Dear readers,

First of all I am so sorry it's been so long since I updated. I've been trying to write the next chapter, I had started it last year but I just can't. I'm struggling to remember what my plan was at the time, and my writing has improved so much and changed since the start of this fic I find it really difficult to continue it.

The thing is, I love Zanna, I really do. I love what I had planned for her any everything, and I don't want to give her up.

So I think I'm going to rewrite. There will be changes. First of all, I think I'm going to have Zanna live with James because really, a 15 year old girl living on her own isn't particularly plausible. Even if she's a witch. I just think it makes more sense, and if you read the earlier chapters carefully you'll notice it was almost implied that the Potter Parents knew exactly who Zanna was. So yeah.

Secondly, I'm going to bump it up to 6th year. If I keep it in 5th year, all that will happen is just friendship. Friendship is fab, but tbh I've been dying to get Zanna and Sirius together for ages, and it wasn't going to happen in 5th year. So it will now start in 6th year.

Marlene will be different too, because I love Marlene so much (I didn't when I first introduced her, hence the awful characterisation) and Mary will be more than just the girl that gets killed off.

TBH I'm not sure if I'll be including Grace in the rewrite. I just struggle with her, her character doesn't come as easily as Zanna's does and I don't think she's very 3D at all. In fact she's incredibly 2D.

Just to answer a question - someone asked me about the name of Zanna's brother, and just to be clear his name is Aleksander but his nicknames include Aleksey/Alexei or just plain Alex.

So yeah. I don't know when this rewrite will happen. I'm not sure how I will go about it (Write it all then post? Or just post as I go?) and it'll take time to figure things out. I'm in the middle of making my university timetable and other enrolment things atm, so I'm a little busy. I'm also internet-less for the next three days.

If you guys have made it to the end of this A/N, then congratulations. It's crazy long.

Please, if you have any thoughts on this, whether it be ideas for the rewrite (what or who do you want to see more of? Any relationships in particular? Anyone you want to see less off? Etc etc) or just general comments, feel free to review or shoot me a PM. I also have a tumblr (foreversiriuslysirius) and I'm more likely to respond to you there then here. Your opinions mean a lot to me, ultimately what happens is my choice, but you guys play a big role in influencing me.

I'm so, so sorry for everything I've put you through. I can't thank you all enough for your amazing reviews and words of encouragement through out this whole fic. You are all unbelievable.

But yeah, if you guys have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to leave them. Tell me if you want Zanna's past to be a little less mysterious, if you want to see more of other characters etc. Also, I think I will be writing this in third person as opposed to first, and so there may be multiple POVs.

I'm sorry for having to do this. It really was not as easy decision. I won't be deleting ETU, not just yet, but I might.

I love you all,
