Reviews for Entering The Unknown
Guest chapter 16 . 10/7/2014
i can't believe you haven't finished this! i was enjoying this so much and couldn't wait to see what happened at the ball! I'll admit there were a few inconsistencies and grammar errors but the storyline was great! and i loved remus and grace (don't get rid of her!) and the whole time i was just waiting for the moment sirius and zanna got together!
i don't know when the last time you updated this was but i really hope you feel the desire to finish it one day and if you do, i'll be the first to read it!
please try and finish/continue this, i really enjoyed it!
Id65 chapter 16 . 3/31/2014
Aww. Ah well. I'm not a particularly amazing writer, but I simply write. If I can't remember why I started a fic then I'll just make the plot up as I go along. Also Your summary is-a tad bit misleading... Just a tad :)
But this story was extremely funny and I literally fell out of bed I was laughing so hard (It's also like a 5 foot drop so It wasn't very comfortable) but amazing work still! (I spotted a few grammatical errors but not many)
Alex is the name of my brother-Aleksander is an interesting spelling of Alexander, but I like it!
Guest chapter 16 . 3/8/2014
Loved this story, I am a big fan of sirius/oc stories and think that this is a very good plot line and good writing.
Guest chapter 11 . 2/19/2014
Loved this! Adorable Zanna/Sirius moments! 3
My Next Smile chapter 16 . 2/12/2014
Will the story's name change? Or will you keep it? Can't wait for you to finish rewriting! I love this story so much! Xx
C.B. Weasley chapter 16 . 2/7/2014
I can't wait for the re-write! I'm sure that it will just make this already great story even more amazing!
C. B. Weasley
Anonymous chapter 15 . 12/22/2013
This is a really great story! Please update ASAP! Just a question, is Zanna's brother called Aleksander or Aleksey? This wasn't very clear to me. Really well done on this, I loved reading it!
PrincessLollypop90210 chapter 15 . 12/12/2013
I know you hafent updated in like forevs but plz update this is really good i started reading it tonight and im hooked
ChandlerBing12 chapter 1 . 10/25/2013
Really good
Princess Unikitty chapter 15 . 10/14/2013
interesting. keep up the good work.
jasmijnnnn chapter 15 . 10/12/2013
I really love this story! I just want that Sirius an Zanna become a couple, they are made for eachother and I don't like it that they still aren't together after 15 chapters.
But except from that it is a really great story!
C.B. Weasley chapter 15 . 9/30/2013
This is an awesome story! I loved it! Great job! I can't wait for more! Update ASAP! Or I might die in anticipation!
C. B. Weasley
deerlypadfoot chapter 15 . 9/14/2013
Aaahhhh! Sirius is so adorable! Omg, and this: "Admit it though, you would've had more fun with me." I'm freaking out for some reason. Holyyy molyyy this chapter was just so CUTE. *frantic arm flail*

I don't want there to be anything wrong with Christophe. I think Zanna has a point; someone should be able to be interested in her without having some ulterior motive! I want her to get a guy, since obviously NOTHING IS HAPPENING WITH SIRIUS :PPP Or Sirius could just man up and snog her. That'd be good too.

deerlypadfoot chapter 14 . 9/14/2013
I really adored this chapter, and I found it super cute that Zanna calls her mother "Mama"... it sort of fleshes out her character for some reason, and I'm quite happy that her brother's made an appearance because I think he's given her a lot more depth already in such a short span of time! Probably because so much about her is relatively unknown, but yeah.

And I sort of feel bad for Aleksander. Sort of. Not entirely.

Anyhow awesome chapter :D
deerlypadfoot chapter 13 . 9/14/2013
I'm still stuck on the fact that Zanna wears doggy pyjamas. SUBTLE, LIZA. ;) Hahaha I loved that! And the conversation about "is-a-door" and Sirius's "shite" name.. that conversation was golden. They are SO juvenile and I love them for it.
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