct tape, so bright Will could've sworn his eyes would burn out if he stared at it for too long.

"Will, you can choose two rolls, just make sure not to choose from that pile over there, those colors are horribly ugly…and don't get anything too expensive…"

After Will had chosen a dark blue roll of duct tape and a zebra-print roll, Gilan told the young Ranger to wait at the stand while he went to buy some bread.

Will took the time to think. He thought about how peculiar it was that Gilan had bought duct tape.

After a few minutes, Gilan came back with fresh bread wrapped in almost-transparent paper. "Let's go," Gilan said simply.

The two Rangers rode toward Halt's house, but Gilan didn't let Will go just yet. "I need you for something else," Gilan told Will. "Follow me."

Will followed his friend. He was very confused.

Gilan led Will to a small field behind Halt's house. He took the three rolls of duct tape out.

"We're going to start a company," Gilan explained cheerfully.

"A…company?" Will said. He had no idea what kind of company they could start with duct tape.

"Yep. We're going to make duct tape bracelets!" Gilan said proudly. He paused, as if waiting for Will to applaud his smartness. "Well? What do you say? Are you going to help me?" Gilan said, after a moment of silence.

Will nodded slowly. "Sure," he said. "When are we going to start?"

"Right now, of course!" Gilan pulled a strip of duct tape off the roll. It made a loud screeching noise. Gilan flinched. He examined the strip closely, and then wrapped it in a circle, as if it were a giant tape roll, except inside out.

Then he pulled another strip of duct tape, cut it, and added it to the giant inside-out "tape roll". He repeated this several times until the bracelet was sturdy yet not to thick. Gilan put it on his wrist and modeled it for Will. Then he made another bracelet out of the zebra-print duct tape and offered it to Will.

Will stared at the bracelet. "Well…ah…thanks, Gilan." Will said, putting the bracelet on his wrist. It clashed terribly with his green-gray cloak.

Gilan grinned widely. "No problem, Will. Now get to work making more of these bracelets, we've got a business to start!"

Chapter two will be up soon! Keep checking...and of course, don't forget to review! :)