Kinda my first oneshot, possible story but only if it gets enough reviews. Pure lemon, not much plot...little gore.

I am so going to hell for this..but hey, I`m already going for being an atheist and talking in movie theaters, so might as well enjoy the ride

I don't own D. Gray - Man

A dark form removed the blade from the flesh, thick crimson blood splattering the walls as the blade was flicked clean. Standing from the bloody mess that was once a human being, the psychotic killer smirked, gently licking the blood from his hands finger by finger, and preforming a show for an invisible audience. Once satisfied with his act, the killer turned, his long dark hair swishing in the moons pale light. Walking slowly away, the killer sheathed his katana, each step slow and deliberate, the blood in his footprints fading with each step.

Taking the door handle in his gloved hand, the murder took one last look at his latest victim, smirking as he recalled the pleas of terror and begging the man made in hopes of salvaging his pathetic life. Leaving the apartment, the raven-haired killer shut the door firmly behind him, its automatic locking system giving him one less thing to worry about as he stepped outside into the clear moonlit night.

"No fingerprints? DNA? Nothing?" an exasperated chief asked, his eyebrows scrunched in worry. Looking from one colleague to the other, the head of the investigation let out a deep sigh, sending them all off with a wave if his hand. Pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, Komui walked over to the body, gently lifting the sheet and revealing the grotesquely mangled corpse.


"Yes, what is it?" Komui asked, standing up from the body.

"There's a detective here who says he's from central." The office informed him, jerking his thumb over to the door of the apartment where a white-haired man stood behind the crime scene tape, hands in his pockets, looking around at the scene with casual interest.

"Oh, thank you officer," Komui dismissed him, walking over to meet the young man with his arm outstretched, "you must be Allen Walker from central, I'm sorry to put you to work so suddenly, but we need you here," Komui said shaking Allen's hand and gesturing to the crime scene with his other.

"It's no trouble," Allen told the chief, slipping under the tape and entering the crime scene, "when you called and told me the details of your killer, I had to see for myself if this was my guy."

Stepping gingerly around the markers on the floor, Allen first stopped at the footprints, kneeling down to get a better look at the bloody shoe prints. Pulling on a latex glove, Allen gently traced the outline of the print, an odd look in his eye. Blinking it away, Allen stood and marched over to where Komui stood, a white sheet covering the body.

With a curt nod, Allen bent down for a second time and gripped the white sheet gently before lifting it off the body. Looking at the mans mangled form, Allen observed every detail and cut along the corpse, searching for something definitive that would indicate if this was his killer of not. Stopping to stare at the man's left eye, Allen let out a soft exhale.

Standing from the body, Allen removed his gloves before speaking to Komui. "Yes, this is my guy, no one else would so this much damage or leave that definitive carving in the eye"

"What does it mean?" Komui asked. While the bodies were often mangled, there was always a carving on the left eye, a pentacle.

"Don't know," Allen answered, "but I can debrief you guys back at the station."

"Sounds good," Komui answered tiredly, rubbing his forehead, "I need a cup of coffee anyway."

"See ya there then!" Allen grinned, leaving the crime scene and walking down the long hallway out of Komui's sight.

"We're dealing with a highly methodical killer," Allen started. They had all returned to the station and were sitting or standing around while Allen filled them all in about the killer. "He's ruthless, cruel, completely unstoppable, and patient. To date we only know about eight victims including yours today. He appears to have no sexual preference nor does he stick to one demographic so the only thing we can determine is that he likes killing."

"He?" an officer questioned.

"Yes he," Allen replied, "there is no way a woman is this violent or merciless."

"You obviously haven't met my ex-wife." One of the offices announced, generating a ripple of laughter throughout the officers.

Smiling lightly at the joke, Allen continued on, "So far we've determined that the weapon he uses is a sword. More specifically, a katana. This tells us that he is extremely skilled; you have to be to wield one without hurting yourself. Another thing is the mark on the left eye he leaves. As I mentioned earlier, I have no idea why he does it."

"What if he's a Satanist?"

"No that's not possible," Allen stated, "nothing else at the scene indicated a Satanic worshipper and everything else he's done has reason. This guy doesn't do anything random and he won't do anything without meaning. Be careful with this man, he's not to be taken lightly, and will not hesitate to slaughter you. That's all for now, thank you for your time," finishing the meeting, Allen nodded to the other officers, effectively dismissing them.

Turning from the meeting, Allen retuned to Komui's office, where stacks of paper piled around the chief's head, effectively concealing him from view.

"Chief?" Allen called out, looking around the office.

"mm? Oh! Allen, how'd the meeting go?"

"Well enough, they're all up to speed now; what do you say to us getting started on that suspect list you gathered?"

Allen flopped into the driver's seat of his car, completely exhausted from the day. Together, he and Komui spent most of the day picking over suspects and narrowing down their search. Sighing, Allen pulled out his phone, noting the time was quarter seven. Shifting his car into drive, Allen maneuvered the streets of the busy city over to his temporary apartment on the outskirts. Reaching his door, Allen wasted no time flopping down on the bed, his white hair splaying around his pillow, closing his eyes and falling into a light slumber.

The vibrations from his pocket woke Allen from his nap, his cell phone's alarm alerting Allen to the time of night. Grinning, Allen checked the time once more, making sure it wasn't some trick of his mind. Sitting up, Allen readjusted his clothes and hair before tearing outside.

The night was cool and clear, the moon shining brightly in the cloudless sky. Her pale rays flitted through the windows, illuminating the weeping form of a half butchered man, his unceasing begging only half understandable with the amount of blood he was coughing up. Peering at his work, the killer took in a deep shuddering breath, excitement coursing through his veins and he raised his katana once more, letting the beautifully deadly blade reflect the silver of the moon for an instant.

"Aren't you being a little messy?"

The voice cut through the darkness of the room, sweet and delicate. The murderer smirked, turning to the speaker, who was currently half-hidden in the shadows but was easily leaning is thin frame against the wall, before speaking himself.

"Since when did you care, detective?"

Allen stepped from the shadows, a grin plastered on his features as well.

"I never said I cared, Kan-da Yuu" Allen said calmly emphasising each syllable of Kanda's name, calmly approaching the bloody samurai. "I just want to hear your thoughts."

Kanda chuckled, "Cleaning up isn't my job, so why should I care?"

Allen shrugged, Kanda had a point. Staring down at the poor victim currently trying to process what was going on. Resting his good right eye on Allen, the gurgling sound began to emerge from his throat once more. Allen's sweet smile remained on his face while Kanda raised the katana over his head to finish the job. Before it was able to make contact with the man's skull, Allen calmly told the man "Shut up."

After Kanda had removed the katana from its latest kill, he proceeded to flick the blood off the sword before sheathing it and turned just in time to see Allen kneel down and dip his fingers in the victim's blood. Withdrawing them, Allen's eyes caught Kanda slowly approaching him with both grace and deliberation.

Upon reaching Allen, Kanda watched with fascination and hunger as Allen lifted his fingers up to his mouth and began sucking on them, seemingly enjoying the sweet taste of blood. Removing the digits, Kanda took his cue and grabbed Allen's face, pulling him in for a deep and passionate kiss, drinking in the blood Allen had in his mouth, enjoying the taste of it and Allen mixing deliciously. Allen's hands moved from Kanda's to the pool of blood, swirling more of it onto his fingers and painting it onto both of their faces, smearing the crimsons into masks.

Breaking the kiss, Kanda move his tongue over the blood on Allen's face, cleaning his lover of the red smears. Allen did the same to Kanda, their tongues often meeting in the middle for a quick duel. Growing bored of the cleaning, Kanda ventured downward, tracing Allen's jaw and vein in his neck with his tongue, encouraged by the shuddering moans Allen relinquished.

Kanda's bloody hands moved up and down Allen's shirt, undoing the buttons one by one starting at the top and working his way down, his mouth and tongue following his hands the entire way, discarding the unwanted garment as soon as he could.

Allen felt so elated, his back arched into Kanda's expert mouth, his hand tugging at the red ribbon that held his hair up, allowing for the curtain of blue-black hair to fall round him. Gripping the now-free hair, Allen pushed Kanda further down to where his arousal was beginning to become painful.

"Eager, aren't we?" Kanda smirked, taking the hint Allen was giving him, undoing the buttons and zipper of his pants with his mouth and sliding them off Allen's body, teasing him with the friction of the material over Allen's sensitive organ.

"St-stop teasing me K-kand-ahh" Allen moaned as Kanda's hand came to Allen's now fully erect member and began to knead him, drawing out the pleasure of his partner.

Smirking even further, Kanda complied with his deranged lover's demands, and tore off the boxers that restrained his hard member. Running his fingertips along the shaft of Allen's cock, Kanda's tongue began to follow the same pattern, teasing the white haired detective even further before taking him fully into his mouth.

"Ah! Yes, m-more" Allen moaned breathlessly, his grip becoming tighter on Kanda's scalp, begging for him to take him in deeper. Allen opened his mouth in a silent scream as Kanda added teeth to his ministrations, causing Allen's toes to curl in an attempt to grip something.

Delving his tongue into Allen's slit, Kanda felt Allen nearing his release as the grip on his hair tightened even further. Allen finally came, his entire body stiffening while his vision went heavenly white. Releasing his hold on Kanda's hair, Allen slumped backwards onto the floor, his breathing erratic and face flushed.

Out of the corner of his eye, Allen saw Kanda lift his shirt over his head, revealing a muscled chest and toned abs, complete with a tattoo that Allen just loved. Drinking in the sight of the semi-naked Adonis sitting in front of him, Allen briefly reveled in the moment before noticing Kanda removing his pants and boxers, throwing them on the pile of clothes they had forming.

Allen shuddered in pure delight in knowing that he was going to be fucked senseless, God he was such a slut at moments like this. Inhaling a large breath, Allen watched as Kanda leaned over and shoved his tongue down Allen's throat, making Allen moan at the contact.

Kanda broke the kiss and stared down at Allen, splayed out and inviting, just begging to be taken. Turning his head towards the dismembered body next to the two of them, Kanda reached over and imitated Allen by drawing his fingers through the blood. Trailing his fingers to Allen's entrance, Kanda inserted a long finger into Allen, beginning the process of stretching and preparing Allen.

Allen gasped at the feeling of something cold entering him, craning his neck to see what Kanda was doing, letting his lead fall back onto the ground with an even wider smirk. Whatever was wrong with Allen for liking the psychotic killer that was currently using the victim's blood as a lubricant didn't matter to him, it never had. He was sick; had been all his life. He had run from it all his life, but when he had run into Kanda, everything changed. Kanda allowed Allen to embrace his sickness, revel in it, and even enjoy it to the point where seeing a mutilated corpse with a pentacle carving sent shivers of excitement through him.

Allen let out a cry of pleasure as a second finger was inserted, scissoring and stretching him further, simultaneously searching for his lover's sweet spot. Allen's scream of pleasure indicated to Kanda that he had found it, and he began to tap it frequently, sending waves of pure pleasure shooting up Allen's spine.

"K-kanda…g-give….give it…" Allen tried to ask, Kanda's long fingertips preventing him from a coherent sentence.

Grinning at the detective's begging, Kanda removed his fingers, positioning himself in front of Allen, his tip pressed against Allen's prepared hole.

"Do you want this?" Kanda teased, grinning sadistically at Allen's lust-filled eyes and watched as his mouth opened and closed, drool leaking out the sides of him mouth. "Sorry, detective, I didn't hear you, speak up now"

"F-fuck Kanda! Just screw me into the damn floor!" Allen demanded, his patience wearing rather thin.

Hearing Allen's dirty mouth was all the encouragement Kanda needed when he snapped his hips forward, slamming into Allen at full force, earning a scream of pleasure and a loud "YES" escape the lips of the demented cop. After a few experimental thrusts, Kanda found Allen's prostate and sent the detective's vision into a haze of white once more.

"There! M-More!" Allen screamed, his fingernails clawing at Kanda's back, driving Kanda further into Allen's lithe little body, his hand beginning to pump Allen in time with his thrusts, bringing the cop closer to release.

"So-so close-YUU!" Allen screamed, spilling his seed into Kanda's hand. The combination of Allen's walls closing around his member and hearing his first name being screamed at the top of Allen's lungs sent Kanda over the edge and he released himself inside of Allen , groaning Allen's name as he released himself.

Supporting himself over Allen's gasping form, Kanda pulled himself out of Allen, a thick milky substance slowly trickling down the detectives thighs. Recovering from his euphoric high, Allen began to slowly sit up, watching his psychotic lover begin to dress himself, pulling at the pile of clothes the two had accumulated.

Grabbing his own, Allen too started to dress himself, buttoning up his shirt first before doing slipping on his boxers and pants, looking at the mess the two of them had made in their fit of wild passion. Frowning at the sight of their mixed juices, Allen turned to the deadly samurai, who was replacing his long hair back in its ponytail.

"Something wrong, detective?"

"Just wondering how I'm going to clean this mess up," Allen commented. He knew no one could find this evidence here, and no could anyone find the body. Looking at the state the body was in, Allen was relieved to find that Kanda had sliced the man's face into an unidentifiable carving. Looking up from the corpse, Allen wondered where Kanda had disappeared too, until he heard a rustling from the shower and noticed Kanda striding towards him with a shower curtain in tow. Placing it on the floor, Kanda unceremoniously kicked the corpse onto the plastic sheet, but not before Allen had gone through the man's pockets for any I.D and removed his rings.

Tucking the corners of the shower curtain, Kanda threw the body over his shoulder, preferring to take the second story window instead of the stairs. Turning to Allen before he left, Kanda silently bade him a good night before falling out the window to the ground below.

"So, what do we have here?" Allen asked, strapping on a pair of latex gloves and entering the apartment.

"Not much, a broker didn't show up for work this morning so his friends called it in. Said the guy lived life like clockwork, so much so that you could set your watch to him; so when he didn't show…"

"They assumed the worst." Allen finished, yawning as he spoke.

"Tired boss?"

"A little," Allen admitted, "I kept up late last night" Seeing the officer raise a questioning eyebrow, Allen smirked, "The serial killer case keeps me busy, it's constantly on my mind."

The officer nodded, "Maybe you should take a break from it then,"

Allen shrugged his shoulders, "Why would I want to take a break from it, it's one of the best thrills I've had in ages!"

Well? second Lemon... be honest. As I mentioned, If enough of you review, I'll expand on the story. BTW - if anyone get's the reference of going to hell fro talking in movie theaters I think I will love you for ever.