~Hi everyone it's been a long time sorry about that. Back in November my old computer decided he just wanted to Fry itself. So I wound up having to get a brand-new one. And of course as every good writer should know across $130 to get Microsoft office which at the time I bought my computer I didn't have. I got the program about four days ago and have finally decided to take backup my writing because everything else I tried Dragon really doesn't like. So here it is the next, newest, and most likely third or fourth to the last chapter of this story. This chapter is also going to be very short. PS how much I wish I did I do not own these characters. ~

Tim couldn't believe he'd actually done it. He was actually leaving the DC offices of NCIS. A small part of him was regretting his choice but in leaving he felt finally free. That's not to say he wouldn't miss some if not all of his coworkers and definitely most of the office guys but he needed to get away. He needed to get away before that place destroyed what little of himself remained. Before he finally snapped and shot someone or did something he regretted even worse.

He can't bring himself to regret the firestorm that he has brought down upon his old teammates. At the same time for something that has been coming for years none of the others saw it. After all Tim was in the type who'd get revenge. Gibbs was the type of guy who put a bullet through someone's forehead, that something that Tim it always known but until the situation in Mexico had never really known for sure. Ziva's idea revenge well that all depended upon how bloody she wanted to get. She was the type of woman you have no quorum taking a man apart if that was the need. But Ziva usually took a revenge by beating the crap out of you on the mat all in the name of training. Tony on the other hand well he got his revenge by some mindless prank. Abby really didn't do revenge it was more her style to give you the silent treatment and I hate you glares. But Tim nobody suspected him of ever wanting to get revenge. How wrong they were.

So here he was stepping off the plane into Marseille. He is going to be the senior field agent on one of the teams stationed there. In fact one of the team leaders was supposed to be retiring sometime the next year and Tim had a good chance of slipping right into that spot. It is humorous he always thought that Tony would be the first one of them that got the team leader position it looks like he was wrong.

With a spring in his step that he had almost forgotten belong there he couldn't help but smile as he made his way to the field office. And hey maybe one of them will know where he did the good apartment. Preferably one without a landlady whose son had sticky fingers.

~So what did you guys think? I know it was really short but I'm kind of not sure where I want to go. I did compromise and wound up putting Tim in Marseille instead of Rota. How much I dislike Tony apparently I am not that much of a bitch to give Tim his job. Like normal criticism as long as it is constructive is well welcomed. Saying this is just bad or I hate it without giving me a reason and well you can just keep your opinion to yourself then.